Search by Keyword - EDSIGCon Proceedings

Please note the manuscripts 2015 and afer reflect EDSIGcon Proceedings which were published by ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals)

Search returned 34 items for : W

KeywordConf YearArticleTitleAuthors
wagering2018ViewPartial Credit on Multiple-choice Exams: Does It Help or Hurt Students? Moss, Matta, Frost, Chimeli
waterfall2017ViewSprint, then Fly: Teaching Agile Methodologies with Paper Airplanes Frydenberg, Yates, Kukesh
Web 2.02015ViewVocabularies for Describing Digital Media Calloway, Dwyer
web accessibility2019ViewTeaching Accessible Design: Integrating Accessibility Principles and Practices into an Introductory Web Design Course Whitney
Web Application Securit2021ViewA Full-stack Platform for Teaching Web Application Security Li, Chou, McAllister
web based2017ViewThe Enhanced Virtual Laboratory: Extending Cyber Security Awareness through a Web-based Laboratory Black, Chapman, Clark
web design course2015ViewUsing a Flipped Course for 2-year College Outreach Breimer, Conway
Web development2016ViewCloud-based Versus Local-based Web Development Pike, Pittman, Hwang
Web-based learning2017ViewAttitudes Toward Course Delivery: A Multi-University Study of Online, On-ground, And Hybrid Instruction Kovacs, Peslak, Kovalchick, Wang
well-being2023ViewInvestigating the Relationship between Developer Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: A Global Analysis Peslak, Ceccucci, Jones, Leonard
West Nile Virus2023ViewWest Nile Virus in Colorado: Analytic and Geospatial Models of the Virus in Colorado Snyder
Willingness to pay2024ViewAre Students Willing to Pay More? An Exploration of Peer-to-Peer Payment App Use Among College Students Kim, Fantin, Metzer
Women in computing2015ViewOrganizing an App Inventor Summer Camp for Middle School Girls: What the Experts Don’t Tell You Martin, Soares
women in cybersecurity2023ViewWhat’s in a name? Student preferences for cybersecurity-related major titles Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
Women in IT2017ViewOne CISter at a Time: Building Strong Relationships through a Female Mentoring Program in Computer Information Systems Bakir, Babb, Abdullat
Women in Technology2021ViewGender Differences in Perception of Satisfaction, Inclusion, and Participation in Information Technology Careers: Insights for Recruitment and Retention of Female Students Schultz, Adams
Women in Technology2018ViewA Study of Gender Bias in Grading in the MCIS Program at CSU from 2013 through 2017 Clark, Goyal
Women in Technology2016ViewClosing The Gender Gap in the Technology Major Jung, Clark, Patterson, Pence
Worforce Development2022ViewCyberEducation-by-Design Wagner
Work-based Learning2020ViewBuilding a Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program: Early-Stage Success and Some Lessons Learned Stoker, Clark, Vanajakumari, Wetherill
Work-integrated learning2020ViewThe Impact of Industrial Placement on BIS Graduate Employment and Further Educational Advancement Poon, Lau, Tang
work-life balance2023ViewInvestigating the Relationship between Developer Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: A Global Analysis Peslak, Ceccucci, Jones, Leonard
workflow automation2020ViewAssessing Technological Self-Conception: Are Business Students Ready to be Citizen Developers? Thacker, Berardi, Kaur, Blundell
Workforce2023ViewWhat’s in a name? Student preferences for cybersecurity-related major titles Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
Workforce2019ViewDeveloping an Undergraduate Data Analytics Program for Non-Traditional Students Mew
workforce development2023ViewComprehensive Cybersecurity Programs: Case-Study Analysis of a Four-Year Cybersecurity Program at a Secondary Education Institution Wagner, Alharthi
workforce development2018ViewToward Visualizing Computing Curricula: The Challenge of Competency Waguespack, Babb
Workforce dynamics2024ViewFuture Workforce Evolution - Impact of Artificial Intelligence Across Industries Satpathy, Balachander
Workforce innovation2024ViewFuture Workforce Evolution - Impact of Artificial Intelligence Across Industries Satpathy, Balachander
Workforce Readiness2019ViewDeveloping an Electronic Resume Analyzer Portal (e-RAP): A Natural Language Processing Approach to Enhance College Graduates Job Readiness Green, Liu, Murphy
Workload2020ViewThe Importance of Faculty/Staff Support During Times of Crisis Jones, Saulnier, Fullick-Jagiela, Leonard
Writing Across the Curriculum2015ViewThe Application of Writing Across the Saulnier
Writing in the Discipline2015ViewThe Application of Writing Across the Saulnier
Writing to Learn2015ViewThe Application of Writing Across the Saulnier

Search by Keyword - Joint ISECON Proceedings

Please note the manuscripts below reflect the 1999 to 2014 ISECON Proceedings which were published by EDSIG, the Education Special Interest Group of AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals, Chicago, Illinois) and the Foundation for Information Technology Education (FITE).

Search returned 80 items for : W

KeywordConf YearArticleTitleAuthors
WAC2008ViewWriting to Learn and Writing in the Disciplines: Enhancing Computer and Technical Classes Maurino
WAMP2010ViewImplementing a Dynamic Database-Driven Course Using LAMP Laverty, Wood, Turchek
waste management of IT systems2011ViewChallenges of Designing, Developing and Teaching an Undergraduate Course on IT and Environment for IS, IT, CS majors and as a General Education for all Students Krishnamoorthy
WCAG2009ViewWebsite Accessibility Smith, Lind
Web2008ViewContributions of traditional Web 1.0 tools e.g. email and Web 2.0 tools e.g. Weblog towards Knowledge Management Dehinbo
Web 2.02013ViewBig Data in the Information Age: Exploring the Intellectual Foundation of Communication Theory Borkovich, Noah
Web 2.02011ViewWikis as a Student Collaborative Tool Everett
Web 2.02010ViewA Project-based Learning Internship for IT Undergraduates with Social Support from a Social Networking Site Cheong, Tandon, Cheong
Web 2.02010ViewDirections in Web 2.0 Research Lenox, Lenox
Web 2.02010ViewTag Clouds as a Pathway to Improved Pedagogical Efficacy in Information Systems Courses: A Baseline Study Involving Web 2.0 Technologies Conn, Hall, English, Scheffler
Web 2.02010ViewTaking it to the Top: Frydenberg, Miko
Web 2.02009ViewAlphabet Soup: How CRM, ERP, Web 2.0 & Sales 2.0 is Creating a Superior Sales Experience: A Case Study Greco, White
Web 2.02009ViewBuilding an INtegrated Student information System in a K-12 School System Basal, Steenkamp
Web 2.02009ViewFrom Computer Literacy to Web 2.0 Literacy: Frydenberg, Press
Web 2.02009ViewScaling large-size undergraduate classes at a top research university via eLearning strate-gies: A facilitated model of instruction using a Web 2.0 paradigm Conn, Hu, Boyer, Wilkinson
Web 2.02009ViewTwo Screens and an Ocean: Collaborating Across Continents and Cultures with Web-Based Tools Frydenberg, Andone
Web 2.02008ViewGot Web 2.0? Sendall, Ceccucci, Peslak
Web 2.02008ViewThe Living Web: Successful Pedagogy and Challenges Kraft, Kakish
Web 2.02008ViewWeb 2.0 Matters: An Analysis of Implementing Web 2.0 in the Classroom Sendall, Peslak, Ceccucci
web accessibility2009ViewWebsite Accessibility Smith, Lind
Web applications2009ViewThe Role of the Web Server in a Capstone Web Application Course Umapathy, Wallace
Web Applications Development2010ViewEstablishing and applying criteria for evaluating the ease of use of dynamic platforms for teaching web application development Dehinbo
Web applications development platforms2011ViewThe Silver Lining: Frydenberg
Web applications development platforms2009ViewEstablishing the suitability of dynamic web applications development platforms for teaching remote database processing Dehinbo
Web based instruction2011ViewInvoluntary Commitment Application: An Online Training Module Whitfield
web conferencing2012ViewDeveloping 21st Century Communicators Cotler, Yoder, Breimer, Del Belso
Web Design2008ViewThe Living Web: Successful Pedagogy and Challenges Kraft, Kakish
Web development2013ViewSwipe In, Tap Out: Charlebois, Hentschel, Frydenberg
Web development2010ViewBenefits and Challenges of Using Preiser-Houy, Navarrete
Web development2010ViewImplementing a Dynamic Database-Driven Course Using LAMP Laverty, Wood, Turchek
Web development2008ViewThe Living Web: Successful Pedagogy and Challenges Kraft, Kakish
Web Development and Technical Implementations2009ViewThe Role of Technical Support in Updating Web Design Courses - A Case Example Ali, Murthy
web devices2009ViewWebsite Accessibility Smith, Lind
Web facilitated courses2010ViewIs there a Student ‘Disconnect?’ First-year Hybrid Class Teachers’ Observations and Recommendations for Improving Student Engagement in Information Systems Classes Parris, Beaver, Nickels, Crabtree
Web literacy2009ViewTwo Screens and an Ocean: Collaborating Across Continents and Cultures with Web-Based Tools Frydenberg, Andone
web page design2009ViewState of Departmental Web Sites Today Schultz
Web server2009ViewThe Role of the Web Server in a Capstone Web Application Course Umapathy, Wallace
Web services2008ViewCritical Success Factors in the Planning of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Strategy for Educators and Managers Lawler
Web start-ups2010ViewA ‘Rainmaker’ Process for Developing Internet-based Retail Businesses Abrahams, Singh
Web technologies2009ViewInstitutional e-learning readiness: a case study of a South African University Odunaike, Dehinbo
Web technologies2008ViewXBRL: Beyond Basic XML VanLengen
Web-based education,2009ViewInstitutional e-learning readiness: a case study of a South African University Odunaike, Dehinbo
web-based lab2010ViewTowards an Innovative Web-based Lab Delivery System for a Management Information Systems Course Breimer, Cotler, Yoder
Web-based learning2014ViewAge and Gender Differences of Peslak, Kovacs, Davis, Scarpino, Kovalchick, Ceccucci
Web-based learning2009ViewDetermining the Effectiveness of Various Delivery Methods in an Information Technology/Information Systems Curriculum Davis, Kovacs, Scarpino, Turchek
Weblog2009ViewKnowledge Management Using Weblogs in Information Technology Education Lee, Shah, Mehta
Weblog2008ViewContributions of traditional Web 1.0 tools e.g. email and Web 2.0 tools e.g. Weblog towards Knowledge Management Dehinbo
webpage case study2009ViewA Case Study in Building Communities of Common Interest: How One Webpage Changed Jazz History Varden
WID2008ViewWriting to Learn and Writing in the Disciplines: Enhancing Computer and Technical Classes Maurino
Wiki2012ViewWiki Mass Authoring for Experiential Learning: A Case Study Pardue, Landry, Sweeney
Wiki2011ViewFacing the Challenges of IS Education for the Net Generation Law
Wiki2011ViewWikis as a Student Collaborative Tool Everett
Wiki2008ViewWeb 2.0 Matters: An Analysis of Implementing Web 2.0 in the Classroom Sendall, Peslak, Ceccucci
wikis2012ViewDeveloping 21st Century Communicators Cotler, Yoder, Breimer, Del Belso
wireless2014ViewEmpowering Freshmen with Technology Skills: Wireless Routers VanderClock
wireless telecommunications2012ViewRequisition of Competition: Spurring Wireless Greats, Clark
Wireshark2013ViewAn Active Learning Activity for an IT Ethics Course Woods, Howard
Women2013ViewIncreasing Graduation and Transfer Rates Sorkin
Women2009ViewTracking Women and Minorities as They Attain Degrees in Computing and Related Fields Sorkin, Gore, Mento, Stanton
Women2008ViewIntroductory Course Improves Retention, Especially for Women Mathis
Women2008ViewStrategies for Increasing IT Enrollment: Recruiting, Retaining and Encouraging the Transfer of Women and Underrepresented Groups to Four-Year Colleges Tupper, Leitherer, Sorkin, Gore
Women in computing2013ViewGender Rationales and Success Factors in Assessing and Selecting a Major in Information Technology at the Undergraduate Level of a University Program: A Focus Group Approach Mishra, Draus, Caputo, Leone, Kohun, Repack
Women in computing2011ViewWill Computer Engineer Barbie® impact young women’s career choices? Martincic, Bhatnagar
women in IS2011ViewWill Computer Engineer Barbie® impact young women’s career choices? Martincic, Bhatnagar
women in IS2009ViewFactors Affecting Women’s Decisions to Pursue an IS Degree: A Case Study Serapiglia, Lenox
word cloud2010ViewTag Clouds as a Pathway to Improved Pedagogical Efficacy in Information Systems Courses: A Baseline Study Involving Web 2.0 Technologies Conn, Hall, English, Scheffler
Work System2014ViewUsing Work Systems Theory to Explain Enterprise Search Dissatisfaction Grant, Schymik
Work System Framework2014ViewTeaching Business Intelligence through Case Studies Pomykalski
Work System Method2010ViewAn Exploratory Study on the Acceptance of the Work System Method as part of the Systems Analysis and Design Course Petkov, Petkova
Work Systems Theory2014ViewUsing Work Systems Theory to Explain Enterprise Search Dissatisfaction Grant, Schymik
workforce development2013ViewIT educational experience and workforce development for Information Systems and Technology students Legier, Soares
write-to-learn2008ViewFlat Classroom Discussions? Bakke
writing2009ViewPerceptions of Using Creativity Howard, Bulach, Carver, Creekbaum, Parker, Shockley
Writing Across the Curriculum2011ViewFusing Communication and Writing Skills in The 21st Century’s IT/IS Curricula Liu, Murphy
Writing Across the Curriculum2008ViewWriting to Learn and Writing in the Disciplines: Enhancing Computer and Technical Classes Maurino
Writing assignments2013ViewReinforcing Systems Analysis and Design Process Learning Pomykalski
Writing in the Discipline2008ViewWriting to Learn and Writing in the Disciplines: Enhancing Computer and Technical Classes Maurino
writing intensive2011ViewFusing Communication and Writing Skills in The 21st Century’s IT/IS Curricula Liu, Murphy
Writing to Learn2008ViewWriting to Learn and Writing in the Disciplines: Enhancing Computer and Technical Classes Maurino
written language2013ViewDigital Evolution of the Written Language Omar, Miah