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Search returned 150 items for : L

Year Pub TitleAuthors
2023 View A Data-Driven Approach to Compare the Syntactic Difficulty of Programming Languages Lokkila, Christopoulos, Laakso
2002 View Transaction Management in Distributed Database Systems: The Case of Oracle’s Two-Phase Commit Alkhatib, Labban
2021 View Using a Modified Understanding by Design® Framework to Incorporate Social Media Tools in the Management Information Systems Curriculum for Generation Y and Z Students Schwieger, Ladwig
2020 View Encounters with Bigfoot on the Strip: The Risks and Liabilities of Online Reviews Ladwig, Schwieger
2007 View Information Systems Integration and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Adoption: A Case from Financial Services Lam
2004 View Encouraging Online Participation Lam
2008 View Effective Use of Case Studies in the MIS Capstone Course through Semi-Formal Collaborative Teaching Harper, Lamb, Buffington
2018 View An Interdisciplinary Task-Based Activity for Teaching Internal Controls Marshall, Drum, Lambert, Morris
1994 View Summer Faculty Internships: An Attractive Faculty Development Alternative Richmond, Crow, Lampe
2011 View Teaching IS Ethics: Applying A Research Technique For Classroom Use Niederman, Taylor, Dick, Land, Taylor
1995 View Verbal Communication Skills Requirements for Information Systems Professionals Sivitanides, Cook, Martin, Chioda, Landram
2019 View Four Strategies for Driving a University Pre-College Computing Outreach Program Landry, Barnett, Chapman, McCullough
2008 View A Methodology to Assist Faculty in Developing Successful Approaches for Achieving Learner Centered Information Systems Curriculum Outcomes: Team Based Methods Wagner, Longenecker, Landry, Lusk, Saulnier
2008 View From Teaching to Learning: Learner-Centered Teaching and Assessment in Information Systems Education Saulnier, Landry, Longenecker, Wagner
2008 View Why is the Learner-Centered Paradigm So Profoundly Important for Information Systems Education? Landry, Saulnier, Wagner, Longenecker
1999 View On Updating the IS'97 Model Curriculum for Undergraduate Programs of Information Systems Longenecker, Feinstein, Haigood, Landry
2015 View The Determinants of Student Effort at Learning ERP: A Cultural Perspective Alshare, El-Masri, Lane, Lane
2015 View The Determinants of Student Effort at Learning ERP: A Cultural Perspective Alshare, El-Masri, Lane, Lane
2010 View IS Success Model in E-Learning Context Based on Students' Perceptions Freeze, Alshare, Lane, Wen
2022 View Invited Paper: Editing Special Issues of JISE: Practical Guidance and Recommendations Lang, Zhang, Connolly
2022 View Special Issue Editorial: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Lang, Freeman, Kiely, Woszczynsk
2020 View Agile Teaching and Learning in Information Systems Education: An Analysis and Categorization of Literature Sharp, Mitchell, Lang
2018 View Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda Sharp, Lang
2011 View Incorporating Ethics and Social Responsibility in IS Education Harris, Lang, Yates, Kruck
2006 View Systems Analysis & Design: An Essential Part of IS Education Harris, Lang, Oates, Siau
2003 View Healthcare Information Management Systems Concentration Curriculum Choices: Evaluating the CIO Perspective Lang
1992 View Incorporating Communication Skills into a Management Information Systems Course Laribee
1992 View Information Resources Management: Topics, Concepts, and Resources for Teaching IRM to Business Students Laribee, Nantz
2022 View Teaching Case: The Initial Coin Offering Marketplace: A Data Analytic Case Han, Larson
2020 View Evaluation of Information Systems Curricula Bohler, Larson, Peachey, Shehane
2019 View Strategic Actions in a Platform Context: What Should Facebook Do Next? Larson, Vieregger
2018 View Congratulations! …to the World? One Person’s Experience with Social Media Larson
2013 View Utilizing Classroom Simulation to Convey Key Concepts in IT Portfolio Management Larson
1994 View Close the Deal and Deliver the System: Sales Training for IS Developers Lassila
2010 View Team-Based Peer Review as a Form of Formative Assessment - The Case of a Systems Analysis and Design Workshop Lavy, Yadin
2007 View Frontiers for Learner-Centered IS Education Law
2009 View Desirable ICT Graduate Attributes: Theory vs. Practice Debuse, Lawley
2007 View The Implementation of an Automated Assessment Feedback and Quality Assurance System for ICT Courses Debuse, Lawley, Shibl
2013 View White Hats Chasing Black Hats: Careers in IT and the Skills Required To Get There Fulton, Lawrence, Clouse
1996 View Information/Systems and Quantitative Core Courses in AACSB Accredited Business Schools Lawrence, Relsman
2011 View Integrating Healthcare Ethical Issues Into IS Education Cellucci, Campbell, Zeng, Layman
1992 View A Course Planning Method to Incorporate Collaborative Learning in Information Systems Courses Spruell, Le Blanc
2005 View Student Understandings of Information Systems Design, Learning and Teaching: A Phenomenography Approach Rose, Le Heron, Sofat
1995 View A Decision Support System for Student Transfer Advising Mathieson, Lederer
2019 View Bridging the Gap between IS Education and IS Research: What Can be done to Help? Lee
2019 View How Does Competition Help Future Learning in Serious Games? An Exploratory Study in Learning Search Engine Optimization Lee, Lui, Chau
2014 View The Doctor is in, but is Academia? Re-Tooling IT Education for a New Era in Healthcare Lee, Moy, Kruck, Rabang
2012 View Experience is a Good Teacher: Integrating Service and Learning in Information Systems Education Lee
2009 View Migrating Legacy Systems in the Global Merger & Acquisition Environment Katerattanakul, Kam, Lee, Hong
2008 View Analysis of Skills Requirement for Entry-Level Programmer/Analysts in Fortune 500 Corporations Lee, Han
2007 View A Curriculum for a Master of Science in Information Quality Lee, Pierce, Talburt, Wang, Zhu
2006 View The Competitiveness of the Information Systems Major: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Lee, Lee
2006 View The Competitiveness of the Information Systems Major: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Lee, Lee
2004 View Critical Factors Affecting Job Offers for New MIS Graduates Fang, Lee, Lee, Huang
2004 View Critical Factors Affecting Job Offers for New MIS Graduates Fang, Lee, Lee, Huang
2006 View Using a Simulation Game Approach to Teach Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts Leger
1995 View Drivers' Ed for the Information Highway: A Required Course for MBA Students Lehman
2024 View Cognitive Aspects in Problem Solving: The Case of a Data Structures Course for IS Students Barzilai, Sherman, Leiba, Spiegel
2019 View IS2010: A Retrospective Review and Recommendation Leidig, Ferguson, Reynolds
2005 View Active Learning Model for Teaching B2B e-Marketplaces Gricar, Pucihar, Lenart
2022 View A Rubric to Evaluate and Enhance Requirements Elicitation Interviewing Skills Lending, Ezell, Dillon, May
2020 View Visualizing IS Course Objectives and Marketable Skills Babik, Lending
2019 View Developing Measurable Cross-Departmental Learning Objectives for Requirements Elicitation in an Information Systems Curriculum Ezell, Lending, Dillon, May, Hurney, Fulcher
2019 View Ingredients of a High-Quality Information Systems Program in a Changing IS Landscape Lending, Mitri, Dillon
2016 View Play Ball: Bringing Scrum into the Classroom May, York, Lending
2013 View Using Activity Diagrams to Model Systems Analysis Processes: Teaching what we Preach Lending, May
2012 View Writing IS Teaching Tips: Guidelines for JISE Submission Lending, Vician
2010 View Using a Wiki to Collaborate on a Study Guide Lending
2003 View Service-Learning in Information Systems Courses: Community Projects that Make a Difference Hoxmeier, Lenk
2016 View Using Giving Voice to Values to Improve Student Academic Integrity in Information Technology Contexts Riemenschneider, Manly, Leonard
2011 View Students' Ethical Decision-Making in an Information Technology Context: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach Riemenschneider, Leonard, Manly
2005 View Improving Students' Interest in Learning: Some Positive Techniques Leong
2004 View Appropriating Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Colleges of Business: Extending Adaptive Stucturation Theory for Testability LeRouge, Webb
2010 View Teaching MBA Students the Use of Web2.0: The Knowledge Management Perspective Levy, Hadar
2008 View Emerging Educational Technology: Assessing the Factors that Influence Instructors’ Acceptance in Information Systems and Other Classrooms Ball, Levy
1995 View Beyond the Introductory Information Systems Course: A Mini-Course series for Business Students DeMichiell, Lewis
2012 View Teaching ERP systems: Results of a survey at research-oriented universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany Leyh
2010 View Teaching ERP systems: A multi-perspective view on the ERP system market Winkelmann, Leyh
2014 View Bringing Business Intelligence to Health Information Technology Curriculum Zheng, Zhang, Li
2014 View IS Course Success in Liberal Arts Institutions – What’s the Formula? Ghosh, Naik, Li
2014 View Promoting Information Systems Major to Undergraduate Students - A Comprehensive Investigation Li, Zhang, Zheng
2014 View Teaching Information Security with Workflow Technology - A Case Study Approach He, Kshirsagar, Nwala, Li
2012 View Introducing Cloud Computing Topics in Curricula Chen, Liu, Gallagher, Pailthorpe, Sadiq, Shen, Li
2012 View Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Entry-Level IT Workers: A Longitudinal Study Aasheim, Shropshire, Li, Kadlec
2012 View Plagiarism and Programming: A Survey of Student Attitudes Aasheim, Rutner, Li, Williams
2009 View Does It Really Matter? Using Virtual Office Hours to Enhance Student-Faculty Interaction Li, Pitts
2009 View Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Entry-Level Information Technology Workers: A Comparison of Industry and Academia Aasheim, Li, Williams
2009 View The Impact of a Computer Proficiency Exam on Business Students’ Admission to and Performance in a Higher-Level IT Course Rondeau, Li
2004 View Assessing the Knowledge Structure of Information Systems Learners in Experience-Based Learning Li, Zhang, Li
2004 View Assessing the Knowledge Structure of Information Systems Learners in Experience-Based Learning Li, Zhang, Li
2022 View When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions Licorish, Lötter
1995 View Integrating Expert Systems Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum Liebowitz
1993 View The Business Protocol Expert System: An International Business Manners Advisor Liebowitz
1992 View Teaching an Applied Expert Systems Course: A Content Outline Liebowitz
1994 View Textbook Treatment of Structured Programming Standards and Guidelines Lief
2005 View An Exploratory Assessment of the Pedagogical Effectiveness of a Systems Development Environment Meso, Liegle
2009 View A Comparison of Information Systems Programs at AACSB and ACBSP Schools in Relation to IS 2002 Model Curricula Lifer, Parsons, Miller
2019 View Scaffolding Case Analysis Writing: A Collaboration between Information Systems and Writing Faculty Pessoa, Gomez-Laich, Liginlal, Mitchell
2012 View Increasing Student Performance Through the Use of Web Services in Introductory Programming Classrooms: Results from a Series of Quasi-Experiments Hosack, Lim, Vogt
2002 View Teaching Web Development Technologies: Past, Present, and (Near) Future Lim
1995 View On Teaching an Object-Oriented Database Module in Undergraduate CS/IS Curricula Lim
2005 View Developing Expertise in E-Commerce: A Content Analysis of Students' Knowledge of Online Auctions Foster, Lin
2018 View Scrum-Based Learning Environment: Fostering Self-Regulated Learning Linden
2007 View IP Teleconferencing in the Wired Classroom: Gratifications for Distance Education Stafford, Lindsey
2024 View Teaching Tip: Using Text Analytics AI Insights in Microsoft Power BI Desktop to Score Sentiments, Extract Key Phrases, and Discover Unstructured Data Patterns Liu, Downing
2023 View Teaching Tip: What You Need to Know about Gamification Process of Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises: Lessons and Challenges Kim, Zhong, Liu
2017 View Approaches to Incorporating IT Entrepreneurship into the Information Systems Curriculum Jones, Liu
2012 View Implementation of an Interorganizational System: The Case of Medical Insurance E-clearance Bose, Liu, Ye
2012 View Introducing Cloud Computing Topics in Curricula Chen, Liu, Gallagher, Pailthorpe, Sadiq, Shen, Li
2010 View Using Cascading Style Sheets to Design a Fly-Out Menu with Microsoft Visual Studio Liu, Downing
2008 View Enabling Customization through Web Development: An Iterative Study of the Dell Computer Corporation Website Liu, Mackie
2007 View Improving the Performance of Online Learning Teams - A Discourse Analysis Liu, Burn
2007 View Web Survey Design in ASP.Net 2.0: A Simple Task with One Line of Code Liu
2006 View Teaching Security Techniques in an E-Commerce Course Liu, Mackie
2005 View E-Hermes: An Xml Tool for the Classroom Nicolaou, Essex, Raghunathan, Liu
2002 View A Study of the Demand for Information Technology Professionals in Selected Internet Job Portals Koong, Liu, Liu
2002 View A Study of the Demand for Information Technology Professionals in Selected Internet Job Portals Koong, Liu, Liu
2000 View Some Observations on Internet Addiction Disorder Research Chebbi, Koong, Liu, Rottman
2005 View Contemporary Usage of CASE Tools in U. S. Colleges and Universities Chinn, Lloyd, Kyper
2001 View Lessons Learned from Piloting a Computer Literacy Test for Placement and Remedial Decisions Pierce, Lloyd, Solak
2005 View Collaborative Project Across Three Hong Kong Universities: A Case Study in E-Commerce Education Ngai, Lok, Ng, Lo, Wong
1989 View Using Facilitated Team Techniques to Define Information System Requirements Lockwood
2007 View Evolving a Facilitation Process towards Student Centred Learning: A Case Study in Computing Griffiths, Oates, Lockyer
2003 View Bitten by a Bug: A Case Study in Malware Infection Logan, Logan
2003 View Bitten by a Bug: A Case Study in Malware Infection Logan, Logan
2002 View Crafting an Undergraduate Information Security Emphasis Within Information Technology Logan
2005 View Collaborative Project Across Three Hong Kong Universities: A Case Study in E-Commerce Education Ngai, Lok, Ng, Lo, Wong
2023 View A Data-Driven Approach to Compare the Syntactic Difficulty of Programming Languages Lokkila, Christopoulos, Laakso
2002 View Form Responders: Enhancing Student Learning in Beginning and Advanced Web Development Classes Lomerson
2024 View Teaching Tip: Enhancing Student’s Understanding of Enterprise Systems Using Salesforce Triche, Dong, London, Baied
2008 View A Methodology to Assist Faculty in Developing Successful Approaches for Achieving Learner Centered Information Systems Curriculum Outcomes: Team Based Methods Wagner, Longenecker, Landry, Lusk, Saulnier
2008 View Assessment: Placing the Emphasis on Learning in Information Systems Programs and Classes White, Longenecker, McKell, Harris
2008 View From Teaching to Learning: Learner-Centered Teaching and Assessment in Information Systems Education Saulnier, Landry, Longenecker, Wagner
2008 View Why is the Learner-Centered Paradigm So Profoundly Important for Information Systems Education? Landry, Saulnier, Wagner, Longenecker
2000 View Using Polya to Teach System Development Methodologies: Fostering a Role Perspective in IS Students Pardue, Doran, Longenecker
1999 View On Updating the IS'97 Model Curriculum for Undergraduate Programs of Information Systems Longenecker, Feinstein, Haigood, Landry
1994 View A Summary of the Collaborative IS Curriculum Specification of the Joint DPMA, ACM, AIS Task Force Longenecker, Feinstein, Couger, Davis, Gorgone
1991 View A Comprehensive Survey of USA and Canadian Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems Longenecker, Jr., Feinstein
2004 View A Customized ERP/SAP Model for Business Curriculum Integration Johnson, Lorents, Morgan, Ozmun
2022 View When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions Licorish, Lötter
2023 View Teaching Case: Central University Medical Center: A Proposed Paperless Patient Registration System Lou, Chang, Chen
2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
2009 View The IS Core: An Integration of the Core IS Courses Albrecht, Romney, Lowry, Moody
2003 View Consulting at the Laser ISP (LISP) Company: Using Excel Metrics Capabilities to Solve Semi-Structured Management Problems Dean, Lowry
2005 View Peer-and-Self Assessment to Reveal the Ranking of Each Individual's Contribution to a Group Project Tu, Lu
2000 View Problem-Based Learning in a Systems Analysis Course Luce
2019 View How Does Competition Help Future Learning in Serious Games? An Exploratory Study in Learning Search Engine Optimization Lee, Lui, Chau
2009 View Virtualization Technologies in Information Systems Education Lunsford
2023 View Teaching Tip: Hackalytics: Using Computer Hacking to Engage Students in Analytics Luse, Shadbad
2008 View A Methodology to Assist Faculty in Developing Successful Approaches for Achieving Learner Centered Information Systems Curriculum Outcomes: Team Based Methods Wagner, Longenecker, Landry, Lusk, Saulnier