Special Session Publishing in the Journal of Information Systems Education Session Chair: Al Harris Editor, Journal of Information Systems Education Also Presenting: Jackie Harris Assistant Editor for the Review Process Abstract This Special Session will discuss various aspects regarding opportunities for submitting and possibly getting papers published in the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), the leading academic journal in IS education. In addition, other ways to assist JISE will be addressed and discussed. Keywords: publishing journal articles, reviewing Session Overview In this session, several topics will be discussed, including (but not limited to): * Submitting papers to JISE (procedure, style format, etc.) * The review process * Opportunities, responsibilities, and rewards for being a reviewer * Opportunities, responsibilities, and rewards for being a Guest Editor for a Special Issue ISECON attendees will be encouraged to ask questions and explore publishing opportunities with JISE. The Editor will answer questions and present helpful hints for potential authors. The journal is sponsored by EDSIG. Intended Audience * Educators who are interested in submitting manuscripts for possible publication in JISE * Educators who are interested in possibly becoming a reviewer, Guest Editor, or Assistant Editor of JISE Session Goals * Participants will have a better understanding of the submission and review process for possibly publishing in JISE. * Participants will also learn how they can be a part of JISE (reviewer, Guest Editor, etc.) NOTE: Because of class and other possible conflicts, this session MUST be on Friday afternoon or Saturday. Thank you.