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Search returned 41 items for : Z

Year Pub TitleAuthors
2021 View Incorporating Big Data Tools for Social Media Analytics in a Business Analytics Course Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sharda
2020 View Enhancing ERP Learning Outcomes through Microsoft Dynamics Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sengupta, Schultz
2024 View Fintech and Digital Payments: Developing a Domain Knowledge Framework Gupta, Xie, Zafar
1996 View Communicating with Multimedia: A Capstone Experience Zahn, Rajkumar, Rajkumar, Zahn, Rajkumar, Zahn
1996 View Communicating with Multimedia: A Capstone Experience Zahn, Rajkumar, Rajkumar, Zahn, Rajkumar, Zahn
1996 View Communicating with Multimedia: A Capstone Experience Zahn, Rajkumar, Rajkumar, Zahn, Rajkumar, Zahn
2011 View Curriculum mapping as a tool for continuous improvement of IS curriculum Veltri, Webb, Matveev, Zapatero
2012 View IT Leaders: Who Are They and Where Do They Come From? Karanja, Zaveri
2008 View Mapping the MIS Curriculum Based on Critical Skills of New Graduates: An Empirical Examination of IT Professionals Downey, McMurtrey, Zeltmann
2011 View Integrating Healthcare Ethical Issues Into IS Education Cellucci, Campbell, Zeng, Layman
2022 View Teaching Tip: Promoting Inclusive Online Learning for Students with Disabilities in Information Systems Courses He, Zha, Watson, He
2024 View Delivering a Business Analytics Course Focused on Data Mining for Both Technical and Non-Technical Students Zhang, Dang, Albritton
2022 View Invited Paper: Editing Special Issues of JISE: Practical Guidance and Recommendations Lang, Zhang, Connolly
2022 View Invited Paper: Getting Published in JISE: A Practical Guide from the Editors Freeman, Zhang
2020 View A Foundation Course in Business Analytics: Design and Implementation at Two Universities Zhang, Chen, Wei
2020 View Teaching Introductory Programming from A to Z: Twenty-Six Tips from the Trenches Zhang, Crabtree, Terwilliger, Jenkins
2016 View Examining Student Satisfaction and Gender Differences in Technology-Supported, Blended Learning Dang, Zhang, Ravindran, Osmonbekov
2014 View Bringing Business Intelligence to Health Information Technology Curriculum Zheng, Zhang, Li
2014 View Developing Health Information Technology (HIT) Programs and HIT Curriculum: The Southern Polytechnic State University Experience Zhang, Reichgelt, Rutherfoord, Wang
2014 View Promoting Information Systems Major to Undergraduate Students - A Comprehensive Investigation Li, Zhang, Zheng
2013 View An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Weblog Success in Higher Education Zhang
2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
2007 View Designing ePortfolio 2.0: Integrating and Coordinating Web 2.0 Services with ePortfolio Systems for Enhancing Users' Learning Zhang, Olfman, Ractham
2007 View Why IS: Understanding Undergraduate Students' Intentions to Choose an Information Systems Major Zhang
2004 View Assessing the Knowledge Structure of Information Systems Learners in Experience-Based Learning Li, Zhang, Li
2023 View Teaching Tip: A Social Media Analytics Capstone Research Project with Community Engagement Ye, Zhao
2010 View The Impact of IQ+EQ+CQ Integration on Student Productivity in Web Design and Development Zhao, Zhao
2010 View The Impact of IQ+EQ+CQ Integration on Student Productivity in Web Design and Development Zhao, Zhao
2021 View Design Thinking and Mobile App Development: A Teaching Protocol Shahrasbi, Jin, Zheng
2014 View Bringing Business Intelligence to Health Information Technology Curriculum Zheng, Zhang, Li
2014 View Promoting Information Systems Major to Undergraduate Students - A Comprehensive Investigation Li, Zhang, Zheng
2024 View Teaching Case: Teaching Business Students Logistic Regression in R With the Aid of ChatGPT Zhong, Kim
2023 View Teaching Tip: What You Need to Know about Gamification Process of Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises: Lessons and Challenges Kim, Zhong, Liu
2015 View The Impact of Student Expectations in Using Instructional Tools on Student Engagement: A Look through the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory Lens Schwarz, Zhu
2007 View A Curriculum for a Master of Science in Information Quality Lee, Pierce, Talburt, Wang, Zhu
2006 View Implementing Virtual Pair Programming in E-Learning Environment Zin, Idris, Subramaniam
2021 View Incorporating Big Data Tools for Social Media Analytics in a Business Analytics Course Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sharda
2020 View Enhancing ERP Learning Outcomes through Microsoft Dynamics Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sengupta, Schultz
2006 View Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Using Visual Basic .NET Ritzhaupt, Zucker