The 2025 conference will be Nov. 5-8 in Louisville, KY at the famous Seelbach Hilton hotel.
We invite research papers, case studies, abstracts and workshop/panel proposals focused on these areas:
Information Systems & Computing: Model Curriculum, Innovation in Pedagogy, Impact of AI, and other topics
Cybersecurity Education, Cybersecurity Research topics, AI in Cyber, and other topics
Information Systems Practice & Research, Cloud Computing, AI in Industry, IT Strategy, and other topics
Analytics Education, Analytics Research, AI in Analytics, and other topics
The ISCAP Conference combines the conferences formerly known as EDSIGCON and CONISAR.
ISCAP leaders serve on the CC2020 and IS2020 Task Forces
The Computing Competencies Curricula Tool (C3T) is a web-based tool that allows users to build and compare computing competencies.
Computing Curricula Guidelines for the 2020s
Competency Model for Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems
ISCAP is a member organization of educators and academic professionals dedicated to improving Information Systems education and research.
Led by a member-elected president, vice-president, and five at-large directors in addition to the immediate past president, and five appointed positions.
Board MembersEach year, Fellows are inducted in honor of their long-term support of our mission to improve IS Education, mentor students, and support the careers of colleagues.
Inducted FellowsEach year, we recognize an educator for outstanding effort improving the quality of our graduates through distinguished teaching, research and service.
Award RecipientsInformation Systems Computing Academic Professionals Inc. (ISCAP) is non-profit corporation governed by a board of directors elected by a member organization of educators and academic professionals.
ISCAP's mission is to promote and strengthen Computing & Information Systems Education and Applied Research through these primary activities.