EDSIGCON Proceedings 2021

Washington DC, November 2021

2020 EDSIG Proceedings: Panel Presentation

IS2020: Progress on Updating the Information Systems Model Curriculum

Jeffry Babb
West Texas A&M University

Paul Leidig
Grand Valley State University

Mark Thouin
University of Texas at Dallas

Raja Sooriamurthi
Carnegie Mellon University

Greg Anderson
Brigham Young University

Being a decade old, the model curriculum used to develop, update, and assess IS programs (IS2010) was reviewed and assessed by an Exploratory Task Force, established in partnership between the ACM and AIS. The Exploratory Task Force recommended that a taskforce be created to update the content and structure for a new model curriculum. These model curricua efforts underscore the importance of, and need for, the IS discipline to express its core in terms of a standard curriculum that provides a foundation upon which undergraduate IS programs may meet stakeholder demands.

Key directions from the Exporatory Task Force that have guided the taskforce on the Information Systems Model Curriculum (IS2020) on the Information Systems Model Curriculum (IS2020) include: 1) feedback that technical skills do not appear to meet industry needs; 2) A competency basis for describing student outcomes would strengthen the model; and, 3) facilitating an ongoing process to produce a community-driven "living" document would perhaps prevent a decade-long interval between reports. ISCAP-EDSIG has also participated in the taskforce on the Information Systems Model Curriculum (IS2020).

This panel seeks to follow up on the a previous EDSIGCON panel in 2019 to further engage the IS education community in this effort. Panelists will introduce key components of this process, our progress thus far, and seek further input and feedback. This session should be of interest to all attendees, especially faculty developing college-level curricula in Information Systems.

Targeted Attendees
all CIS, IS Faculty