An E-Commerce Course in the Undergraduate Curriculum S. Srinivasan, College of Business and Public Administration University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 E-Commerce courses are becoming very popular in college campuses. Numerous general purpose textbooks are emerging in this area rapidly. Many institutions feel obligated to offer one or more courses in E-Commerce area. The question then is: "What are the essential items for such a course?" The author has been working on this question and has developed a set of topics that are essential for such a course at the undergraduate level. Some of the essential components are: 1. What is E-commerce? 2. E-commerce security 3. Building trust 4. Site development tools 5. Payment systems 6. Fulfillment logistics These and some additional topics will be described in detail to give a flavor of what an E-commerce course could be. Numerous references will be provided to facilitate newcomers to get started in this area.