EDSIGCON Proceeding 2016

Las Vegas, Nevada

2016 EDSIG Proceedings - Abstract Presentation

Review of Masters in Business Analytics Curriculum

Wendy Ceccucci
Quinnipiac University

S Kruck
James Madison University

Alan Peslak
Penn State University - Worthington Scranton

Patricia Sendall
Merrimack College

Scott Hunsinger
Appalachian State University

Stephen Hill
University of North Carolina Wilmington

The number of large data sets, popularly known as “big data” continues to grow exponentially. Businesses in every industry have an ever increasing need for analysts to interpret, use, and present the information that can be gleamed from this data. (Regan, 2014) However ,the amount of data is growing faster than the number of specialists trained to analyze it: According to the McKinsey Global Institute, the U.S. is facing a shortage of up to 190,000 analysts and 1.5 million managers within the next four years. To meet this shortage, many universities are now offering degrees in data science, business analytics, and business intelligence. According to North Carolina State University’s Institute for Advanced Analytics the number of Master degree programs in data science, business analytics, and analytics have increased more than tenfold in the last five years, from under 10 programs in 2011 to over hundred programs in 2016. The purpose of this research is to review Masters of Science in Business Analytics programs. The results of our research can be used by universities that are starting new analytic programs or are looking to enhance their current program. The research will look at the curriculum of the various schools and how the curricula are addressing the three types of analytics (descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive) as proposed by Watson (2013). This research will present what specialties or sub-areas for current business analytic programs. For example, Bentley and Maryland both offer MS degrees in Marketing Analytics. The research will also look at how the programs are administered; what are the degree requirements; what percentage of schools offer online programs and what programs offer both full time or part time programs. References Manyika J., Michael Chui, Brad Brown, Jacques Bughin, Richard Dobbs, Charles Roxburgh, Angela Hung Byers (2011) “Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity ”http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/business-technology/our-insights/big-data-the-next-frontier-for-innovation Henschen, Doug (2013) “Big Data Analytics Master's Degrees: 20 Top Programs”, http://www.informationweek.com/big-data/big-data-analytics/big-data-analytics-masters-degrees-20-top-programs/d/d-id/1108042?page_number=22 Regan, Holly(Feb 12, 2014) ,“Want to Make Six Figures? Consider a BI Graduate Program. http://www.plottingsuccess.com/consider-a-bi-graduate-program-0214/ Watson, HJ (2013) The business case for analytics Bized XII(3):48-54.

Recommended Citation: Ceccucci, W., Kruck, S., Peslak, A., Sendall, P., Hunsinger, S., Hill, S., (2016). Review of Masters in Business Analytics Curriculum . Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, (2016) n.4188, Las Vegas, Nevada