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Search returned 117 items for : C

InstitutionYear Pub TitleAuthors
California Lutheran University2018 View “What Gets Measured, Gets Managed” The Wells Fargo Account Opening Scandal Witman
California Polytechnic State University2023 View AIS Teaching Curation Project: The Introductory Course in Information Systems Burleson, Nabity-Grover, Jetha
California Polytechnic State University2023 View Data Quality Procedures in Survey Research: An Analysis and Framework for Doctoral Program Curricula Burleson, Bott, Carter, Sarabadani
California State Polytechnic University2012 View An Employment-Oriented Definition of the Information Systems Field Westfall
California State Polytechnic University2006 View Exploring the Learning in Service-Learning: A Case of a Community-Based Research Project in Web-Based Systems Development Preiser-Houy, Navarrete
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona2013 View An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Weblog Success in Higher Education Zhang
California State University1996 View Information/Systems and Quantitative Core Courses in AACSB Accredited Business Schools Lawrence, Relsman
California State University1995 View Case Feedback in Support of Learning a Systems Development Methodology Jankowski
California State University - Chico2008 View Incorporating Virtual Teamwork Training into MIS Curricula Chen, Sager, Corbitt, Gardiner
California State University - Chico2006 View Market Power of ERP Education - An Investigative Analysis Sager, Mensching, Corbitt, Connolly
California State University - Chico2004 View Enterprise Systems Education: Where are We? Where are We Going? Antonucci, Corbitt, Stewart, Harris
California State University - Dominguez Hills2006 View A Knowledge Assimilation Schema for Acquiring Technical Knowledge Sheu, Wong
California State University at Hayward1992 View Qualifications of Information Technology Teachers: The Role of Education and Certification Duncan
California State University Fresno2024 View Teaching Case: California Dreamin’ Housing Market Visualizations in Tableau Jacobs, Curry, DePaolo, Parra
California State University, Dominguez Hills2022 View Barriers to e-Learning During Crisis: A Capital Theory Perspective on Academic Adversity Deng, Sun
California State University, East Bay2022 View Contents and Skills of Data Mining Courses in Analytics Programs Radovilsky, Hegde
California State University, Fresno2021 View Teaching Case: Analyzing Disney World Wait Time Data: A Lesson in Visualization Using Tableau DePaolo, Jacobs
California State University, Fullerton2023 View The Master’s Program in Information Systems: A Survey of Core Curricula in AACSB-Accredited Business Schools in the United States Yang
California State University, Fullerton2014 View Anchoring for Self-Efficacy and Success: An Anchored Asynchronous Online Discussion Case Alrushiedat, Olfman
California State University, Fullerton2013 View Aiding Participation and Engagement in a Blended Learning Environment Alrushiedat, Olfman
California State University, Fullerton2010 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments: An Empirical Study of its Effectiveness Newby, Nguyen
California State University, Fullerton2007 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments Newby, Nguyen
California State University, Fullerton2004 View Telecommunications and Data Networking Course: Balancing Theory and Practice Pandya
California State University, Fullerton2002 View An Empirical Study Comparing the Learning Environments of Open and Closed Computer Laboratories Newby
California State University, Los Angeles2024 View Teaching Tip: IS Capstone Course Design: Quasi-Internships Using Harvard Business Cases Howell, Aryal
California State University, Los Angeles2006 View Teaching ORDB with UML Class Diagram in an Advanced Database Course Wang
California State University, Los Angeles2003 View E-Business Application Development with Java Technology and Oracle: The Fortune Invest Inc. Case Wang
California State University, Northridge2020 View Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan: A Database Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
California State University, Northridge2017 View Approaches to Incorporating IT Entrepreneurship into the Information Systems Curriculum Jones, Liu
California State University, Northridge2015 View American Association of University Women: Branch Operations Data Modeling Case Harris, Wedel
California State University, Northridge2012 View Directors Guild of America Health Plan Eligibility: A Data Flow Analysis and Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
California State University, Northridge2004 View A Data Modeling Case: Writers Guild of America, East Wedel, Behnezhad, Gray
California State University, Northridge1999 View Effectiveness of Web-Based Instruction for ESL Students: An Empirical Study with Focus on Gender, Ethnicity, and Instructional Media Sankaran, Bui
Carleton University2017 View An Integrated Learning Approach to Teaching an Undergraduate Information Systems Course Riordan, Hine, Smith
Carleton University2004 View Exploring Process, Enterprise Integration and E-business Concepts in the Classroom: The Case of petPRO Hajnal, Riordan
Carnegie Mellon University2019 View Scaffolding Case Analysis Writing: A Collaboration between Information Systems and Writing Faculty Pessoa, Gomez-Laich, Liginlal, Mitchell
Carnegie Mellon University Qatar2019 View Scaffolding Case Analysis Writing: A Collaboration between Information Systems and Writing Faculty Pessoa, Gomez-Laich, Liginlal, Mitchell
Carroll College2000 View An Active Learning Environment for Teaching Object-Oriented Concepts in Business Information Systems Curricula Towell
CDM - Federal Programs Corporation1992 View Expert Systems: A Quick Tutorial Schmuller
Central Connecticut State University2008 View Using Projects Scoring Rubrics to Assess Student Learning in an Information Systems Program Petkov, Petkova, D'Onofrio, Jarmoszko
Central Connecticut State University2005 View Network Analysis and Design for Tickets Sales, Inc. Gendron, Jarmoszko
Central Connecticut State University2004 View Choosing an ERP-type System for a Belarus Enterprise Jarmoszko, Gendron
Central Connecticut State University2003 View The Integration of Technology Theory and Business Analysis: A Pedagogical Framework for the Undergraduate MIS Course in Data Communications and Networking Gendron, Jarmoszko
Central Connecticut State University1988 View MANPRINT – An Emerging Systems Planning Methodology Cardinali
Central Michigan University2022 View Teaching Case: Widgets-R-Us: Using IoT to Monitor Part Levels Dunn, Miller
Central Michigan University2020 View A Hands-On Simulation to Teach Cash-to-Cash Manufacturing Operating Cycle Processes in a Purchasing, Operations, and Supply Chain Management Context Whitelock
Central Michigan University2018 View MiHotel: Applicant Processing System Design Case Miller, Dunn
Central Michigan University2018 View Moving Forward by Looking Backward: Embracing Pedagogical Principles to Develop an Innovative MSIS Program Shah, Kumar, Smart
Central Michigan University2018 View Relationship between Teamwork and Team Performance: Experiences from an ERPsim Competition Hwang
Central Michigan University2011 View Teaching Case: Jay’s Collectibles Cappel, Gillman, Jr.
Central Michigan University2009 View A Comparison of Information Systems Programs at AACSB and ACBSP Schools in Relation to IS 2002 Model Curricula Lifer, Parsons, Miller
Central Michigan University2002 View Writing IS Teaching Cases: Guidelines for JISE Submission Cappel, Schwager
Central Michigan University2001 View A Systems Analysis and Design Case: ABC Church Cappel
Central Michigan University1992 View Check Digits: Domain Implementation in Microcomputer Databases Hartley, Scott, Hayen
Central Michigan University1991 View Global Information Systems: A Curriculum Challenge Scott, Hayen
Central Missouri State University1992 View A Course Planning Method to Incorporate Collaborative Learning in Information Systems Courses Spruell, Le Blanc
Central Queensland University2024 View Employment and Career Prospects of Technical-Oriented Jobs in the FinTech Market Poon, Pond, Tang
Central Queensland University2023 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Expert Systems in a Postgraduate Accounting Degree Program Poon
Chiang Mai University2021 View Theory of Planned Behavior and the Influence of Communication Self-Efficacy on Intention to Pursue a Software Development Career Hiranrat, Harncharnchai, Duangjan
Choayang University of Technology2007 View Improving the Performance of Online Learning Teams - A Discourse Analysis Liu, Burn
Christopher Newport University1993 View Implementing the Four Year Model Curriculum: The Initial Courses McCubbin, Mathews
Christopher Newport University1993 View The Selection of the DPMA Model Curriculum as the Foundation for the MIS Program in the Business College of a Public University Mathews, McCubbin
City University of Hong Kong2010 View Teaching Information Systems Development via Process Variants Tan, Tan
City University of Hong Kong2009 View Action Learning with Second Life - A Pilot Study Wagner, Ip
City University of Hong Kong2008 View Assessing Individual-level Factors Supporting Student Intrinsic Motivation in Online Discussions: A Qualitative Study Shroff, Vogel, Coombes
City University of Hong Kong2008 View Learning Experience with Virtual Worlds Wagner
City University of Hong Kong2007 View The Role of Information Technology in Technology-Mediated Learning: A Review of the Past for the Future Wan, Fang, Neufeld
City University of Hong Kong2005 View Collaborative Project Across Three Hong Kong Universities: A Case Study in E-Commerce Education Ngai, Lok, Ng, Lo, Wong
City University of Hong Kong2004 View Teaching Information Systems Management via Action Memos Wagner
City University of Hong Kong2003 View Put another (B)Log on the Wire: Publishing Learning Logs as Weblogs Wagner
City University of New York2016 View "An Introduction to the Business Game ""Flowers for the World""" Moores
Claremont Graduate University2019 View Growth, Adaptability, and Relationships within the Changing Landscape of IS Education Jessup, Valacich
Claremont Graduate University2019 View Why do Students not Major in MIS? An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior Chipidza, Green, Riemenschneider
Claremont Graduate University2014 View Anchoring for Self-Efficacy and Success: An Anchored Asynchronous Online Discussion Case Alrushiedat, Olfman
Claremont Graduate University2013 View Aiding Participation and Engagement in a Blended Learning Environment Alrushiedat, Olfman
Claremont Graduate University2008 View Teradata University Network: A No Cost Web-Portal for Teaching Database, Data Warehousing, and Data-Related Subjects Jukić, Gray
Claremont Graduate University2007 View Designing ePortfolio 2.0: Integrating and Coordinating Web 2.0 Services with ePortfolio Systems for Enhancing Users' Learning Zhang, Olfman, Ractham
Claremont Graduate University2005 View Designing Knowledge Management Systems for Teaching and Learning with Wiki Technology Raman, Ryan, Olfman
Claremont Graduate University2004 View The Role of Social Presence and Moderating Role of Computer Self Efficacy in Predicting the Continuance Usage of E-Learning Systems Hayashi, Chen, Ryan, Wu
Claremont Graduate University1999 View Graduate IS Curriculum for the Millennium: Background, Process and Recommendation Gorgone, Gray
Claremont Graduate University1995 View Active Learning in Business Education with, through, and about Technology Jessup, Elbert
Clarion University2003 View Utilizing Simple Hacking Techniques to Teach System Security and Hacker Identification Sanders
Clemson University2002 View Using ASP-Based Message Encryption Project to Teach Information Security Concepts Cao, Davis, Bai, Katter
Cleveland State University2018 View Gaining Real-World Experience in Information Security: A Roadmap for a Service-Learning Course Spears
Cleveland State University2013 View IS Security Requirements Identification from Conceptual Models in Systems Analysis and Design: The Fun & Fitness, Inc. Case Spears, Parrish
Cleveland State University2008 View Student Monks – Teaching Recursion in an IS or CS Programming Course Using the Towers of Hanoi Benander, Benander
Cleveland State University2007 View A Student-Centric Approach to Large Introductory IS Survey Courses Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
Cleveland State University2007 View Using Reengineering as an Integrating Capstone Experience Matos, Grasser
Cleveland State University2006 View Introducing the Unified Modeling Language into the Information Systems Curriculum Golden, Matos
Cleveland State University2002 View A Simpler (and Better) SQL Approach to Relational Division Matos, Grasser
Colby College2019 View Developing Measurable Cross-Departmental Learning Objectives for Requirements Elicitation in an Information Systems Curriculum Ezell, Lending, Dillon, May, Hurney, Fulcher
College of Business2017 View A Systems Analysis Role-Play Exercise and Assignment Mitri, Cole, Atkins
College of Business2010 View An Introduction to Collaboration with SharePoint for First-year Business Students Atkins, Cole
College of Business Education2021 View Social Media: Computing Education Perspectives in Diverse Educational Contexts Paliktzoglou, Oyelere, Suhonen, Mramba
College of New Jersey2007 View Using Collaboration to Provide Students with an Internship Experience in an Information Systems Course Wallace
College of New Jersey2005 View Test Mode Familiarity and Performance - Gender and Race Comparisons of Test Scores among Computer-Literate Students in Advanced Information Systems Courses Wallace, Clariana
College of New Jersey2000 View Achievement Predictors for a Computer-Applications Module Delivered Online Wallace, Clariana
Collins College of Business2016 View Using Giving Voice to Values to Improve Student Academic Integrity in Information Technology Contexts Riemenschneider, Manly, Leonard
Collins College of Business2011 View Students' Ethical Decision-Making in an Information Technology Context: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach Riemenschneider, Leonard, Manly
Colorado State University2019 View Query Structure and Data Model Mapping Errors in Information Retrieval Tasks Casterella, Vijayasarathy
Colorado State University2013 View An Experimental Investigation of Complexity in Database Query Formulation Tasks Casterella, Vijayasarathy
Colorado State University2012 View The Animal Genetic Resource Information Network (AnimalGRIN) Database: A Database Design & Implementation Case Casterella, Wessel, Blackburn
Colorado State University2003 View Service-Learning in Information Systems Courses: Community Projects that Make a Difference Hoxmeier, Lenk
Colorado State University1990 View A Comparison of the Fortune 500 and AACSB-Accredited Universities' Software Copying Policies Athey
Columbus state University2009 View Does It Really Matter? Using Virtual Office Hours to Enhance Student-Faculty Interaction Li, Pitts
Community College of Baltimore County2009 View Extending the Classroom through Second Life Wang, Braman
Concordia University2004 View Effectiveness of an Interactive Application to Assist Learning: A Test Case Saade, Kira
Concordia University1998 View Retooling Information Technology Professionals Jain, Paul
Concordia University1993 View Nonlinear Instruction of MIS: Why and When? Khalifa
Consolidated Contractors International Company2002 View Transaction Management in Distributed Database Systems: The Case of Oracle’s Two-Phase Commit Alkhatib, Labban
Creighton University2023 View Privacy Education Effectiveness: Does It Matter? Heinrich, Gerhart
Creighton University2014 View The Doctor is in, but is Academia? Re-Tooling IT Education for a New Era in Healthcare Lee, Moy, Kruck, Rabang
Curtin Business School2009 View Virtual Worlds as a Context Suited for Information Systems Education: Discussion of Pedagogical Experience and Curriculum Design with Reference to Second Life Dreher, Reiners, Dreher, Dreher
Curtin University2016 View Ten Years in the Academic Integrity Trenches: Experiences and Issues Atkinson, Nau, Symons
Curtin University2016 View The Skills Framework for the Information Age: Engaging Stakeholders in Curriculum Design von Konsky, Miller, Jones
Curtin University2014 View Promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills via IPTEACES e-Learning Framework in the Learning of Information Systems Units Isaias, Issa, Pena
Curtin University2002 View Internet Security Management: A Joint Postgraduate Curriculum Design Armstrong, Jayaratna