EDSIGCON Proceedings 2018

EDSIGCON Proceedings 2018

Norfolk, Virginia

2018 EDSIGCON Proceedings - Abstract Presentation

Understanding the Contemporary and Forward-Looking Technology Needs of Employers for Integration in a Business Curriculum

Gregory Edgar Blundell
Kent State University at Stark

Victor Berardi
Kent State University at Stark

The use of technology in organizations has probably never been more intense than it currently is. Long gone are the days where email and office suites are the primary or only technologies used by most employers. In a modern workplace, an employee also might use ERP/CRM packages, collaboration tools, trigger automation services, data visualization and analytics programs, and sales, project and supply chain management packages, among others. Appropriate technology integration throughout an educational curriculum is essential for student and program success but not easy for non-technical programs, such as business degrees. It is important for students to learn how to utilize these technologies for productive outcomes while not simply becoming focused on technology training or having the technology be implemented in isolation. The authors have long been concerned with such integration and moving towards a comprehensive, program-wide application of technology where recent changes to curricular updates at the department and college levels provide a new opportunity in this regard. Understanding the contemporary and future-looking technology needs of employers for integration into our business program is fundamental to this effort. We need to ensure what we integrate into our program is, in fact, what is desired by employers. National surveys, published reports and articles are certainly useful here. In addition, we look to partner with our campus’ Corporate University—which provides training, development, and research services to local companies—in order to understand our local employer needs. Technology needs can then be matched with potential courses to create a heat map of implementation. The business curriculum includes core courses required by all business majors, other required courses by major, and elective courses. A heat map will help to visualize the intensity of technology use and to avoid gaps in use by students. Concurrently, we are working with faculty colleagues to develop a coalition of the willing to drive implementation, this includes developing support and foundation materials for the technology along with creating classroom implementation scenarios and learning modules. This presentation covers ideas and efforts in this endeavor. Keywords: ERP/CRM packages, collaboration tools, trigger automation services, data visualization and analytics programs, sales, project and supply chain management packages, program integration, up- and downstream course materials, cross-curricula implementation, employer-linked technologies, heat map creation and analysis.

Recommended Citation: Blundell, G. E., Berardi, V., (2018). Understanding the Contemporary and Forward-Looking Technology Needs of Employers for Integration in a Business Curriculum. Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, (2018) n.4793, Norfolk, Virginia