Search by Institutions

Search returned 411 items for : U

InstitutionYear Pub TitleAuthors
U Texas2011 View IS 2010 and ABET Accreditation: An Analysis of ABET-Accredited Information Systems Programs Saulnier, White
U Texas2008 View Assessment: Placing the Emphasis on Learning in Information Systems Programs and Classes White, Longenecker, McKell, Harris
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology2015 View Social Representations of Cybersecurity by University Students and Implications for Instructional Design Pawlowski, Jung
Umeå University2024 View Teaching Tip: Using No-Code AI to Teach Machine Learning in Higher Education Sundberg, Holmström
United States Air Force Academy 2019 View The Transition from MIS Departments to Analytics Departments Urbaczewski, Keeling
Universitas 21 Global2007 View Information Systems Integration and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Adoption: A Case from Financial Services Lam
Universitas 21 Global2004 View Encouraging Online Participation Lam
Universität Hamburg2023 View Learning by Doing: Educators’ Perspective on an Illustrative Tool for AI-Generated Scaffolding for Students in Conceptualizing Design Science Research Studies Memmert, Tavanapour, Bittner
Universitat Ramón Llull2013 View Fitness & Wellness Place Appoints a Chief Information Officer Rodon
Universite du Quebec a Montreal2008 View Proposing a New Framework and an Innovative Approach to Teaching Reengineering and ERP Implementation Concepts Pellerin, Hadaya
University College Cork2024 View Teaching Tip: Embedding Sustainability in Information Systems Design Education Rowan, McCarthy, Mebrahtu, Gauche, O’Reilly, Odili
University College Cork2023 View Methodological “Learning-by-Doing” for Action Design Research Nagle, Birkbeck, Daly, Jones, O’Sullivan, Sammon
University College Cork2022 View Special Issue Editorial: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Lang, Freeman, Kiely, Woszczynsk
University College Cork2005 View Agile Methodology Adoption Decisions: An Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning McAvoy, Sammon
University of Agriculture2021 View Investigating Students’ Perception towards the Use of Social Media for Computing Education in Nigeria Agbo, Olawumi, Balogun, Sanusi, Olaleye, Sunday, Kolog, Atsa'am, Adusei-Mensah, Adegbite, Ipeayeda
University of Akron2022 View Teaching Tip: Evaluating Visualizations with a Compact Rubric McHenry
University of Akron2001 View Master’s of Science Programs in Information Systems: Match Between the Model Curriculum and Existing Programs Vijayaraman, Ramakrishna
University of Alabama2023 View Data Quality Procedures in Survey Research: An Analysis and Framework for Doctoral Program Curricula Burleson, Bott, Carter, Sarabadani
University of Alabama2019 View A Generalized, Enterprise-Level Systems Development Process Framework for Systems Analysis and Design Education Topi, Spurrier
University of Alabama - Birmingham2005 View Analyses of Information Systems Students' Applications of Two Holistic Problem Solving Methodologies Musa, Edmondson, Munchus
University of Alabama - Huntsville2019 View Four Strategies for Driving a University Pre-College Computing Outreach Program Landry, Barnett, Chapman, McCullough
University of Alabama - Huntsville2004 View A Study of Student Performance In Combined Courses Etzkorn, Weisskop, Gholston
University of Alaska - Anchorage2019 View Building a K-16-Industry Partnership to Train IT Professionals Hoanca, Craig
University of Alaska - Anchorage2008 View Controlling Curriculum Redesign with a Process Improvement Model Drinka, Yen
University of Alaska Fairbanks1995 View Drivers' Ed for the Information Highway: A Required Course for MBA Students Lehman
University of Albany2010 View Harnessing Information Technology to Improve the Process of Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: An Exploration of Students’ Critical Success Factors of Online Evaluations Nevo, McClean, Nevo
University of Alberta2010 View Evaluation of a Teaching Tool - Wiki - in Online Graduate Education Park, Crocker, Nussey, Springate, Hutchings
University of Arizona2019 View Growth, Adaptability, and Relationships within the Changing Landscape of IS Education Jessup, Valacich
University of Arkansas2022 View Teaching Tip: Vignettes to Support Diversity Training in Information Systems Carole Shook
University of Arkansas2016 View Academic Integrity: Information Systems Education Perspective McHaney, Cronan, Douglas
University of Arkansas2008 View “One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All”: Teaching MBA Students Different ERP Implementation Strategies Venkatesh
University of Arkansas at Little Rock2021 View Teaching Case: Integrating Systems at We Build Stuff: Analysis and Design Case Powell, Barber
University of Arkansas at Little Rock2007 View A Curriculum for a Master of Science in Information Quality Lee, Pierce, Talburt, Wang, Zhu
University of Arkansas at Little Rock1992 View A Course Planning Method to Incorporate Collaborative Learning in Information Systems Courses Spruell, Le Blanc
University of Aruba2015 View From Tech Skills to Life Skills: Google Online Marketing Challenge and Experiential Learning Croes, Visser
University of Auckland2011 View Experiencing the Elicitation of User Requirements and Recording them in Use Case Diagrams through Role-Play Costain, McKenna
University of Baltimore2001 View Preparing MIS Students for a Global Economy Rollier
University of Baltimore1993 View The Database Project: Maximizing its Value Rollier
University of Brighton2006 View An Approach to Teaching Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Bataveljic, Eastwood, Seefried
University of California - Riverside2012 View Exploring factors that influence students’ behaviors in information security Yoon, Hwang, Hwang, Kim
University of California Los Angeles2014 View The Doctor is in, but is Academia? Re-Tooling IT Education for a New Era in Healthcare Lee, Moy, Kruck, Rabang
University of Canberra2014 View A case study of instructor scaffolding using Web 2.0 tools to teach social informatics McLoughlin, Alam
University of Canterbury1993 View Interdisciplinary Coursework - A Systems View Vargo
University of Central Arkansas2011 View An Empirical Examination of the Composition of Vocational Interest in Business Colleges: MIS vs. Other Majors Downey
University of Central Arkansas2009 View MIS versus Computer Science: An Empirical Comparison of the Influences on the Students’ Choice of Major Downey, McGaughey, Roach
University of Central Arkansas2008 View Mapping the MIS Curriculum Based on Critical Skills of New Graduates: An Empirical Examination of IT Professionals Downey, McMurtrey, Zeltmann
University of Central Arkansas2003 View Computer Availability and Applications in Selected European Business Schools Markham, Kordsmeier, Gatlin-Watts
University of Central Missouri2010 View Student Projects as a Funding Source Henson
University of Central Oklahoma2022 View Engaging Government-Industry-University Partnerships to Further Gender Equity in STEM Workforce Education Through Technology and Information System Learning Tools Knestis, Cheng, Fontaine, Feng
University of Central Oklahoma2013 View The Value of ERP Curriculum Integration: Perspectives from the Research Hepner, Dickson
University of Colorado1994 View A Summary of the Collaborative IS Curriculum Specification of the Joint DPMA, ACM, AIS Task Force Longenecker, Feinstein, Couger, Davis, Gorgone
University of Colorado1993 View Essential Element for Viability of IS Education: Improving our Creativity Couger
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs2001 View Using Groupware in a Classroom Environment Martz, Shepherd, Hickey
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs1996 View Teaching Tip: How to Teach IS Students to Be More Creative Couger
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs1995 View Implied Creativity No Longer Appropriate for I.S. Curriculum Couger
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs1992 View Guidelines for a Practical Approach to the Database Management Systems Course Couger
University of Colorado Denver2021 View Emerge2Maturity: A Simulation Game for Data Warehouse Maturity Concepts Mannino, Khojah, Gregg
University of Colorado Denver2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
University of Colorado Denver2006 View Notation Usage in Data Modeling Education Mannino
University of Connecticut2005 View Peer-and-Self Assessment to Reveal the Ranking of Each Individual's Contribution to a Group Project Tu, Lu
University of Dayton2021 View Incorporating Big Data Tools for Social Media Analytics in a Business Analytics Course Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sharda
University of Dayton2020 View Enhancing ERP Learning Outcomes through Microsoft Dynamics Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sengupta, Schultz
University of Dayton2008 View Opening the Classroom Watson, Boudreau, York, Greiner, Wynn
University of Delaware2019 View Developing a Framework to Understand Student Engagement, Team Dynamics, and Learning Outcomes Using ERPsim Eder, Antonucci, Monk
University of Delaware2013 View The GET Immersion Experience: A New Model for Leveraging the Synergies between Industry and Academia Saltz, Serva, Heckman
University of Delaware2004 View The Effects of Trustworthiness Perceptions on the Formation of Initial Trust: Implications for MIS Student Teams Serva, Fuller
University of Delaware2001 View "So, Where are You from Originally?" Using Ineffective and Inappropriate Questions in MIS Tenure-Track Job Interviews Serva, Serva
University of Denver2019 View The Transition from MIS Departments to Analytics Departments Urbaczewski, Keeling
University of Detroit Mercy1994 View The Case for the Study of Software Management Shoemaker, Jovanovic
University of Dubai2008 View On the Design and Development of WEBSEE: A Web-based Senior Exit Exam for Value-added Assessment of a CIS Program Kamoun, Selim
University of Eastern Finland2021 View Investigating Students’ Perception towards the Use of Social Media for Computing Education in Nigeria Agbo, Olawumi, Balogun, Sanusi, Olaleye, Sunday, Kolog, Atsa'am, Adusei-Mensah, Adegbite, Ipeayeda
University of Eastern Finland2021 View Social Media: Computing Education Perspectives in Diverse Educational Contexts Paliktzoglou, Oyelere, Suhonen, Mramba
University of Galway2022 View Invited Paper: Editing Special Issues of JISE: Practical Guidance and Recommendations Lang, Zhang, Connolly
University of Georgia2023 View AIS Teaching Curation Project: The Introductory Course in Information Systems Burleson, Nabity-Grover, Jetha
University of Georgia2008 View Opening the Classroom Watson, Boudreau, York, Greiner, Wynn
University of Georgia2006 View The Essential Skills of Data Modeling Watson
University of Georgia1994 View Graduates Assess Needed Skills and Knowledge for an Information Systems Program in a Small College Womble
University of Ghana2021 View Investigating Students’ Perception towards the Use of Social Media for Computing Education in Nigeria Agbo, Olawumi, Balogun, Sanusi, Olaleye, Sunday, Kolog, Atsa'am, Adusei-Mensah, Adegbite, Ipeayeda
University of Ghana2021 View Motivation in Gamified Social Media Learning: A Psychological Need Perspective Ofosu-Ampong, Boateng, Kolog, Anning-Dorson
University of Glamorgan2010 View Mapping the Information Systems Curricula in UK Universities Fitzgerald, Stefanidis
University of Groningen2001 View Integrating Real Practical Experience in ICT Education de Brock
University of Guam2007 View Frontiers for Learner-Centered IS Education Law
University of Haifa2010 View Teaching MBA Students the Use of Web2.0: The Knowledge Management Perspective Levy, Hadar
University of Haifa2008 View Learning Human Aspects of Collaborative Software Development Hadar, Sherman, Hazzan
University of Hamburg2009 View Virtual Worlds as a Context Suited for Information Systems Education: Discussion of Pedagogical Experience and Curriculum Design with Reference to Second Life Dreher, Reiners, Dreher, Dreher
University of Hawai'i1999 View Effectiveness of Web-Based Instruction for ESL Students: An Empirical Study with Focus on Gender, Ethnicity, and Instructional Media Sankaran, Bui
University of Helsinki2011 View The Effects of Teaching the Universality Thesis on Students’ Integrative Complexity of Thought Vartiainen, Myyry, Siponen, Siponen, Myyry
University of Hildesheim2023 View Guiding Design Principle Projects: A Canvas for Young Design Science Researchers Schoormann, Möller, Di Maria, Große
University of Hong Kong2019 View How Does Competition Help Future Learning in Serious Games? An Exploratory Study in Learning Search Engine Optimization Lee, Lui, Chau
University of Houston2005 View Use of a Technology-Mediated Learning Instructional Approach For Teaching an Introduction to Information Technology Course Hardaway, Scamell
University of Houston - Clear Lake2020 View A Foundation Course in Business Analytics: Design and Implementation at Two Universities Zhang, Chen, Wei
University of Houston - Clear Lake2013 View Using a Semi-Realistic Database to Support a Database Course Yue
University of Houston - Clear Lake2012 View A Realistic Data Cleansing and Preparation Project Yue
University of Houston - Clear Lake2012 View Assessing Information Systems and Computer Information Systems Programs from a Balanced Scorecard Perspective Kim, Yue, Al-Mubaid, Perkins-Hall, Abeysekera
University of Houston - Clear Lake2010 View Experience on Mashup Development with End User Programming Environment Yue
University of Houston - Clear Lake2009 View Building Real World Domain-Specific Social Network Websites as a Capstone Project Yue, De Silva, Kim, Aktepe, Nagle, Boerger, Jain, Verma
University of Houston - Downtown2000 View Academic Dishonesty: A Study of CIS Student Cheating Behavior Hogan, Jaska
University of Idaho2009 View An Inexpensive Device for Teaching Public Key Encryption Pendegraft
University of Idaho2006 View Enabling Laptop Exams Using Secure Software: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, O'Neill, Stone
University of Idaho2005 View An Emerging On-Line "Third Place" For Information Systems (IS) Students: Some Preliminary Observations Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, Sarker
University of Idaho2000 View Using Information Systems as a Unifying Influence in an Integrated Business Curriculum Pendegraft, Stone, Byers
University of Idaho1996 View What to Teach in an Information Systems Curriculum: Depends on Who You Ask! Byers, Van Over
University of Idaho1994 View Object-Oriented Design: A New Approach to Curriculum Development van Over, Stover
University of Idaho1993 View Student Internship in Information Systems: Creating Opportunities and Solutions van Over, Dangerfield
University of Illinois - Chicago2000 View Delivering the Cross-cultural Virtual Teamwork Experience: An Example with Mexican and American MBA Team Members Potter, Balthazard, Elder
University of Illinois - Springfield2005 View The Maturing of E-Commerce Education in Our Curricula Ngai, Gunasekaran, Harris
University of Illinois - Springfield2003 View How to Reduce Plagiarism Born
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2022 View Teaching Case: The Initial Coin Offering Marketplace: A Data Analytic Case Han, Larson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2019 View Strategic Actions in a Platform Context: What Should Facebook Do Next? Larson, Vieregger
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2018 View Congratulations! …to the World? One Person’s Experience with Social Media Larson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2013 View Utilizing Classroom Simulation to Convey Key Concepts in IT Portfolio Management Larson
University of Illinois Springfield2023 View Teaching Tip: Hook, Line, and Sinker – The Development of a Phishing Exercise to Enhance Cybersecurity Awareness Young, Farshadkhah
University of Jyväskylä2019 View A Notation for Planning SQL Queries Taipalus
University of Jyväskylä2018 View Coping with Uncertainty in an Agile Systems Development Course Taipalus, Seppänen, Pirhonen
University of Jyväskylä2014 View Patient Education as an Information System, Healthcare Tool and Interaction Pirhonen, Silvennoinen, Sillence
University of Kansas2006 View The Competitiveness of the Information Systems Major: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Lee, Lee
University of Kentucky2005 View Human Resource Information System Courses: An Examination of Instructional Methods Jones, Hoell
University of Kentucky1995 View A Decision Support System for Student Transfer Advising Mathieson, Lederer
University of Lethbridge2001 View Using the Internet to Simulate Virtual Organizations in MBA Curricula Dobing, Parsons
University of Lisbon2023 View Special Issue Editorial: Introduction to Design Science Education Thuan, Tate, Drechsler, Antunes
University of Louisiana - Lafayette2009 View Business Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A Comparative Study Tanner, Noser, Totaro
University of Louisiana - Lafayette2002 View Computer Learning Behavior: Strategies for Learning and Behavior Improvement Vincent, Meche, Ross
University of Louisiana - Monroe2015 View The Determinants of Student Effort at Learning ERP: A Cultural Perspective Alshare, El-Masri, Lane, Lane
University of Louisiana - Monroe2003 View The Learning Log Baker
University of Louisiana at Lafayette2015 View The Impact of Student Expectations in Using Instructional Tools on Student Engagement: A Look through the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory Lens Schwarz, Zhu
University of Louisiana at Lafayette2011 View Convention Center Management: A Systems Analysis & Design Course Project Hollier, Totaro
University of Louisiana at Lafayette2011 View The Systems Analysis and Design Course: An Educators’ Assessment of the Importance and Coverage of Topics Hollier, Stevens, Totaro
University of Louisiana at Lafayette2009 View Business Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A Comparative Study Tanner, Noser, Totaro
University of Louisville2011 View An Approach to Meeting AACSB Assurance of Learning Standards in an IS Core Class Attaway, Chandra, Dos Santos, Thatcher, Wright
University of Maine2009 View Enhancing Knowledge Integration: An Information System Capstone Project Steiger
University of Maine2008 View Knowledge Creation through User-Guided Data Mining: A Database Case Steiger
University of Manchester2023 View Data Quality Procedures in Survey Research: An Analysis and Framework for Doctoral Program Curricula Burleson, Bott, Carter, Sarabadani
University of Manchester2009 View Assessing Students’ Learning in MIS using Concept Mapping Gregoriades, Pampaka, Michail
University of Manitoba2020 View A Foundation Course in Business Analytics: Design and Implementation at Two Universities Zhang, Chen, Wei
University of Manitoba2011 View LAN Configuration and Analysis: Projects for the Data Communications and Networking Course Chen, Brabston
University of Manitoba2008 View Incorporating Virtual Teamwork Training into MIS Curricula Chen, Sager, Corbitt, Gardiner
University of Maribor2005 View Active Learning Model for Teaching B2B e-Marketplaces Gricar, Pucihar, Lenart
University of Mary1991 View Face-to-Face Group Decision Support Systems: A Partnership between Traditional Group Process Methodologies and Computer Technology Druckenmiller
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor2000 View Academic Dishonesty: A Study of CIS Student Cheating Behavior Hogan, Jaska
University of Maryland2011 View Information Ethics Education for a Multicultural World Fleischmann, Robbins, Wallace
University of Maryland2002 View Reengineering an Information Security Course for Business Management Focus Hazari
University of Maryland Baltimore County1992 View Design and Logistics for a LAN Management Course Canfield, Schuyler
University of Maryland University College2012 View Information Security Trends and Issues in the Moodle E-Learning Platform: An Ethnographic Content Analysis Schultz
University of Massachusetts - Boston2017 View Is Seeing Believing? Training Users on Information Security: Evidence from Java Applets Ayyagari, Figueroa
University of Massachusetts - Boston2014 View Health Informatics in the Classroom: An Empirical Study to Investigate Higher Education’s Response to Healthcare Transformation Ashrafi, Kuilboer, Joshi, Ran, Pande
University of Massachusetts - Boston2011 View Hands-on ERP Learning: Using OpenERP®, an alternative to SAP® Ayyagari
University of Massachusetts - Boston2007 View Why IS: Understanding Undergraduate Students' Intentions to Choose an Information Systems Major Zhang
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth2004 View A Technical Module for the E-Commerce Course Chopoorian, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2023 View Teaching Tip: Teaching NoSQL Databases in a Database Course for Business Students Wang, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2022 View Teaching Tip: Improving Student Performance by Introducing a No-Code Approach: A Course Unit of Decision Support Systems Wang, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2021 View A Teaching Module of No-Code Business App Development Wang, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2019 View A Teaching Module of Database-Centric Online Analytical Process for MBA Business Analytics Programs Wang, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2015 View Design and Delivery of a New Course of Information Technology for Small Business Wang, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2011 View Design and Delivery of Multiple Server-Side Computer Languages Course Wang, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2008 View A Design Thinking Approach to Teaching Knowledge Management Wang, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2005 View A Project Module of E-Commerce Planning Wang, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2004 View A Technical Module for the E-Commerce Course Chopoorian, Wang
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth2001 View An Approach to Teaching Multiple Computer Languages Wang
University of Massachusetts, Amherst2023 View Teaching Tip: Active Learning in the IS Classroom: A Student Crowdpolling Exercise for IS Courses McKinney, Jr., Niese, Bhatia
University of Memphis2024 View Teaching a Report-Oriented Business Intelligence Course: A Pedagogical Experience Shi, Gebauer, Kline, Gillenson
University of Memphis2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
University of Memphis2011 View Designing an Academic Project Management Program: A Collaboration between a University and a PMI Chapter Poston, Richardson
University of Memphis2007 View IP Teleconferencing in the Wired Classroom: Gratifications for Distance Education Stafford, Lindsey
University of Memphis2006 View A Comparison of Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Courses and Degree Programs Wilkes, Simon, Brooks
University of Memphis2004 View Critical Factors Affecting Job Offers for New MIS Graduates Fang, Lee, Lee, Huang
University of Miami2003 View Database Tuning and its Role in Information Technology Education Pons
University of Michigan2023 View Teaching Case: Central University Medical Center: A Proposed Paperless Patient Registration System Lou, Chang, Chen
University of Michigan - Flint2004 View Assessing the Knowledge Structure of Information Systems Learners in Experience-Based Learning Li, Zhang, Li
University of Michigan-Dearborn2022 View Invited Paper: Getting Published in JISE: A Practical Guide from the Editors Freeman, Zhang
University of Michigan-Dearborn2019 View The Changing Landscape of IS Education: An Introduction to the Special Issue Freeman, Taylor
University of Michigan-Dearborn2010 View Are Men More Technology-Oriented Than Women? The Role of Gender on the Development of General Computer Self-Efficacy of College Students He, Freeman
University of Michigan-Dearborn2009 View The Effects of Flow on Learning Outcomes in an Online Information Management Course Rossin, Ro, Klein, Guo
University of Michigan-Dearborn2003 View Simulation and Role Playing with LEGO Blocks Freeman
University of Michigan-Dearborn2001 View Using Concept Maps to Assess Students' Understanding of Information Systems Freeman, Urbaczewski
University of Minnesota1992 View Guest Editorial: Information Systems as an Academic Discipline: Explaining the Future Davis
University of Minnesota - Duluth2007 View Uncovering Conceptual Gaps in Introductory IS Textbooks Hassan, Becker
University of Missouri – St. Louis2015 View Making Data Flow Diagrams Accessible for Visually Impaired Students Using Excel Tables Sauter
University of Montana2024 View Teaching Tip: Enhancing Student’s Understanding of Enterprise Systems Using Salesforce Triche, Dong, London, Baied
University of Montana2020 View A Longitudinal Analysis of Job Skills for Entry-Level Data Analysts Dong, Triche
University of Montana2013 View White Hats Chasing Black Hats: Careers in IT and the Skills Required To Get There Fulton, Lawrence, Clouse
University of Montana2012 View Changing the Introductory IS Course to Improve Future Enrollments: An Irish Perspective Whelan, Firth
University of Montevallo2006 View E-Commerce and the Undergraduate MIS Curricula: an Exploratory Study Moshkovich, Mechitov, Olson
University of Münster2023 View A Proficiency Model for Design Science Research Education Hevner, vom Brocke
University of Namibia2011 View The Effect of Distributing Electronic Notes to Students: Ethical Considerations Raised By Computer Science Faculty at The University Of Namibia Mbale, Kaunapawa , Suresh
University of Nebraska2006 View E-Commerce and the Undergraduate MIS Curricula: an Exploratory Study Moshkovich, Mechitov, Olson
University of Nebraska2006 View Systems Analysis & Design: An Essential Part of IS Education Harris, Lang, Oates, Siau
University of Nebraska - Kearney2003 View Reinforcing Learning in the Data Communications Course Using a Teleprocessing Line Speed Decision Support System Carpenter
University of Nebraska Omaha2021 View College-Based Career Interventions: Raising IT Employability and Persistence in Early Careers of IT Professionals Setor, Joseph
University of Nebraska Omaha2019 View Learning by Teaching through Collaborative Tutorial Creation: Experience using GitHub and AsciiDoc Marquardson, Schuetzler
University of Nebraska Omaha2006 View Information Systems Development Education in the Real World-A Project Methodology and Assessment van Vliet, Pietron
University of Nebraska Omaha2000 View A Quandary for Information Technology: Who Controls the Content of Distance Education? O'Hara, Peak
University of Nebraska Omaha1996 View Teaching Students How to Find the Candidate Keys of a Relational Database Schema Saiedian
University of Nevada - Las Vegas1996 View Internet Access: A Course Diagram Ekedahl, Newman
University of Nevada - Las Vegas1993 View Testing Recognition of Computer-generated Icons Brock, Newman
University of Nevada, Reno2015 View Should you Allow your Students to Grade their own Homework? Simkin
University of Nevada, Reno2013 View Playing Jeopardy in the Classroom: An Empirical Study Simkin
University of Nevada, Reno2009 View Filling the Pipeline for IS Professionals: What Can IS Faculty Do? Kuechler, McLeod, Simkin
University of Nevada, Reno2008 View Five Data Validation Cases Simkin
University of Nevada, Reno2007 View A Term Project in Visual Basic: The Downhill Snowboard Shop Simkin
University of Nevada, Reno2005 View An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Collaborative Testing in an Entry-Level Computer Programming Class Simkin
University of Nevada, Reno2004 View A First Case Project in Visual Basic.Net: Preparing an Income Tax Return Simkin
University of Nevada, Reno2003 View How Well Do Multiple Choice Tests Evaluate Student Understanding in Computer Programming Classes? Kuechler, Simkin
University of Nevada, Reno1990 View Does Instruction in Computer Programming Improve Problem Solving Ability? VanLengen, Maddux
University of Nevada, Reno1989 View Student Learning Problems in a Course on Expert System Shells Grupe
University of New Brunswick2004 View Enterprise Integration in Business Education: Design and Outcomes of a Capstone ERP-based Undergraduate e-Business Management Course Davis, Comeau
University of New Hampshire2007 View Competitive Analysis of MIS in the MBA Core: Are Trends Putting Pressure on the MIS Course? Shore, Briggs
University of New Mexico2003 View Customer Service at SWU’s Occupational Health Clinic Cuyler, Schatzberg
University of New Orleans2018 View An Interdisciplinary Task-Based Activity for Teaching Internal Controls Marshall, Drum, Lambert, Morris
University of New South Wales2007 View Information Systems Enrollments: Challenges and Strategies Granger, Dick, Jacobson, Van Slyke
University of New South Wales2002 View A Popular Postgraduate Information Systems Security Course Stevens, Jamieson
University of North Alabama2023 View MOOC Relevance: A Key Determinant of the Success for Massive Open Online Courses Wang, Wang, Albert
University of North Alabama2022 View Invited Paper: Editing Special Issues of JISE: Practical Guidance and Recommendations Lang, Zhang, Connolly
University of North Alabama2022 View Invited Paper: Getting Published in JISE: A Practical Guide from the Editors Freeman, Zhang
University of North Alabama2020 View Teaching Introductory Programming from A to Z: Twenty-Six Tips from the Trenches Zhang, Crabtree, Terwilliger, Jenkins
University of North Alabama2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
University of North Carolina Charlotte2017 View Faculty Workshops for Teaching Information Assurance through Hands-on Exercises and Case Studies Yuan, Williams, Yu, Rorrer, Chu, Yang, Winters, Kizza
University of North Carolina Wilmington2024 View Teaching a Report-Oriented Business Intelligence Course: A Pedagogical Experience Shi, Gebauer, Kline, Gillenson
University of North Carolina Wilmington2023 View Invited Paper: Survey of Technology and Skills in Demand: The 2022 Update Cummings, Janicki, Matthews
University of North Carolina Wilmington2021 View Survey of Technology and Skills in Demand: 2020 Update Cummings, Janicki
University of North Carolina Wilmington2020 View Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses Goh, Di Gangi, Gunnells
University of North Carolina Wilmington2020 View Data Analytics in Higher Education: An Integrated View Nguyen, Gardner, Sheridan
University of North Carolina Wilmington2020 View Exploring Which Agile Principles Students Internalize When Using a Kanban Process Methodology Saltz, Heckman
University of North Carolina Wilmington2020 View What Skills Do Students Need? A Multi-Year Study of IT/IS Knowledge and Skills in Demand by Employers Cummings, Janicki
University of North Carolina Wilmington2019 View Query Structure and Data Model Mapping Errors in Information Retrieval Tasks Casterella, Vijayasarathy
University of North Carolina Wilmington2018 View Origami: An Active Learning Exercise for Scrum Project Management Sibona, Pourreza, Hill
University of North Carolina Wilmington2015 View Assessing the Efficacy of Incorporating Game Dynamics in a Learning Management System Frost, Maclvor, Matta, MacIvor
University of North Carolina Wilmington2012 View Implementation of an Automated Grading System with an Adaptive Learning Component to Affect Student Feedback and Response Time Matthews, Janicki, He, Patterson
University of North Carolina Wilmington2004 View An Initial Assessment of Remote Access Computer Laboratories for IS Education: A Multiple Case Study Huntley, Mathieu, Schell
University of North Carolina Wilmington1999 View Improving Student Satisfaction in Large-sized Classes through a Computer Mediated Communications System Janicki, Steinberg
University of North Carolina Wilmington1993 View Bridging the Gap Between the University and the Local DPMA Chapter: The Case for Cooperative University/Industry Student Projects Mathieu
University of North Carolina Wilmington1989 View Using LOTUS to Build an Accounting Information System Gingrich
University of North Florida2007 View The Development of a Teaching Strategy for Implementing a Real-World Business Project into Database Courses Seyed-Abbassi, King, Wiseman
University of North Florida2006 View Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Using Visual Basic .NET Ritzhaupt, Zucker
University of North Georgia2023 View Teaching Tip: Active Learning in the IS Classroom: A Student Crowdpolling Exercise for IS Courses McKinney, Jr., Niese, Bhatia
University of North Texas2007 View Data Flow Diagramming Skills Acquisition: Impact of Cooperative versus Individual Learning Powell, Bordoloi, Ryan
University of North Texas2007 View Uncovering Conceptual Gaps in Introductory IS Textbooks Hassan, Becker
University of North Texas1998 View Compute Anxiety, Training and Education: A Meta Analysis Desai, Richards
University of North Texas1995 View Are Programs of Assessment and Continuous Improvement Really Worth the Effort? Richards
University of Northern Colorado1994 View Teaching Database Development with Hypertext Sedbrook
University of Northern Iowa2015 View A Complementary Measure of MIS Program Outcomes: Useful Insights from a Student Perspective Karsten, Roth
University of Northern Iowa2008 View Business Student Computer Self-Efficacy: Ten Years Later Karsten, Schmidt
University of Northern Iowa2000 View Launching the Project: An Exercise for Demonstrating the Impact of Team Communications on Project Success Duclos, Cyphert
University of Northern Iowa1998 View An Experientially-Oriented Lab Course Within a Management Information Systems Curriculum Duclos
University of Notre Dame2001 View Reducing Effects of Plagiarism in Programming Classes Bowyer, Hall
University of Oklahoma2006 View Integrating ERD and UML Concepts When Teaching Data Modeling Carte, Jasperson, Cornelius
University of Ontario Institute of Technology2019 View The Role of Flow in Learning Distributed Computing and MapReduce Concepts using Hands-On Analogy Conrad, Bliemel, Ali-Hassan
University of Otago2022 View When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions Licorish, Lötter
University of Oulu2022 View Understanding Interest in Studying IT – “Desire for Change” Among Adult Women Vainionpää, Molin-Juustila, Arhippainen
University of Oulu2021 View Investigating Students’ Perception towards the Use of Social Media for Computing Education in Nigeria Agbo, Olawumi, Balogun, Sanusi, Olaleye, Sunday, Kolog, Atsa'am, Adusei-Mensah, Adegbite, Ipeayeda
University of Oulu2011 View The Effects of Teaching the Universality Thesis on Students’ Integrative Complexity of Thought Vartiainen, Myyry, Siponen, Siponen, Myyry
University of Oulu2010 View On IS Students’ Intentions to Use Theories of Ethics in Resolving Moral Conflicts Vartiainen, Siponen
University of Paisley2006 View A Constructivist-Based Approach to Teaching Database Analysis and Design Connolly, Begg
University of Patras2009 View Assessing Students’ Learning in MIS using Concept Mapping Gregoriades, Pampaka, Michail
University of Piraeus2007 View A Learning Research Informed Design and Evaluation of a Web-enhanced Object Oriented Programming Seminar Georgantaki, Retalis
University of Pittsburgh2011 View Information Ethics Education for a Multicultural World Fleischmann, Robbins, Wallace
University of Pittsburgh2009 View Selecting a Virtual World Platform for Learning Robbins, Butler
University of Pittsburgh2009 View The IS Core: An Integration of the Core IS Courses Albrecht, Romney, Lowry, Moody
University of Portland2024 View Teaching Case: When Strength Turns Into Weakness: Exploring the Role of AI in the Closure of Zillow Offers Gudigantala, Mehrotra
University of Portland2013 View Preparing Information Systems (IS) Graduates to Meet the Challenges of Global IT Security: Some Suggestions Sauls, Gudigantala, Sauls
University of Pretoria2019 View Teaching Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Design Thinking: Preparing IS Students for the Future Matthee, Turpin
University of Pretoria2007 View Technical Projects: Understanding Teamwork Satisfaction In an Introductory IS Course Napier, Johnson
University of Queensland2023 View Working Toward Wisdom in IS Education: Developing an Integral Knowledge-to-Wisdom Teaching Framework Pauleen, Intezari
University of Queensland2022 View Teaching Case: Information Security Management in Distress at SkillPlat Bongiovanni
University of Queensland2012 View Introducing Cloud Computing Topics in Curricula Chen, Liu, Gallagher, Pailthorpe, Sadiq, Shen, Li
University of Queensland2002 View Securing the Commercial Internet: Lessons Learned in Developing a Postgraduate Course in Information Security Management Cockcroft
University of Reading2018 View Aligning IS Master’s Programs with Industry Tan, Nakata, Paul
University of Rhode Island2005 View Contemporary Usage of CASE Tools in U. S. Colleges and Universities Chinn, Lloyd, Kyper
University of Rhode Island2003 View What Information Technology Asks of Business Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Rhode Island Desplaces, Beauvais, Peckham
University of Salford2007 View Centralisation of Assessment: Meeting the Challenges of Multi-year Team Projects in Information Systems Education Cooper, Heinze
University of Salford2004 View Addressing Commercial Realism and Academic Issues in Group-Based IS Undergraduate Project Work Jones, McMaster
University of Salford2003 View Using Cases as a Teaching Tool in IS Education Hackney, McMaster, Harris
University of San Francisco2024 View Teaching Case: When Strength Turns Into Weakness: Exploring the Role of AI in the Closure of Zillow Offers Gudigantala, Mehrotra
University of San Francisco2006 View Pitfalls in Analyzing Systems in Organizations Alter
University of Sheffield2005 View Developing Expertise in E-Commerce: A Content Analysis of Students' Knowledge of Online Auctions Foster, Lin
University of South Alabama2022 View Teaching Tip: Promoting Inclusive Online Learning for Students with Disabilities in Information Systems Courses He, Zha, Watson, He
University of South Alabama2019 View Four Strategies for Driving a University Pre-College Computing Outreach Program Landry, Barnett, Chapman, McCullough
University of South Alabama2013 View Enterprise Architecture Specification Case Study Steenkamp, Daigle, Gai, Swaby, Almasri, Khattab, Swaby, Abaas, Khattab, Gai, Almasri, Alawdah
University of South Alabama2008 View A Methodology to Assist Faculty in Developing Successful Approaches for Achieving Learner Centered Information Systems Curriculum Outcomes: Team Based Methods Wagner, Longenecker, Landry, Lusk, Saulnier
University of South Alabama2008 View Assessment: Placing the Emphasis on Learning in Information Systems Programs and Classes White, Longenecker, McKell, Harris
University of South Alabama2008 View From Teaching to Learning: Learner-Centered Teaching and Assessment in Information Systems Education Saulnier, Landry, Longenecker, Wagner
University of South Alabama2008 View Why is the Learner-Centered Paradigm So Profoundly Important for Information Systems Education? Landry, Saulnier, Wagner, Longenecker
University of South Alabama2001 View The Effectiveness of Computer-Based "Game Show" Formats in Survey Courses: A Quasi-Experiment Brandyberry, Pardue
University of South Alabama2000 View The Evolving Role of Faculty: Traditional Scholarship, Instructional Scholarship and Service Scholarship Owen, Daigle, Doran, Feinstein
University of South Alabama2000 View Using Polya to Teach System Development Methodologies: Fostering a Role Perspective in IS Students Pardue, Doran, Longenecker
University of South Alabama1999 View Changing the CIS Academic Culture: Using Senior Design Projects to Unify the Curriculum Daigle, Doran, Ryder
University of South Alabama1999 View On Updating the IS'97 Model Curriculum for Undergraduate Programs of Information Systems Longenecker, Feinstein, Haigood, Landry
University of South Alabama1998 View Beyond the Classroom: Mentoring in the CIS Academic Community Doran, Daigle, Robertson
University of South Alabama1998 View Facilitating Bloom's Level One through Active Learning and Collaboration Daigle, Doran
University of South Alabama1994 View A Summary of the Collaborative IS Curriculum Specification of the Joint DPMA, ACM, AIS Task Force Longenecker, Feinstein, Couger, Davis, Gorgone
University of South Alabama1991 View A Comprehensive Survey of USA and Canadian Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems Longenecker, Jr., Feinstein
University of South Carolina2015 View Using Bloom’s and Webb’s Taxonomies to Integrate Emerging Cybersecurity Topics into a Computing Curriculum Harris, Patten
University of South Carolina2013 View The Need to Address Mobile Device Security in Higher Education IT Curriculums Patten, Harris
University of South Carolina2004 View Telecommunications Course Content: Input from Information Technology Professionals Crews
University of South Dakota2014 View IS Course Success in Liberal Arts Institutions – What’s the Formula? Ghosh, Naik, Li
University of South Florida2023 View A Proficiency Model for Design Science Research Education Hevner, vom Brocke
University of South Florida2006 View Asynchronous Discussion Groups: A Use-based Taxonomy with Examples Gill
University of South Florida2006 View The Memory Grid: A Glass Box View of Data Representation Gill
University of South Florida2004 View Teaching Flowcharting with FlowC Gill
University of South Florida2001 View Reducing Effects of Plagiarism in Programming Classes Bowyer, Hall
University of South Florida2000 View Pornography on the Dean's PC: An Ethics and Computing Case Study Bowyer
University of South Florida2000 View Resources for Teaching Ethics and Computing Bowyer
University of South Florida1999 View Teaching Tip: Using Reflection Papers for Continuous Improvement Van Slyke, Collins
University of South Florida1998 View Skill Requirements for Entry-Level IS Graduates: A Report from Industry Van Slyke, Knitter, Cheney
University of South Florida St. Petersburg2014 View Developing Health Information Technology (HIT) Programs and HIT Curriculum: The Southern Polytechnic State University Experience Zhang, Reichgelt, Rutherfoord, Wang
University of Southern Indiana2024 View Designing and Integrating an Introductory Information Systems Course Into Business Core Curriculum: Case Roadmap and Lessons Bačić, Shemroske
University of Southern Indiana2014 View Developing and Applying Smartphone Apps in Online Courses Yan, Rawat, Shi, Alnusair
University of Southern Maine2011 View Procyon LLC: From Music Recommendations to Preference Mapping Chinn
University of Southern Maine2009 View Using Web 2.0 to Support the Active Learning Experience Williams, Chinn
University of Southern Maine2006 View Conceptual Data Modeling in the Introductory Database Course: Is it Time for UML? Suleiman, Garfield
University of Southern Maine2005 View Contemporary Usage of CASE Tools in U. S. Colleges and Universities Chinn, Lloyd, Kyper
University of Southern Mississippi2009 View Virtualization Technologies in Information Systems Education Lunsford
University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast1996 View A Classroom Exercise for Testing the Information Systems Manger as Leader: Mentor, Counselor, Coach Smith, Burch, Miller
University of St. Thomas2012 View Does Technology Acceptance Affect E-learning in a Non-Technology-Intensive Course? Buche, Davis, Vician
University of St. Thomas2012 View Writing IS Teaching Tips: Guidelines for JISE Submission Lending, Vician
University of St. Thomas2008 View Online Education Forum: Part One - The Shift Toward Online Education Dykman, Davis
University of St. Thomas2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Three - A Quality Online Educational Experience Dykman, Davis
University of St. Thomas2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Two - Teaching Online Versus Teaching Conventionally Dykman, Davis
University of St. Thomas2007 View On the Horns of a Dilemma and Executive Hubris Davis
University of St. Thomas2007 View Technical Staffing Crises and Managing Systems Projects Davis
University of St. Thomas2007 View Two Information Technology Classroom Minicases: Benefits Assessments and Implementation Issues Davis
University of St. Thomas, Houston2008 View Online Education Forum: Part One - The Shift Toward Online Education Dykman, Davis
University of St. Thomas, Houston2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Three - A Quality Online Educational Experience Dykman, Davis
University of St. Thomas, Houston2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Two - Teaching Online Versus Teaching Conventionally Dykman, Davis
University of Sydney2011 View Enhancing Student Learning Of Enterprise Integration Business Process Orientation Through ERP Business Simulation Game Seethamraju
University of Sydney2007 View Enterprise Systems (ES) Software in Business School Curriculum - Evaluation of Design and Delivery Seethamraju
University of Tampa2024 View Teaching Case: Teaching Business Students Logistic Regression in R With the Aid of ChatGPT Zhong, Kim
University of Tampa2023 View Teaching Tip: What You Need to Know about Gamification Process of Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises: Lessons and Challenges Kim, Zhong, Liu
University of Tampa2022 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Business Process Concepts in an Introductory Information Systems Class: A Multi-Level Game-Based Learning Approach Farkas, Shang, Alhourani
University of Tampa2021 View First Course Programming Languages within US Business College MIS Curricula Smith, Jones
University of Tampa2018 View Security Breach at Target Plachkinova, Maurer
University of Tampa2017 View An Integrated Learning Approach to Teaching an Undergraduate Information Systems Course Riordan, Hine, Smith
University of Tampa2017 View Maintaining a Cybersecurity Curriculum: Professional Certifications as Valuable Guidance Knapp, Maurer, Plachkinova
University of Tampa2011 View An Investigation of Digital Literacy Needs of Students Nelson, Courier, Joseph
University of Tampa2011 View Curriculum mapping as a tool for continuous improvement of IS curriculum Veltri, Webb, Matveev, Zapatero
University of Tampa2004 View Appropriating Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Colleges of Business: Extending Adaptive Stucturation Theory for Testability LeRouge, Webb
University of Tampa1999 View Teaching Teamwork in Information Systems Courses Van Slyke, Trimmer, Kittner
University of Tampa1998 View Computer Applications and Concepts for Business Student Career Success Goeller, Massetti
University of Technology, Sydney2014 View Online IS Education for the 21st Century He, Xu, Kruck
University of Teesside2007 View Evolving a Facilitation Process towards Student Centred Learning: A Case Study in Computing Griffiths, Oates, Lockyer
University of Teesside2006 View Systems Analysis & Design: An Essential Part of IS Education Harris, Lang, Oates, Siau
University of Tennessee/Chattanooga2017 View Faculty Workshops for Teaching Information Assurance through Hands-on Exercises and Case Studies Yuan, Williams, Yu, Rorrer, Chu, Yang, Winters, Kizza
University of Tennessee/Chattanooga2013 View Supporting Case-based Learning in Information Security with Web-based Technology He, Yuan, Yang
University of Texas - Dallas2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
University of Texas - Pan American2003 View Forming an Effective Information Systems Advisory Board Koong
University of Texas - San Antonio2006 View The Competitiveness of the Information Systems Major: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Lee, Lee
University of Texas at Arlington2023 View Bibliographic and Text Analysis of Research on Implementation of the Internet of Things to Support Education Desai, Kim
University of Texas at Austin1993 View Guest Editorial: The Future of Information Systems: Leadership Through Enterprise Integration Kalakota, Whinston
University of Texas at Brownsville2013 View Detecting Plagiarism in MS Access Assignments Singh
University of Texas at Brownsville2010 View Bolstering Teaching through Online Tools Singh, Mangalaraj, Taneja
University of Texas at Dallas2024 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Scrum Product Owner Competencies Using an Experiential Learning Simulation Thouin, Hefley
University of Texas at Dallas2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
University of Texas at San Antonio1996 View Educating Software Development Professionals: Does Instruction Affect Creativity? Wynekoop, Walz
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley2023 View Teaching Tip: A Teaching Module Illustrating ERP Item Value Automation Singh, Bhadauria, Mangalaraj
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley2015 View Introducing an M-Commerce Course into the Business Management Curriculum: Experiences and Recommendations Nandi, Nandi
University of the Sunshine Coast2009 View Desirable ICT Graduate Attributes: Theory vs. Practice Debuse, Lawley
University of the Sunshine Coast2007 View The Implementation of an Automated Assessment Feedback and Quality Assurance System for ICT Courses Debuse, Lawley, Shibl
University of the West of England2005 View Practice-Based Learning in Information Systems: The Advantages for Students Rawlings, White, Stephens
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg2021 View Motivation in Gamified Social Media Learning: A Psychological Need Perspective Ofosu-Ampong, Boateng, Kolog, Anning-Dorson
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg2010 View The Rescue911 Emergency Response Information System (ERIS): A Systems Development Project Case Cohen, Thiel
University of Toledo2002 View End Users and Developers in Systems Analysis and Design Hasan
University of Tulsa2016 View Using Giving Voice to Values to Improve Student Academic Integrity in Information Technology Contexts Riemenschneider, Manly, Leonard
University of Tulsa2011 View Students' Ethical Decision-Making in an Information Technology Context: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach Riemenschneider, Leonard, Manly
University of Tulsa2006 View Large Scale Requirements Modeling: An Industry Analysis, a Model and a Teaching Bajaj
University of Turku2023 View A Data-Driven Approach to Compare the Syntactic Difficulty of Programming Languages Lokkila, Christopoulos, Laakso
University of Turku2011 View Determinants of educators’ post-adoption satisfaction toward an e-learning system Islam
University of Vaasa2022 View Digital Strategy in Information Systems: A Literature Review and an Educational Solution Based on Problem-Based Learning Dang, Vartiainen
University of Vermont2010 View Examining the Affects of Student Multitasking with Laptops During the Lecture Kraushaar, Novak
University of Vienna2010 View A Systematic Review of Developing Team Competencies in Information Systems Education Figl
University of Virginia2018 View Security Breach at Target Plachkinova, Maurer
University of Virginia2017 View Maintaining a Cybersecurity Curriculum: Professional Certifications as Valuable Guidance Knapp, Maurer, Plachkinova
University of Washington2006 View How the Teacher's Role Changes in On-line Case Study Discussions Heckman, Annabi
University of Washington2006 View Toward a Next Generation Data Modeling Facility: Neither the Entity-Relationship Model nor UML Meet the Need Kroenke, Gray
University of West Florida2018 View An Interdisciplinary Task-Based Activity for Teaching Internal Controls Marshall, Drum, Lambert, Morris
University of West Florida2004 View Promoting Higher Order Thinking In MIS/ CIS Students Using Class Exercises Mukherjee
University of West Georgia2023 View Aligning Cybersecurity in Higher Education with Industry Needs Towhidi, Pridmore
University of West Georgia2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
University of West Georgia2009 View Investigating Pedagogical Value of Wiki Technology Hazari, North, Moreland
University of West Georgia2004 View Strategy for Assessment of Online Course Discussions Hazari
University of Western Ontario2007 View The Role of Information Technology in Technology-Mediated Learning: A Review of the Past for the Future Wan, Fang, Neufeld
University of Winnipeg1993 View A Central Course in Continuing ISM Education for IS Professionals Kaluzniacky
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse2002 View An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Introductory Information Systems Wehrs
University of Wisconsin - Parkside2021 View Design Thinking and Mobile App Development: A Teaching Protocol Shahrasbi, Jin, Zheng
University of Wisconsin - Parkside2008 View Gender Differences and Intra-Gender Differences amongst Management Information Systems Students Beyer
University of Wisconsin - Platteville2005 View Hands-On Testing in Visual Basic Courses Yang, Clifton
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire2022 View Current and Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) Curriculum in Business School: A Text Mining Analysis Chen
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire2015 View How Does ERPsim Influence Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes in an Information Systems Course? An Empirical Study Chen, Keys, Gaber
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire2013 View IT Entrepreneurial Intention Among College Students: An Empirical Study Chen
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee1998 View Retooling Information Technology Professionals Jain, Paul
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee1994 View Close the Deal and Deliver the System: Sales Training for IS Developers Lassila
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh2011 View Wiki or Word? Evaluating Tools for Collaborative Writing and Editing Dishaw, Eierman, Iversen, Philip
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh1998 View Learning by Doing: A Remote Communication Project Vician, Nickles
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire2015 View How Does ERPsim Influence Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes in an Information Systems Course? An Empirical Study Chen, Keys, Gaber
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire2014 View Preparing Information Systems Graduates for a Complex Society: Aligning IS Curriculum with Liberal Education Learning Outcomes Pratt, Keys, Wirkus
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire2010 View IS Staffing During a Recession: Comparing Student and IS Recruiter Perceptions Pratt, Hauser, Ross
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire2005 View A Virtual Market for Teaching Electronic Market Concepts in Information Systems Education Bodoff, Forster
University of Wollongong2022 View Special Issue Editorial: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Lang, Freeman, Kiely, Woszczynsk
University of Würzburg2010 View Teaching ERP systems: A multi-perspective view on the ERP system market Winkelmann, Leyh
Uny Leya2014 View Promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills via IPTEACES e-Learning Framework in the Learning of Information Systems Units Isaias, Issa, Pena
USDA2012 View The Animal Genetic Resource Information Network (AnimalGRIN) Database: A Database Design & Implementation Case Casterella, Wessel, Blackburn
Utah State University2022 View Examining Trends in Business Analytics Education From 2011 to 2020 in AACSB-Accredited Information Systems Programs Mills, Fadel, Olsen, Chudoba, Dupin-Bryant
Utah State University2022 View Quality Assurance of Learning Assessments in Large Information Systems and Decision Analysis Courses Ugray, Dunn
Utah State University2022 View Teaching Tip: Using SQL to Create and Mine Large, Customizable Datasets Siggard, Dupin-Bryant, Mills, Olsen
Utah State University2016 View IS Programs Responding to Industry Demands for Data Scientists: A Comparison between 2011-2016 Mills, Chudoba, Olsen
Utah State University2015 View Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition Mills, Dupin-Bryant, Beaulieu, Johnson, Beaulieu
Utah State University2012 View Examining Profiles and Perceptions of the IS 2010 Model Curriculum Guidelines Mills, Velasquez, Fadel, Bell
Utah State University2010 View IS Staffing During a Recession: Comparing Student and IS Recruiter Perceptions Pratt, Hauser, Ross
Utah State University2007 View Teaching Advanced SQL Skills: Text Bulk Loading Olsen, Hauser
Utah Valley University2020 View Agile Teaching and Learning in Information Systems Education: An Analysis and Categorization of Literature Sharp, Mitchell, Lang
Utah Valley University2018 View Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda Sharp, Lang
Utah Valley University2004 View Role Preference: Are Handheld Computers an Educational or Personal Technology? Jones, Johnson, Bentley
Utah Valley University2002 View Adding Value to the IS’97… Curriculum Models: An Interactive Visualization and Analysis Prototype Johnson, Wilkes, Ormond, Figeuroa