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Year Pub TitleAuthors
2019 View Subsumption of Information Systems Education towards a Discipline of Design Babb, Waguespack, Abdullat
2022 View Change in Students’ Peer Evaluations of Requirements Elicitation Interviews Across the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic-Affected Semesters Babik, Babik
2022 View Change in Students’ Peer Evaluations of Requirements Elicitation Interviews Across the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic-Affected Semesters Babik, Babik
2022 View Teaching Tip: Scrum Boot Camp: Introducing Students to Agile System Development Babik
2020 View Visualizing IS Course Objectives and Marketable Skills Babik, Lending
2024 View Designing and Integrating an Introductory Information Systems Course Into Business Core Curriculum: Case Roadmap and Lessons Bačić, Shemroske
2023 View Building a Business Data Analytics Graduate Certificate Bačić, Jukić, Malliaris, Nestorov, Varma
2002 View Information Systems Security Education: Redressing the Balance of Theory and Practice Hsu, Backhouse
2019 View Implementing Scrum Wholesale in the Classroom Baham
2009 View The Importance of Synchronous Interaction for Student Satisfaction with Course Web Sites Cao, Griffin, Bai
2002 View Using ASP-Based Message Encryption Project to Teach Information Security Concepts Cao, Davis, Bai, Katter
2024 View Teaching Tip: Enhancing Student’s Understanding of Enterprise Systems Using Salesforce Triche, Dong, London, Baied
2012 View Planning and Sprinting: Use of a Hybrid Project Management Methodology within a CIS Capstone Course Baird, Riggins
2006 View Large Scale Requirements Modeling: An Industry Analysis, a Model and a Teaching Bajaj
2003 View The Learning Log Baker
2000 View Empirically Assessing Students' Perceptions of the Importance of Student Characteristics Baker, Harris
2006 View Enabling Laptop Exams Using Secure Software: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, O'Neill, Stone
2005 View An Emerging On-Line "Third Place" For Information Systems (IS) Students: Some Preliminary Observations Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, Sarker
2007 View A Student-Centric Approach to Large Introductory IS Survey Courses Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
2006 View Mitigating Negative Behaviors in Student Project Teams: An Information Technology Solution Brandyberry, Bakke
2008 View Emerging Educational Technology: Assessing the Factors that Influence Instructors’ Acceptance in Information Systems and Other Classrooms Ball, Levy
2007 View An eCommerce Development Case: Your Company's eCommerce Web Site Ballenger
2003 View A Database Design and Development Case: Elk County Pediatric Medical Center Ballenger
2008 View The Impact of Students' Perceived Computer Experience on Behavior and Performance in an Introductory Information Systems Course Ballou, Huguenard
2021 View Investigating Students’ Perception towards the Use of Social Media for Computing Education in Nigeria Agbo, Olawumi, Balogun, Sanusi, Olaleye, Sunday, Kolog, Atsa'am, Adusei-Mensah, Adegbite, Ipeayeda
2000 View Delivering the Cross-cultural Virtual Teamwork Experience: An Example with Mexican and American MBA Team Members Potter, Balthazard, Elder
2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
2021 View Teaching Case: Integrating Systems at We Build Stuff: Analysis and Design Case Powell, Barber
2021 View When Students are Players: Toward a Theory of Student-Centric Edu-Gamification Systems Barber
2019 View Four Strategies for Driving a University Pre-College Computing Outreach Program Landry, Barnett, Chapman, McCullough
1993 View Pretest-Posttest Measure of Introductory Computer Students' Attitudes toward Computers Barrier, Margavio
2024 View Cognitive Aspects in Problem Solving: The Case of a Data Structures Course for IS Students Barzilai, Sherman, Leiba, Spiegel
2006 View An Approach to Teaching Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Bataveljic, Eastwood, Seefried
2006 View Contemporary Approaches and Techniques for the Systems Analyst Batra, Satzinger
2008 View Integrating Soft Skills Assessment through University, College, and Programmatic Efforts at an AACSB Accredited Institution Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2003 View Coming to Grips with the Management of Information: A Classroom Exercise Beard, Peterson
2015 View Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition Mills, Dupin-Bryant, Beaulieu, Johnson, Beaulieu
2015 View Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition Mills, Dupin-Bryant, Beaulieu, Johnson, Beaulieu
2003 View What Information Technology Asks of Business Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Rhode Island Desplaces, Beauvais, Peckham
1991 View What Should Universities be Teaching Future End User Liaisons about Database? Beccue, Chrisman
2023 View A Teaching Framework for the Methodically Versatile DSR Education of Master’s Students Schlimbach, Khosrawi-Rad, Grogorick, Becker, Strohmann, Siemon, Robra-Bissantz
2007 View Uncovering Conceptual Gaps in Introductory IS Textbooks Hassan, Becker
1994 View A Plan for a Comprehensive and Integrated Information Systems Curriculum Becker, Gibson, McGuire
2006 View A Constructivist-Based Approach to Teaching Database Analysis and Design Connolly, Begg
2007 View Outcome-Driven Experiential Learning with Web 2.0 Huang, Behara
2004 View A Data Modeling Case: Writers Guild of America, East Wedel, Behnezhad, Gray
1998 View Cybertools for Instructors: Using the Internet and the World Wide Web to Enhance Learning in the Classroom Belanger, Jordan
2012 View Examining Profiles and Perceptions of the IS 2010 Model Curriculum Guidelines Mills, Velasquez, Fadel, Bell
2008 View Student Monks – Teaching Recursion in an IS or CS Programming Course Using the Towers of Hanoi Benander, Benander
2008 View Student Monks – Teaching Recursion in an IS or CS Programming Course Using the Towers of Hanoi Benander, Benander
2004 View Role Preference: Are Handheld Computers an Educational or Personal Technology? Jones, Johnson, Bentley
2018 View Adding Intercultural Communication to an IS Curriculum Mitchell, Benyon
2007 View Using Business Games in Teaching DSS Ben-Zvi
2018 View Applying an Extended Task-Technology Fit for Establishing Determinants of Mobile Learning: An Instant Messaging Initiative Bere
1998 View The Internet: An Assessment of Student Perceptions Berry, Jones
2002 View Debating E-commerce: Engaging Students in Current Events Settle, Berthiaume
2015 View Managing Software Engineering Student Teams Using Pellerin's 4-D System Doman, Besmer, Olsen
2008 View Gender Differences and Intra-Gender Differences amongst Management Information Systems Students Beyer
2023 View Teaching Tip: A Teaching Module Illustrating ERP Item Value Automation Singh, Bhadauria, Mangalaraj
2013 View Play for Performance: Using Computer Games to Improve Motivation and Test-Taking Performance Dennis, Bhagwatwar, Minas
2023 View Teaching Tip: Active Learning in the IS Classroom: A Student Crowdpolling Exercise for IS Courses McKinney, Jr., Niese, Bhatia
2008 View Engaging Students with Constructivist Participatory Examinations in Asynchronous Learning Networks Wu, Bieber, Hiltz
2023 View Methodological “Learning-by-Doing” for Action Design Research Nagle, Birkbeck, Daly, Jones, O’Sullivan, Sammon
2020 View Teaching Programming to the Post-Millennial Generation: Pedagogic Considerations for an IS Course Sharma, Biros, Ayyalasomayajula, Dalaa
1996 View Computing and Society: An Innovative Teaching Approach Bishop-Clark
2023 View Learning by Doing: Educators’ Perspective on an Illustrative Tool for AI-Generated Scaffolding for Students in Conceptualizing Design Science Research Studies Memmert, Tavanapour, Bittner
2012 View The Animal Genetic Resource Information Network (AnimalGRIN) Database: A Database Design & Implementation Case Casterella, Wessel, Blackburn
2019 View The Role of Flow in Learning Distributed Computing and MapReduce Concepts using Hands-On Analogy Conrad, Bliemel, Ali-Hassan
2014 View Game-Based Experiential Learning in Online Management Information Systems Classes Using Intel’s IT Manager 3 Bliemel, Ali-Hassan
2021 View Motivation in Gamified Social Media Learning: A Psychological Need Perspective Ofosu-Ampong, Boateng, Kolog, Anning-Dorson
2005 View Using the Data Modeling Worksheet to Improve Novice Data Modeler Performance Bock, Yager
2008 View An On-Demand Text-to-Speech Agent Bodnar
2007 View A Web Browsing Tool for a Shared Computer Environment Bodnar
2005 View An Active X SQL Resource Bodnar
2005 View A Virtual Market for Teaching Electronic Market Concepts in Information Systems Education Bodoff, Forster
2009 View Building Real World Domain-Specific Social Network Websites as a Capstone Project Yue, De Silva, Kim, Aktepe, Nagle, Boerger, Jain, Verma
2020 View Evaluation of Information Systems Curricula Bohler, Larson, Peachey, Shehane
2022 View Teaching Case: Information Security Management in Distress at SkillPlat Bongiovanni
2007 View Data Flow Diagramming Skills Acquisition: Impact of Cooperative versus Individual Learning Powell, Bordoloi, Ryan
2003 View How to Reduce Plagiarism Born
2012 View Implementation of an Interorganizational System: The Case of Medical Insurance E-clearance Bose, Liu, Ye
2023 View Data Quality Procedures in Survey Research: An Analysis and Framework for Doctoral Program Curricula Burleson, Bott, Carter, Sarabadani
2008 View Opening the Classroom Watson, Boudreau, York, Greiner, Wynn
2001 View Reducing Effects of Plagiarism in Programming Classes Bowyer, Hall
2000 View Pornography on the Dean's PC: An Ethics and Computing Case Study Bowyer
2000 View Resources for Teaching Ethics and Computing Bowyer
1996 View Information Systems Knowledge and Skills for the Business Management Undergraduate Boyer, McKell
2007 View Computers-for-edu: An Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) Teaching Case Boyle
2006 View Skill Requirements of ERP Graduates Boyle, Strong
2011 View LAN Configuration and Analysis: Projects for the Data Communications and Networking Course Chen, Brabston
1998 View An Evaluation of Introductory MIS Textbooks Based on Readability Measures Brabston, Nixon, Helms
2013 View Evaluating the Impact and Determinants of Student Team Performance: Using LMS and CATME Data Braender, Naples
2009 View Using Web Technology to Teach Students about Their Digital World Braender, Kapp, Yeras
2009 View Extending the Classroom through Second Life Wang, Braman
2006 View Mitigating Negative Behaviors in Student Project Teams: An Information Technology Solution Brandyberry, Bakke
2001 View The Effectiveness of Computer-Based "Game Show" Formats in Survey Courses: A Quasi-Experiment Brandyberry, Pardue
2003 View Introducing Peer Review in an IS Analysis Course Sindre, Moody, Brasethvik, Sølvberg
2004 View Bringing E-Government into the Classroom: A Case of E-Commerce Education Song, Rao, Braynov
2007 View Competitive Analysis of MIS in the MBA Core: Are Trends Putting Pressure on the MIS Course? Shore, Briggs
2003 View Faculty and Industry Conceptions of Successful Computer Programmers Sterling, Brinthaupt
1993 View Testing Recognition of Computer-generated Icons Brock, Newman
2006 View A Comparison of Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Courses and Degree Programs Wilkes, Simon, Brooks
2005 View It's All Fun and Games... Until Students Learn Massey, Brown, Johnston
1988 View Logo as a Language to Teach Non-majors the Essentials of Programming Brownell
2003 View Impact of Web Based Flexible Learning on Academic Performance in Information Systems Bryant, Campbell, Kerr
2013 View A Memory Game to Demonstrate the Power of Collaborative Efforts to Improve Team Performance Buche
2012 View Does Technology Acceptance Affect E-learning in a Non-Technology-Intensive Course? Buche, Davis, Vician
2007 View A Longitudinal Investigation of the Effects of Computer Anxiety on Performance in a Computing-Intensive Environment Buche, Davis, Vician
2007 View Requisite Skills and Knowledge for Entry-level IT Auditors Merhout, Buchman
2022 View Learning Without Limits: Identifying the Barriers and Enablers to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Wijeratne, Dennehy, Quinlivan, Buckley, Keighron, Flynn
2008 View Effective Use of Case Studies in the MIS Capstone Course through Semi-Formal Collaborative Teaching Harper, Lamb, Buffington
1999 View Effectiveness of Web-Based Instruction for ESL Students: An Empirical Study with Focus on Gender, Ethnicity, and Instructional Media Sankaran, Bui
2009 View An Approach to Reducing Cognitive Load in the Teaching of Introductory Database Concepts Bunch
1996 View A Classroom Exercise for Testing the Information Systems Manger as Leader: Mentor, Counselor, Coach Smith, Burch, Miller
2023 View AIS Teaching Curation Project: The Introductory Course in Information Systems Burleson, Nabity-Grover, Jetha
2023 View Data Quality Procedures in Survey Research: An Analysis and Framework for Doctoral Program Curricula Burleson, Bott, Carter, Sarabadani
2007 View Implementing Service-learning to the Information Systems and Technology Management Program: A study of an Undergraduate Capstone Course Wei, Siow, Burley
2007 View Improving the Performance of Online Learning Teams - A Discourse Analysis Liu, Burn
1995 View Re-Engineering the IS Curriculum for the IS Professional of the Future Tye, Burn, Ma, Poon
2009 View Selecting a Virtual World Platform for Learning Robbins, Butler
2003 View Improving the Learning Environment in Beginning Programming Classes: An Experiment in Gender Equity Crews, Butterfield
2000 View Using Information Systems as a Unifying Influence in an Integrated Business Curriculum Pendegraft, Stone, Byers
1996 View What to Teach in an Information Systems Curriculum: Depends on Who You Ask! Byers, Van Over