Nashville Riverboat

2010 Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference

October 28 to 31, 2010 - Nashville Tennessee

Workshop Presentation

Come and Get your (Teaching) Second Life

S Kruck
James Madison University

Virtual worlds, in the workshop, Second Life, allow the instructor to teach visually, immersing their students in concepts, ideas or data. This space can also for real-time meetings between faculty or faculty and students. Additionally faculty can also participate in state, national, and international conferences with no travel expense. For students, this global aspect allows them to explore and interact with different cultures. This workshop will introduce participants to the virtual world of Second Life and how SL can be integrated into their traditional and long-distance classroom. Also, participants will see how this technology allows easy interface with the global community and how it can be integrated into education.

Outcomes: Faulty should come away with how to get started using SL and ideas for incorporation SL into their classroom or locate and attend a function in a related area.

Targeted Attendees:
Teaching faculty

Recommended Citation: Kruck, S., (2010). "Come and Get your (Teaching) Second Life". The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference, v.27 n.1468, Nashville, TN.