Server-Side Scripting In JavaScript/JScript And VBScript John D. Haney and Craig A. VanLengen College of Business Administration, Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5066 ABSTRACT When developing server-side scripting using Microsoft's Active Server Pages and their Internet Information Server (IIS), either VBScript or JScript are available. The language of choice for most developers is VBScript since it is closely akin to Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications. However, for those developers that are more familiar with Java and JavaScript, JScript is a comfortable alternative. The differences between VBScript and JScript lie primarily in the syntax and not in the functionality. The examples interact with an Oracle database: to connect to the database; create record sets; and adding, changing, and deleting records shows identical logic structure. Where the use of JScript rather than VBScript can become rather tedious is the scarcity of functions in JScript that are available in VBScript. The solution is to write comparable user-defined functions in JScript as demonstrated by the FormatCurrency function. Keywords: IS Curriculum, programming languages, Web development 1. INTRODUCTION When developing applications for the Web there are several scripting language choices including: JavaScript, JScript, VBScript or others that will not be discussed in this paper. This paper presents an example of maintaining a database with add, change, and delete options written in both JScript and VBScript using an Oracle database. Client-side and server-side scripting is discussed along with the scripting language features and factors to consider when developing an application on the Web. 2. DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT The differences in the scripting languages will be demonstrated by using examples that were developed in the following environment: Microsoft NT server, using Internet Information Server (IIS), and Active Server Pages (ASP). Oracle was the database used in the examples. However, Microsoft Access and SQL Server have also been used in similar examples. All of the application scripts are embedded within HTML documents that are stored on the server with the .asp extension. 3. SERVER-SIDE SCRIPTING VERSUS CLIENT-SIDE SCRIPTING A script application is part of an HTML document. The difference in the tagging indicates whether the code executes on the server or on the client. Client-side script code is written using the