Three Software Development Gestalts Kirby McMaster Brian Rague Computer Science, Weber State University Ogden, UT 84408 Steven Hadfield Computer Science, Air Force Academy USAFA, CO 80840 Nicole Anderson Computer Science, Winona State University Winona, MN 55987 Abstract Learning is more effective if topics are presented within an overall mental framework, or gestalt. But which gestalts are suitable for software development courses? This paper attempts to characterize and measure three gestalts for software development—an object-oriented Programming gestalt, a Database gestalt, and a Software Engineering gestalt. Our methodology assumes that words used frequently in a book indicate the gestalt of the author. By comparing word frequencies in Programming, Database, and Software Engineering books, we developed three gestalt scales. Using these scales, we calculated gestalt scores for all sample books, and plotted the distributions of these scores. We also examined relationships between the gestalt scales. Our findings have relevance in designing ways to teach software development courses, and in helping instructors choose appropriate textbooks for those courses. KEYWORDS: gestalt, programming, OOP, database, software engineering, IS education. 1. INTRODUCTION Do you want to make learning difficult for your students? Try this approach: 1. Choose the topics to cover. 2. Randomly sequence the topics. 3. Teach each topic independently, with no mention of relationships between topics. Schemas, Paradigms, and Gestalts How will this make learning difficult? According to Donald (2002), a course needs a schema to enable understanding. A schema ... is a data structure of generic concepts stored in memory and containing the network of relationships among the constituent parts.... If we are to understand the relationships between concepts, we need to know in what order and how closely concepts are linked and the character of the linkage. Bain (2004) suggests that if a paradigm is not available for a course, then students will construct their own. The students bring paradigms to the class that shape how they construct meaning. Even if they know nothing about our subjects, they still use an existing mental model of something to build their knowledge of what we tell them. An expression similar to schema or paradigm is the concept of gestalt. Learning becomes easier if the instructor provides a clear mental framework, or gestalt, for a course. By gestalt, we mean "a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts" (www.thefreedictionary .com). Gestalts for Software Development Which gestalts are suitable for software development? Which gestalts best correspond to the expectations of students enrolled in software development courses? We prefer the term "gestalt" to "framework" because "framework" has a more specific meaning in software development (e.g. the .NET framework). Software development is a very broad field. Our scope in this paper is limited to the development of an Information System consisting of a set of application programs that access a database. In most Computer Science and Information Systems (CIS) programs, software development principles are taught in the following types of courses: 1. Programming, with an emphasis on object-oriented constructs. 2. Databases and database management systems. 3. Software Engineering, including systems analysis and design. Our primary goal in this paper is to characterize gestalts for each type of course by constructing measurement scales for Programming, Database, and Software Engineering gestalts. A brief synopsis of these areas provides an initial picture of what topics should be included in each gestalt. [Note: key words are italicized.] Donald Knuth (2008) gives a casual view of programming as "teaching a computer how to do something." A more extended Wikipedia description is: Computer programming ... is the process of writing, testing, debugging/troubleshooting, and maintaining the source code of computer programs.... The organization of a program depends on the features available in the chosen programming language. Current languages, which support object-oriented programming, allow classes to be constructed and objects defined as instances of the classes. ( Ullman and Widom (2008) describe database systems in the following way: The term database refers to a collection of data that is managed by a DBMS [database management system]. ... A DBMS is a powerful tool for creating and managing large amounts of data efficiently and allowing it to persist over long periods of time safely. Database courses should introduce a layered architecture in which application programs interact with the database through the services of a DBMS. Programs see data conceptually based on a data model, rather than how the data is physically stored. Software engineering is concerned with how to effectively build large, complex software systems. Software Engineering involves more than programming. Sommerville (2004) states: Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production from the early stages of system specification to maintaining the system after it has gone into use.... Software engineering is not just concerned with the technical processes of software development but also with activities such as software project management and with the development of tools, methods, and theories to support software production. Measuring Gestalts In a previous study (McMaster, 2007) that was motivated by Polya's (1945) How to Solve It, we developed two scales for measuring gestalts in Mathematics. Logical Math gestalt emphasizes logical ordering in theorems and proofs. Computational Math gestalt focuses on solving problems using models and algorithms. Our methodology for developing these two Math gestalt scales involved analyzing words in a broad sample of Math books. Our assumption was that words used frequently in a book reflect the gestalt of the author. In this research, we used a similar methodology to develop three measurement scales for gestalts in software development. We selected a sample of object-oriented Programming (OOP) books, Database (DB) books, and Software Engineering (SE) books. We then determined word counts in these books and constructed a Programming gestalt scale, a Database gestalt scale, and a Software Engineering gestalt scale. The main purpose of this study is to add clarity to CIS education, especially Programming, Database, and Software Engineering courses. The measurement scales highlight important words used in the three gestalts. We show how the gestalt scales relate to each other, and what it means when a book exhibits more than one gestalt. We also show how the scales can be used to help instructors choose textbooks that reinforce key ideas corresponding to specific course objectives. 2. METHODOLOGY The methodology used to develop measuring instruments for our three Software Development gestalts is described in this section. We constructed a Programming scale (PGestalt), a Database scale (DGestalt), and a Software Engineering scale (SGestalt). The methodology involved the following steps. Sampling By design, a wide variety of Software Development books were sought for our sample. We selected books from the Amazon web site that included a concordance (a list of frequently used words). Our need for a concordance limited our choice of books. Amazon provides a concordance for many of its books, so we were able to get a diverse sample. Many of the books in our sample are suitable to use as college textbooks, but some are aimed at different markets. Our sample of 110 Software Development books was divided into three categories based on words in the title and on content. The resulting sample consisted of 37 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) books, 37 Database (DB) books, and 36 Software Engineering (SE) books. Most books were easy to categorize, but there were a few exceptions, such as Zdonik's (1989) Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems (OOP or DB?) and McConnell's (2004) Code Complete (OOP or SE?). A complete list of books in the sample, along with their scores on the three gestalt scales, can be obtained from the authors. Data Collection The Amazon concordance for a book provides a list of the 100 most frequently used words. The Amazon concordances screen out many (but not all) common English words, such as "the" and "of". For each concordance word, we recorded the book, word, and frequency (Freq). Frequency is the actual number of times a word occurs in a book. Convert Words to a Consistent Form One problem with using words to build scales is that words can take more than one form. For example, nouns may be singular or plural. To alleviate this problem, we converted many words to a consistent form. We did not want the scale contribution of a word to depend on the particular form or tense an author favored. The following types of word conversions were performed: a. Convert plural nouns to singular form ("elements" becomes "element"). b. Make verbs refer to plural subjects ("exists" becomes "exist"). c. Change verbs to present tense ("defined" becomes "define", "solving" becomes "solve"). d. Remove endings such as "al" and "ly" from some adjectives and adverbs ("computational" becomes "computation", "finitely" becomes "finite") Transform Frequencies Word frequencies needed to be "standardized" because books vary in their total number of words. We rescaled word frequencies within a concordance as follows: a. We removed all words that are in the list of Top 100 Common English Words (Fry, 1993). Fortunately, Amazon had already removed most of these Top 100 words. b. For the remaining words, we calculated the average frequency (average Freq). c. We then restated each word frequency relative to the average frequency using the formula: StdFreq = 100*(Freq / average Freq) With this calculation, a standard frequency (StdFreq) score of 100 represents the transformed frequency for the "average word" in the reduced concordance. A word with a StdFreq value of 300 would appear three times as often as the average concordance word in the same book. Combine Synonyms into Word/Groups Another problem in using words to build scales is that different words can have the same meaning. When relevant, we combined two or more synonyms into a concatenated word/group. For example, "method" and "algorithm" become "method/algorithm". We applied this step after standardizing word frequencies (StdFreq) because we wanted the average frequency for a concordance to be based on individual words. When synonyms were later combined into word/groups, the StdFreq score for the group was the sum of the StdFreq scores of the individual words in the group. Construct Gestalt Scales Constructing the gestalt scales—PGestalt, DGestalt, and SGestalt—was an iterative process. We looked for words that are used frequently within each book and consistently across similar books. First Iteration 1. Query all OOP books for the PGestalt scale. Similarly, query the DB books for the DGestalt scale, and query the SE books for the SGestalt scale. Find all words in which the average StdFreq, taken across all books for that scale, is above a predefined value (e.g. > 125 for the first iteration). Select only those words found in a predefined percentage of the scale books (e.g. > 60% for the first iteration). The choice of minimums for average StdFreq and percent of books is subjective. Order the words by decreasing average StdFreq. Because our sample was diverse, we set our cutoff criteria low for the first iteration and raised the levels in later iterations. 2. For each word, we consider only the amount its average StdFreq exceeds the frequency for an average concordance word. For this reason, subtract 100 from the average StdFreq for each word selected in Step 1. Then sum these differences. 3. The weight for a scale word is average StdFreq - 100, restated as a percent of the sum calculated in Step 2. Weight = 100*(average StdFreq - 100) / (sum of differences) The sum of the weights over all words used in the scale is 100. 4. The PGestalt score for a book is a weighted average of the StdFreq values for all scale words. Calculate the scale scores for each SE book using the formula: PGestalt scale = Sum[(Weight / 100) * StdFreq] where the sum is across all words used in the scale. The same formula applies to the DGestalt and SGestalt scales. Additional Iterations (repeat as necessary): 1. Check the PGestalt (or DGestalt or SGestalt) score for each book. Remove books that have a (subjectively) low score on their relevant scale. 2. Repeat the steps from Iteration 1 with the remaining books to obtain a revised list of words and weights for each scale, plus a new set of scale scores for each book. Note that the StdFreq value for each word for a given book does not change from iteration to iteration. In this study, we started with 37 OOP books, 37 DB books, and 36 SE books. For each scale, we performed several iterations until the scale words and their rank order did not change. The main decision variables at each stage were the cutoff criteria for words (average StdFreq and percent of books) and the choice of books used to determine the weights. We chose books with the highest scale scores, which reinforced the scale words and weights in the next iteration. We eventually obtained PGestalt, DGestalt, and SGestalt scales from 27 OOP books, 27 DB books, and 26 SE books, respectively. 3. GESTALT SCALES Using the methodology outlined in the previous section, three gestalt scales for Software Development were constructed. PGestalt measures Programming gestalt, DGestalt measures Database gestalt, and SGestalt measures Software Engineering gestalt. Each scale consists of a list of word/groups and weights. Programming Gestalt The Programming (PGestalt) scale consists of 14 word/groups and weights. The details of this scale are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Programming Scale PGestalt: Based on 27 OOP books Word/Group Books Avg StdFreq Weight class/subclass 27 541.1 20.87 method/algorithm 23 391.2 13.78 object 27 317.5 10.29 code/program 27 314.3 10.14 function/procedure 18 268.9 7.99 value/variable 27 268.7 7.98 integer 21 203.3 4.89 public/private 24 201.7 4.81 type/datatype 26 186.2 4.08 string 24 180.3 3.80 statement/line 18 168.6 3.25 data/information 26 164.2 3.04 new 27 154.9 2.60 file 24 152.2 2.47 TOTAL 100.00 The most frequent word/group for the PGestalt scale is "class/subclass", having an average StdFreq value above 500. The word/groups "method/algorithm", "object", and "code/program" have average StdFreq values above 300. This reflects the object-oriented emphasis in the OOP texts. The word/groups "class/subclass", "method/ algorithm" and "function/ procedure" are organizational units within programs. The usage of the words "method" and "function" is language-dependent (e.g. Java vs. C++). Several of the remaining words on this scale refer to variables and data types. We used a minimum average StdFreq value of 150 for including words in the final iteration of the PGestalt scale. If during the construction of this scale, the cutoff point had been 180, then the four word/groups after "string" would be excluded from the scale. The scale would consist of the remaining 10 word/groups, with revised weights. Database Gestalt The Database (DGestalt) scale consists of 14 words/groups and weights. The details of this scale are presented in Table 2. The two most frequent word/groups for the DGestalt scale, each with average StdFreq values above 400, are "data/information" and "table/relation". The next most frequent word is "database", which has an average StdFreq value above 300. Table 2: Database Scale DGestalt: Based on 27 DB books Word/Group Books Avg StdFreq Weight data/information 27 524.8 19.55 table/relation 27 438.1 15.56 database 27 335.3 10.83 query/sql 26 266.9 7.68 entity/relationship 18 257.0 7.23 attribute/column/field 25 234.7 6.20 key/primary/foreign 22 220.3 5.54 system/subsystem 25 206.2 4.89 object 21 197.5 4.49 model/modeling 22 195.1 4.38 user/client/customer 25 190.2 4.15 record/row/tuple 24 187.6 4.03 value/variable 27 164.8 2.98 type/datatype 27 154.5 2.51 TOTAL 100.00 Several of the scale words reflect the emphasis on relational databases in most DB texts. One exception is the word "object", which is also on the PGestalt scale. The appearance of this word on the DGestalt scale implies that some object-oriented programming concepts occurs in DB texts. Two other word/groups shared with the PGestalt scale are "value/variable" and "type/datatype". All of these shared word/groups have higher average StdFreq values (and weights) on the PGestalt scale, indicating that these words appear more often in OOP texts than DB texts. We used a minimum average StdFreq value of 150 for including words on the DGestalt scale. If during the construction of this scale, the cutoff point had been 180, then the two word/groups after "record/row/tuple" would be excluded from the scale. Software Engineering Gestalt The Software Engineering (SGestalt) scale consists of 12 word/groups and weights. The details of this scale are presented in Table 3. The two word/groups for the SGestalt scale having average StdFreq values above 400 are "software" and "system/subsystem". The next two most frequent word/groups, with average StdFreq values above 300, are "develop/engineer" and "process". Table 3: Software Engineering Scale SGestalt: Based on 25 SE books Word/Group Books Avg StdFreq Weight software 26 444.6 18.13 system/subsystem 26 401.3 15.85 process 26 304.8 10.77 data/information 26 265.1 8.69 code/program 24 231.8 6.93 requirement/ specification 25 229.5 6.81 test/testing 20 226.8 6.67 user/client/customer 23 223.3 6.49 dvelop/development 26 221.8 6.41 project 26 207.1 5.63 design/designer 26 175.6 3.98 model/modeling 25 169.1 3.64 TOTAL 100.00 Software engineering is concerned with more than programming. This is reinforced by other words on the scale such as "requirement", "specification", "project", "test", and "design". Several of the SGestalt word/groups are also on the PGestalt and/or DGestalt scales. Word/groups "system/subsystem", "user/client/customer", "model/modeling", and "data/information" are shared with the DGestalt scale. "Code/program" and "data/information" are on the PGestalt scale. The word/groups "system/subsystem" and "user/client/customer" have higher weights on the SGestalt scale than the DGestalt scale. All other SGestalt shared word/groups have lower weights on the SGestalt scale. We used a minimum average StdFreq value of 150 for including words on the SGestalt scale. If during the construction of this scale, the cutoff point had been 180, then the two word/groups after "project" would be excluded from the scale. 4. GESTALT SCORES We calculated PGestalt, DGestalt, and SGestalt scores for all 110 books in the sample. The gestalt scores are weighted averages of the StdFreq values for scale words within a book. Programming Scores The PGestalt scores for the 37 OOP books ranged from a minimum of 101.1 to a maximum of 402.6, with a mean of 271.5. Fourteen of the OOP books had a PGestalt score above 300. A PGestalt score of 300 means that scale words appear 3 times as often as the "average concordance word." The distribution of PGestalt scores for the OOP books is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: PGestalt Scale Distribution 37 OOP books The three OOP books having the highest PGestalt scores are: 1. Craig (2000) – Interpretation of OOP Languages (PGestalt = 402.6). 2. McMillan (2004) – OO Programming with VB.NET (PGestalt = 394.1). 3. Lavin (2006) – Object–Oriented PHP (PGestalt = 388.8). Note that all of these books contain the word "object-oriented" in the title. The context for two of the books is a specific OOP language (VB.NET, PHP). We can learn a lot about a book from the detailed calculation of its gestalt scores. The calculations show which words contribute most to the gestalt scores for a book. 1. The StdFreq value for a word indicates how often the word is used in the book. 2. The Weight of a word as indicated in the associated scale defines the importance of the word for measuring gestalt. The PGestalt calculations for Craig's book, which scored highest on this scale, are shown in Table 4. Only 10 of the PGestalt word/groups are included in Craig's concordance. The three most frequent word/groups are "class/ subclass", "method/algorithm", and "object", each with a StdFreq value above 400. Two other word/groups have StdFreq values above 300. The PGestalt value of 402.6 can be interpreted as follows: the weighted mixture of scale words appears about 4.026 times more often than an average concordance word in this book. Table 4: PGestalt Calculations Craig (2000) – Interpretation of OOP Languages Word/Group Weight StdFreq Scale class/subclass 20.87 934.3 195.0 method/algorithm 13.78 544.3 75.0 object 10.29 400.4 41.2 code/program 10.14 202.5 20.5 function/procedure 7.99 315.2 25.2 value/variable 7.98 291.5 23.3 integer 4.89 -- -- public/private 4.81 44.1 2.1 type/datatype 4.08 380.9 15.5 string 3.80 -- -- statement/line 3.25 -- -- data/information 3.04 71.9 2.2 new 2.60 98.1 2.6 file 2.47 -- -- TOTAL 402.6 Because a gestalt score is a weighted average, two books with similar scores can have different word frequency patterns. For example, McMillan's book received the second highest PGestalt score (394.1), even though it included all 14 word/groups in its concordance. The PGestalt calculations for this book are shown in Table 5. Table 5: PGestalt Calculations McMillan (2004) – Object-Oriented Programming with VB.NET Word/Group Weight StdFreq Scale class/subclass 20.87 765.5 159.8 method/algorithm 13.78 437.0 60.2 object 10.29 337.4 34.7 code/program 10.14 434.8 44.1 function/procedure 7.99 168.4 13.5 value/variable 7.98 248.2 19.8 integer 4.89 236.7 11.6 public/private 4.81 383.0 18.4 type/datatype 4.08 139.2 5.7 string 3.80 218.5 8.3 statement/line 3.25 128.8 4.2 data/information 3.04 314.3 9.6 new 2.60 131.0 3.4 file 2.47 36.3 0.9 TOTAL 394.1 The three most frequent word/groups used by McMillan are "class/subclass", "method/ algorithm", and "code/ program", each with a StdFreq value above 400. Three other word/groups have StdFreq values above 300. Craig's book has the same top two word/groups as McMillan, but with larger StdFreq values. Some word/groups in McMillan's text have higher StdFreq values than Craig, but the net effect is a slightly larger PGestalt score for Craig. Database Scores For the 37 DB books, the DGestalt scores ranged from a minimum of 118.7 to a maximum of 438.7, with a mean of 274.6. Fourteen of the DB books had a DGestalt score above 300. The distribution of DGestalt scores for the DB books is presented in Figure 2. Figure 2: DGestalt Scale Distribution 37 DB books The three DB books having the highest DGestalt scores are: 1. Watson (2005) – Data Management (DGestalt = 378.6). 2. Rob (1997) – Database Systems (DGestalt = 362.4). 3. Connolly (2004) - Database Systems (DGestalt = 345.3). Two of these titles contain the word "database" and the other contains the word "data". The DGestalt calculations for Watson's top-scoring book are shown in Table 6. All 14 DGestalt word/groups are included in Watson's concordance. The two most frequent word/groups are "data/information" and "table/relation", each with a StdFreq value above 400. The only other word with a StdFreq value above 300 is "database". Table 6: DGestalt Calculations Watson (2005) – Data Management Word/Group Weight StdFreq Scale data/information 19.55 1115.6 218.1 table/relation 15.56 431.7 67.2 database 10.83 336.2 36.4 query/sql 7.68 237.5 18.2 entity/relationship 7.23 281.6 20.4 attribute/column/field 6.20 200.2 12.4 key/primary/foreign 5.54 267.9 14.8 system/subsystem 4.89 235.9 11.5 object 4.49 81.1 3.6 model/modeling 4.38 261.3 11.4 user/client/customer 4.15 227.8 9.5 record/row/tuple 4.03 217.4 8.8 value/variable 2.98 127.5 3.8 type/datatype 2.51 98.7 2.5 TOTAL 438.7 Software Engineering Scores For the 36 SE books, the SGestalt scores ranged from a minimum of 124.9 to a maximum of 394.7, with a mean of 257.2. Ten of the SE books had an SGestalt score above 300. The distribution of SGestalt scores for the SE books is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: SGestalt Scale Distribution 36 SE books The three SE books having the highest SGestalt scores are: 1. Thayer (2002) – Software Engineering, Vol 1 (SGestalt = 394.7). 2. Bernstein (2005) – Trustworthy Systems Through Quantitative Software Engineering (SGestalt = 370.7). 3. Hurley (1995) – Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 4 (SGestalt = 364.6). All of these titles include the words "software engineering". The SGestalt calculations for Thayer's book, which scored highest on this scale, are shown in Table 7. Table 7: SGestalt Calculations Thayer (2002) – Software Engineering, Volume 1 Word/Group Weight StdFreq Scale software 18.13 727.7 131.9 system/subsystem 15.85 550.8 87.3 process 10.77 190.0 20.5 data/information 8.69 263.0 22.9 code/program 6.93 382.3 26.5 requirement/ specification 6.81 419.3 28.6 test/testing 6.67 280.6 18.7 user/client/customer 6.49 219.2 14.2 develop/ development 6.41 296.7 19.0 project 5.63 124.3 7.0 design/designer 3.98 370.0 14.7 model/modeling 3.64 95.1 3.5 TOTAL 394.7 Thayer's concordance includes all 12 SGestalt scale word/groups. For Thayer, the most frequent word/groups are "software", "system/subsystem", and "requirement/ specification", all with StdFreq values above 400. Two additional word/groups have StdFreq values above 300. 5. COMPARING GESTALTS Each gestalt distribution was described in Figures 1-3, but only for books in the category used to construct the scale. That is, the PGestalt distribution applied to OOP books, DGestalt for DB books, and SGestalt for SE books. In this section, we will examine the gestalt distributions across all books, and compare the gestalt scales with each other. Comparing Scale Distributions Table 8 presents mean values for each gestalt scale by book category and overall. For example, the PGestalt scale for OOP books had a mean of 294.8, whereas the PGestalt means were much lower for DB books (mean = 115.9) and SE books (mean = 95.6). The mean scale values were largest when calculated for books in the relevant categories, such as DGestalt for DB books and SGestalt for SE books. Means for "non-relevant" book categories were much lower. Table 8: Gestalt Scale Distributions Means by Book Category and Scale Type Category PGestalt DGestalt SGestalt OOP (37 books) 271.5 75.7 66.3 DB (37 books) 107.0 274.6 99.4 SE (36 books) 86.8 94.2 257.2 ALL (110 books) 155.7 148.6 139.9 The PGestalt scale for all 110 books had a mean value of 155.7, whereas the DGestalt mean was 148.6, and the SGestalt mean was 139.9. One reason for the larger PGestalt mean is that object-oriented content appears regularly in all book categories. Not all books followed the pattern for their category. There were six books that received values greater than 200 on the "wrong" scale. A summary of these special cases is shown in Table 9. Table 9: Gestalt Scale High Values Count of books with scale values > 200. Category PGestalt DGestalt SGestalt OOP (37 books) 31 0 0 DB (37 books) 3 29 1 SE (36 books) 1 1 26 The six books with high values on the "wrong" scale are: 1. Bancilhon (2006), Building an Object-Oriented Database System. DB book. DGestalt = 178.8, PGestalt = 305.3. 2. Zdonik (1989), Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems. DB book. DGestalt = 262.3, PGestalt = 219.6. 3. Barry (1996), Object Database Handbook. DB book. DGestalt = 196.6, PGestalt = 206.5. 4. Kimball (1998), Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit. DB book. DGestalt = 334.7, SGestalt = 205.3. 5. Demeyer (2002), Object-Oriented Re-engineering Patterns. SE book. SGestalt = 219.7, PGestalt = 207.7. 6. Dennis (2005), Systems Analysis and Design. SE book. SGestalt = 292.7, DGestalt = 216.1. These exceptions are instructive. Three of the DB books and one of the SE books deal with object-oriented concepts and applications. Bancilhon's DB book may have been misclassified, but the other books with high PGestalt scores demonstrate that object-oriented principles extend beyond Programming books. Conversely, three OOP books had SGestalt scores above 175. This suggests that Software Engineering principles can be meaningfully integrated within a Programming text. Correlations Between Scales Correlation coefficients between pairs of gestalt scales are summarized in Table 10. For each pair, two correlation values are shown—one for all books and the other limited to book categories "relevant" to either scale. For example, the correlation between PGestalt and DGestalt scores is –0.392 across the entire sample of 110 books. If SE books are omitted, the correlation increases in magnitude to –0.769, which is a much stronger negative relationship. This correlation is larger because most SE books have consistently low PGestalt and DGestalt scores. Table 10: Gestalt Scale Correlations All books and selected categories. Scale Pairs Books Correlation PGestalt x DGestalt All -0.392 OOP+DB -0.769 PGestalt x SGestalt All -0.533 OOP+SE -0.775 DGestalt x SGestalt All -0.079 DB+SE -0.518 The correlation between PGestalt and DGestalt scores is displayed as a scatter plot in Figure 4. The negative relationship between the two scales is evident in the diagram. It is also apparent why the relationship is stronger when the SE books are excluded. As a side note, this plot shows the 3 DB books and 1 SE book (mentioned earlier) that have PGestalt scores above 200. Scatter plots of PGestalt vs. SGestalt and DGestalt vs. SGestalt show a pattern similar to Figure 4. Again, low scores of the "nonrelevant" category (DB or OOP) on both scales reduce the size of the correlation when computed across all books. Figure 4: PGestalt vs.DGestalt Scatter plot of books by category. Gestalt Mixtures Scatter plots are usually intended to show two-dimensional patterns in data. There are several ways to display three scales simultaneously, including three-dimensional plots. We prefer to show the pattern of gestalt scores for each book in another way. We can focus on which gestalt predominates within a book by converting each of the book's three gestalt scores to a percent, so that the sum is 100. The three percentages can be viewed as a mixture of the three gestalts for the book. For example, suppose the gestalt scores for a book are PGestalt = 257, DGestalt = 135, and SGestalt = 58 (sum = 450). Converting these gestalt scores to percentages, we get the mixture PGestalt = 57.1%, DGestalt = 30.0%, and SGestalt = 12.9%. (Note that if the three gestalt scores were doubled, the percentages would be unchanged.) If two gestalt percentages are specified for a book, the third value is determined. Hence, a scatter plot of two of the gestalt scores, restated as percentages, will show the mixture of gestalts for each book. This type of graph is shown in Figure 5, with PGestalt and DGestalt as the axis variables. This plot shows PGestalt and DGestalt percentages for each book, with the SGestalt percentage implied. The constrained triangular region contains points for which the sum of PGestalt and DGestalt does not exceed 100. The corner points of the triangle represent mixtures in which one gestalt percentage is 100 and the other two are 0. For example, a book at point (100,0) would be 100% PGestalt, while a book at point (0,0) would be 100% SGestalt. Figure 5: Mixture Plot of Gestalts Gestalt percentages for books by category. The plotted points for each book category tend to cluster in one corner of the triangle. The preferred gestalt corner for OOP books is PGestalt. Most DB books cluster in the high DGestalt corner. Most SE books are in the corner where both PGestalt and DGestalt are low (and SGestalt is high). A few SE books are near the center of the triangle, where the three gestalt percentages are approximately equal. Table 11 summarizes the number of books in each category that have a dominant gestalt. Dominant is defined here as having a PGestalt, DGestalt, or SGestalt percentage above 50%. Table 11: Dominant Gestalt Summary Gestalt percentage > 50%. Dominant Gestalt OOP Books DB Books SE Books Total PGestalt 33 1 0 34 DGestalt 0 28 0 28 SGestalt 0 0 28 28 None 4 8 8 20 Total 37 37 36 110 The only book dominant on the "wrong" scale was Bancilhon's (2006) Building an Object-Oriented Database System, a DB book having a PGestalt percentage value of 52.4%. A total of 20 books were not dominant on any scale. Each book can be viewed as providing a mixture of the three gestalts. For 90 of the sample books, one gestalt is dominant. Choosing a Textbook An instructor choosing a textbook for a software development course can use gestalt scores as a tool to make the selection process more efficient. The application is similar to using a gas chromatograph to analyze an unknown substance to determine its composition. In this case the textbook is the unknown (since the title often provides only a vague idea of the focus of the book), and the scales are used to measure its gestalt components. As an example, suppose McConnell's (2004) Code Complete is being considered for a Software Engineering course. The SGestalt score for this book is 185.4. The detailed SGestalt calculations are shown in Table 12. Table 12: SGestalt Calculations McConnell (2004) – Code Complete Word/Group Weight StdFreq Scale software 18.13 183.1 33.2 system/subsystem 15.85 107.7 17.1 process 10.77 50.1 5.4 data/information 8.69 303.3 26.4 code/program 6.93 915.4 63.4 requirement/ specification 6.81 65.2 4.4 test/testing 6.67 223.6 14.9 user/client/customer 6.49 -- -- develop/ development 6.41 76.6 4.9 project 5.63 148.4 8.4 design/designer 3.98 185.2 7.4 model/modeling 3.64 -- -- TOTAL 185.4 Ten of the 12 SGestalt word/groups appear in the concordance. The most frequent word/group is "code/program", having a StdFreq value of 915.4. This word/group is on both the SGestalt and PGestalt scales. Other SGestalt word/groups with StdFreq values above 200 include "data/information" and "test/testing". The word frequencies in Table 12 indicate that this book places more emphasis on the implementation stage of software development than the analysis and design stages. Gestalt scores expressed as percentages are PGestalt = 42.7%, SGestalt = 38.1%, and DGestalt = 19.2%. This mixture does not have a dominant gestalt, but it does exhibit more Programming gestalt than Software Engineering gestalt. Using this analysis, we would not recommend Code Complete as the primary textbook for a Software Engineering course, but it would provide worthwhile supplemental reading. 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The primary purpose of this study was to develop measuring instruments for three mental frameworks, or gestalts, in software development. Programming Gestalt is based on writing object-oriented programs. Database Gestalt is based on designing, implementing, and maintaining databases. Software Engineering Gestalt is based on building large, complex software systems. From a diverse sample of 37 object-oriented programming (OOP) books, 37 database (DB) books, and 36 software engineering (SE) books, we examined the 100 most frequently used words in each book. Weighted combinations of selected word/groups were used to form a Programming gestalt scale (PGestalt), a Database gestalt scale (DGestalt), and a Software Engineering gestalt scale (SGestalt). Our PGestalt scale contains 14 word/groups, including "class/subclass", "object", and "method/algorithm". The DGestalt scale has 14 word/groups, including "table/relation", "data/information", and "database". The SGestalt scale consists of 12 word/groups, including "software", "system/subsystem", and "process". We calculated PGestalt, DGestalt, and SGestalt scores for the sample books and examined the distributions of these values. The PGestalt scores for the 37 OOP books ranged from 101.1 to 402.6. The DGestalt scores for the 37 DB books ranged from 118.7 to 438.7. For the 36 SE books, the SGestalt scores ranged from 124.9 to 394.7. Fourteen OOP books had a PGestalt score above 300. The DGestalt scores for 14 DB books and the SGestalt scores for 10 SE books also exceeded 300. Six books had high gestalt scores on the "wrong" scale, indicating that at least one book may have been misclassified, or that books can support more than one gestalt. Correlations between pairs of gestalt scales were negative. The size of a correlation was increased substantially when books in the "non-relevant" category were excluded from the calculations (e.g. PGestalt x SGestalt correlation = –0.775 for OOP and SE books). Converting the gestalt scores to percentages within a book allows the book to be viewed as a mixture of gestalts. Ninety of the 110 books had a dominant gestalt, which (with one exception) was on the scale relevant to the book's category (e.g. PGestalt for OOP books). When choosing a textbook, it is important to ensure that the dominant gestalt aligns with the primary objectives of the course. Books that contain an evenly balanced mixture of PGestalt, DGestalt, and SGestalt may not be suitable for courses focusing heavily on a specific type of software development. However, these books may work well in seminar settings or capstone courses that integrate the different areas of software development. The words used by an author in composing a book about a specific subject reflect the perspective, or predominant “mental model”, of the author towards that subject. The word/groups used in the gestalt scales of this paper attempt to categorize the implicit priorities that authors place on subtopics within the broader subject area. An instructor is best served by selecting textbooks containing words that correspond to the disciplines of enrolled students. In this way, terminology employed during classroom discussion will be supported by words used in reading assignments, thus reinforcing the development of the student’s internal model of the subject matter. Future Research This paper introduced three measuring instruments for gestalts in software development books, and presented an initial analysis of statistical patterns for these measures. In future research, we will focus on the meaning of each gestalt for software development courses and examine more closely the relationships among scale words. We will also explore different ways to visualize the "whole" gestalt as more than the sum of the individual words. As part of our continuing research, we intend to relate the PGestalt, DGestalt, and SGestalt scales to the Logical Math and Computational Math scales we developed in a previous study (McMaster, 2007). One reason for this comparison is to see which Math gestalt is more "in tune" with mental frameworks for software development. A long-term goal is to establish ways to successfully blend mathematical concepts into software development courses. For example, on the Computational Math scale, "method/ algorithm" is an important word/group. This word/group has a large weight on the PGestalt scale. Therefore, a natural place to introduce mathematical concepts in a Programming course is when algorithms are discussed. 7. REFERENCES Bain, Ken (2004), What the Best College Teachers Do. Harvard University Press. Bancilhon, Francois, et al (2006), Building and Object-Oriented Database System: The Story of O2. Morgan Kaufmann. Barry, Douglas (1996), Object Database Handbook. Wiley. Bernstein, Lawrence, and C. Yuhas (2005), Trustworthy Systems Through Quantitative Software Engineering. Wiley. Connolly, Thomas, and Carolyn Begg (2004), Database Systems. Addison-Wesley. Craig, Iain (2000), The Interpretation of Object-Oriented Programming Languages. Springer. DeMeyer, Serge, et al (2002), Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns. Morgan Kaufmann. Dennis, Alan, et al (2005), Systems Analysis and Design. Wiley. 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