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Year Pub TitleAuthors
2010 View InterCon Travel Health: Case B Trumann, Pachamanova, Goldstein
2022 View Can e-Learning Enable the Transition to University for Computing and Electronic Engineering Students from Low Socio-Economic Status? A Socio-Cultural Approach Kaniadakis, Padumadasa
2012 View Introducing Cloud Computing Topics in Curricula Chen, Liu, Gallagher, Pailthorpe, Sadiq, Shen, Li
2006 View CEAF: A Measure for Deconstructing Students' Prior Computer Experience Palaigeorgiou, Siozos, Konstantakis
2021 View Social Media: Computing Education Perspectives in Diverse Educational Contexts Paliktzoglou, Oyelere, Suhonen, Mramba
2007 View The Effectiveness of Using Computers for Software Training: An Exploratory Study Palvia, Palvia
2007 View The Effectiveness of Using Computers for Software Training: An Exploratory Study Palvia, Palvia
2000 View Learning Spreadsheet Software in the Traditional and Synchronous Modes: A Model and a Pilot Study to Investigate End User's Performance and Satisfaction Palvia
2009 View Assessing Students’ Learning in MIS using Concept Mapping Gregoriades, Pampaka, Michail
2014 View Health Informatics in the Classroom: An Empirical Study to Investigate Higher Education’s Response to Healthcare Transformation Ashrafi, Kuilboer, Joshi, Ran, Pande
2004 View Telecommunications and Data Networking Course: Balancing Theory and Practice Pandya
2010 View Using Virtual Servers to Teach Implementation of Enterprise-level: DBMSs: A Teaching Note Wagner, Pant
2016 View Integrating Research and Teaching in the IS Classroom: Benefits for Teachers and Students Obwegeser, Papadopoulos
2001 View The Effectiveness of Computer-Based "Game Show" Formats in Survey Courses: A Quasi-Experiment Brandyberry, Pardue
2000 View Using Polya to Teach System Development Methodologies: Fostering a Role Perspective in IS Students Pardue, Doran, Longenecker
2010 View Evaluation of a Teaching Tool - Wiki - in Online Graduate Education Park, Crocker, Nussey, Springate, Hutchings
2003 View A Database Design Case: Teton Whitewater Kayak Parker
1993 View A Study of Microcomputer Resource Policies at Two- and Four-Year Colleges and Universities Parker
2024 View Teaching Case: California Dreamin’ Housing Market Visualizations in Tableau Jacobs, Curry, DePaolo, Parra
2013 View IS Security Requirements Identification from Conceptual Models in Systems Analysis and Design: The Fun & Fitness, Inc. Case Spears, Parrish
2009 View A Comparison of Information Systems Programs at AACSB and ACBSP Schools in Relation to IS 2002 Model Curricula Lifer, Parsons, Miller
2001 View Using the Internet to Simulate Virtual Organizations in MBA Curricula Dobing, Parsons
2000 View Using the Internet to Build Realism in Teaching Requirements Analysis Parsons, Foster
2005 View A Constructivist Approach to Information Systems Teaching: A Case Study on a Design Course for Advanced-Level University Students Tetard, Patokorpi
2015 View Using Bloom’s and Webb’s Taxonomies to Integrate Emerging Cybersecurity Topics into a Computing Curriculum Harris, Patten
2013 View The Need to Address Mobile Device Security in Higher Education IT Curriculums Patten, Harris
2012 View Implementation of an Automated Grading System with an Adaptive Learning Component to Affect Student Feedback and Response Time Matthews, Janicki, He, Patterson
2018 View Aligning IS Master’s Programs with Industry Tan, Nakata, Paul
1998 View Retooling Information Technology Professionals Jain, Paul
2023 View Working Toward Wisdom in IS Education: Developing an Integral Knowledge-to-Wisdom Teaching Framework Pauleen, Intezari
2014 View Behind the Screen Where Today’s Bully Plays: Perceptions of College Students on Cyberbullying Paullet, Pinchot
2015 View Social Representations of Cybersecurity by University Students and Implications for Instructional Design Pawlowski, Jung
2021 View Cybersecurity, Technology, and Society: Developing an Interdisciplinary, Open, General Education Cybersecurity Course Payne, He, Wang, Wittkower, Wu
2011 View Using Debates to Teach Information Ethics Peace
2003 View Selection and Use of MySQL in a Database Management Course Denton, Peace
2020 View Evaluation of Information Systems Curricula Bohler, Larson, Peachey, Shehane
2000 View A Quandary for Information Technology: Who Controls the Content of Distance Education? O'Hara, Peak
2008 View Exploring the Importance of Mentoring for New Scholars: A Social Exchange Perspective Ugrin, Odom, Pearson
1996 View The Relationship Between Computer Literacy and Education: An Empirical Assessment Jones, Pearson
2003 View What Information Technology Asks of Business Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Rhode Island Desplaces, Beauvais, Peckham
2023 View Reflections on Supervising the Postgraduate Students’ Design Science Research Thesis Pekkola
2008 View Proposing a New Framework and an Innovative Approach to Teaching Reengineering and ERP Implementation Concepts Pellerin, Hadaya
2014 View Promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills via IPTEACES e-Learning Framework in the Learning of Information Systems Units Isaias, Issa, Pena
2009 View An Inexpensive Device for Teaching Public Key Encryption Pendegraft
2000 View Using Information Systems as a Unifying Influence in an Integrated Business Curriculum Pendegraft, Stone, Byers
2008 View A Model for Using a Capstone Experience as One Method of Assessment of an Information Systems Degree Program Murray, Perez, Guimaraes
2012 View Assessing Information Systems and Computer Information Systems Programs from a Balanced Scorecard Perspective Kim, Yue, Al-Mubaid, Perkins-Hall, Abeysekera
1998 View Computing-Use Violations in Academic Settings Perreault, Keith
1993 View Training Is the Key to Implementing a Group Decision Support System Perreault
2021 View Effectiveness of Educational Delivery Modes: A Study in Computer Information Systems Peslak, Kovalchick, Wang, Kovacs
2019 View Four Important Strategic Issues for Computer Information Systems Education Saulnier, Ceccucci, Sendall, Peslak
2005 View A Twelve-Step, Multiple Course Approach to Teaching Enterprise Resource Planning Peslak
2019 View Scaffolding Case Analysis Writing: A Collaboration between Information Systems and Writing Faculty Pessoa, Gomez-Laich, Liginlal, Mitchell
2003 View Coming to Grips with the Management of Information: A Classroom Exercise Beard, Peterson
2008 View Using Projects Scoring Rubrics to Assess Student Learning in an Information Systems Program Petkov, Petkova, D'Onofrio, Jarmoszko
2008 View Using Projects Scoring Rubrics to Assess Student Learning in an Information Systems Program Petkov, Petkova, D'Onofrio, Jarmoszko
2005 View Building Student Skills and Capabilities in Information Technology and eBusiness: A Moving Target Petrova, Claxton
1995 View Group Collaboration in Information Systems Class Projects: Survey and Critical Success Factors Phan
2011 View Wiki or Word? Evaluating Tools for Collaborative Writing and Editing Dishaw, Eierman, Iversen, Philip
1995 View Ethics in Information Systems: A Framework for Evaluation Phukan
2003 View The Use of Role-Playing To Help Students Understand Information Systems Case Studies Kerr, Troth, Pickering
2007 View A Curriculum for a Master of Science in Information Quality Lee, Pierce, Talburt, Wang, Zhu
2001 View Lessons Learned from Piloting a Computer Literacy Test for Placement and Remedial Decisions Pierce, Lloyd, Solak
2006 View Information Systems Development Education in the Real World-A Project Methodology and Assessment van Vliet, Pietron
2014 View Behind the Screen Where Today’s Bully Plays: Perceptions of College Students on Cyberbullying Paullet, Pinchot
2018 View Coping with Uncertainty in an Agile Systems Development Course Taipalus, Seppänen, Pirhonen
2014 View Patient Education as an Information System, Healthcare Tool and Interaction Pirhonen, Silvennoinen, Sillence
2016 View Supporting Academic Integrity in a Fully-Online Degree Completion Program Through the Use of Synchronous Video Conferences Wagner, Enders, Pirie, Thomas
2023 View Teaching Tip: GetVirtual: A Universal Service-Based Learning Framework Toskin, Pisano, Corey
2003 View Teaching Digital Multimedia as a Component of Business Education Records, Pitt
2009 View Does It Really Matter? Using Virtual Office Hours to Enhance Student-Faculty Interaction Li, Pitts
2018 View Security Breach at Target Plachkinova, Maurer
2017 View Maintaining a Cybersecurity Curriculum: Professional Certifications as Valuable Guidance Knapp, Maurer, Plachkinova
2010 View Outsourcing a High Speed Internet Access Project: An Information Technology Class Case Study in Three Parts Platt, Carper, McCool
1989 View Teaching On-Line Application Programming using CICS Poindexter
2009 View Using Web 2.0 Technologies to Meet Quality Matters™ (QM) Requirements Pollacia, McCallister
2001 View Recommendations for Developing an Online Course Pollacia
2012 View Lessons Learned from Client Projects in an Undergraduate Project Management Course Pollard
2006 View Constructing Integrated Writing Assignments for the IS Curriculum Pomykalski
2006 View Interleaving Modeling and Writing Activities in Systems Analysis and Design Pomykalski
2024 View Employment and Career Prospects of Technical-Oriented Jobs in the FinTech Market Poon, Pond, Tang
2003 View Database Tuning and its Role in Information Technology Education Pons
2024 View Employment and Career Prospects of Technical-Oriented Jobs in the FinTech Market Poon, Pond, Tang
2023 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Expert Systems in a Postgraduate Accounting Degree Program Poon
1995 View Re-Engineering the IS Curriculum for the IS Professional of the Future Tye, Burn, Ma, Poon
2011 View Designing an Academic Project Management Program: A Collaboration between a University and a PMI Chapter Poston, Richardson
2000 View Delivering the Cross-cultural Virtual Teamwork Experience: An Example with Mexican and American MBA Team Members Potter, Balthazard, Elder
2018 View Origami: An Active Learning Exercise for Scrum Project Management Sibona, Pourreza, Hill
2021 View Teaching Case: Integrating Systems at We Build Stuff: Analysis and Design Case Powell, Barber
2007 View Data Flow Diagramming Skills Acquisition: Impact of Cooperative versus Individual Learning Powell, Bordoloi, Ryan
2014 View Preparing Information Systems Graduates for a Complex Society: Aligning IS Curriculum with Liberal Education Learning Outcomes Pratt, Keys, Wirkus
2010 View IS Staffing During a Recession: Comparing Student and IS Recruiter Perceptions Pratt, Hauser, Ross
2006 View Exploring the Learning in Service-Learning: A Case of a Community-Based Research Project in Web-Based Systems Development Preiser-Houy, Navarrete
2023 View Aligning Cybersecurity in Higher Education with Industry Needs Towhidi, Pridmore
2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
2005 View Active Learning Model for Teaching B2B e-Marketplaces Gricar, Pucihar, Lenart
2005 View Balancing Objectivist and Constructivist Pedagogies for Teaching Emerging Technologies: Evidence from a Scandinavian Case Study Nilsen, Purao