Search by Institutions

Search returned 36 items for : K

InstitutionYear Pub TitleAuthors
KAIST2005 View A Curriculm Design for E-commerce Security Kim, Han, Kim, Choi
KAIST2002 View Educational Requirement Analysis for Information Security Professionals in Korea Kim, Choi
Kansas State University2016 View Academic Integrity: Information Systems Education Perspective McHaney, Cronan, Douglas
Kansas State University2012 View Technology in the Classroom: Using Video Links to Enhance Experiential Learning Chilton
Kansas State University2008 View Exploring the Importance of Mentoring for New Scholars: A Social Exchange Perspective Ugrin, Odom, Pearson
Kansas State University2006 View Data Modeling Education: The Changing Technology Chilton, McHaney, Chae
Kansas State University2006 View Data Modeling Using Entity Relationship Diagrams: A Step-Wise Method Chilton
Kean University2002 View Evaluating the Virtual Management Information Systems (MIS) Classroom Abraham
Kean University1995 View The Integrated and Interactive MIS Classroom: Using Meeting and Presentation Software to Create an Active Learning Environment Abraham
Keimyung University2008 View Analysis of Skills Requirement for Entry-Level Programmer/Analysts in Fortune 500 Corporations Lee, Han
Kennesaw State University2024 View Fintech and Digital Payments: Developing a Domain Knowledge Framework Gupta, Xie, Zafar
Kennesaw State University2022 View Engaged Brains: A Course on Neuro-Information Systems Randolph, Raven
Kennesaw State University2022 View Special Issue Editorial: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Lang, Freeman, Kiely, Woszczynsk
Kennesaw State University2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
Kennesaw State University2017 View Learning Outcomes for Cyber Defense Competitions Woszczynsk, Green
Kennesaw State University2016 View Perspectives on Open Access Opportunities for IS Research Publication: Potential Benefits for Researchers, Educators, and Students Woszczynsk, Whitman
Kennesaw State University2014 View Bringing Business Intelligence to Health Information Technology Curriculum Zheng, Zhang, Li
Kennesaw State University2014 View Developing Health Information Technology (HIT) Programs and HIT Curriculum: The Southern Polytechnic State University Experience Zhang, Reichgelt, Rutherfoord, Wang
Kennesaw State University2014 View Promoting Information Systems Major to Undergraduate Students - A Comprehensive Investigation Li, Zhang, Zheng
Kennesaw State University2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
Kennesaw State University2012 View A Cross-Functional Systems Project in an IS Capstone Course Maloni, Dembla, Swaim
Kennesaw State University2010 View A Call to IS Educators to Respond to the Voices of Women in Information Security Woszczynsk, Shade
Kennesaw State University2008 View A Model for Using a Capstone Experience as One Method of Assessment of an Information Systems Degree Program Murray, Perez, Guimaraes
Kennesaw State University2006 View Student Perceptions of Diversity Issues in IT Woszczynski, Myers, Moody
Kennesaw State University2005 View Personality and Programming Woszczynsk, Guthrie, Shade
Kennesaw State University2003 View An IS Capstone Project: The Mywick Property Management System Myers
Kent State University2007 View A Student-Centric Approach to Large Introductory IS Survey Courses Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
Kent State University2006 View Mitigating Negative Behaviors in Student Project Teams: An Information Technology Solution Brandyberry, Bakke
Kent State University2001 View The Effectiveness of Computer-Based "Game Show" Formats in Survey Courses: A Quasi-Experiment Brandyberry, Pardue
Kent State University1999 View Improving Student Satisfaction in Large-sized Classes through a Computer Mediated Communications System Janicki, Steinberg
Kentucky State University2000 View Some Observations on Internet Addiction Disorder Research Chebbi, Koong, Liu, Rottman
King Abdulaziz University2021 View Emerge2Maturity: A Simulation Game for Data Warehouse Maturity Concepts Mannino, Khojah, Gregg
King Fahd Military Medical Complex2009 View Improving the Communication Skills of IS Developers during Requirements Elicitation using Experiential Learning Qurban, Austria
Korea Institute of Science and Technology2004 View Bringing E-Government into the Classroom: A Case of E-Commerce Education Song, Rao, Braynov
KPMG LLP2011 View Bank Solutions Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: A Case Study for Business Students Camara, Crossler, Midha, Wallace
Kunsan National University2012 View Exploring factors that influence students’ behaviors in information security Yoon, Hwang, Hwang, Kim