ISECON 2001 Submission Combining Modalities in a Single Distance Education Course Cindy Crowder Indiana State University School of Technology Industrial Technology Education Department Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-8615 Internet Course and Curriculum Delivery Workshop Title Combining Modalities in a Single Distance Education Course Target audience Two-year and four-year college professors and administrators who currently offer distance education or are thinking about creating a distance education course/program. Workshop Goals Participants will learn how: - to direct instruction around the different learning styles of students - to increase interaction between the instructor and the students - to increase interaction between the students - to maintain the quality of course content in each modality - to navigate a course website in WebCT Topical Outline I. An Overview A. Distance Education at ISU B. DegreeLink and Ph.D. program II. Course Organization A. Synchronous modes B. Asynchronous modes C. Correspondence, on-site, Internet, and Indiana Higher Education Television System III. Course and Student Statistics A. Learning Styles Survey B. Learning Experiences IV. Communication A. Class Discussion/Participation B. Email V. Student Feedback A. Positive Comments B. Negative Comments Planned activities The workshop will be lecture/interactive. An original course website will be viewed to demonstrate how multiple modalities were used in a single distance education course. Opportunities for discussion and questions will be available. Resources needed Presentation will include viewing of a course website. Needed for presentation: electrical outlet, access to local area network for internet access, projector compatible with pc, and screen (presenter will provide Dell laptop). Background of the presenter Cindy Crowder received a masters degree in Human Resource Development from Indiana State University. Currently she is an advisor in the School of Technology and serves as an adjunct professor in the Industrial Technology Education department. She has taught courses in human resource development, an undergraduate and masters degree program offered via correspondence, on-site, the Internet, and the Indiana Higher Education Television System. Her experience has included on-site instruction and the use of the Internet and one-way video, two-way audio. Before joining the School of Technology, she worked in undergraduate admissions, financial aid, and student affairs. Ms. Crowder is actively conducting research in several areas related to distance education (recruitment, retention, and curriculum development).