500 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3400 Chicago, IL 6061 Welcome to ISECON 2009 & CONISAR 2009! Dear Fellow Colleague: The Information Systems Educator’s Conference (ISECON) and the debuting Conference on Information Systems Applied Research (CONISAR) provides special opportunities for information technology faculty. For over a quarter of a century, the Foundation for Information Technology Education has been providing this forum of a broad spectrum of presentation topics, and a special camaraderie to be shared by those who attend. This week and weekend, we are gathering to expand our understanding of information systems education. We are extremely grateful for the efforts of the entire ISECON 2009 and CONISAR 2009 conference planning committees for organizing these conferences. The authors, reviewers, presenters, and panelists, in conjunction with the ISECON and CONISAR committees, have collaborated to make this national conference function smoothly. In addition, those involved with registration, logistics and local arrangements deserve a special thank you. Anyone who has worked on the planning and execution of a conference of this magnitude can certainly appreciate the amount of effort necessary to present such an excellent conference. The Foundation for Information Technology Education (EF) exists to advance the state of education and practice in the Information Technology profession. We are extremely fortunate to partner with the Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) in developing the annual ISECON & CONISAR conferences. Through these conferences, we offer a forum in which IT/IS educators can interact, learn, and then return to their classrooms to shape the skills and knowledge of tomorrow’s IT professionals. On behalf of the FITE Board of Regents, I would like to extend our gratitude to those who have participated over the last few years to build the coalition that draws on the combined strengths of EDSIG, AITP and FITE. We hope ISECON 2009 and CONISAR 2009 will be a valuable experience – from both a personal networking and professional development viewpoints. We also sincerely hope you will join us next year at the Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee October 28-31, 2010. Have a great conference and let me know if there is anything that I can do to make your conference experience better not only this year, but in future years as well! Sincerely, Kevin Jetton Texas State University-San Marcos Texas President, Foundation for Information Technology Education ISECON2009 & ISECON2010 Meeting Planner