Incorporating Creative Activities into Your Classes-An Active Workshop. Bruce White Computer Information Systems, Quinnipiac University Hamden, CT, 06517, USA Keywords: Problem-solving skills, techniques, adaptation to the classroom, team building skills, creativity In 1994, EDSIG/ISECON/AITP-EF honored Dan Cougar as its IS Educator of the Year. In particular, Dan was noted for creative activities-and their tie to increased productivity and return-on-investment for companies. In that spirit of creative activities, this workshop will be an active workshop with creative dimensions. As an active workshop, the participants should attend willing to join in the activities. Outline This workshop will be an active workshop with the following topics/concepts-with activities and discussion relating to the topic: * Creative problem solving and its benefits * Problem solving techniques * Teaching problem solving * Team building, total quality management, and problem solving * Methods to incorporate short problem solving situations into the classroom Planned Activities * Creative problem solving and its benefits * An active introduction to a variety of creative problems * Logic problems * Role-playing * Word problems * Team building activities * Team problem solving activities * Math problems * Internet problem solving * Space problems * Newspaper problems * Non-verbal problem * Others as time/interest permits Background of the Presenter The presenter has incorporated a variety of creative problem situations and creative problem solving techniques to his systems analysis and design course encouraging the students to think outside the box. His approach and enthusiasm will help you to add an additional dimension to the IS classroom.