The Object Oriented Approach in Systems Analysis and Design Texts: Consistency Within the IS Curriculum David Wood Frederick Kohun Joseph Packy Laverty CIS Department, Robert Morris University Moon Township, PA 15108, USA Abstract This paper reports on a study of systems analysis textbooks in terms of topics covered and academic background of the authors. It addresses the consistency within IS curricula with respect to the content of a systems analysis and design course using the object-oriented approach. The research questions addressed were 1: Is there a consistency among Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Texts. 2: If there is not consistency, are the books technology-oriented, or business process oriented? 3: Is there a relationship between the authors’ academic background and the focus o the text? It appears that the author’s background is an important consideration—as much as the title and contents—in the selection of an appropriate object oriented textbook for an object oriented systems analysis course. One focus is the application of object oriented systems analysis tools and techniques in conjunction with business process, while the technical focus is on programming technique and process. Keywords: IS Curriculum, Object-Oriented Systems Development Life Cycle, Systems Analysis and Design, Textbook Selection. 1. INTRODUCTION Courses in systems analysis and development (SA&D) have been an integral part of every model IS curriculum since their inception. Traditionally, SA&D courses have integrated business and industrial process requirements in the context of the Waterfall Systems Design Life Cycle. In recent years, technological shifts to the Object–Oriented Approach (OOA) and increased emphasis of Project Management have forced a change in SA&D curricula and associated textbooks. These technological changes and systems life cycle management changes have encouraged the introduction of Object-Oriented SA&D courses within IS curriculum. While traditional SA&D courses have evolved over the years from a business process context and perspective, OOA evolved from an engineering and computer science technical programming origin. As a result, the current OOA applies to both engineering and computer science environments as well as to graphics and web based business process applications. The two different OOA focuses—one a technical programming orientation and the other a business process orientation are each appropriate for different curricular contexts (i.e. CS/Engineering, MIS). Textbooks on OOA SA&D, while having the same titles and similar topics can and do reflect these different focuses. This paper discusses the lack of consensus in IS curricular textbook conformity with respect to IS programs. In other words, OOA SA&D courses in IS curriculums may have two disparate and distinct subject areas while using the same titles in textbooks and topics discussed. A conclusion derived is that the determination of the appropriate textbook for an OOA SA&D course should include the author’s background and environment. The research questions addressed were 1. Is there a consistency among Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Texts. 2. If there is not consistency, are the books technology-oriented or business process oriented? 3. Is there a relationship between the authors’ academic background and the focus o the text? 2. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Tastle and Russell’s (2003) survey of topics taught in system analysis and design courses found that there is little agreement in the amount of emphasis on object-oriented concepts. However, for those educators who teach OOA courses there is greater emphasis on various UML modeling tools, such as Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, and State-transition Diagrams. In spite of their findings it was concluded that OOA was "not yet mainstream; it is reasonable to expect that as the discipline matures, the level of agreement will increase"[2003 p84]. Further Analysis of the Tastle and Russell 2003 study reported that "skills in data collection, surveying, and interviewing" remained somewhat important, yet there was no direct question on the survey instrument concerning Use Cases, a popular UML requirement analysis tool. This omission seems very logical considering the lack of agreement of object-oriented technology topics inclusion in either SA&D or OOA course curricula. Furthermore Wood, Kohun, and Laverty (2007 and 2008) have documented the change in programming approaches in software development over recent years, including the influence of Object Oriented Paradigms. 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY It appears that as SA&D has moved towards an Object-Oriented Approach (OOA), there has been a shift towards non-business applications and less emphasis on business requirement analysis. As a result, this paper will use a different method of analysis to confirm that Tastle and Russell's prediction that OOA integration into the SA&D and OOA would increase. Content in course textbooks have historically reflected many changes course content. Some textbook changes are superficial. Other textbook changes have resulted in the addition or elimination of chapters. But, other textbook changes may be more informative. For example, the background of the authors may have a significant impact of the applications presented in the text and the relative emphasis on various topics. These differences may affect the types of topics covered in SA&D and OOA courses. While the majority of SA&D textbooks may have been authored by IS academic and professionals in the past, a study was conducted to review the authorship of current SA&D and OOA textbooks and to assess the impact on topics of the textbook. Data Gathering Keyword searches were conducted at and to obtain a list of textbooks. Two keyword search phrases were used "Object Oriented System Analysis” and “System Analysis and Design” for a more detailed review. Based on the results of the keyword search results 32 texts were selected. For each text, the author(s) were analyzed to determine their academic or professional background. Using textbook information, Google searches and email contacts, each author was assigned to one of two assigned to one of two author background categories: MIS/Business or Computer Science/Software Engineering. The criteria used to assign authors to academic background categories were: a) Academic Degrees, b) Academic Assignment, c) Professional Certifications, and d) Professional Experience. Recent background status was weighted more heavily, i.e., business consulting career with a computer science degree. Data Analysis An analysis of each text to determine those topics that had "significant" coverage was conducted. Many topics are presented in each text. The level of significance of coverage can vary between definition-level, section-level, chapter-level, multi-chapter level. It was assumed that while instructors may not provide detailed review of all definition-level or section level text material, they would rarely miss academic attention to an entire chapter. Data Organization Table 1 presents a list and description of the Major Content Category Description used by many System Analysis and Design Texts (SA&D) and Object-Oriented System Analysis (OOA) and Design texts. Based on a review of Chapter Titles, Author Introduction and Comments, and Book Reviews, each text was rated to determine whether there was significant coverage of the content category or not significant/no coverage. Significant coverage of a topic is defined as at least one chapter being devoted to that topic. In situations where chapter titles were unclear or ambiguous, attempts were made to further review the text for significant content. These categories may be further understood as follows: Application examples and case studies are useful to demonstrate SA&D and OOA concepts and tools. An analysis of the context of the application examples and case studies was conducted to determine whether the majority application examples could be classified as business/enterprise or scientific/engineering. Based on a review of Chapter Titles, Author Introduction and Comments, and Book Reviews each text was rated to determine whether business/enterprise or scientific/engineering application examples were more significant. While a few textbooks provided applications for both contexts, the context that was most significant was assigned. A preliminary review of the application examples and case studies from the texts analyzed indicated that the development of an ordinal or rank scale to rate application examples would provide little additional information to this study. A simple binary value was used. Therefore, texts with significant Business/Enterprise Application examples or case studies were assigned a “Yes” Value. Texts with significant Scientific/Engineering application or case studies were assigned a “No” Value. OOA, UML concepts and tools may be presented with or without a required object-oriented programming background. Some texts provided application program examples beyond pseudo code. Each text was evaluated to determine whether or not a background in an object-oriented or other programming language was highly recommended. Those texts which directly recommended a programming language prerequisite or significantly used program language examples, e.g., Java, was assigned a value of “Yes”. Those texts which did not recommend a programming language prerequisite or did not significantly use program language examples was assigned a value of “No”. The details of this analysis are presented in Table 2. Citations appear at the end of the paper. The results of the analysis are in the Appendix. 4. SUMMARY OF THE ANALYSIS The following table, Table 3, provides a summary of Tables 1 and 2: Citation of the individual texts are at the end of this paper. The rating of depth of traditional systems analysis coverage was based on significant inclusion of the traditional systems development life cycle, project management concepts, and detailed requirements analysis. The rating of depth of OOA was based on the inclusion of alternative life cycle methods, introductory UML, Intermediate UML, Quality Assurance and Control, and the Impact of Service Oriented Architecture. The details of these attributes are found in Table 2. 5. CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY Table 3 is summarized in Tables 4 and 5 (see Appendix) as follows: We used a crosstab table, as it was apparent that there are insufficient degrees of freedom for any Chi-square or other independence tests. This paper identified two distinct approaches to Object-Oriented Approach Systems Analysis and Design—business process and the other a technical programming focus. The distinction was determined through a search and analysis of available OOA SA&D textbooks on author’s backgrounds and topics covered. The above two crosstab tables derived from Table 3 confirm from our sample that those authors with a background and /or work environment in engineering and computer science focused and programming technique. Those with a background and/or work environment in MIS or business likewise focused on business process. In either case—the titles of textbooks were similar with little or no indication of the content beyond a generic OOA label. The implication is that there is little or no consistency in the use of appropriate subject matter textbooks in programs using IS model curricula. Some programs may and do include OOA SA&D courses, as a result of the textbook chosen, that focus on programming technique while others on business process. This confuses the understanding of what a curricular standard might encompass. Instead of having OOA SA&D generically represent both focuses, it is suggested to explicitly differentiate the two focuses to alleviate any misuse and to promote standardization. 6. REFERENCES Booch, G. (1993). Object-Oriented Analysis and Design With Applications. Addison-Wesley. Booch, G., Conallen, J., Houston, K., Maksimchuk, R., Engel, M., and Young. (2007). Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications 3/e. Addison-Wesley. Brown, D. (2001). An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis: Objects and UML in Plain English 2/e. Wiley. Carlson, D. (2001). Modeling XML Applications with UML: Practical e-Business Applications. Addison-Wesley. Coad, P. and Yourdon, E. (1991). Object Oriented Design. Prentice Hall. Dennis, A., and Wixom, B. (1999). Systems Analysis and Design. Wiley. Dennis, A., Wixom, B., and Tegarden, D. (2004). Systems Analysis and Design. Wiley. Dennis, A., Wixom, B., and Roth. (2005). Systems Analysis and Design 3/e. Wiley. Dennis, A., Wixom, B., and Tegarden, D. (2004). Systems Analysis and Design with UML. Wiley. Fowler, M., and Rumbaugh, J. (2003). UML Distilled : A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language 3rd Edition. Pearson Education. George, J., Batia, D., Valacich, J., and Hoffer, J. (2007). Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design 2/e. Prentice Hall. Hoffer, J., Valachich, J., and George, J. (2007). Modern Systems Analysis and Design. Prentice Hall. Kendall, K., and Kendall, J. (1998). Systems Analysis and Design. Pearson Education. Kendall, K., and Kendall, J. (2007). Systems Analysis and Design (7/e 2008). Prentice Hall. Kohun, F, Wood, D., Laverty, J. (2007). “Systems Oriented Architecture, Unified Process Life Cycle, and IS Model Curriculum Compatability: Meeting Industry Needs”. Information Systems Education Journal, 5(1). Larman, C. (2005). Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development 3/e. Pearson Education. McLaughlin, B., West, D., and Pollice, G. (2006). Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design : A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D. O'Reilly Media. Odell, J. (1998). Advanced Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML. Cambridge University Press. O'Docherty, M. (2005). Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Understanding System Development with UML. Wiley. Podeswa, H. (2005). UML for the IT Business Analyst: A Practical Guide to Object-Oriented Requirements Gathering. Course Technology. Satzinger, J., Burd, S., and Jackson, R. (2006). Systems Analysis & Design in a Changing World 4/e. Course Technology. Satzinger, J., Jackson, R., and Burd, S. (2004). Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 3/e. Course Technology. Schach, S. (2003). Introduction to Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design. McGraw-Hill. Shelly, G., Cashman, T., and Rosenblatt, H. (2007). Systems Analysis and Design. Cengage Delmar Learning. Shlaer, S., Mellor, S. (1988). Object- Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World in Data. Yourdon Press. Shoval, P. (2006). Functional and Object Oriented Analysis and Design: An Integrated Methodology. IGI Global. Tastle, W., and Russell, J. (2003). “Analysis and Design: Assessing Actual and Desired Course Content” Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol 14(1). Teague, Stumpf (2005). Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design with Uml. Prentice Hall. Valacich, J., Hoffer, J., and George, J. (2003). Essentials of System Analysis and Design. Pearson Education. Valacich, J., Hoffer, J., and George, J. (2005). Essentials of System Analysis and Design. Prentice Hall. Wasson, C. (2005). System Analysis. Wiley. Weilkiens, T. (2008). Systems Engineering with SysML/UML : Modeling. Morgan Kaufmann. Whitten, J., and Bentley, L. (2005). Systems Analysis and Design Methods. McGraw-Hill. Wood, D., Kohun, F., and Laverty, J. (2008), “SOA in the Context of a Comparison of a Distributed Computing Architectures and the IS Curriculum”, Issues in Information Systems 9(1). Yeates, D., and Wakefield, T. (2004). Systems Analysis and Design. Prentice Hall. APPENDIX: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Table 1: SA&D and OOA Content Categories Content Category Category Description Traditional SDLC Overview of the Waterfall System Development Life Cycle, Structured Analysis and non-object oriented tools, e.g., data flow diagrams Detailed Requirement Analysis Overview of techniques used in project initiation and data collections with some emphasis on business or enterprise process analysis. Intermediate System Design Concepts Significant coverage of one or more of the following topics: interface design, file and database design, or ERD diagrams. Project Management Overview of Project Management: Roles, Project Management Plan, work breakdown structure, resource, time and cost estimation, project management tools, i.e., Gantt Charts and PERT/CPM Alternative Analysis and Design Life Cycle Models Unified Process, Agile Programming, Extreme Programming, SCRUM, Test Driven Design, etc. Introduction to Object Orientation Overview of Classes/Subclasses, Objects, Methods, Attributes, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism (no programming background needed) Introductory UML concepts and tools Emphasis on Requirement Analysis and Design UML Tools: Problem Domain Classes, Events (triggers), Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Intermediate UML concept and tools Significant coverage of one or more of the following topics: Emphasis on Development and Implementation UML Tools: Sequence Diagrams, State Diagrams, Interaction Diagrams, Package, or Frameworks and Components Quality Assurance and Control through System and Software Testing Significant coverage of one or more of the following topics: Testing Process (Levels and Cycle), Testing Methodologies, Testing Tools, Testing Scripts, or Release Management. Impact of SOA/Web Service Overview of Service Oriented Architectures and Web Services and its effects on SA&D and OOA Table 2 – Detailed Analysis of Texts Text Trad SDLC Detailed Req Anal Interm SD Concepts Proj Mgmt Altern. SDLC Intro OO Intro UML Inter UML QAC/ Testing SOA/WS Bus/Entpr Apps Program Language Booch, 1993 Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Booch, Conallen, Houston, Maksimchuk, Engel & Young, 2007 No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Brown, 2001 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Carlson, 2001 No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Coad and Yourdon, 1991 Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Dennis, Wixom, 1999 Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No Dennis, Wixom, and Tegarden, 2004 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Dennis, Wixom, Roth, 2005 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Dennis, Wixom, Tegarden, 2004 Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No 1 No Fowler and Rumbaugh, 2003 No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No George, Batia, Valacich, Hoffer, 2007 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Hoffer, Valacich, and George, 2007 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Kendall and Kendall, 1998 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No Kendall and Kendall, 2007 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes No Larman , 2005 No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes McLaughlin, West, and Pollice, 2006 No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Odell, 1998 No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No No O'Docherty, 2005 No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Podeswa, 2005 No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No 1 No Satzinger, Burd, Jackson, 2006 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, 2004 Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Schach, 2003 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Shelly, Cashman, and Rosenblatt, 2007 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Shlaer, Mellor, 1988 No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No Shoval, 2006 No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Teague, Stumpf, 2005 No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Valacich, Hoffer, George, 2003 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No Valacich, Hoffer, George, 2005 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Wasson, 2005 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Weilkiens, 2008 No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No Whitten and Bentley, 2005 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No Yeates and Wakefield, 2004 Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No Table 3 – Summary of Author’s Backgrounds and Focus of Texts Authors Title CS/SE Back MIS/BUS Back Depth of Traditional Systems Analysis Depth of OOA Booch Object-Oriented Analysis and Design With Applications, Addison-Wesley, (1993) 100% 0% None Medium Booch, Conallen, Houston, Maksimchuk, Engel & Young Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3/e, Addison-Wesley, (2007) 16% 84% Elementary Advanced Brown An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis: Objects and UML in Plain English, 2/e, Wiley, (2001) 100% 0% Elementary Advanced Carlson Modeling XML Applications with UML: Practical e-Business Applications , Addison-Wesley, (2001) 100% 0% Elementary Medium Coad and Yourdon Object Oriented Design, Prentice Hall , (1991) 100% 0% Minimal Medium Dennis, Wixom Systems Analysis and Design, Wiley, (1999) 0% 100% Advanced None Dennis, Wixom, and Tegarden Systems Analysis and Design, Wiley, (2004) 0% 100% Minimal Advanced Dennis, Wixom, Roth Systems Analysis and Design 3/e, Wiley, (2005) 0% 100% Advanced Advanced Dennis, Wixom, Tegarden Systems Analysis and Design with UML, Wiley, (2004) 0% 100% Advanced Medium Fowler and Rumbaugh UML Distilled : A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, (2003) 0% 100% None Advanced George, Batia, D. Valacich, Hoffer Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design 2/e ), Prentice Hall, (2007) 0% 100% Elementary Advanced Hoffer, Valacich, and George Modern Systems Analysis and Design , Prentice Hall, (2007) 0% 100% Advanced Advanced Kendall and Kendall Systems Analysis and Design, Pearson Education, (1998) 0% 100% Advanced None Kendall and Kendall Systems Analysis and Design (7/e 2008), Prentice Hall, (2007) 0% 100% Advanced Medium Larman Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development, 3/e , Pearson Education, (2005) 100% 0% None Advanced McLaughlin, West, and Pollice Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design : A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D, O'Reilly Media, (2006) 100% 0% None Medium Odell Advanced Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML, Cambridge University Press, (1998) 0% 100% Elementary Medium O'Docherty Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Understanding System Development with UML , Wiley, (2005) 0% 100% Elementary Medium Podeswa UML for the IT Business Analyst: A Practical Guide to Object-Oriented Requirements Gathering , Course Technology, (2005) 0% 100% Elementary Advanced Satzinger, Burd, Jackson Systems Analysis & Design in a Changing World, Course Technology 4/e, (2006) 0% 100% Advanced Advanced Satzinger, Jackson, Burd Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 3/e, Course Technology, (2004) 0% 100% Elementary Advanced Schach Introduction to Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design , McGraw-Hill, (2003) 100% 0% Elementary Advanced Shelly, Cashman, and Rosenblatt Systems Analysis and Design, Cengage Delmar Learning, (2007) 0% 100% Advanced Advanced Shlaer, Mellor Object- Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World in Data , Yourdon Press, (1988) 100% 0% None Medium Shoval Functional and Object Oriented Analysis and Design: An Integrated Methodology , IGI Global, (2006) 0% 100% None Advanced Teague, Stumpf Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design with Uml, Prentice Hall, (2005) 100% 0% Elementary Advanced Valacich, Hoffer, George Essentials of System Analysis and Design , Pearson Education, (2003) 0% 100% Advanced None Valacich, Hoffer, George Essentials of System Analysis and Design , Prentice Hall, (2005) 0% 100% Elementary Introductory Wasson System Analysis, Design, and Development: Concepts, Principles, and Practices, Wiley, (2005) 0% 100% Elementary None Weilkiens Systems Engineering with SysML/UML : Modeling, Analysis, Design, Morgan Kaufmann , (2008) 100% 0% None Medium Whitten and Bentley Systems Analysis and Design Methods, McGraw-Hill, (2005) 0% 100% Advanced Medium Yeates and Wakefield Systems Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, (2004) 0% 100% Advanced None Table 4 Count of Authors Depth of OOA         Background Advanced Introductory Medium None Grand Total CS / CE 4 6 10 Mixed 1 1 MIS / BUS 10 1 5 5 21 Grand Total 15 1 11 5 32 Table 5 Count of Authors Depth of Traditional Systems Analysis     Background Advanced Elementary Minimal None Grand Total CS / CE 4 1 5 10 Mixed 1 1 MIS / BUS 11 7 1 2 21 Grand Total 11 12 2 7 32