Determining suitable programming language for the Bachelor of Technology (IT) curriculum Johnson Dehinbo Department of Web & Multimedia Applications, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa Abstract Various programming languages are being taught in tertiary institutions in South Africa leading to repetition. Also, there is a low pass rate for some of these languages. This study aims at identifying a suitable programming language. Previous studies have generally compared programming languages without reference to specific use. Also, some comparisons did not use various criteria with various methodologies. Survey and programming experimentation were used in this study. Questionnaires were administered to respondents using any of the four languages: C++, Java, Visual Basic, and Pascal in different study groups. For the experimentation the line of codes (LOC) for solutions to a given problem using each of the programming languages were determined. It was found that Pascal is simple to write for beginners, but not suitable for complex tasks. VB is found easy to use under pressure and has the smallest line of code (LOC) making it also easier to learn. C++ and Pascal also have reasonable LOC (8). Java however, has the longest LOC, making it more difficult for beginners to learn. Like VB, Java is found suitable for complex jobs and is considered very flexible. The study recommends C++, Java and VB, using a systematic combination to achieve the desired result. Keywords: Programming languages, teaching, curriculum, classroom 1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction The overall goal of this study is to determine a suitable programming language as part of the curriculum of the new Bachelor of Technology degree in Information Technology at tertiary institutions in South Africa. Adequate consideration need to be given to the choice of a programming language that will be easy to learn and use for first year students. This programming language should offer some prospects for future industrial use. This study aims to throw light in the choice of a programming language. The purpose is not to persuade users that one programming language is better than another but to assist users in making a more informed choice. The problem leading to the study Information Technology (IT) graduates need adequate knowledge of programming. There are various programming languages such as BASIC, FORTRAN, Pascal, C, C++, Visual Basic (VB) and Java, which are being taught in tertiary institutions. Vinoski (2004) indicates that the many languages and vendors from which one can choose does not make choosing the one that will best solve one’s problem an easy task. This is important in view of Sebesta’s (1996, p.2) statement that the depth at which we can think is influenced by the expressive power of the language in which we can communicate our thoughts. Sebesta (1996, p.3) further illustrates that the language in which programmers develop software places limits on the kinds of control structures, data structures, abstractions and algorithms they can construct. Kelleher and Pausch (2005) illustrate various systems that have been designed as a result of such barriers to programming. Similarly, Bishop (1999) mentions Trott (1997) stating that, "As time progresses, we see more and more new programming languages of all kinds appearing on the market". All aim to provide improved functionality. If the language used does not have the necessary features it will not be a good choice to use to teach programming concepts, and will reduce the quality of designed systems. It will also result in students taking longer to develop their programs, and time allocated for laboratory sessions is limited. Also, many programmers, when given a choice of languages for a new project, continue to use the language with which they are most familiar, even if it is poorly suited to the new project. It is therefore very important for student to be trained using a programming language that will be most suitable for their future tasks. This could be why Lim (2002) states that information systems / computer science departments must reexamine their curricula in order to prepare students to face the challenge of being productive in a computing world that is now swamped with programming technologies. Up to now, institutions teach various programming and scripting languages. These led to repetition and confusion being reported by students. Some students resorted to absenteeism, stating that they had learnt the concepts now being taught in other programming languages. However, they usually ended up failing such subjects. Coupled with the above is the poor performance of students in C++ as a subject in the former Technikon Northern Gauteng (now Tshwane University of Technology) in the last few years. Therefore, the second problem relates to the possibility of low levels of comprehension of programming by students. Especially for novice or beginning programmers, comprehension is very important (Lahtinen et al., 2005; Wiedenbeck, 1999). Low levels of comprehension could arise if it takes students a long time to comprehend the logic and syntax of programming language used. This is analogous to learning driving using manual car instead of automatic. Unfortunately, choosing a suitable programming language is not easy. Prechelt (2000) indicates that when it comes to the advantages and disadvantages of various programming languages, programmers and computer scientists alike usually hold strong opinions. Moreover, Apte et al. (2003) note that a study of existing literature showed varying conclusions about the superiority of one language over another. However, Wiedenbeck et al. (1999) indicates that analyzing programming languages, paradigms, and development platforms is still very important for understanding how different programming styles affect the learning of novice programmers. The research questions In line with the above, the study seeks to address the following research questions: > How could we choose a language that is easy to use and easy to learn for first year students? > How could we choose a programming language that is suitable for future complex tasks? Objectives of the study In order to answer the research questions, the objectives of the study in clear, measurable and achievable/manageable terms are: 1) Investigate related studies that compare similar programming languages and dynamic Web platforms. 2) Investigate the ease of use, ease of learning and suitability for complex tasks of the programming languages. 3) Establish experimentation for Computing the Line of Codes (LOC) for the selected programming languages. Importance and use of the study The study would enable tertiary institutions to offer a programming language that is easy for beginners to learn and of relevance and importance to current developments in Information Technology. In addition, Students, professionals, software organizations, Web application developers, researchers, in the development of their applications might benefit. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction The overall purpose of this section, according to Marshall and Rossman (1989), cited in Creswell (2003), is to relate the study to the larger ongoing dialogue in the literature. This fills gaps and extends prior studies. Previous comparisons without criteria Various previous studies have compared programming languages. However, most of these studies did not use any criterion as a basis for the comparisons. Kruse (2003) illustrates the differences in the strengths and weaknesses of Personal Home Page (PHP) and Java. Klopper (2003) compares Personal Home Page (PHP), Active Server Page (ASP) and Java Server Page (JSP) in terms of their advantages and architectures. Comparison must be based on a variety of factors supported by scientific facts and results. This is in line with Ashenfelter’s (1999, p.105) assertion that before analyzing tools, it is worth discussing how to evaluate them. Bishop and Hurter (1999) examine some of Java’s competitors, namely the Scripting languages: Tcl/Tk, Perl and Python, with the following results. Python incorporated the features of Modula-3 into its scripting syntax thus making it suitable for "programming in the large", unlike Tcl and Perl. Some of the distinguishing features of Python as reported by Bishop and Hurter (1999) include the fact that programs written in Python are typically much shorter than equivalent C or Java programs for several reasons. Also, the high-level dynamic data types allow you to express complex operations in a single statement. Moreover, statement grouping is done by indentation instead of begin-end brackets. Lastly, no variable or argument declarations are necessary. The comparisons in these studies are based on intuition rather than scientific facts. Scientific evidence is required to support this assertion. Other related studies emphasizing smaller codes In an empirical comparison of seven programming languages, Prechelt (2000) observed that designing and writing programs in the scripting languages, namely Perl, Python, Rexx or Tcl, takes no more than half as much time as writing it in C, C++, or Java. Moreover, the resulting program is only half as long. He therefore concluded that the scripting languages offer reasonable alternatives to other full programming languages, and they may offer significant advantages with respect to programmer productivity for reasonably small programs. Bishop and Hurter (1999) also confirmed that a Java version of a server program in Bishop (1998) is nearly four times as long as its Perl's version. This is assumed to make Java difficult to learn. The lesson learnt here is simply that platforms that enable programs with smaller Lines of Codes will be easier to learn, but this needs to be within the context of other relevant criteria based on scientific facts. Moreover, most studies that compare platforms concentrate on performance criteria (Vinoski, 2003) although some measure performance using various factors. In the next section, we will examine the move towards frameworks for performance comparisons. Towards frameworks for performance comparisons without Vinoski (2003) realizes that various comparisons of programming languages concentrate on performance comparisons. Renaud, Bishop, Lo, van Zyl and Worrall (2003) reported on some studies stating that various metrics can be used to measure performance of algorithms in distributed systems. These includes response or waiting time, synch delay, number of messages exchanged, throughput, communication delay, node fairness, Central Processing Unit (CPU) cycle usage, and memory usage. They however used response or waiting time. Cooper (2001) estimated the response time for Personal Home Page (PHP), Active Server Page (ASP), ColdFusion and Java Server Page (JSP), with ColdFussion having the best performance. In comparing the performance of Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), Active Server Pages (ASP) and PHP, Dehinbo (2005) also found PHP having the best performance. Marshak and Levy (2003, p.3) also evaluated platforms only in terms of user-perceived latency. It should be pointed out however, that performance has somehow been overemphasized in various studies. This view is shared by researchers such as Vinoski (2003), who agrees that a suitable framework for comparison should involve other relevant factors. Vinoski (2003) explains that people check only those qualities that are easily measurable, such as performance. He goes on to say that an interesting side effect of this is that it has unintentionally led many programming language users to presume that “high performance” is the same as “high quality”. Meanwhile, such works could be entirely meaningless, depending on the nature of your application. The need for criteria in comparisons Various comparisons of programming languages and Web-based platforms have been made in the past. Some of these studies propose the use of a combination of two or more factors for their comparisons. Although Van Hoff (1997) evaluates only Java as a programming language, he evaluates it in terms of simplicity, familiarity, and object-oriented features with more emphasis on single inheritance. Hartman (2001) examines some tools for developing dynamic Web sites, namely ASP, PHP and ASP.NET. He mentions that one factor that complicates choosing a scripting environment is the issue of culture among developers. He believes this has a lot to do with the ideological camps to which they belong, such as Java versus PHP. He mentions very few developers are equally willing to work in both camps, or who can talk about "the other" technology without a trace of disdain. According to Hartman (2001), the second factor that complicates choosing a scripting environment is the future scalability and functional requirements. Hartman’s study arrived at these conclusions; ASP is a commercial technology while PHP is an open-source technology. ASP is somewhat easier to learn whereas PHP enhances flexibility. Moreover, ASP is limited to IIS/PWS on Windows while PHP runs on a multitude of servers and platforms. In terms of the comparison, it is important to note that Hartman (2001) uses terminology or factors such as perception of developers, performance and efficiency of platforms, ease of learning, and cost and scalability of the platforms. These factors are not, however, exhaustively investigated. In a study comparing the performance of programming platforms for generating dynamic Web content, Cecchet et al. (2003) evaluate three dynamic Web platforms, namely PHP, Java Servlets and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB). It was found that EJB had higher latency values (worse performance) than that both PHP and Java Servlets, while Java Servlets had higher latency values than PHP which has lowest latency giving best performance out the three (Cecchet et al., 2003). In terms of ease of development, Cecchet et al. (2003) explain that PHP scripts are easy to write because they can be seen as an extension of the HTML language that embeds code directly into an HTML page. However, they voice the concern that the database interfaces of PHP are ad hoc and code maintenance for database is awkward as new code must be written for each new database access. Thus, Cecchet et al. (2003) evaluated platforms in terms of performance and ease of development. Their focus however is not aimed specifically at determining suitability based on specific use, such as teaching specified concepts. Moreover, they compared EJB along with other non-EJB architectures. Therefore, Cecchet et al. (2003) did not compare platforms with similar architectures, as EJB’s architecture is more specialized than that of PHP and Java Servlets. Summary Choosing the appropriate tool should involve exhaustive evaluations of various options based on various relevant criteria that are backed by scientific facts and results. Some previous comparisons are based on intuition, while others use some criteria. In some cases, the recommended criteria have not been exhaustively tested. Other comparisons were not aimed at a specific need. This study fills this gap in the body of knowledge by being unique in the following ways: This study does not agree that it is sufficient to list the advantages and strengths of each programming language. Rather, the advantages and strengths of each programming language should be examined and ranked in the light of certain desired qualities relevant to that specific use. Most importantly, this study attempts to solve the research problems using survey and experimentation, thereby providing scientific evidence and exploiting the strengths of both methodologies. 3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This study uses a combination of two different approaches to obtain the data. According Dix et al. (1998, p.440), the best way to find out how a system meets users' requirements is to “ask the user”. Therefore, survey will be used in this study. This will be supplemented with a programming experimentation which in line with McMillan and Schumacher (2001, p.32), will involve manipulating an algorithm by implementing it using the syntax of selected languages. Programming Experimentation For the experimental part, respondents were given a small problem to be solved using each of the programming languages; C++, Java, Visual Basic, and Pascal. The Line of Codes (LOC) for each solution in each language was measured. Establishing validity and reliability of the experimentation: It is important that a measuring scale or instrument be consistent and reliable. It should produce more or less the same accurate results every time it is applied, even by different persons (Coertze & Heath, 1997, p.78). To increase the validity of this experimentation, all inactive command statements are removed from the programs. Scope and assumption of the experimentation: The programming for the experimentation will be limited to simple programming. It is assumed that most respondents would be able to write program to answer such question. Survey The stratified survey approach was used. The questionnaires contain closed questions. This is necessary in order to solicit information including: ease of learning, ease of use under pressure, suitability for complex jobs, problems commonly encountered, programming language preferences, flexibility and efficiency. Population: The population for the survey is all programmers and students using the four programming languages in their works and studies. Due to financial and time constraints, this was limited to respondents in software organizations within the economically vibrant Gauteng region as well as web lecturers, programmers, researchers in major higher institutions in the Gauteng region in South Africa. At an estimated value of 3 programmers per organization, and 100 software organizations in the Gauteng region, we have about 300 subjects. At an estimated value of 20 lecturers per institution, and 25 higher institutions in the region, we have about 250 subjects in South African higher institutions. These give a total of about 800 subjects. The intended population is stratified into 8 groups consisting of the group of students and the group of experienced programmers currently using C++, Java, Visual Basic and Pascal. This is necessary in order to have an adequate representation of students and experienced users of the various programming languages. Sampling method: As stated by Corbetta (2003, p.211), sampling should enable the results obtained by studying the sample to be extrapolated to the whole population. The population is divided into strata and samples taken by randomly administering questionnaires to respondents in major tertiary institutions and industries in the Gauteng region. According to Corbetta (2003:216), for a 95% confidence level, a population size of about 800 requires a sample size of 120. Therefore a sample size of about 100 to 120 would suffice. Data collection: A total of 160 questionnaires were distributed. In all, a total of 110 questionnaires were duly completed and returned. Questionnaire’s measuring scale: Dhyani et al.(2002) states that when one can measure what one is speaking about, and express it in numbers, one has demonstrated tangible knowledge about it. Therefore, using close-ended questions, the measuring tool will have values on a scale of 1 to 5. Establishing reliability and validity of the survey: The research assistants were trained before starting to collect data. The questionnaire was piloted on computer lecturing staff, to ensure it is clear and unambiguous. Sampling groups were chosen to include both the practicing programmers and learners. The study was concluded within the time frame of 6 months as information obtained after such period may no longer be valid due to technological changes. Scope of the survey: The sampling groups were chosen to include respondents from the Pretoria, Midrand, Sandton and Johannesburg areas. These areas form a significant part of the IT driving hub in South Africa. Overall analysis to achieve the result The average scores for the responses will be obtained for each of the questions in the survey, as well as the score assigned in the experimentation. The language with the highest total score is selected. 4. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS The survey results are first presented. This is followed by the results for the experimentation to estimate the Line of Code (LOC) for a simple programming exercise written in the various languages. To obtain a clearer picture of the responses, the scaling system is grouped. The information is then presented in the form of bar charts as given below: Ease of Learning From Figure 1 below, we can see that a total of 95 respondents indicate VB to be either very easy, relatively easy or okay to learn as compared to 75 responses for each of C++ and Java. This is probably true because VB has the "drag and drop program generating" facility in which you simply drag an object such as a Combo box unto the desktop, and VB then translate to equivalent program codes. Pascal however, tops in the “Don’t know + No response” bar. This could be due to the fact that it is outdated by now and so only few people know about it. Ease of use under pressure From Figure 2 below, more respondents (90) indicate VB to be easier to use under pressure, followed by Java and then C++. This is due to the “drag and drop facility” in VB as well as the windows development environment for both VB and Java which, in addition, also has Microsoft Disk Operating Systems (MSDOS) executing modes. Pascal however runs mostly from the MSDOS prompt. Suitability for complex jobs From Figure 3 below, 90 respondents indicate VB to be best suitable for complex jobs, followed by Java and then C++. This is due to the fact that VB and Java can connect to other software tools like internet web pages and databases via javascript, servlets, and middlewares. Again, Pascal is considered less suitable for complex jobs, as those new tools were not yet available when Pascal came to being. Overall rating for the languages From Figure 4 below, C++ and Visual Basic are considered to be equally best by 80 respondents. Java comes next with 70 responses, probably due to the fact that in comparison with the other programming languages, it is newly being introduced in most schools and in the industry. With respect to the overall rating above, here again Pascal is rated the lowest as a programming language. Line of Code (LOC) estimation From the completed questionnaires, the line of code was estimated for each programming language’s solution to the given problem. The minimum line of code for each solution is given below: Java: LOC = 10 import java.lancs.*; public class CalculateArea {public static void main (String[]args)throws Exception {int length, breath; BasicIo.prompt("PLEASE ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE AREA"); length=BasicIo.readInteger(); BasicIo.prompt("PLEASE ENTER THE BREATH OF THE AREA"); breath=BasicIo.readInteger(); System.out.println("THE AREA OF RECTANGLE =" + length * breath + "|"); }//end of method main }//end of class CalculateArea VB: LOC = 8 Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() Dim intLength As Integer, intbreadth As Integer Dim lngArea As Long intLength = Val(txtLength.Text) intbreadth = Val(txtBreadth.Text) lngArea = intLength * intbreadth txtarea.Text = lngArea End Sub C++: LOC = 9 #include main () { int length, breadth; cout << “Enter length of triangle”; cin >> length; cout << “Enter breadth of triangle”; cin >> breadth; cout << “The area of the triangle is “<< length * breadth<