Moving from VB 6.0 to VB.Net Workshop Wendy Ceccucci Computer Information Systems, Quinnipiac University Hamden, CT 06518 Abstract Microsoft has totally revamped its old Visual Basic 6.0 to the new Visual Basic.Net. The IDE and syntax have undergone some significant changes. The goal of this workshop is to familiarize IT educators with the new Visual Basic.Net and the .Net Framework. The workshop will discuss the major elements of the .NET Framework and describe some of the major enhancements to the new version of Visual Basic. Keywords: VB.NET, Visual Basic, .Net Workshop Overview The workshop will cover the following areas: * A brief overview of the .Net Platform and the .Net Framework - “The .Net platform is a set of technologies designed to transform the Internet into a full-scale distributed computing platform.” The .Net Framework is based on a common language runtime. The Framework provides all the common services needed to run the VB.Net Applications. * The basic structures of a Visual Basic .Net project and the IDE. * Explain and use the new language features and syntax in Visual Basic.Net * Using Windows Forms * Using ASP.NET * ADO.Net (time permitting) * Installing Visual Studio.Net Intended Audience This Workshop is intended primarily for educators who use Visual Basic 6.0 and want to become familiar with the new .Net environment. Workshop Goals The presenter will use a machine-based demonstration to explain the new changes in Visual Basic .Net. At the end of the presentation the participants will have a better understanding of the new .Net Framework and the VB.Net environment.