Using the National Collegiate Conference as a focal point for an AITP student chapter’s annual activities Johnny Snyder Gayla Jo Slauson Bill Jackson Telicia Chaffin Department of Business- Computer Information Systems Mesa State College 1100 North Ave Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 USA Abstract Getting students to participate in out-of-class activities seems to be increasingly difficult in the 21st century due to their combination of work schedules, family responsibilities, and apathy. This paper addresses how one Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) student chapter uses the NCC as a focal point for generating interest in club activities and incorporates out-of-class learning experiences for the student members into the monthly meetings to enhance their educational experience. Also addressed are the curriculum enhancements that facilitate the out-of-class learning experiences, the monthly meetings and an annual calendar for planning purposes. Keywords: student clubs, Association of Information Technology Professionals, out-of-class learning experience 1. INTRODUCTION Although thousands of students, faculty sponsors, exhibitors and guests have participated in the National Collegiate Conference (NCC) throughout the years (731 attendees in 2007, 820 attendees in 2006, 729 attendees in 2005 and a record 865 attendees in 2001), (AITP 11th, 2006) there has been an absence in the literature about the planning and training by student chapters that occurs each year in preparation for the conference and how these experiences can benefit the learning environment. There are, however, articles that compare student involvement to motivation and relate persistence in college to student involvement. (Astin, 1999) One of the goals of this paper is to illustrate how student involvement can be built throughout the year by establishing the NCC as the culmination of year-long activities. This involvement begins with the last student chapter meeting of the academic year and continues throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. This building process involves a partnership between faculty, students, and the institution, and can be considered a learning community or a collaborative learning environment (Barros & Verdejo, 2000). The learning community surrounding the AITP student chapter can also address the growth of the student members through the three theories of pedagogy as described in Astin (1999): * The Subject-Matter Theory (SMT) – This is the theory that students learn best when exposed to the right subject matter, presented by an expert (the faculty member or a working professional). This can be addressed in monthly chapter meetings by incorporating educational components into the meetings. This component can be presented by a faculty member, a student member, or a guest speaker. These presentations can allow the faculty to explore educational issues or topics that might not appear in the classroom, but are germane to the study of information systems. The students benefit by exploring and presenting topics of interest to them in a non-threatening (not graded) environment, re-enforcing or enhancing their research and presentation skills. Students also benefit by listening to working professionals who can guide and advise the students on what to expect upon their entrance into the workforce. * The Resource Theory (RT) – This theory maintains that when enough resources are brought together in one place student learning and development will occur. This can be facilitated when students and faculty (the two most critical resources in a learning environment) interact in a less formal environment than the classroom. With limited resources (as in most student clubs) creativity is crucial. Faculty mentoring for competitions, brown bag seminars and study sessions, and student led discussions all contribute to the overall success of the student club’s preparation for the NCC. These interactions also provide ways to decrease the student/faculty ratio, a popular metric for measuring higher education. * The Individualized (Eclectic) Theory (IET) – This approach emphasizes elective learning (rather than required coursework) by the student. The NCC as a focal point enables the student to select area(s) of interest in which to prepare and compete. Attending the NCC as well as regional meetings of the AITP further enhances the individual development of the student in arenas such as networking and affords an environment for employment counseling and individual research. While these theories may be expensive to implement, they cost primarily time – admittedly the ultimate resource! Beyond the pedagogical theories of Astin (1999), Evans, Evans and Sherman (2001) present the seven keys to a successful student chapter (of the American Society of Civil Engineers). These keys transcend disciplines and give general guidelines for interacting with student (professional) groups. The keys, along with ideas for implementation are given in Table 1. Keys Ideas to achieve the keys Motivated students Faculty identification of motivated students Student members solicit interested individuals Institutional support Meeting rooms Financial support for activities Proactive advisor Faculty interest Rotating position among faculty Dedicated alumni support group Previous AITP members assisting with presentations, competitions Graduates presenting at monthly meetings Good ties to local professionals Invite IT professionals to give talks at monthly meetings Solicit IT tours from working professionals Good ties to local professional organizations Attendance at sponsoring AITP chapter meetings Networking at AITP chapter meetings Receptive community Provide a service to the college/community Participate in community activities as volunteers Table 1 The seven keys to student chapter success (Evans, et al., 2001) The most important “keys” in Table 1 are the motivated students and the proactive advisor(s). With these two components in place, the theories of Astin (1999) can be addressed via a number of channels. Methods to motivate the AITP student members include establishing an annual theme, timing of curriculum presentation to best align with student interest in the NCC competitions, holding monthly meetings, fundraising efforts for conference attendance, and organizing practice sessions for conference competitions. 2. THE ORGANIZATIONS Association of Information Technology Professionals The professional organization that sponsors student chapters and organizes the National Collegiate Conference is the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP). The AITP has been in existence since 1951 under various names (National Machine Accountants Association from 1951 – 1962, Data Processing Management Association from 1962 – 1996 and AITP from 1996 – present) according to the introduction and evolution of computing and information technology in the workplace (About AITP, 2007). AITP members’ professional responsibilities can include mentoring for student chapters, speaking for student chapters, or giving tours of their IT shops for members of student chapters in their area (Student Chapter Operations Handbook, 2006). Utilization of the expertise of professional members or other working professionals enhances the learning environment for the students and faculty sponsor(s). These interactions also address the SMT and RT of Astin (1999) in that the working professional is an expert in the field and the AITP generally provides a more individualized setting for the students who have opportunities to interact personally with the speaker. The National Collegiate Conference The NCC has been in existence since 1996 with its inaugural event in Corpus Christi, Texas (AITP National, 2007). Since its inception, it has grown in the number of attendees, sponsors, and competitions (AITP 11th, 2007; AITP NCC, 2007). The existing, new and redesigned competitions can be seen in Table 2. Time Competition BYOC Thu 7-12am Visual Communications (New!) Yes Thu 7-11pm MS Office Solutions (New!) Yes Fri 9am-1pm PC Troubleshooting Qualifying Round Yes Fri 9am - 1pm Systems Analysis & Design Yes Fri  2-6pm Database Design Yes Fri  2-6pm Network Design Yes Fri  6:30-11:30pm Application Development (New!) Yes Sat 8:30-11:30am Business Intelligence (New!) Yes Sat 8:30-11:30am PC Troubleshooting Finals! No Sat 8:30-11:30am Student Papers   Sat 1:30-3:00pm Student Web Project Presentations   Sat 3:30-5:00pm Graduate Project Presentations Yes Fri-Sat AITP Student Chapter Banner Contest Display by Fri 7:30am Judging: Sat 11am-1pm   Table 2 The competition list for the 2007 NCC Note: BYOC = Bring Your Own Computer (AITP NCC, 2007) These contests reflect the evolution of the field of information technology and enable the students to select competitions that align with their personal and professional interests. With the evolving selection of competitions, the NCC is supporting the IET of Astin (1999) by enabling the students to select which competitions they participate in based upon their strengths or interests. 3. PLANNING THE ANNUAL ACTIVITIES The planning phase sets the tone of the chapter’s activities for the entire year and should be carefully considered and designed. The key elements to incorporate into the design are: * Student interest in competitions * An annual theme for the educational component of the monthly meetings * Speakers for monthly meetings (in addition to the themed discussions) * Facility tours of local IT departments * Competition practice sessions * The Annual Timeline Other elements may be added to the annual agenda or monthly meetings as interest by the membership is observed. The faculty sponsor(s) can gauge this interest via discussions with student members or officers of the student chapter. Student Interest in Competitions Student interest in competitions can be determined by conducting an informal poll of student members toward the end of the academic year. This also instills in the student the idea that they might be competing in an event in the near future and can be an opportunity for learning in an informal environment (suggested readings, software skills updates, advising for classes to consider for fall semester). From this list, the faculty advisor can, with the assistance of the incoming officers, begin to set the agenda and theme for the coming academic year. Selecting a Theme for the Educational Component A theme for the year gives the faculty sponsors something to build on – a focal point for out-of-class educational experiences. From this focal point many ideas for talks, group activities, and student oriented research can emerge. The selection of an annual theme can be done jointly between the faculty sponsors and the student chapter members, or it can be a research area of the faculty sponsor. Either way, the faculty sponsor assumes the lead in coordinating events (presentations, guest speakers, tours, competitions) that engage the students in the annual theme. Speakers for Monthly Meetings Having outside presenters for the student chapter is critical. Not only do the speakers bring an added dimension and different perspectives to the meetings, often they contribute to both the educational component of the meeting (the themed discussion/presentation) and reinforce theory that has been presented in the classroom. The connection can go farther and lead to facility tours, student internships, or mentoring activities between the working professional and the student group. Facility Tours Facility tours are fun for the whole group. Students get to see an inside view of an IT department and inquire as to the workings of the department. The faculty have an opportunity to meet and network with an IT professional in the local area. Again, the benefits can lead to presentations, internships, or mentoring activities beneficial to the students. Competition Practice Sessions The competition practice sessions are a key element to sending a well-prepared team to compete in NCC competitions. Some competitions (web design, student paper) have timelines and deadlines already imposed and should be ongoing efforts between the faculty mentor(s) and the student(s) involved. Other competition practice sessions need to have a set schedule so that students can prepare to attend and participate in the competitions. (see Appendix A) Establishing a regular meeting time and place along with an educationally healthy environment, replete with teamwork, a sense of accomplishment, and prepared students, can lead to successful practice sessions and apply the subject matter theory of pedagogy. Annual Timeline An annual timeline is presented for planning purposes and to facilitate communication between chapter members, faculty sponsors and other interested parties. Many of the activities could be accomplished with the help of the chapter’s executive committee members who are still in town over the summer and immediately preceding the fall semester. * May – end of semester o Student chapter elections o Informal survey of student interests for NCC o Advising toward classes that could help prepare the students for their competitions (for returning students) o End of year picnic * June - July o Email student members to keep in contact o Develop monthly meeting brochure (see appendix B) o Confirm interest in NCC competitions o Discuss advising issues pertinent to NCC events (for new students) * August o Set meeting dates o Solicit speakers from among: * Student members * Faculty * AITP professional members * Local IT community o Establish “theme” for academic year (last chance!) o Host table at student club fair to advertise the AITP student chapter o Present club to information systems classes for member recruitment o Monthly meeting and computer hero night (a fundraising activity discussed later in the paper) - occurring on different nights * September o Solicit IT classes for interest in AITP * Inform classes of AITP * Inform classes of monthly meeting o Distribute brochures at club fairs o Monthly meeting and computer hero night * October o Solidify interest in NCC competitions * Begin team formation for team competitions o Build database of students and NCC competitions o Monthly meeting and computer hero night * November o Begin discussion on NCC competition practice sessions o Monthly meeting and computer hero night * December o Identify/solicit student competitors for: * Paper competition * Competitions involving theory from fall semester classes * Database * Networking * Systems Analysis and Design o Solicit faculty to assist in NCC training/practice sessions o Holiday party o Monthly meeting and computer hero night * January o Discuss new or changed competitions o Begin practice sessions * Thursday Brown Bag PC Troubleshooting * Individualized training by faculty members o Present club to information systems classes for member recruitment o Plan/coordinate travel arrangements for NCC o Monthly meeting and computer hero night * February o Continue with practice sessions o Monthly meeting and computer hero night * March o Continue with practice sessions o NCC competition!! o Monthly meeting and computer hero night * April o NCC wrap-up o Generate interest in students for next year’s officers o Monthly meeting and computer hero night 4. MONTHLY MEETINGS The monthly meetings are a time to come together and discuss chapter business as well as interact with other student members, faculty, and invited guests. A component of most of the meetings “shall be instructive” (AITP Model Bylaws, 2000, p.9) which can provide informal, out of the classroom learning experiences. The informal nature of the meetings also facilitates participation by student members in presenting talks or giving reports. This aids the instructional component of the meetings as well as addressing the three pedagogical theories of Astin (1999) for the group. There are usually snacks and drinks provided by the student chapter to support the informal nature of the meeting. The Business Component The business component of the monthly meetings should include reports on chapter activities. This component should be brief and focus on fundraising efforts, chapter news, and announcements concerning future activities. This component can also be used for any committee reports from the committee chair. The Board of Directors of the student chapter can establish committees and staff those committees (AITP Model Bylaws, 2000). This is another learning component of the student chapter, the opportunity for students to work with or lead a team and to give public presentations (committee reports). Currently, skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication and decision making still rank high in employer requirements of new employees (Case, 2006; North & Holland-Minkley, 2006; Caspo & Featheringham, 2005), and merit as much practice as possible on the part of the student. The Educational Component The educational component of the meeting should be fun as well, following the annual theme. Generally, faculty-student interactions take place in the classroom utilizing a structured environment. The department that sponsors this student chapter follows the IS2002 curriculum model set forth by the ACM, AIS and AITP (IS2002, 2002). This model is prescriptive in its assignment of core classes and forms the structure for the classroom environment, but also recognizes that “all aspects of the computing field are facing rapid, continuous change. As a result university level Information Systems (IS) curricula need frequent updating to remain effective” (IS2002, 2002, p. iii). These core classes are illustrated in Table 3. IS2002 Course Title IS 2002.P0 Personal Productivity with IS Technology Is 2002.1 Fundamentals of Information Systems IS 2002.2 E-Business Strategy, Architecture and Design IS 2002.3 Information Systems Theory and Practice IS 2002.4 IT Hardware and System Software IS 2002.5 Programming, Data File and Object Structures IS 2002.6 Networks and Telecommunication IS 2002.7 Analysis and LogicalDesign IS 2002.8 Physical Design and Implementation with DBMS IS 2002.9 Physical Design and Implementation with Emerging Environments IS 2002.10 Project Management and Practice Table 3 The IS 2002 Core Classes (IS2002, 2002) Continuing with the curriculum guidelines, the ACM, AIS and IEEE-CS have published the Computing Curricula 2005 (2005) and the Computing Curricula Information Technology Volume (2005). These both address core areas of an IT curriculum, and also state that there are “pervasive themes” that can be woven throughout the curriculum (Computing Curricula Information Technology Volume, 2005). These documents survey experts in the field to determine the knowledge areas necessary in a 21st century IT or IS curriculum (Computing Curricula, 2005). In both of these lists are commonalities that could yield the annual theme for a student chapter. Some of these knowledge areas are given as: * Human Computer Interaction * Legal and Ethical Issues in Computing * User Interface Design * Computer and Data Security This list could also incorporate professionalism, interpersonal skills or communication – all issues that can be addressed in a venue such as an AITP student chapter. It should also be noted that incorporation of these themes into the annual plan can be helpful in updating the knowledge and skill set of the faculty members involved. The Annual Theme The annual theme sets the stage for the educational component of the monthly meetings and may involve faculty interests, student interest and participation or real world problems and solutions. There are many benefits to the establishment and exploration of an annual theme and the educational component of AITP student chapter meetings. The annual theme can revolve around issues and topics not found in the curriculum model or be directed toward theories found in the NCC competitions (see Table 2). A trip to the college library yielded the educational theme for this chapter for the academic year. Upon selecting the appropriate set of instructions (paper copy) for renewing library materials online, the renewal process was attempted. Working remotely and following the directions explicitly, errors in the process were encountered. Advertised buttons and text boxes were not present, login instructions were incomplete and page directions were misleading. The theme for the educational component of the monthly meetings began to emerge as “usability.” Not only was this a contemporary topic of interest in the information systems community, but one that is not incorporated (explicitly) into the series of courses offered for the CIS degree which follows a national curriculum model, IS2002 (2002). As usability is an emerging concern among information technology workers (references) this gave the faculty sponsor a framework to incorporate out of class learning experiences into the chapter’s monthly meetings (satisfying one requirement of the bylaws – reference) In an effort to be non-offensive to the library staff, an inquiry was posed to the library director. The inquiry went something like this: “the directions for online renewals seem slightly misleading…would you mind if this was used as an example of bad usability for library patrons? In the process, a new, more accurate form will be produced for the library’s use.” The director had no objections and went on to state “Let me show you our real problem. Perhaps you could address this as well.” Thus, not only did this solidify usability as the annual theme, but two projects suddenly emerged for the student group to tackle during the Fall semester. By means of the usability theme, projects, challenges, and competitions can be built around the theme to engage the students. As mentioned above, two usability issues from the college library had been identified and will be used for chapter presentations, challenges and discussions. The first usability exercise occurred in the September meeting. This involved defining usability for the students and presenting some examples of good and bad usability. The exercise came in when the library directions were followed (a live example) in an attempt to renew checked out materials online. These directions are given in Figure 1. On-line Renewals Go to the home page- click on Library- click on find a book On the left hand side, go to view your record- click on that Type in your name- 408# Then a field icon will come on with Item Checked Out on the upper right hand side of the page- select Renew All or Selected Items. If Selected Items- Highlight the little box to the left- then enter and log off. Remember: One renewal on books but none on the media. Also, if it has been renewed once whether through the circulation desk or the computer it WILL NOT be renewed again. Figure 1 The online renewal form before usability exercise During the demonstration a number of errors were encountered with the form. It was pointed out to the students that novice users might have difficulty following these instructions and in accomplishing “work-arounds” to complete the task. The students were then invited to discuss why users might have trouble with the online renewal form as it stands. Items such as terminology, location of buttons, missing instructions, and user frustration were posited as potential problems that could hinder the user from task completion. The faculty presenting then posed the challenge to the student chapter to “build a better online renewal form” and discuss the result at the next meeting. What came out of that meeting is given in Figure 2. Online Library Renewals 1. Go to the State College home page and click on “Library” in the right hand navigation column. 2. Click on the “Find Books, Videos, etc.” link. 3. In the Library Links column (right column) click on the “View Your Record” link. 4. In the text boxes type in a. your name b. your library number (located on the bottom of your student ID card) click the submit button 5. In the blue links box, click on the first link that states “n items checked out,” where n is the number of items you have checked out. 6. In the renew column (left hand column) of the blue “items checked out” table, use the check boxes to select the items you want to renew (or use the renew all button if you wish to renew all checked out items). 7. Click the “Renew Selected Items” button. 8. Make sure your new status (due date) is correct in the fourth column in the items checked out table. 9. That’s it! Click the Logout button in the upper left hand portion of the screen to finish. Thank-you for using the online renewal process at State College. Note: One renewal on books, none on other media! Figure 2 The online renewal form after usability exercise While the usability exercise was informative and fun, the true problem that faced the library, in terms of end user satisfaction, is given in Figure 3 at the end of the paper. The problem with the library’s page in Figure 3 is that remote users (remote is not defined – problem 1) do not log in using the Remote Access button in the northeast corner of the page, because they do not understand what it is for. Instead, the users select an index or a database and are taken to a database’s login page for which they do not have a username and password to gain access. These databases are proprietary and users need to authenticate before being allowed access (on campus users are automatically authenticated). This, according to the library’s director, is the number one complaint fielded by the reference librarians. As such, the reference librarians are taken away from their normal duties and are effectively a “help desk” service for off campus students (AKA frustrated users) attempting to access an index or a database. The October meeting addressed usability issues surrounding the library’s web page problem. Ideas from eye-tracking studies (Ruel & Outing, n.d.; Russell, 2005) and usability theory (Nielsen, 1993; Nielsen, 1999) were presented to the group for discussion and comparison with the library’s problem web page. At the end of the discussion a “usability challenge” was presented to the student chapter. The challenge was to redesign the page in Figure 3 to solve the users’ and thus the library’s problem. Students who chose to participate in the competition submitted their designs to the faculty member who posed the challenge. These designs were then presented to the chapter members (the designs were identified by number only) at the next monthly meeting who voted on their favorite design solution – using a Borda Count voting method – to determine the winner. There were four mock-ups submitted for consideration by the student chapter. All four designs had a common feature in that the designers moved the remote access icon to the left hand side of the page, where most users begin their scan of a web page (Ruel & Outing, n.d.; Russell, 2005). In addition, the four designs had a selection criterion for the distinction between on-campus and off-campus users (on-campus users do not need to authenticate). An example of what the designs looked like is given in Figure 4 at the end of the paper. After the competition, a presentation was given to the library’s web services committee as to the findings of the student chapter and their proposed solution. The proposed solutions were received well and ideas from the solutions were implemented in the web page as shown in Figure 5 at the end of the paper. These types of activities hone the students’ thought processes about competitions such as web design and engage them in areas that they find fascinating and would like to do more research on (undergraduate student paper competition). The library director has reported a decrease in the number of calls to the reference desk as a result of the redesigned page. Currently, users are experiencing another difficulty, that of finding their library user number…and so the system analysis and design cycle comes around again! The Fun Component There are many fun and interesting subjects in the world of information technology and related areas of study. This is attributed to the interactions of social theory, psychology, usability, computer science, mathematics and other fields that contribute to the study of information systems. One of the fun items that was brought to an AITP student chapter meeting and incorporated into one of the competitions was that of voting theory. As mentioned in the previous section, four design proposals were put forth by the student chapter members. However, with more than two choices, a “majority wins” vote will not always work. In fact, the vote came out as: (report vote results here and illustrate that majority would not have worked). Thus, a discussion of voting theory, including Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem and voting methods such as Borda Count, Pairwise Comparisons, Plurality and Plurality with Elimination methods ensued (Tannenbaum & Arnold, 1998). After the discussion, ballots were passed out and the voting began using a preference ballot to rank the choices. Since the discussion on voting theory, the student chapter members have used alternative voting methods to make decisions such as where and when to have their annual Christmas gathering! The usage of these tools is an indicator that the students do enjoy these out of class learning experiences. Many ideas from mathematics, psychology, sociology, or computer science are applicable for a monthly meeting talk. 5. FUNDRAISING Fundraising for a school approved student trip is always an adventure in itself. At State College, the students attempted bake sales and garage sales with limited success. The student government also funds student clubs and activities, but is not a consistent source of funds. As such, the students’ took it upon themselves to establish the “Computer Hero Program” (see Appendix C) where members of the student chapter of the AITP attempt to repair (both hardware and software) other students and community members’ computers. The students advertised and hosted monthly (and by appointment) computer repair sessions where the public could bring their computers for servicing. If the students were unable to fix the problem, no donations were expected, but if the computer could be repaired, a donation was expected (and usually received). Some of the types of problems encountered by the students are listed in Table 4. Hardware Problems Software Problems drive failures Vista support drivers wireless card failures data recovery modem failures Office 2007 conversion power supply problems software incompatibility Usability Problems Installation Vista training network access MSOffice training hardware selection new computer training software selection Table 4 Examples of problems encountered at the Computer Hero Program This program also helped the students to train for the PC Troubleshooting Competition at the NCC. 6. CONCLUSIONS Being creative and flexible are two of the elements necessary for success in using the NCC as a focal point for an AITP student chapters’ annual activities. The correct mix of faculty and student interest is key in achieving success and out of the classroom learning experiences for both the students and the faculty (Evans et al., 2001). The NCC’s flexibility in establishing and evolving competitions to fit current trends in industry enables alignment of the AITP’s educational mission for student chapters to support the pedagogical theories of Astin (1999), facilitating multiple learning behaviors and educational interests to be addressed. While not all student chapter members can attend the NCC, all student members can benefit from the lectures, leadership opportunities, competition preparations, and camaraderie. While the NCC competitions drive the students toward their year end goal of competing, the annual theme can focus the chapter and provide many dimensions of educational experiences to emerge over the course of the year. By providing this supportive environment, the AITP student chapter enables their members to practice many skills needed in the corporate environment, to participate in competitions of interest to them and to learn and grow in areas beyond the curriculum. The end result is the training of well-rounded information technology professionals ready to enter the workforce. 7. REFERENCES About AITP (2007). History. Retrieved February 3, 2007 from: AITP 11th Annual National Collegiate Conference (2006). Highlights and winners circle. Retrieved February 3, 2007 from: AITP Model Bylaws for Student Chapters (2000). Retrieved April 9, 2007 from: AITP National Collegiate Conference (2007). History. Retrieved February 3, 2007 from: AITP NCC Contest Events 2007 (2007). Home. Retrieved February 3, 2007 from: Astin, A. (1999). “Student involvement: a developmental theory for higher education.” Journal of College Student Development, 40(5), 518-529. Barros, B. & Verdejo, F. (2000). “Analysing student interaction processes in order to improve collaboration.” The DEGREE approach. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 11, 221-241. Case, C. (2006). “Preparing IS students with effective team skills.” Issues in Information Systems, VIII(1), 72-76. Caspo, N. & Featheringham, R. (2005). “Communication skills used by information systems graduates.” Issues in Information Systems, VI(1), 311-317. Computing Curricula 2005 (2005). Retrieved April 3, 2007 from: Computing Curricula Information Technology Volume (2005). Retrieved April 3, 2007 from: Evans, M., Evans, D. & Sherman, L. (2001). “Seven keys to a successful ASCE student chapter or club: guide for student leaders and faculty advisors.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 127(2), 65-74. IS2002 (2002). Model curriculum and guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in information systems. Retrieved June 12, 2005 from: Nielsen, J. (1993). Usability Engineering. New York, NY: Morgan Kaufmann. Nielsen, J. (1999). Designing web usability the practice of simplicity. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders Publishing. North, M. & Holland-Minkley, A. (2006). “Innovation in the IT curriculum: A case study in information technology leadership.” Issues in Information Systems, VIII(1), 294-298. Ruel, L. & Outing, S. (n.d.). Viewing patterns for homepages. Retrieved November 6, 2005 from: Russell, M. (2005). Using eye-tracking data to understand first impressions of a website. Usability News 7.1. Retrieved September 21, 2005 from: Student Chapter Operations Handbook (2006). Retrieved August 3, 2006 from: Tannenbaum, P. & Arnold, R. (1998). Excursions in modern mathematics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Figure 3 The library’s indexes and databases page Figure 4 A typical solution to the indexes and databases usability problem Figure 5 The library’s re-designed page Appendix A – Student Competitions, Students and Faculty Mentor Assignments for Scheduling Practice Sessions 2007 State College AITP NCC Competitors       PC Trouble Shooting Paper Competition Database design       Student BG Student TC Student TC Student BJ Student SC Student SC Student JH Student CS Student JH Student TC   Student LB     Student KK Faculty JS Faculty DC   Thursday Brown Bag Sessions Faculty JS Faculty DC       Network Design System Analysis and Design Web Page Competition       Student KK cancelled - lack of student interest Student BJ Student BG   Student JH             Faculty CG   Faculty JS     Faculty MW       MS Office Solutions Visual Communications ICCP       Student LB Student CS Student SC Student CS   Student CH Student KK           Faculty GS Faculty JS         Appendix B The National Collegiate Conference is AITP’s grand finale for the academic year. The location is different each year, but the competitions, camaraderie and networking opportunities are always exciting. Networking in the vendor area Information about past conferences, activities slated for the upcoming conference and information about the competitions can be found at: Detroit, Michigan welcomes the NCC in spring 2007. SC Conference Attendees in Dallas, Spring Semester 2006 information concerning our MBA Program, please visit our website at or call 970.248.1778. We look forward to you joining the MBA program at Mesa State College. All Aboard Productions College Building Meeting your publication needs. State College Anywhere, USA 88666 Phone: (000) 555-1212 E-mail: State College AITP Student Chapter #00000 Meeting Dates 2006—2007 The student chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals at State College is dedicated to providing a fun and educational experience for its members. Activities of the chapter include: * monthly meetings with guest speakers from industry * presentations by students and faculty on interesting topics in information systems * Computer Heroes program where chapter members troubleshoot computers brought in by frustrated users (third Tuesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. in College Building) * volunteer opportunities to help community organizations * networking with our sponsor chapter, the AITP Chapter in Wherever, USA * practice for competitions at the National Collegiate Conference o poster competition o paper competition o network design o web design o ICCP exams o PC trouble shooting o database design Meeting Information 5:00 p.m. College Building Refreshments Served! FALL SEMESTER September 11— Presentation by , AITP President on the national meeting and opportunities for student members to attend and compete in contests. Usability exercise by Faculty J.S. October 9— Guest speaker Mr. Guest from Major Solutions Software. Usability challenge by Faculty J.S. November 13— Student A, chapter member, speaks to the group about pod casting and its uses in an academic environment Usability challenge presentations, voting, and results by Faculty J.S. December 4— Field trip to Big Hospital, tour of IT department with Bill Parin. Poster design competition announced by Faculty J.S. SPRING SEMESTER February 12— Presentation by Student B on AITP National Collegiate Conference. (NCC). PC trouble shooting practice exams begin, Thursday Brown Bag in College Building. Poster idea presentation and voting March 12— Student C leads a field trip to see the 2nd best server in Anywhere, USA! Poster construction for the NCC in Detroit April 9— NCC conference attendees presentations on “What I did at the NCC in Detroit.” May 5— Picnic/Elections/Croquet Installation of new officers. Summer Break!! Department of Business State College Anywhere, USA 88666 Appendix C Interested in Joining Our Club? Activities of Chapter include: monthly meetings with guest speakers from industry presentations by students and faculty participation at the National Collegiate Conference volunteer opportunities to help community organizations Check out the Meeting Dates 2006-2007 Brochure State College Anywhere, USA 81501 AITP Student Chapter E-mail: State College AITP Student Chapter #0000 Computer Hero Program AVAILABLE SERVICES There are several services we provide. Computer Hardware Repair/Installation Computer Software Installation MS Office Email Setup Website and Database design APPOINTMENTS Please call to schedule an appointment for your requested service of come to out Computer Hero Workshop on the third Tuesday of every month in College Building at 5:00 pm. We will do our best match your service request with the Hero’ skills. Appointments are on a first-come-first-serve basis. Contact Information: (000) 555 - 1212 AITP President Disclaimer: All services will be done to the best of our ability by member of State College’s Association of Information Technology Professionals. . The 24 hour core focuses on general business Computer Hero Workshop Information Third Tuesday of the Month 5:00 p.m. College Building AFFORDABLE FEES We will work on campus for a minimum donation of $15 an hour. House calls off-campus for a minimum donation of $25 an hour. We offer free consultations at our workshops. Webpage and database design are figured on a case-by-case basis. We work in order to help our fellow students. This is the real value of our work. PROCEEDS All proceeds generated help send AITP members to the AITP National Collegiate Conference to participate in a variety of competitions. Your support is greatly appreciated. PURPOSE OF AITP The purpose of this chapter shall be those purposes as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP), herein referred to as the “Association:” To develop a better understanding of the nature and functions of information technology. To promote sound general principles in information technology and to study technical methods with a view to their improvement. To study equipment related to information technology. To disseminate generally, by all appropriate means, all fundamentally sound principles and methods of information technology. To supply to its members information of the most current methods, and assist them in solving their individual problems. To foster among students a better understanding of the vital business role of information technology, the proper relationship of information technology to management and the necessity for a professional attitude in their approach to an understanding and application of the principles underlying the science of information technology.