EDSIGCON Proceedings 2018

Norfolk, Virginia

2018 EDSIGCON Proceedings - Abstract Presentation

Transitioning a Systems Design and Analytics Course for Analytics Project Work: Topic and Pedagogical Considerations

James J Pomykalski
Susquehanna University

The transition of curriculum in a traditional information systems program to a curriculum focused on business analytics requires changes to the focal topic areas. In many IS curriculum the traditional Systems Analysis and Design course needs to change to accommodate the analytical procedures and methods. Data/business analytics projects are still a combination of people, data, technologies and organizational procedures, but important shifts must be recognized within each of the four areas. This paper begins the discussion on those changes by focusing on the role of the individuals, the project management processes, and the organizational procedures that need to be established in order to successfully develop a student to perform analytics work. This work views how the traditional Systems Analysis and Design course must change in topics (project management processes, data governance/preparation, stakeholder roles/responsibilities). Specifically, in terms of project management the traditional waterfall development method is not congruent with the “fast fail” method of analytics work. Instead, a project management process that focuses on agile development methods and processes would be better suited for such a curriculum. Given this new methodology new roles and responsibilities of stakeholders need to be defined. The courses muse explain theses new roles as well as the new development phases incorporated within the agile project management process. Specific methods, such as scrum, XP (eXtreme Programming), and DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Model) must be incorporated and the benefits and drawbacks of each method should be described. In addition, the handling and use of data must also be addressed. The focus of the systems analysis and design course should be on data governance process. The data-driven organization has a responsibility to create a process to collect, integrate, analyze, use, leverage, and disseminate data that furthers the organizational focus and enhances the development of analytic models. Traditional process (data flow diagram, iDef models) and data (ERD) models can be used to aid in this process. However, other organizational structures and personnel must have roles and responsibilities clearly developed and defined to order to facilitate the process. This research is ongoing as the re-evaluation of the Systems Analysis and Design course is just in its first year. Further feedback and connections must be made with other downstream courses so to create a cohesive introductory courses that ensures student success.

Recommended Citation: Pomykalski, J. J., (2018). Transitioning a Systems Design and Analytics Course for Analytics Project Work: Topic and Pedagogical Considerations. Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, (2018) n.4787, Norfolk, Virginia