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Search returned 104 items for : G

Year Pub TitleAuthors
2015 View How Does ERPsim Influence Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes in an Information Systems Course? An Empirical Study Chen, Keys, Gaber
2013 View Enterprise Architecture Specification Case Study Steenkamp, Daigle, Gai, Swaby, Almasri, Khattab, Swaby, Abaas, Khattab, Gai, Almasri, Alawdah
2013 View Enterprise Architecture Specification Case Study Steenkamp, Daigle, Gai, Swaby, Almasri, Khattab, Swaby, Abaas, Khattab, Gai, Almasri, Alawdah
2012 View Introducing Cloud Computing Topics in Curricula Chen, Liu, Gallagher, Pailthorpe, Sadiq, Shen, Li
2010 View Are We Teaching the IS 2009 Model Curriculum? Apigian, Gambill
1998 View CIS/MIS Curriculums in AACSB and Non-AACSB Accredited Colleges of Business Gambill, Maier
2015 View Data Analytics vs. Data Science: A Study of Similarities and Differences in Undergraduate Programs Based on Course Descriptions Aasheim, Williams, Rutner, Gardiner
2012 View Recruiters’ Perceptions of Information Systems Graduates with Traditional and Online Education Tabatabaei, Gardiner
2008 View Incorporating Virtual Teamwork Training into MIS Curricula Chen, Sager, Corbitt, Gardiner
2020 View Data Analytics in Higher Education: An Integrated View Nguyen, Gardner, Sheridan
2006 View Conceptual Data Modeling in the Introductory Database Course: Is it Time for UML? Suleiman, Garfield
2003 View Computer Availability and Applications in Selected European Business Schools Markham, Kordsmeier, Gatlin-Watts
2024 View Teaching Tip: Embedding Sustainability in Information Systems Design Education Rowan, McCarthy, Mebrahtu, Gauche, O’Reilly, Odili
2024 View Teaching a Report-Oriented Business Intelligence Course: A Pedagogical Experience Shi, Gebauer, Kline, Gillenson
2016 View Introduction to NoSQL in a Traditional Database Course Fowler, Godin, Geddy
1999 View YES: Women Do Have an Aptitude for Programming! Geigner, Schambach
2004 View Twelve Tips for Successfully Integrating Enterprise Systems Across the Curriculum Fedorowicz, Gelinas, Usoff, Hachey
2003 View The U.S. Treasury Tests a New Payment Mechanism Gelinas, Gogan, Wade
2005 View Network Analysis and Design for Tickets Sales, Inc. Gendron, Jarmoszko
2004 View Choosing an ERP-type System for a Belarus Enterprise Jarmoszko, Gendron
2003 View The Integration of Technology Theory and Business Analysis: A Pedagogical Framework for the Undergraduate MIS Course in Data Communications and Networking Gendron, Jarmoszko
2007 View A Learning Research Informed Design and Evaluation of a Web-enhanced Object Oriented Programming Seminar Georgantaki, Retalis
2019 View The Times they are a Changin’: How Non-Technology Factors have Affected IS Curriculum over Time George, Marett
2002 View ERP, Learning Communities, and Curriculum Integration Joseph, George
2023 View Privacy Education Effectiveness: Does It Matter? Heinrich, Gerhart
2004 View A Study of Student Performance In Combined Courses Etzkorn, Weisskop, Gholston
2021 View GlobePort Faces Challenges in its Technology Transformation Ghosh
2014 View IS Course Success in Liberal Arts Institutions – What’s the Formula? Ghosh, Naik, Li
2011 View GlobePort Faces Global Business Challenges – Assessing the Organizational Side of Information Systems Projects Ghosh
1994 View A Plan for a Comprehensive and Integrated Information Systems Curriculum Becker, Gibson, McGuire
2006 View Asynchronous Discussion Groups: A Use-based Taxonomy with Examples Gill
2006 View The Memory Grid: A Glass Box View of Data Representation Gill
2004 View Teaching Flowcharting with FlowC Gill
2024 View Teaching a Report-Oriented Business Intelligence Course: A Pedagogical Experience Shi, Gebauer, Kline, Gillenson
2011 View Teaching Case: Jay’s Collectibles Cappel, Gillman, Jr.
1989 View Using LOTUS to Build an Accounting Information System Gingrich
1994 View Integrating Ethics into Information Systems Courses: A Multi-Method Approach Based on Role Playing Glass
2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
2016 View Introduction to NoSQL in a Traditional Database Course Fowler, Godin, Geddy
1998 View Computer Applications and Concepts for Business Student Career Success Goeller, Massetti
2003 View The U.S. Treasury Tests a New Payment Mechanism Gelinas, Gogan, Wade
2020 View Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses Goh, Di Gangi, Gunnells
2015 View Teaching Social Media Analytics: An Assessment Based on Natural Disaster Postings Goh, Sun
2004 View Migrating Information Retrieval from the Graduate to the Undergraduate Curriculum Goharian, Grossman, Frieder, Raju
2006 View Introducing the Unified Modeling Language into the Information Systems Curriculum Golden, Matos
1994 View Design and Implementation of a Practical Business Oriented Undergraduate Data Communications Curriculum Goldman
2010 View InterCon Travel Health: Case B Trumann, Pachamanova, Goldstein
2019 View Scaffolding Case Analysis Writing: A Collaboration between Information Systems and Writing Faculty Pessoa, Gomez-Laich, Liginlal, Mitchell
2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Failed Implementation of an Electronic Health Records System Gomillion
2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Re-Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: Preparing for a Successful Adoption after a Failed Attempt Gomillion
2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Stalled Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: IT Governance and Employee Succession Gomillion
2004 View An Enhanced Technology Acceptance Model for Web-Based Learning Gong, Xu, Yu
2007 View Enhancing IS Education with Flexible Teaching and Learning Goode, Willis, Wolf, Harris
2005 View Peer Review to Support Student Assessment in Teams Goode, Teh
1999 View Graduate IS Curriculum for the Millennium: Background, Process and Recommendation Gorgone, Gray
1994 View A Summary of the Collaborative IS Curriculum Specification of the Joint DPMA, ACM, AIS Task Force Longenecker, Feinstein, Couger, Davis, Gorgone
1995 View Restructuring Programming Instruction in the Computer Information Systems Curriculum: One Department's Approach Gotwals, Smith
1993 View Bringing Object-Oriented Programming into the Undergraduate Computer Information Systems Curriculum Gotwals, Smith
1995 View Connecting Geographically Dispersed Classrooms for Computer Supported Collaborative Work Harriger, Goyal
1995 View Enhancing Student Creativity in Information Systems Education: The Active Learning Approach Goyal
1995 View Using CSCW Technology to Connect Classrooms Goyal, Harriger
2022 View Management Information Systems Education: A Systematic Review Elrod, Stanley, Cudney, Hilgers, Graham
2019 View Teaching Information Systems in the Age of Digital Disruption Case, Dick, Granger, Akbulut
2007 View Information Systems Enrollments: Challenges and Strategies Granger, Dick, Jacobson, Van Slyke
1996 View Creating an Ethical Awareness Using the Internet Granger, Schroeder
1994 View Applying a Framework for Software Development Methods in an Information Systems Curriculum Granger, Malaga
2020 View Evaluating Learner-Centeredness Course Pedagogy in Project Management Syllabi Using a Content Analysis Approach Karanja, Grant
2007 View Using Reengineering as an Integrating Capstone Experience Matos, Grasser
2002 View A Simpler (and Better) SQL Approach to Relational Division Matos, Grasser
2008 View Teradata University Network: A No Cost Web-Portal for Teaching Database, Data Warehousing, and Data-Related Subjects Jukić, Gray
2006 View Toward a Next Generation Data Modeling Facility: Neither the Entity-Relationship Model nor UML Meet the Need Kroenke, Gray
2004 View A Data Modeling Case: Writers Guild of America, East Wedel, Behnezhad, Gray
1999 View Graduate IS Curriculum for the Millennium: Background, Process and Recommendation Gorgone, Gray
2019 View Why do Students not Major in MIS? An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior Chipidza, Green, Riemenschneider
2017 View Learning Outcomes for Cyber Defense Competitions Woszczynsk, Green
2005 View Greta's Gym: A Teaching Case for Term-Long Database Projects Green
2002 View Critical Success Factors in Developing, Implementing, and Teaching a Web Development Course Greer
2001 View Critical Success Factors in Developing, Implementing, and Teaching a Web Development Course Greer
2021 View Emerge2Maturity: A Simulation Game for Data Warehouse Maturity Concepts Mannino, Khojah, Gregg
2009 View Assessing Students’ Learning in MIS using Concept Mapping Gregoriades, Pampaka, Michail
2008 View Opening the Classroom Watson, Boudreau, York, Greiner, Wynn
2005 View Framing Electronic Commerce within an Introductory Information Systems Course Grenci
2004 View New Dog, Old Tricks: ERP and the Systems Development Life Cycle Grenci, Hull
2005 View Active Learning Model for Teaching B2B e-Marketplaces Gricar, Pucihar, Lenart
2009 View The Importance of Synchronous Interaction for Student Satisfaction with Course Web Sites Cao, Griffin, Bai
1999 View Incorporating Visual Design into Information Systems Courses: A Practical Primer Reshaping the Human, Computer Interface Design Curriculum Finnegan, Griffin
2007 View Evolving a Facilitation Process towards Student Centred Learning: A Case Study in Computing Griffiths, Oates, Lockyer
2002 View An Undergraduate Business Information Security Course and Laboratory Grimaila, Kim
2023 View A Teaching Framework for the Methodically Versatile DSR Education of Master’s Students Schlimbach, Khosrawi-Rad, Grogorick, Becker, Strohmann, Siemon, Robra-Bissantz
2021 View Collective Learning for Developing Cyber Defense Consciousness: An Activity System Analysis Gross, Ho
2023 View Guiding Design Principle Projects: A Canvas for Young Design Science Researchers Schoormann, Möller, Di Maria, Große
2007 View The Emerging Academic Discipline of Knowledge Management Grossman
2004 View Migrating Information Retrieval from the Graduate to the Undergraduate Curriculum Goharian, Grossman, Frieder, Raju
1989 View Student Learning Problems in a Course on Expert System Shells Grupe
2024 View Teaching Case: When Strength Turns Into Weakness: Exploring the Role of AI in the Closure of Zillow Offers Gudigantala, Mehrotra
2013 View Preparing Information Systems (IS) Graduates to Meet the Challenges of Global IT Security: Some Suggestions Sauls, Gudigantala, Sauls
2008 View A Model for Using a Capstone Experience as One Method of Assessment of an Information Systems Degree Program Murray, Perez, Guimaraes
2005 View The Maturing of E-Commerce Education in Our Curricula Ngai, Gunasekaran, Harris
2020 View Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses Goh, Di Gangi, Gunnells
2009 View The Effects of Flow on Learning Outcomes in an Online Information Management Course Rossin, Ro, Klein, Guo
2024 View Fintech and Digital Payments: Developing a Domain Knowledge Framework Gupta, Xie, Zafar
2022 View Supporting Inclusive Learning Using Chatbots? A Chatbot-Led Interview Study Gupta, Chen
2010 View Towards Greater Learner Control: Web Supported Project-Based Learning Guthrie
2005 View Personality and Programming Woszczynsk, Guthrie, Shade