The Proceedings of the Conference on Information Systems Applied Research 2009: §3363    Home    Papers/Indices    prev (§3362)    Next (§3364)
Sat, Nov 7, 11:00 - 11:25, Crystal 6     Paper (refereed)
Recommended Citation: Conn, S S, P Macedo, and J Meese.  Synchronizing Development Life-Cycles: Rationale and Integrative Approach to Construction of eLearning Systems and Online Courses at a Tier 1 Research Institution.  In The Proceedings of the Conference on Information Systems Applied Research 2009, v 2 (Washington DC): §3363. ISSN: 0000-0000.

Synchronizing Development Life-Cycles: Rationale and Integrative Approach to Construction of eLearning Systems and Online Courses at a Tier 1 Research Institution

Refereed9 pages
Samuel S. Conn    [a1] [a2]
Institute for Distance and Distributed Learning
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University    [u1] [u2]
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA    [c1] [c2]

Peter Macedo    [a1] [a2]
Institute for Distance and Distributed Learning
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University    [u1] [u2]
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA    [c1] [c2]

Jackie Meese    [a1] [a2]
Institute for Distance and Distributed Learning
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University    [u1] [u2]
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA    [c1] [c2]

Universities involved in distance learning face challenges in information and communication technology systems and online course development such as limited resources, time constraints, problems and errors associated with ad-hoc development, sustainable and useful eLearning systems, acceptable levels of user satisfaction, and support and maintenance issues. Through a qualitative case study of eLearning systems and online course construction initiatives at a tier 1 research university, the authors examine a strategy to synchronize life-cycle development methodologies. In this study the authors provide a case study of structured development life-cycle methodology for eLearning system development and online course development where each phase of the methodologies are synchronized and work in concert to optimize life-cycle development.

Keywords: development life-cycle, eLearning, methodology, course, system, information, communication

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