Reinventing EDSIG Don Colton EDSIG Vice President 2005-2006 EDSIG Board Member 2001-2004 ISECON Proceedings Editor 2000-2006 ISEDJ Editor 2003-2006 ISECON General Chairman 2005 ISECON Assistant Chairman 2003-2004 ISECON Webmaster 2005-2006 School of Computing Brigham Young University Hawaii Laie, Hawaii 96762 USA ABSTRACT EDSIG is the Education Special Interest Group of AITP, the Association for Information Technology Professionals. EDSIG has been around a long time. It has had its ups and downs. For the past few years, EDSIG has existed primarily to manage and operate ISECON (the Information Systems Education Conference sponsored by FITE, the Foundation for Information Technology Education, formerly EF, the AITP Education Foundation) each year and to fund the publication of JISE, the Journal of Information Systems Education. Lately EDSIG has also taken to publishing ISEDJ, the online Information Systems Education Journal that specializes in republication in a journal format of the best articles from the Proceedings of ISECON. But what is EDSIG about, really? What benefits should it provide for its members? What should be its relationship with FITE? Should EDSIG even continue to exist, or should it spin off its assets and go quietly out of existence? These are questions that can be asked productively from time to time. The purpose of this workshop is to explore these questions. Who should attend? You are invited to attend if you are interested in the future of EDSIG. You are especially invited to attend if you have a vision for EDSIG that takes it beyond its current narrow focus on ISECON. How can we better serve our constituents? You are invited to attend if you have some historical perspective on how we got to where we are today and what we should do to acknowledge that past and build on it productively. You are invited to attend if you would like to be involved in inventing the future of EDSIG. Those intending to attend are especially encouraged to contact Dr Colton in advance of the conference, but all interested parties are welcome to attend with or without advance contact. Notes from the session appear on the following page: Re-Inventing EDSIG 11/2/06 (Notes by Tom Janicki) Opportunities to contribute to the members of EDSIG / Problems or tasks they face : * Best Practices by course * Help with Tenure/Promotion/Continuation – Faculty Papers * PhD Student Papers * Master Student Papers * Inform about Student Chapters (NCC) * Promote major(s) for potential students * Faculty / Positions / Jobs / Employers * Accreditation * Grant Writing * Workshops * Consulting Arm * 50 Minute Session * Model Curriculum Partner * ISA Exams/Certifications * Outcomes / Assessment o Improvements * Student Placement * Student Filtering * Faculty exchanges * Comparative Statistics * Collaborative Exchanges * External review of senior projects * Discussion Board * Textbook Review * ISECON Major Groups 1) ISECON Convention 2) Best Practices /Faculty Development 3) Accreditation and Outcome Assessment – Model Curriculum Improve quality of the conference / journal / PhD?