EDSIGCON Proceeding 2016

Las Vegas, Nevada

2016 EDSIG Proceedings - Workshop Presentation

Teaching Intro IS with a Learner-Centered, Experiential Approach

Beth Lang Golub
Prospect Press VT

Craig Van Slyke
Northern Arizona University

Information Systems touch nearly every aspect of students' lives, yet business students are often detached and uninterested in the introductory IS course. Craig Van Slyke, (Dean & Professor of Information Systems, The W. A. Franke College of Business, Northern Arizona University) will discuss a learner-centered, experiential approach that promotes critical thinking and helps deepen students' conceptual understanding of introductory IS material. This approach works in both large and small classes and has resulted in positive learning outcomes and a more satisfying teaching and learning experience. For large classes of even hundreds of students, this approach personalizes the experience and promotes active learning.

Targeted Attendees
Instructors who teach the Intro IS or MIS course at the undergrad or grad level, or those interested in learning about a learner-centered, experiential approach to teaching.

Recommended Citation: Golub, B., Van Slyke, C., (2016). Teaching Intro IS with a Learner-Centered, Experiential Approach. Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, (2016) n.4185, Las Vegas, Nevada