The Proceedings of the Conference on Information Systems Applied Research 2008: §3124    Home    Papers/Indices    prev (§3123)    Next (§3125)
Sat, Nov 8, 9:00 - 9:25, Pueblo B     Paper (refereed)
Recommended Citation: Barnes, A and R J Hammell.  Determining Information Technology Project Status using Recognition-primed Decision-making enabled Collaborative Agents for Simulating Teamwork (R-CAST)  In The Proceedings of the Conference on Information Systems Applied Research 2008, v 1 (Phoenix): §3124. ISSN: 0000-0000. (A later version appears in Journal of Information Systems Applied Research 2(2). ISSN: 1946-1836.)

Determining Information Technology Project Status using Recognition-primed Decision-making enabled Collaborative Agents for Simulating Teamwork (R-CAST)

Refereed13 pages
Anthony Barnes    [a1] [a2]
Computer and Information Sciences Department
Towson University    [u1] [u2]
Towson, Maryland, USA    [c1] [c2]

Robert J. Hammell, II    [a1] [a2]
Computer and Information Sciences Department
Towson University    [u1] [u2]
Towson, Maryland, USA    [c1] [c2]

In the project management environment, it is critical to know how the project is performing from the viewpoint of scope, schedule, cost, and other constraints. One source reports that 70% of IT-related projects do not meet their objective (Lewis, 2008). This paper examines the use of the R-CAST architecture to develop a collaborative agent system that aids in recommending the status of a project using color indicators (red, yellow, green) that are based on the progress and standing of the project-related constraints.

Keywords: Project management, R-CAST, Recognition-primed Decision (RPD) Model, human-centered teamwork (HCT), knowledge base (KB), experience knowledge base (EKB)

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