IT Innovations in IT Industries: Does IT pay off? Emil Boasson Assistant Professor of MIS School of Business, Ithaca College Ithaca, NY 14850, USA Vigdis Boasson Assistant Professor of Finance School of Business, Ithaca College Ithaca, NY 14850, USA Abstract In the classroom, students tend to ask the question: why do we need to study information technology (IT)? In the real business world, corporate decision-makers constantly ask the question: why do we need to invest in IT? Does it pay off? In this paper, we investigate how the stock market values a firm’s IT innovations in order to gain competitive advantage. In other words, we examine the role of IT innovations in the stock market valuation of a firm’s expected future cash flows. Our findings indicate that firms that are IT innovators are valued higher than their industry competitors. Clearly, IT innovations seem to pay off in the stock market. In this way, we show that learning IT skill sets in the classroom is important for undertaking IT innovations in the real business world. Keywords: Information technology, IT innovation, IT education, market value, intangible assets 1. INTRODUCTION AND RESEARCH CONTEXT A common question students tend to ask in the classroom is why we need to study this and that. It is no exception that IT educators are often faced with similar questions: “why do we need to study information technology (IT)?” “Why do we have to learn Data Flow Diagrams?” “My major is Finance/Business Administration/Accounting. Why do I have to learn MIS?” In the real business world, corporate decision-makers constantly ask similar questions such as: “why do we need to invest in IT?” “Could IT innovations translate into to competitive advantages?” “Is there any market value for IT innovations? In other words, does it pay off?” It is documented that IT decision makers in the real corporate world tend to be under-investing in IT. There is significant scholarly interest in understanding the relationship between IT investments and firm performance. However, findings to date remain mixed: while some studies find a positive relationship between IT investments and firm performance (Banker et al, 1990, Brynjolfsson and Hitt 1995, 1996; Lichtenberg 1995; Dewan and Min 1997; Bharadwaj et al. 1999, Stratopoulos and Dehning 2000), others fail to find any significant relationships at all. The earlier literature on the relation between IT and productivity finds an absence of a positive relation between spending on IT and productivity or profitability. This inconclusive result from these earlier studies is what Strassman (1990) and Loveman (1994) called “IT productivity paradox”. In an age where management carefully weighs the costs and benefits of every discretionary investment dollar, finding evidence of the returns on IT investments is critical. The main problem for these inconclusive results is that most studies measure firm performance in terms of accounting profits and returns such as return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), and return on investments (ROI). These accounting measurements capture only the snapshot of one point in time of a firm’s past or existing rather than future expected financial performance. Moreover, it is well-known that these accounting returns can be easily manipulated by managers via their earnings management. “It has been 500 years since Pacioli published his seminal work on accounting and we have seen virtually no innovation in the practice of accounting just more rules none of which has changed the framework of measurement”Wired Magazine (see Standfield 2005). More bluntly, Robert Howell, professor at the Tuck School at Dartmouth points out: “The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flow are about as useful as an 80-year-old road map” (see Standfield 2005). More importantly, the intangible value that comes with IT innovations cannot be easily captured in accounting terms. According to Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Board Chairman, “There are going to be a lot of problems in the future as accounting is not tracking investments in knowledge assets.” (Standfield, 2005). Thus, previous researchers have yet to examine whether the stock market is able to capture the potential and future intangible assets associated with IT innovations. In order to answer these questions for our students in the classroom and business leaders in the real world, we examine the true market value of IT innovations as perceived by the stock market. We empirically investigate whether the intangible assets that are inherent within the IT innovations can be captured by the stock market investors who measure a firm’s value not by its past or existing performance but by their expected risk-adjusted future cash flow. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section two describes our data; section three outlines the research method employed; section four provides a view of the results of our tests and a discussion of the implications of those results. We conclude with a discussion of the contribution of the paper to the extant IT teaching and research. 2. THE DATA From InformationWeek 500 survey, we collected 10 years (1994-2003) of IT innovations ranking data for the top 500 most innovative corporate users of information technology. The rationale for using the data from the InformationWeek 500 survey is that this data source has been used extensively in other similar and rigorous academic studies (Brynjolfsson and Hitt 1996; and Lichtenberg 1995). According to InformationWeek, the companies that are selected into the InformationWeek’s top 500 ranking are the top companies that are distinguished by crisp and efficient technology strategies that cut costs and optimize productivity. To obtain a spot in this annual ranking of the InformationWeek 500, companies must demonstrate a pattern of technological, procedural, and organizational innovation. The selection process entails identifying and ranking the companies after an extensive mail, phone, and fax study. Senior IT executives are surveyed on their organizational priorities and spending plans for the year ahead. Thus, InformationWeek provides a reasonable data source on corporate IT innovations. InformationWeek provides IT-related data such as IT innovations rankings, IT budgets, number of IT employees and other IT-related information as part of an annual published survey. We use IT innovations ranking data because data on IT budget and other variables are no longer disclosed on firm level basis from 1998. For each year, we matched each of these 500 top IT innovative firms with its industry peers using six-digit NAICS and four-digit SIC codes. We selected the computer hardware and software industries as our study samples. The rationale for selecting these two industries is that by providing computer hardware and software, they are the driving force behind all IT innovations. These industries are not only the backbones of information technology infrastructure, but are also ranked at the top of IT innovations among all industries. We extract market and accounting data from Compustat and CRSP databases, and matched yearly returns, market value, book assets, R&D, and other accounting data to these sampled firms. To minimize the potential effect of outlier observations on the results, variables are winsorized by adjusting all values in the top and bottom percentiles to be equal to their 1st and 99th percentile values. For the computer hardware industry, we have collected data for 40 publicly-traded companies over 10 year period, which means a total observation of 400 firm years. For the software industry, we have collected data for 287 publicly-traded companies over 10 year period, which means a total observation of 2,870 firm years. Combining the two industries together, we have a total observation of 3,270 firm years. 3. RESEARCH METHOD To capture IT innovations, we use the annual IT innovations ranking data from the InformationWeek 500. To measure the intangible value that is inherent in IT innovations but is not recognized by accounting values, we calculate the ratio of a firm’s total market value over its total book value. This ratio is a modified Tobin's Q ratio which is used extensively in the finance literature. The Tobin's Q ratio is the ratio of the market value of a firm's assets over the replacement value of its assets. This ratio is developed by James Tobin of Yale University, Nobel Laureate in Economics, who hypothesized that the combined market value of all the companies on the stock market should be about equal to their replacement costs. The Q ratio is calculated as the market value of a firm's assets divided by the replacement value of the firm's assets (Tobin 1969). If the market value reflected solely the recorded assets of a company, Tobin's Q would be one. If Tobin's Q is greater than one, then the market value is greater than the value of the company's recorded assets. This suggests that the market value reflects some unmeasured or unrecorded assets of the company. High Tobin's Q values encourage companies to invest more in capital because they are "worth" more than the price they paid for them. On the other hand, if Tobin's Q is less than 1, the market value is less than the recorded value of the assets of the company. This suggests that the market may be undervaluing the company. Tobin's Q offers a far more superior measure of the market returns on investment for IT innovations than do the common accounting measurements such as ROA, ROI, and ROE. Tobin's Q captures not only the recorded asset-in-place of the company, but also the market or investor sentiment, the analysts' views of the prospects for the company, as well as market speculations. And most important of all, Tobin's Q captures the intellectual capital of the company that is not reported in the firm’s financial statements. In other words, the advantage of using Tobin's Q for measuring the intangible value associated with IT innovations is that Tobin's Q measures the extent to which the market recognizes the firm's future rather than the past profitability, and in particular, the firm's potential competitive advantage and growth opportunities. Brainard and Tobin (1968), Tobin (1969) and Tobin (1978) suggest that it is through Q that financial markets affect real economic activity. We compute Tobin's Q for each firm and for each year as follows: Tobin'sQ=Vi/Ai (1) where Vi = the total market value of the firm i, (i.e. the sum of the market value of equity, preferred stocks and debt), and Ai = the book value of firm i's total assets, proxy for firm size. In sum, we have computed for each year Tobin's Q values for 40 publicly-traded companies in the computer hardware industry, and 287 publicly-traded companies in the computer software industry. In order to compare stock market performance between the firms that are engaged in heavy IT innovations and their peers, we adopt the independent-samples t-test procedure. Because this procedure tests the mean difference between two independent sample groups, it is therefore appropriate to use this procedure to compare the mean difference of Tobin's Q between the IT innovating firms and the non-IT innovating firms in IT industries so as to investigate whether IT innovators outperforms the non-IT innovators in terms of Tobin's Q. A series of t-tests, frequency tests, and descriptive statistics were run for each year comparing the mean Tobin's Q value between the firms included in the InformationWeek 500 and their respective industry peers from 1994 to 2003. 4. EMPIRICAL RESULTS In this section, we present the empirical results for the IT industries. From the InformationWeek 500 survey, we have calculated the intangible value and Tobin's Q for those IT innovative firms from various IT industries with an intangible value of over 30 percent of their total market value (See Appendix A). For instance, at the top of the list, Amazon and Ebay have an intangible value close to 90 percent of their total market value with a Tobin’s Q of 9.07 and 8.95 respectively. Such a large gap between market investor value and accounting value reiterates the importance of understanding the role of IT innovations in creating a firm’s intangible assets. Table 1. IT Innovation Computer Hardware: Tobin's Q 1994 - 2003 Information Week Firms Industry Peers Difference Year Mean Median St. Dv. Mean Median St. Dv. Mean Median t-stat 1994 2.420 2.334 0.938 1.565 1.742 0.695 0.855 0.592 3.136 1995 3.204 2.682 1.495 1.646 2.121 2.069 1.558 0.561 1.935 1996 5.735 3.645 4.403 2.855 3.240 2.404 2.880 0.405 2.132 1997 7.558 4.677 9.423 3.053 2.263 2.462 4.505 2.414 2.329 1998 17.431 5.104 26.880 4.290 2.168 7.113 13.141 2.936 2.368 1999 9.114 6.894 7.768 3.744 2.193 3.526 5.370 4.701 2.650 2000 8.342 7.011 7.782 2.499 1.389 4.174 5.844 5.623 2.082 2001 5.737 3.601 5.474 1.389 1.322 2.402 4.348 2.279 3.235 2002 4.689 1.671 5.165 1.425 1.229 2.966 3.264 0.442 2.062 2003 5.215 2.040 5.500 1.693 2.267 2.330 3.522 -0.227 2.318 All Years 6.056 4.755 6.724 1.999 2.239 3.396 4.057 2.516 2.319 Figure 1. IT Innovation Computer Hardware: Tobin’s Q 1994 – 2003 Table 1 shows the empirical results for the hardware industry from 1994 through to 2003. The results show that the mean and median Tobin's Q values are higher for the firms that are selected as IT innovators in the InformationWeek 500 than for their industry peers and this mean difference is statistically significant for each year. This result indicates that those firms engaged in IT innovations consistently outperform their industry peers in the stock market valuation year after year, even after controlling for firm size. Figure 1 shows graphically the difference in Tobin's Q between the IT innovative firms in the InformationWeek 500 and their industry peers in the computer hardware industry. There is a constant gap in terms of Tobin's Q over the study time period between the IT innovators and their industry peers showing that IT innovators consistently outperform their industry peers. The spike in Tobin’s Q for the IT innovators in 1998 is due to Dell which had a booming growth until the year 2000 when IT industries were hard hit from the burst of the “.com” bubble. Table 2. IT Innovation System Software: Tobin's Q 1994 - 2003 Information Week Firms Industry Peers Difference Year Mean Median St. Dv. Mean Median St. Dv. Mean Median t-stat 1994 7.325 7.344 1.536 4.831 3.160 4.122 2.494 4.184 2.320 1995 9.187 9.321 4.275 5.361 4.234 3.850 3.826 5.087 1.851 1996 8.278 9.195 3.059 4.576 2.634 4.973 3.702 6.561 2.152 1997 13.224 14.347 5.526 4.014 2.673 6.160 9.210 11.674 3.170 1998 9.609 7.886 6.966 4.080 2.714 5.033 5.529 5.173 2.060 1999 11.010 9.124 5.264 3.643 3.280 9.081 7.367 5.844 2.495 2000 4.054 2.520 3.666 3.480 1.961 4.607 0.574 0.559 0.487 2001 4.232 3.044 2.356 1.893 1.177 2.520 2.339 1.867 2.105 2002 3.285 3.038 1.398 1.441 1.235 2.836 1.844 1.803 2.601 2003 5.350 4.723 2.176 3.181 2.800 3.790 2.169 1.923 2.016 All Years 4.263 3.539 3.582 2.636 2.296 1.527 1.626 1.243 2.027 Table 2 shows the empirical results for the software industry from 1994 through to 2003. The results show that the mean and median Tobin's Q values are higher for the firms that are selected as IT innovators in the InformationWeek 500 than for their industry peers and this mean difference is statistically significant for each year except for the year 2000 when the “dotcom” bubble busted. This result indicates that those firms engaged in IT innovations consistently outperform their industry peers in the stock market valuation year after year, even after controlling for firm size. Figure 2. IT Innovation System Software: Tobin’s Q 1994 – 2003 Figure 2 shows graphically the difference in Tobin's Q between the IT innovative firms in the InformationWeek 500 and their industry peers in the computer software industry. There is a relatively large gap in terms of Tobin's Q over the study time period between the IT innovators and their industry peers showing that IT innovators consistently outperform their industry peers. The gap is especially large from year 1996 through to 1999 till 2000 when the gap narrows down due to “.com” bubble burst. Overall, we find that firms that are engaged heavily in IT innovations outperform their industry competitors. 5. CONCLUSION In conclusion, our empirical results show that IT innovators selected by the InformationWeek 500 consistently outperform their respective industry peers in terms of Tobin's Q values and the results are statistically significant. These findings indicate that IT innovations could potentially upgrade a firm’s competitive advantage and create growth opportunities. These intangible values are often ignored in the accounting book but are captured in the forward-looking stock market. In the real business world, the implication of these findings is not only crucial for investors, but also for corporate decision-makers concerning IT innovations. In the classroom, the implication of these findings highlights the importance of gaining knowledge about IT innovations and keeping up with IT innovations and learning IT skill sets. In this way, we show that it is important that we teach our students up-to-date IT skills and IT knowledge stock so that our students are better prepare for the real world corporate IT innovations. 6. REFERENCES Banker, Rajiv D., Robert J. Kauffman, and Richard C. Morey (1990) "Measuring Gains in Operational Efficiency from Information Technology: A Study of the Positran Deployment at Hardee's Inc." Journal of Management Information Systems 7, pp. 29-54. Bharadwaj, Anandhi S., Sundar G. Bharadwaj, and Benn R. Konsynski (1999) "Information Technology Effects on Firm Performance as Measured by Tobin's q" Management Science 45, pp. 1008-1024. Brainard, William C., and James Tobin (1968) "Pitfalls in financial medel building" American Economic Review 58, pp. 99-122. Brynjolfsson, Erik, and Lorin M. 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APPENDIX A IT Innovators listed in the InformationWeek 500 with more than 30% of total market value as Intangible Value Company Ticker Total BV($M) Total MV($M) Intangible Value($M) Intangible Value % Tobin's Q AMAZON.COM INC AMZN 2,162 19,603 17,441 0.89 9.067 EBAY INC EBAY 5,820 52,090 46,270 0.89 8.950 QUALCOMM INC QCOM 8,822 50,750 41,928 0.83 5.752 YAHOO INC YHOO 5,932 30,808 24,877 0.81 5.194 DELL INC DELL 19,311 89,405 70,094 0.78 4.630 SYMANTEC CORP SYMC 3,266 14,580 11,314 0.78 4.465 CDW CORP CDWC 1,312 5,210 3,898 0.75 3.972 CISCO SYSTEMS INC CSCO 37,107 143,903 106,796 0.74 3.878 PAYCHEX INC PAYX 3,691 14,038 10,347 0.74 3.803 LEXMARK INTL INC -CL A LXK 3,450 11,784 8,333 0.71 3.415 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORP NSM 2,245 7,339 5,095 0.69 3.270 APPLIED MATERIALS INC AMAT 10,312 31,362 21,050 0.67 3.041 INTUIT INC INTU 2,790 8,369 5,578 0.67 2.999 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC TXN 15,510 44,283 28,773 0.65 2.855 MERCURY INTERACTIVE CORP MERQ 1,971 4,637 2,666 0.58 2.353 HYPERION SOLUTIONS CORP HYSL 655 1,530 875 0.57 2.336 BEST BUY CO INC BBY 8,652 18,463 9,811 0.53 2.134 ACXIOM CORP ACXM 1,093 2,287 1,194 0.52 2.092 HEWITT ASSOCIATES INC HEW 1,598 3,293 1,695 0.51 2.061 REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS -CL A REY 1,124 2,215 1,091 0.49 1.971 I2 TECHNOLOGIES INC ITWO 430 835 405 0.48 1.940 EMC CORP/MA EMC 14,093 27,148 13,055 0.48 1.926 WESTERN DIGITAL CORP WDC 866 1,666 800 0.48 1.923 AGERE SYSTEMS INC AGR.A 2,388 4,505 2,117 0.47 1.886 CHECKFREE CORP CKFR 1,587 2,876 1,289 0.45 1.812 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS NXTL 20,510 36,542 16,032 0.44 1.782 EARTHLINK INC ELNK 827 1,463 635 0.43 1.768 COMPUTER ASSOCIATES INTL INC CA 11,054 18,729 7,675 0.41 1.694 FIRST DATA CORP FDC 25,586 43,178 17,592 0.41 1.688 HARRIS CORP HRS 2,080 3,426 1,345 0.39 1.647 PEROT SYSTEMS CORP PER 1,011 1,571 561 0.36 1.555 IRON MOUNTAIN INC IRM 3,892 5,984 2,092 0.35 1.538 APPLE COMPUTER INC AAPL 6,815 9,916 3,101 0.31 1.455