TUTORIAL: HOW TO MAP YOUR IS PROGRAM TO IS 2002 John H. Reynolds john.reynolds@cis.gvsu.edu George Nezlek nezlekg@gvsu.edu School of CIS, Grand Valley State University Allendale, MI 49401 USA Jeffrey P. Landry jlandry@usouthal.edu Herbert E. Longenecker, Jr. HLongenecker@usouthal.edu School of CIS, University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36688 USA Using software developed by the Center for Computing Education Research (CCER), a Division of the Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals Education Foundation (ICCP EF), the tutorial will guide faculty participants through the process of mapping an IS curriculum. The software is accessible from (http://www.iseducation.org). The mapping process describes how courses that are part of an institution’s undergraduate IS degree program support the educational goals and objectives of the Information Systems Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems (IS 2002). A follow-up workshop, offered later the same evening, will demonstrate how to use information resulting from mapping in order to assess and improve courses and curricula and assist in the IS accreditation self-study process.