IS'2000 Progress Report on Undergraduate IS Curriculum Development Herbert E. Longenecker, Jr., David L. Feinstein, University of South Alabama, School of CIS Mobile, AL 36688 Gordon B. Davis, University of Minnesota, Management Information Systems Minneapolis, MN 55455 John T. Gorgone, Bentley College, Computer Information Systems Waltham, MA 02254 Keywords: Information Systems Curriculum, IS'97, AITP IS Curriculum, ACM IS Curriculum A Panel Presentation A number of Information Systems Undergraduate Curricula have been developed since the early 1970's. Initially work was done independently by the AITP (formally DPMA) and the ACM. Beginning in the 1990's professionals associated with AITP, ACM and AIS have worked together to develop a joint model (Longenecker, et al 1994; Couger et al 1995). This culminated with widely used model IS'97 (Davis, et al 1997). This panel will discuss results of a recent survey of IS faculty. The survey questions covered the required depth of knowledge for the IS Body of Knowledge (Longenecker et al 2000) and required entry level skills (Landry 2000). The relationship of IS to programs of Information Technology, Computer Science and Software Engineering will also be discussed. Finally the relevance of the IS curriculum to preparing students for various job-types will be reviewed. Results of the preliminary analysis of the Learning Unit composition will be presented along with approaches for future updating of these units using web technology. Approaches for funding and involvement of a significant segment IS community including both faculty and Industry professionals will be reviewed. Longenecker, Herbert E. Jr., Feinstein, David L., Haigood, Brandon, and Landry, Jeffrey P., "IS'2000: On Updating the IS'97 Model Curriculum for Undergraduate Programs of Information Systems," A "Curriculum Update" Column, Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), Vol. 10, No. 2. Landry, Jeffrey P., Longenecker, Herbert E. Jr., Haigood, Brandon, and Feinstein, David L., "Comparing Entry-Level Skill Depths Across Information Systems Job Types: Perceptions of IS Faculty," Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000), August 2000. Couger, J. Daniel, Gordon B. Davis, David L. Feinstein, John T. Gorgone, and Herbert E. Longenecker, Jr. 1997. "IS'.97: Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems, Data Base Volume 26 Number 1 Winter 1997, pp. I-94. Couger, J. Daniel, Gordon B. Davis, David L. Feinstein, John T. Gorgone, and Herbert E. Longenecker, Jr. 1997. "IS'.97: Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems, Association for Information Professionals, Chicago. Couger, J. Daniel, Herbert E. Longenecker, Jr., David L. Feinstein, Gordon B. Davis, John T. Gorgone, Dorothy Dologite, George M. Kasper, Joyce C. Little, Joseph S. Valacich and A. Milton Jenkins. 1995. "Information Systems 1995", MISQ Fall 1995. Longenecker, Herbert E. Jr., David L. Feinstein, J. Daniel Couger, Gordon B. Davis, and John T. Gorgone 1995. "IS'95: Information Systems '95--The Joint DPMA, ACM and AIS Curriculum for Four-Year Undergraduate Programs of Information Systems". Longenecker, H. E., Feinstein, D. L., Couger, J. D., Davis, G. B., and Gorgone, J. T. "Information Systems '95: A Summary of the Collaborative IS Curriculum Specification of the Joint DPMA, ACM, AIS Task Force," Journal of Information Systems Education (6:4) 1994, pp174-186.