Client/Server Web Application Development Mehdi Raoufi Kimberly Spoa Zachary Wiggins Department of Information Systems and Computer Programming Purdue University Calumet Hammond, IN, 46323, USA Abstract Client Side Web Application Development refers to coding in HTML and/or scripting languages. When a user opens a web page, which is stored in a server, the file is transferred from the server computer to the client computer and viewed in the client computer. If it consists of scripts, execution of these programs is done in the client computer. In Server Side Web Application Development, when a program stored in a server is accessed (usually written in some scripting language and/or Java along with HTML code), the program is executed in the server computer; HTML code is generated, which is then transferred to the client computer to be viewed. This tutorial starts with a review of HTML and how scripting languages as JavaScript/ VBScript can be used together with HTML code to add interactivity to web pages as Client Side Programming. Server Side Programming is then presented using Microsoft's dynamic document technology, ASP (Active Server Pages). The paper ends with an e-commerce application; Internet shopping center. The objective of the paper is to present client/server web application development not any scripting language, the reader is assumed to have some familiarity with HTML and a modern programming language. Keywords: Dynamic document technology, active server pages (ASP), client side programming, server side programming, JavaScript, VBScript, HTML 1. REVIEW OF HTML 1.1 What is HTML? HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a language used to layout documents. It is called a markup language because it consists of special tags to mark up the beginning and end of different parts of a document. The browser does not display the tags; only content between the tags is displayed according to the type of the tags. The language also allows a document connect with other documents through special hypertext links. 1.2 An HTML Document To be consistent with most authors, we start our first example in HTML with a document, which displays "Hello World!". Use your text editor to create a file named helloworld with extension of .html or .htm and save it in your local disk. We use notepad; if you are using Microsoft Word make sure that save it in ASCII format, Microsoft Word's .doc files save hidden characters that may confuse the browser. Example 1.2.1: Hello World Hello World!
How Are You?

" symbols and everything between them. 1.3 Tags, the HTML Building Blocks The symbols less-than "<" and greater-than ">", and everything between them is called a tag. The region starts where the tag starts for example and continues until the corresponding end tag is counter . Some tags do not require end tags like tags;
, which means break to the beginning of next line or

, which means start a new paragraph. Every HTML document begins and ends with and tags. The entire document is contained between these tags. Also every HTML document consists of two parts: a head and a body each bounded by begin and end tags. Information about the document goes to the head and the content of document goes to the body. One important header tag is title. Select a meaningful title and enclose it between the and tags as in our Example 1.2.1. 1.4 Comments, URLs, Hyperlinks, Anchors, and Images Every string between considered as a comment. URL (Unified Resource Locator) is an address or path for a file, web page, or even an email address. An example of a web page URL is: The http:// (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules for communication between client and server. The is the domain name or location of a particular server where a web page resides. The /public/ is the directory name and index.html is a file name. Hyperlinks are links or paths to other web pages. A hyperlink is like a short cut, you click on it and you are transferred to another web page. Anchors allow hyperlinks possible; for example in example 1.2.1, the tags ... are used to create a link to the Purdue University Calumet campus as . 1.5 Form We encounter them frequently in our daily life. We have to fill a form to open a new bank account, or apply for a driver license, and we have to fill a form to purchase a product through Internet. Creating a form, using HTML is very simple. We explain it with a simple example. Please type the following example using notepad or your favorite editor. Example 1.5.1 Edit the following program: A Simple Form Example

First Name:

Last Name:

Street Address:


Zip Code:

Telephone Number:

Sex: Male Female


Select the degree(s) that you hold (check one or more)

High School Diploma
AS Degree
BS Degree
MS Degree
Ph.D. Degree

If you view this file using a browser, you will view the following form. Fill up the form as instructed below; in a moment we will examine each segment in detail: Top of Form First Name: Last Name: Street Address: State: Zip Code: Telephone Number: Sex: Male Female Age: Select the degree(s) that you hold (check one or more) High School Diploma AS Degree BS Degree MS Degree Ph.D. Degree Figure 1.5.1 Let's examine example 1.5.1: Consider the code:
If we are working with one of the sites with no access to server, we may decide that we like to collect data through our email address. The data gets emailed to the email address provided through action attribute of form tag. With the post method the form data transferred to the server in separate transmission. The attribute value of post for method may be replaced with get, which causes the form to be transferred to the server, appended to URL. The attribute enctype specifies that the form data is being submitted unencrypted "text/plain", which is unsecured. We use tag to define any one of number of common form controls. The frequently used input control is text entry field. The text entry field appears in the browser window as an entry box in one single line. We can specify size of field with size attribute, and size of maximum length of field with maxlength attribute. Next input type is radio button. Radio button gives the user choice to select an item quickly. In radio button user can select only one in the group. Using the checked attribute, we may initially check one of the radio buttons. In our example the Male button is selected to have value checked initially. Name and value attributes are required for radio buttons. The content of the name attributes of a group of radio buttons must be the same. The code below will enable the user to select only one of the items. Sex: Male Female In tag of a form. This creates a pull-down menu of choices. The name attribute is required for tag with multiple attribute "
The program will not submit the entries as long as the validating functions validInput() return false. The function validInput() should be embedded in the tag form as:
The definition of function validInput() is explained in the body of the program: 3. SERVER SIDE WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT USING ASP/VBSCRIPT 3.1 What is Server Side Web Application Development? As we mentioned earlier, the client side program must be downloaded to the client, to be executed by the client computer. Server side programs run directly on the server and generate HTML code to be viewed by the browser on client computer. The common places to encounter these programs are search engines, up-to-date stock reports and shopping through Internet. There are different technologies for server side Web Application Development; these technologies are called DDTs (dynamic document technologies). Other dynamic document technologies beside ASP are CGI (Common Gateway Interface), JSP (Java Server Pages), and PHP (Personal Home Pages). ASP is a Microsoft's technology and is used in this paper. 3.2 Request and Response objects: A web page (.html or .asp extension), which asks a user to enter information and returns the user's response to another ASP page to display on a document Before we start our first example in server side programming, we need to learn a little about ASP files and their contents. Every ASP file has extensions .asp. A file in ASP may consist of scripts written in VBScript, JavaScript and/or HTML. When browser requests a file with extension .asp, if the file contains any scripts, it is executed on the server, HTML code is generated, and then browser is used to view the generated HTML code. An ASP program can contain one or more of the following codes; client side script, server side scripts, and HTML. For the server to distinguish the client side scripts from server side scripts, some rules must be followed. The client side scripts must begin with the tags : or . The attribute, language is optional in later versions of the explorer browser. The server side scripts also use tags , but attribute runat = "server" must be included with the script tag as Also, the tags <% and %> can be used to mark the beginning and end of a server side script as <% server side script here %> We prefer the tags <% and %> for server side scripts and will use them in our examples. Example 3.2.1: Let's modify example 1.5.1 to send the form to an ASP program instead of an email address. The form sent to ASP program may be a registration form, an airline reservation form, an order form to purchase a product through Internet, etc. In this example we replace the email address attribute of the form with the address of the ASP program that must receive and process the information in the form. In this example, we name the ASP file processreg.asp. Please note that for simplicity, we have only retained the following fields from example 1.5.1: first name, last name, street address, state, and zip code. Edit the following program and save it under example3_2_1.asp. Registration Form First Name:

Last Name:

Street Address:


Zip Code:

Upon submission of this form the content of the form will be transferred to the server, and can be returned using Request object of ASP. In our example the content of the form sent by the user is available to the file processreg.asp using Request object. The content of each field of the form can be returned by the function Form() of the object Request, for example the value of the field firstname can be returned using: Request.Form("firstname"); The function Write() of the object Response of ASP can be used to display the content of the field: Response.Write "Request.Form("firstname")" In general the program processorreg.asp can process the information in the form as instructed by the programmer. Another application may be to modify content ofa Database based on user's input. Please also note that the symbol "=" can be used to display field firstname instead of Response.Write: = "Request.Form("firstname")" Use your editor to create the following file and save it under the name processreg.asp in the same directory as example3_2_1.asp: Registration Response

Registration Response

The information that you entered:

First Name: <%Response.Write "Request.Form("firstname")" %>

Last Name: <%Response.Write "Request.Form("lastname")" %>

Street Address: Last Name: <%Response.Write "Request.Form("streetaddress")" %>

State: <%Response.Write "Request.Form("state")" %>

Zip Code: <%Response.Write "Request.Form("zipcode")" %>

Please note that the code <%Response.Write "Request.Form("firstname")" %> will be executed by the server. The statement Request.Form("firstname") returns the content of the field firstnsme and statement Response.Write displays the returned value on HTML document. The output viewed by the user after the file example3_2_1.asp is submitted is: First Name: Last Name: Street Address: State: Zip Code: 3.3 An e-commerce application for an Internet shopping center. In this section we implement an e-commerce store at which a user can shop for items, put them into a cart, and check them out. Since we need an inventory of some kind we have prepared a file "shopdata.txt". The items in the file are tab separated and have the following form: product id, product name, supplier name, category, quantity, price and description. Example 3.3.1: The Shop Till Drop Internet store has following main areas: 1. The shopping center (shop.asp): this is where the inventory is displayed dynamically from text file. The user is allowed to select the categories using checkboxes and submission button that loads a page with only items in the checked categories. Next to each item is a checkbox that allows the buyer to place an item into the cart. In submission your choice of items are added to the shopping cart and a link on web page takes you to the shopping cart (cart.asp) web page that displays the confirmation of the buyer's choices. 2. The shopping cart (cart.asp): The shopping cart web page displays the current content of the cart and total cost. There are also an input item next to each item where buyer can enter the quantity desired and a recalculate button to recalculate the total cost. 3. The item page (item.asp): This will dynamically display all of the available items at the store. 4. The checkout page (checkout.asp): There is a login for this page that asks information (name, credit card number, address, etc.). After logging in, the buyer will be taken to a page bringing up the order from the cart, and a submit button will submit the order. All of the files of examples3.3.1: shop.asp, cart.asp, itempage.asp, checkout.asp, shopdata.txt, and all examples of this tutorial are available at: First we go over the procedure that is needed to make the content of the file shopdada.txt available for reading: <% CONST ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 CONST TristateUseDefault = -2, TristateTrue = -1, TristateFalse = 0 ' Procedures openFile() sub openFile(objFileTextStream, strVirtualPath) DIM strPhysicalPath strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(strVirtualPath) DIM objFSO, objFile Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strPhysicalPath) Set objFileTextStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault) end sub The procedure openFile() used in this example to read input file. Please note that in this procedure we have used the FileSystemObject object of ASP. This object provides functionality to manipulate the files; it is at the top of the hierarchy and has several child objects: Drive object, Folder object, and File object, for more discussion of these objects please refer to (Morneau 2001) We can use the CreateObject function of Server object of ASP to create an instance of the FileSystemObject object. Once a FileSystemObject object is created, it can be incorporated into VBScript as: DIM objFSO Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") We use the method GetFile() of FileSystemObject object to get a file object, where physical path of the file is provided as parameter: Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strPhysicalPath) Please note that physical path; physical location of a file can be obtained using the logical (virtual) path of the file. In our example the file name shopdata.txt is logical path and we can use the method Mappath of Server object to obtain the physical path of the file shopmap.txt as: strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(strVirtualPath) And finally the procedure needs to open the file as a text stream: Set objFileTextStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault) Where first parameter equal to 1 is for reading and second parameter -2 is the default character format. The TextStream object can be used to manipulate the information contained in the file. After the content of the file is available for reading, the following program segment reads and displays the buyer's choices:

<% DIM strPathInfo strPathInfo = "shopdata.txt" DIM objFTS call openFile(objFTS, strPathInfo) Response.Write " TRUE strResults = split(strLine, vbTab) strID = strResults(0) strName = strResults(1) strSupplierName = strResults(2) strCategory = strResults(3) strSizeQ = strResults(4) strPrice = strResults(5) strDescription = strResults(6) if Request.Form("catBeverages") = "on" and strCategory = "Beverages" then call writeLine() end if if Request.Form("catCondiments") = "on" and strCategory = "Condiments" then call writeLine() end if if Request.Form("catProduce") = "on" and strCategory = "Produce" then call writeLine() end if if Request.Form("catConfections") = "on" and strCategory = "Confections" then call writeLine() end if if Request.Form("catMeat/Poultry") = "on" and strCategory = "Meat/Poultry" then call writeLine() end if if Request.Form("catDairyProducts") = "on" and strCategory = "Dairy Products" then call writeLine() end if if Request.Form("catSeafood") = "on" and strCategory = "Seafood" then call writeLine() end if if Request.Form("catGrains/Cereals") = "on" and strCategory = "Grains/Cereals" then call writeLine() end if strLine = objFTS.Readline WEND 1. CONCLUSION This paper has exemplified client/server application web development for e-commerce application. We recommend the material in this tutorial for every student in the field of Information Systems. 5. REFERENCES Castro, E., 2000, HTML for the World Wide Web, Peachpit Press Kauffman, J., Llibre, J., Sussman, S., 1999, Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0, Wrox Press Ltd. Mornear, H., Batistick, J., 2001, Active Server Pages, Course Technology Musciano, C., Kennedy, B., 2000, HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly Negrino, T., Smith, D., 1999, JavaScript for the World Wide Web, Peachpit Press Ullman, C. Buser, D., Duckett, J., Francis, B., Wilton, P., 2000, Beginning JavaScript, Wrox Press Ltd.