Teaching Workshops on the Management of Telecommuting Programs Nancy J. Johnson Njohnson@capella.edu School of Business, Capella University Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA Keywords: telework, telecommuting, telematics, workshop development, shifting paradigms, telework program planning and management. Abstract: The demand for telework options is growing due to pressures from employees seeking flexibility, organizations seeking to reduce office rental space costs, environmental concerns about congested city traffic/pollution, and by the nature of jobs that include 'accidental home workers' such as academics. As organizations consider offering the option of telework to their employees, planning and awareness of issues associated with such efforts are critical components of success. Setting realistic expectations for employees, managers and office bound co-workers will improve the acceptance of telework options. This conference workshop will provide the participants with an outline for topics to cover in conducting workshops for organizations contemplating offering telework. The topics could also form the basis of a teaching unit for MIS or management courses. References are provided for further reading. Topics to be covered in this seminar include: * Constructing the business case for a telework program with hard/soft costs/benefits, initial investment and on-going costs/benefits * Planning the program introduction * Planning the program implementation * Technological support infrastructure * Human resources issues and legal liabilities, work contract and terms negotiation * Managerial training * Telecommuting employee training * Office-bound co-worker training * Adaptation of corporate center policies for teleworkers * Workplace communication strategies and establishing a teleworker advocate position * Establishing and monitoring metrics for program assessment and refinement