The Plaza Hotel offers a free shuttle to McCarran International with a set schedule. See the front desk for scheduled times. The Hotel does not offer pick up service.
For transportation from McCarran to the Plaza Hotel, Uber or Lyft, offer good service that is significantly less expensive than a cab.
While Shuttle Service is a slightly cheaper option, expect several stops and a significantly longer trip.
* Reserve before Oct. 7 to get special rate. Friday $82, Saturday is $71, and all rates do not include a $15/day resort fee.
In the heart of Downtown Vegas overlooking the Fremont St. Experience's Viva Vision.
Len Jessup is the 10th president of UNLV. Previously, he was dean of the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona which, under his leadership, became a self-sustaining college with higher national ranking. Jessup is an accomplished educator and researcher in management information systems, with a focus on the use of emerging technology in higher education and business, new venture strategies, and social entrepreneurship.
Visit nearby sights include Red Rock Canyon and Hoover Dam. See top attractions including the Bellagio Fountains, Cirque du Soleil, Stratosphere and so much more.
Registrants can attend presentations, panels, workshops and events for both conferences.
Fees | By October 1 | After October 1 | |
Registration | $395 | $450 | |
Registration + AITP Membership | $465 | $520 | |
Presentation of second paper Without a unique author registration |
$125 | ||
Master or PhD Student | $250 | ||
Guest Package includes opening reception, three breakfasts, and travel package |
$125 |
AITP and EDSIG memberships dues are not refundable. The conference registration fee is not refundable if you cancel 14 or fewer days before the conference; half the fee will be refunded if you cancel after the early-bird discount date and at least 14 days before the conference; a full refund will be offered if you can cancel before the early-bird discount date. All guest fees will be refunded for cancellations 14 days before the conference. Papers not presented by a registrant will not be included in the proceedings or future journal consideration.
The EDSIG Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education invites scholarly work and research including: Papers, Case Studies, Abstracts / Works-in-progress, Workshops and Panel Discussions.
Exploring many topics including the following themes:
Education in Data Analytics
Innovation in Online Learning
Education in Cyber Security
Innovation in Pedagogy
Model IS Curriculum
Paper Guidelines Paper Submission Template
IMPORTANT Using the submission template is required. Authors who carefully follow the paper format guidelines will avoid delays in the review process.
Teaching Cases Guidelines Abstracts & Works-in-progress Guidelines Workshop Guidelines Panel Discussion Guidelines
IMPORTANT Use the submission system to submit all papers, cases, abstracts, workshops & panels.
The 2016 keynote address will be given by Len Jessup, President of UNLV. Past keynote speakers include Turing Award winner Fred Brooks and human-computer interaction pioneer Ben Shneiderman.
EDSIG is a community of educators that support and challenge each other to improve teaching and scholarship in information systems. This year's conference will include special programs to connect attendees who have similar interests to meet and collaborate on future research and scholarship.
The Conference on Information Systems Applied Research invites scholarly work and research including: Papers, Abstracts / Works-in-progress and Workshops.
Exploring many topics including:
Big Data
Data Analytics
Business Intelligence
Cloud Computing
Ethics & Privacy Issues
Paper Guidelines Paper Submission Template
IMPORTANT Using the submission template is required. Authors who carefully follow the paper format guidelines will avoid delays in the review process.
Abstracts & Works-in-progress Guidelines Workshop Guidelines
IMPORTANT Use the submission system to submit all papers, abstracts & workshops.
The 2016 keynote address will be given by Len Jessup, President of UNLV. Past keynote speakers include Turing Award winner Fred Brooks and human-computer interaction pioneer Ben Shneiderman.
This year's conference will include special programs to connect attendees who have similar interests to meet and collaborate on future research and scholarship.
Be a part of two great conference to reach IS, CIS and CS educators and researchers. EDSIGCON and CONISAR 2016 focus on academic professionals interested in IS/CIS/CS education and applied research.
Both events will be held November 6-9, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Download the registration flyer and send the completed form to Tom Janicki ( or fax: 910.962.3068).
Fees: $500 (paid on/before 9/1/2016) or $600 after 9/1/2016
Exhibitor fees include: one 6’ table; electricity and wireless Internet, and recognition in the official program and on both conference websites. In addition two attendees from your firm receive free admission to all food/beverage events. Exhibitor tables will be available the Monday and Tuesday (November 7th and 8th) of the conference.
Sponsorship fees include: exhibitor table, all exhibitor benefits plus signage at sponsored event, two complimentary attendees to all conference food/beverage events. Early bird sponsors are also given special consideration for an additional hands-on workshop presentation (25 minutes) on their topic.
ISCAP is a non-profit charitable corporation governed by a board of directors responsible for the management of the conferences and journals.
EDSIG is the Education Special Interest Group of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP). EDSIG is governed by a board of directors responsible for content and scholarly vision of the conferences and journals .
ISCAP and EDSIG have a shared mission to strengthen information systems education by encouraging dialog between practitioners and academic professionals, facilitating linkages and collaboration opportunities between industry and academia, disseminating innovations and best practices through the publication of scholarly journals, and organizing conferences in information systems education and information systems applied research.