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KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
AACSB2023 View The Master’s Program in Information Systems: A Survey of Core Curricula in AACSB-Accredited Business Schools in the United States Yang
AACSB2020 View Integrative Learning and Interdisciplinary Information Systems Curriculum Development in Accounting Analytics Woodside, Augustine, Chambers, Mendoza
AACSB2019 View Bridging the Gap between IS Education and IS Research: What Can be done to Help? Lee
AACSB2011 View An Approach to Meeting AACSB Assurance of Learning Standards in an IS Core Class Attaway, Chandra, Dos Santos, Thatcher, Wright
ABAP2007 View Computers-for-edu: An Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) Teaching Case Boyle
ABET2021 View A Process-Based Approach to ABET Accreditation: A Case Study of a Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Program Almuhaideb, Saeed
ABET2019 View Ingredients of a High-Quality Information Systems Program in a Changing IS Landscape Lending, Mitri, Dillon
ABET2013 View The Need to Address Mobile Device Security in Higher Education IT Curriculums Patten, Harris
ABET2011 View IS 2010 and ABET Accreditation: An Analysis of ABET-Accredited Information Systems Programs Saulnier, White
Abstinence2004 View Examining Personal and Cultural Assumptions about Information Technology Using a Technology Abstinence Exercise Stam, Stanton
abstract thinking2024 View Cognitive Aspects in Problem Solving: The Case of a Data Structures Course for IS Students Barzilai, Sherman, Leiba, Spiegel
Academic adversity2022 View Barriers to e-Learning During Crisis: A Capital Theory Perspective on Academic Adversity Deng, Sun
Academic choice decision2008 View Why Are Students Not Majoring in Information Systems? Walstrom, Schambach, Jones, Crampton
Academic Computing1992 View Academic Computing in U.S. Colleges and Universities: A Survey Katz, Castonguay
Academic degree2019 View The Transition from MIS Departments to Analytics Departments Urbaczewski, Keeling
Academic degree2018 View Entry Level Technology Positions: No Degree Required Wierschem, Mediavilla
Academic departments2002 View Academic Departments of Information Systems Faculty in the U.S. Sherer
Academic discipline2007 View The Emerging Academic Discipline of Knowledge Management Grossman
Academic discipline1989 View Some Observations on Information Systems as an Academic Discipline Chand
Academic disciplines2003 View Predicting Software Self Efficacy among Business Students: A Preliminary Assessmen Havelka
Academic dishonesty2016 View Academic Integrity: Information Systems Education Perspective McHaney, Cronan, Douglas
Academic dishonesty2003 View How to Reduce Plagiarism Born
Academic dishonesty2000 View Academic Dishonesty: A Study of CIS Student Cheating Behavior Hogan, Jaska
Academic ethics2022 View Invited Paper: Editing Special Issues of JISE: Practical Guidance and Recommendations Lang, Zhang, Connolly
Academic history2019 View Bridging the Gap between IS Education and IS Research: What Can be done to Help? Lee
Academic improvement2005 View Practice-Based Learning in Information Systems: The Advantages for Students Rawlings, White, Stephens
Academic integrity2016 View Academic Integrity: Information Systems Education Perspective McHaney, Cronan, Douglas
Academic integrity2016 View Academic Integrity: Information Systems Education Perspective McHaney, Cronan, Douglas
Academic integrity2016 View Exploring Reflective Means to Handle Plagiarism Dalaa
Academic integrity2016 View Supporting Academic Integrity in a Fully-Online Degree Completion Program Through the Use of Synchronous Video Conferences Wagner, Enders, Pirie, Thomas
Academic integrity2016 View Ten Years in the Academic Integrity Trenches: Experiences and Issues Atkinson, Nau, Symons
Academic integrity2016 View Using Giving Voice to Values to Improve Student Academic Integrity in Information Technology Contexts Riemenschneider, Manly, Leonard
Academic integrity2001 View Reducing Effects of Plagiarism in Programming Classes Bowyer, Hall
Academic publication2022 View Invited Paper: Getting Published in JISE: A Practical Guide from the Editors Freeman, Zhang
Academic publishing2022 View Invited Paper: Editing Special Issues of JISE: Practical Guidance and Recommendations Lang, Zhang, Connolly
Academic rebranding2022 View Examining Trends in Business Analytics Education From 2011 to 2020 in AACSB-Accredited Information Systems Programs Mills, Fadel, Olsen, Chudoba, Dupin-Bryant
Academic-business collaboration2007 View The Development of a Teaching Strategy for Implementing a Real-World Business Project into Database Courses Seyed-Abbassi, King, Wiseman
Accessibility2016 View Perspectives on Open Access Opportunities for IS Research Publication: Potential Benefits for Researchers, Educators, and Students Woszczynsk, Whitman
accounting2020 View Integrative Learning and Interdisciplinary Information Systems Curriculum Development in Accounting Analytics Woodside, Augustine, Chambers, Mendoza
Accounting competencies2001 View IT Instruction Methodology and Minimum Competency for Accounting Students Jackson, Cherrington
Accounting education2023 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Expert Systems in a Postgraduate Accounting Degree Program Poon
Accounting education2001 View IT Instruction Methodology and Minimum Competency for Accounting Students Jackson, Cherrington
Accounting Information Systems1989 View Using LOTUS to Build an Accounting Information System Gingrich
Accounting information systems education2004 View A Framework for Comparing IS Core Curriculum and IS Requirements for Accounting Majors Andrews, Wynekoop
Accounting information systems major2008 View Identifying Employer Needs from Accounting Information Systems Programs Dillon, Kruck
Accreditation2021 View A Process-Based Approach to ABET Accreditation: A Case Study of a Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Program Almuhaideb, Saeed
Accreditation2018 View Aligning IS Master’s Programs with Industry Tan, Nakata, Paul
Accreditation2012 View Assessing Information Systems and Computer Information Systems Programs from a Balanced Scorecard Perspective Kim, Yue, Al-Mubaid, Perkins-Hall, Abeysekera
Accreditation2011 View An Approach to Meeting AACSB Assurance of Learning Standards in an IS Core Class Attaway, Chandra, Dos Santos, Thatcher, Wright
Accreditation2011 View IS 2010 and ABET Accreditation: An Analysis of ABET-Accredited Information Systems Programs Saulnier, White
Accreditation2008 View Why is the Learner-Centered Paradigm So Profoundly Important for Information Systems Education? Landry, Saulnier, Wagner, Longenecker
Accreditation2005 View The Accreditation Process for IS Programs in Business Schools Challa, Kasper, Redmond
Achievement1999 View Correlated Factors of Success: Personality, Creativity and Academic Achievement Among IS Students Hignite, Satzinger, Margavio
ACM IS curriculum1991 View A Comprehensive Survey of USA and Canadian Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems Longenecker, Jr., Feinstein
Action design research2016 View Design and Emergence of a Pedagogical Online InfoSec Laboratory as an Ensemble Artefact Iqbal
Action design research (ADR)2023 View Methodological “Learning-by-Doing” for Action Design Research Nagle, Birkbeck, Daly, Jones, O’Sullivan, Sammon
Action learning2010 View Student Projects as a Funding Source Henson
Action learning2009 View Action Learning with Second Life - A Pilot Study Wagner, Ip
Action learning2007 View Evolving a Facilitation Process towards Student Centred Learning: A Case Study in Computing Griffiths, Oates, Lockyer
Action memo2004 View Teaching Information Systems Management via Action Memos Wagner
Action research2009 View Partnering with the Majors: A Process Approach to Increasing IS Enrollment Koch, Kayworth
Active learning2024 View A Response to COVID: From Traditional to Remote Learning Using a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy and Its Impact on BI Skills Attainment Romanow, Cline, Napier
Active learning2024 View Delivering a Business Analytics Course Focused on Data Mining for Both Technical and Non-Technical Students Zhang, Dang, Albritton
Active learning2024 View Teaching Tip: Leveraging Learning Strategies at Scale – Big and Small Changes in a Big IS Course Sclarow, Raven, Doyle
Active learning2024 View Teaching Tip: Embedding Sustainability in Information Systems Design Education Rowan, McCarthy, Mebrahtu, Gauche, O’Reilly, Odili
Active learning2023 View Methodological “Learning-by-Doing” for Action Design Research Nagle, Birkbeck, Daly, Jones, O’Sullivan, Sammon
Active learning2023 View Teaching Case: Using Python and AWS for NoSQL in a BI Course Mitri
Active learning2023 View Teaching Tip: Active Learning in the IS Classroom: A Student Crowdpolling Exercise for IS Courses McKinney, Jr., Niese, Bhatia
Active learning2022 View Apply Small Teaching Tactics in an Introductory Programming Course: Impact on Learning Performance Jiang
Active learning2022 View How to Apply Service Operations Management Principles to Improve Student Engagement and Satisfaction Torabi, Vaziri, Connolly
Active learning2022 View Teaching Tip: Scrum Boot Camp: Introducing Students to Agile System Development Babik
Active learning2022 View Teaching Tip: Socio-Cultural Learning to Increase Student Engagement in Introduction to MIS Connolly, Mutchler, Rush
Active learning2020 View A Hands-On Simulation to Teach Cash-to-Cash Manufacturing Operating Cycle Processes in a Purchasing, Operations, and Supply Chain Management Context Whitelock
Active learning2020 View Active Learning Using Debates in an IT Strategy Course Woods
Active learning2020 View An Agile Framework for Teaching with Scrum in the IT Project Management Classroom Rush, Connolly
Active learning2020 View Constructive Use of Errors in Teaching the UML Class Diagram in an IS Engineering Course Shmallo, Shrot
Active learning2020 View How to Teach Information Systems Students to Design Better User Interfaces through Paper Prototyping Scialdone, Connolly
Active learning2020 View Using Active Learning, Group Formation, and Discussion to Increase Student Learning: A Business Intelligence Skills Analysis Romanow, Napier, Cline
Active learning2020 View Visualizing IS Course Objectives and Marketable Skills Babik, Lending
Active learning2019 View Learning by Teaching through Collaborative Tutorial Creation: Experience using GitHub and AsciiDoc Marquardson, Schuetzler
Active learning2019 View The Role of Flow in Learning Distributed Computing and MapReduce Concepts using Hands-On Analogy Conrad, Bliemel, Ali-Hassan
Active learning2018 View A Three Cohort Study of Role-Play Instruction for Agile Project Management Schmitz
Active learning2018 View Origami: An Active Learning Exercise for Scrum Project Management Sibona, Pourreza, Hill
Active learning2017 View A Systems Analysis Role-Play Exercise and Assignment Mitri, Cole, Atkins
Active learning2017 View An Integrated Learning Approach to Teaching an Undergraduate Information Systems Course Riordan, Hine, Smith
Active learning2016 View Who Renews? Who Leaves? Identifying Customer Churn in a Telecom Company Using Big Data Techniques Asamoah, Sharda, Kalgotra, Ott
Active learning2015 View Active Learning via a Sample Database: The Case of Microsoft's Adventure Works Mitri
Active learning2014 View A case study of instructor scaffolding using Web 2.0 tools to teach social informatics McLoughlin, Alam
Active learning2014 View IS Course Success in Liberal Arts Institutions – What’s the Formula? Ghosh, Naik, Li
Active learning2014 View The Flipped Classroom Mok
Active learning2013 View Aiding Participation and Engagement in a Blended Learning Environment Alrushiedat, Olfman
Active learning2013 View Playing Jeopardy in the Classroom: An Empirical Study Simkin
Active learning2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
Active learning2013 View The GET Immersion Experience: A New Model for Leveraging the Synergies between Industry and Academia Saltz, Serva, Heckman
Active learning2011 View Teaching IS Ethics: Applying A Research Technique For Classroom Use Niederman, Taylor, Dick, Land, Taylor
Active learning2011 View Trade Secret Law and Information Systems: Can Your Students Keep a Secret? Willey, Ford, White, Clapper
Active learning2009 View Using Web 2.0 to Support the Active Learning Experience Williams, Chinn
Active learning2008 View Clicking to Learn: A Case Study of Embedding Radio-Frequency based Clickers in an Introductory Management Information Systems Course Nelson, Hauck
Active learning2008 View Student Monks – Teaching Recursion in an IS or CS Programming Course Using the Towers of Hanoi Benander, Benander
Active learning2007 View A Student-Centric Approach to Large Introductory IS Survey Courses Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
Active learning2005 View Agile Methodology Adoption Decisions: An Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning McAvoy, Sammon
Active learning2005 View An Active X SQL Resource Bodnar
Active learning2005 View Improving Students' Interest in Learning: Some Positive Techniques Leong
Active learning2005 View It's All Fun and Games... Until Students Learn Massey, Brown, Johnston
Active learning2004 View Exploring Process, Enterprise Integration and E-business Concepts in the Classroom: The Case of petPRO Hajnal, Riordan
Active learning2004 View Promoting Higher Order Thinking In MIS/ CIS Students Using Class Exercises Mukherjee
Active learning2003 View Service-Learning in Information Systems Courses: Community Projects that Make a Difference Hoxmeier, Lenk
Active learning2003 View Simulation and Role Playing with LEGO Blocks Freeman
Active learning2003 View Systematic Personal Training by Letting Students Teach each Other Kjellin, Stenfors
Active learning2002 View Evaluating the Virtual Management Information Systems (MIS) Classroom Abraham
Active learning2002 View Writing IS Teaching Cases: Guidelines for JISE Submission Cappel, Schwager
Active learning2001 View Integrating Real Practical Experience in ICT Education de Brock
Active learning2001 View Using Groupware in a Classroom Environment Martz, Shepherd, Hickey
Active learning2000 View Using the Internet to Build Realism in Teaching Requirements Analysis Parsons, Foster
Active learning1995 View Enhancing Student Creativity in Information Systems Education: The Active Learning Approach Goyal
Active learning1995 View The Integrated and Interactive MIS Classroom: Using Meeting and Presentation Software to Create an Active Learning Environment Abraham
Active X control2005 View An Active X SQL Resource Bodnar
Active/collaborative learning2008 View First Impressions: An Alternative Way to Start a Systems Development Course Fellers
Adaptability2019 View Growth, Adaptability, and Relationships within the Changing Landscape of IS Education Jessup, Valacich
Adaptive learning2016 View Play Ball: Bringing Scrum into the Classroom May, York, Lending
Adaptive structuration theory2004 View Appropriating Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Colleges of Business: Extending Adaptive Stucturation Theory for Testability LeRouge, Webb
Adoption failure2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Failed Implementation of an Electronic Health Records System Gomillion
Adult learning2004 View Bringing E-Government into the Classroom: A Case of E-Commerce Education Song, Rao, Braynov
Advising1995 View A Decision Support System for Student Transfer Advising Mathieson, Lederer
Advisory board members2003 View Forming an Effective Information Systems Advisory Board Koong
Advisory boards2020 View Evaluation of Information Systems Curricula Bohler, Larson, Peachey, Shehane
Advisory boards2016 View The Skills Framework for the Information Age: Engaging Stakeholders in Curriculum Design von Konsky, Miller, Jones
Advisory boards2013 View An Undergraduate Information Security Program: More than a Curriculum Woodward, Imboden, Martin
Advisory boards2012 View Simulated Audits to Engage Students in IT Governance and Assurance Courses Merhout, Newport, Damo
AdWords2009 View Using Google AdWords in the MBA MIS Course Rosso, McClelland, Jansen, Fleming
Age2006 View Student Perceptions of Diversity Issues in IT Woszczynski, Myers, Moody
Agile2024 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Scrum Product Owner Competencies Using an Experiential Learning Simulation Thouin, Hefley
Agile2023 View Teaching How to Select an Optimal Agile, Plan-Driven, or Hybrid Software Development Approach: Lessons from Enterprise Software Development Leaders Spurrier, Topi
Agile2022 View Teaching Tip: Scrum Boot Camp: Introducing Students to Agile System Development Babik
Agile2021 View Teaching Case: Integrating Systems at We Build Stuff: Analysis and Design Case Powell, Barber
Agile2020 View Agile Teaching and Learning in Information Systems Education: An Analysis and Categorization of Literature Sharp, Mitchell, Lang
Agile2020 View An Agile Framework for Teaching with Scrum in the IT Project Management Classroom Rush, Connolly
Agile2020 View Exploring Which Agile Principles Students Internalize When Using a Kanban Process Methodology Saltz, Heckman
Agile2019 View A Generalized, Enterprise-Level Systems Development Process Framework for Systems Analysis and Design Education Topi, Spurrier
Agile2019 View Growth, Adaptability, and Relationships within the Changing Landscape of IS Education Jessup, Valacich
Agile2019 View Implementing Scrum Wholesale in the Classroom Baham
Agile2018 View A Three Cohort Study of Role-Play Instruction for Agile Project Management Schmitz
Agile2018 View Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda Sharp, Lang
Agile2018 View Coping with Uncertainty in an Agile Systems Development Course Taipalus, Seppänen, Pirhonen
Agile2018 View Do Pair Programming Approaches Transcend Coding? Measuring Agile Attitudes in Diverse Information Systems Courses Chen, Rea
Agile2018 View Origami: An Active Learning Exercise for Scrum Project Management Sibona, Pourreza, Hill
Agile2018 View Scrum-Based Learning Environment: Fostering Self-Regulated Learning Linden
Agile2016 View Play Ball: Bringing Scrum into the Classroom May, York, Lending
Agile approach2005 View A Student-Driven Approach to Teaching E-commerce McBride
Agile course development2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
Agile methodology2005 View Agile Methodology Adoption Decisions: An Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning McAvoy, Sammon
Agile software development2009 View Improving the Communication Skills of IS Developers during Requirements Elicitation using Experiential Learning Qurban, Austria
Agreement measure2003 View Analysis and Design: Assessing Actual and Desired Course Content Tastle, Russell
AHP method2005 View A Curriculm Design for E-commerce Security Kim, Han, Kim, Choi
AIS major2008 View Identifying Employer Needs from Accounting Information Systems Programs Dillon, Kruck
AITP2004 View Telecommunications Course Content: Input from Information Technology Professionals Crews
Alternative assessment2001 View Using Concept Maps to Assess Students' Understanding of Information Systems Freeman, Urbaczewski
Alumni surveys1996 View What to Teach in an Information Systems Curriculum: Depends on Who You Ask! Byers, Van Over
American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)1990 View Combining Statistics and Information Systems: The La Salle Experience Troxell
American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)1989 View A Profile of Colleges and Universities That Have Adopted the Data Processing Management Association’s Model Curriculum Fougere
Analogical reasoning2015 View Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition Mills, Dupin-Bryant, Beaulieu, Johnson, Beaulieu
Analogy learning2019 View The Role of Flow in Learning Distributed Computing and MapReduce Concepts using Hands-On Analogy Conrad, Bliemel, Ali-Hassan
Analogy learning2015 View Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition Mills, Dupin-Bryant, Beaulieu, Johnson, Beaulieu
Analysis and design techniques2006 View Contemporary Approaches and Techniques for the Systems Analyst Batra, Satzinger
Analyst skills2000 View Critical Skills of IS Professionals: Developing a Curriculum for the Future Wilkins, Noll
Analytic hierarchy process2006 View The Competitiveness of the Information Systems Major: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Lee, Lee
analytics2023 View Teaching Tip: Hackalytics: Using Computer Hacking to Engage Students in Analytics Luse, Shadbad
analytics2022 View Engaging Government-Industry-University Partnerships to Further Gender Equity in STEM Workforce Education Through Technology and Information System Learning Tools Knestis, Cheng, Fontaine, Feng
Andragogy2004 View Bringing E-Government into the Classroom: A Case of E-Commerce Education Song, Rao, Braynov
Application2006 View Teaching Security Techniques in an E-Commerce Course Liu, Mackie
Application2004 View Effectiveness of an Interactive Application to Assist Learning: A Test Case Saade, Kira
Application development2021 View A Teaching Module of No-Code Business App Development Wang, Wang
Application development2021 View First Course Programming Languages within US Business College MIS Curricula Smith, Jones
Application development2012 View Implementation of an Interorganizational System: The Case of Medical Insurance E-clearance Bose, Liu, Ye
Application development2011 View Design and Delivery of Multiple Server-Side Computer Languages Course Wang, Wang
Application development2009 View CFC (Comment-First-Coding) - A Simple yet Effective Method for Teaching Programming to Information Systems Students Sengupta
Application development2004 View An Initial Assessment of Remote Access Computer Laboratories for IS Education: A Multiple Case Study Huntley, Mathieu, Schell
Application hosting2004 View Second Wave ERP Education Hawking, McCarthy, Stein
Applications2002 View End Users and Developers in Systems Analysis and Design Hasan
Applications1992 View Computer Literacy for the 1990’s Wolfe
Applications1992 View Instruction in a Postliterate Culture: Multimedia in Higher Education Short
Applications development1994 View An Approach for Developing Applications in Lotus Notes Chand
Applied artificial intelligence1993 View The Business Protocol Expert System: An International Business Manners Advisor Liebowitz
Applied artificial intelligence1992 View Teaching an Applied Expert Systems Course: A Content Outline Liebowitz
applied learning2020 View Applied Learning of Emerging Technology: Using Business-Relevant Examples of Blockchain Milovich, Nicholson, Nicholson
Applied problem-solving1995 View Active Learning in Business Education with, through, and about Technology Jessup, Elbert
Apprenticeship2007 View Using Collaboration to Provide Students with an Internship Experience in an Information Systems Course Wallace
Approaches for delivering IT skills2004 View Introducing Information Systems Approach for Acquiring IT Competence Needed For Business Applications Naqvi
Architecture2021 View GlobePort Faces Challenges in its Technology Transformation Ghosh
Architecture2013 View Enterprise Architecture Specification Case Study Steenkamp, Daigle, Gai, Swaby, Almasri, Khattab, Swaby, Abaas, Khattab, Gai, Almasri, Alawdah
Artificial intelligence2024 View Teaching Case: When Strength Turns Into Weakness: Exploring the Role of AI in the Closure of Zillow Offers Gudigantala, Mehrotra
Artificial intelligence2024 View Teaching Tip: Using Text Analytics AI Insights in Microsoft Power BI Desktop to Score Sentiments, Extract Key Phrases, and Discover Unstructured Data Patterns Liu, Downing
Artificial intelligence2024 View Teaching Tip: Using No-Code AI to Teach Machine Learning in Higher Education Sundberg, Holmström
Artificial intelligence2023 View Learning by Doing: Educators’ Perspective on an Illustrative Tool for AI-Generated Scaffolding for Students in Conceptualizing Design Science Research Studies Memmert, Tavanapour, Bittner
Artificial intelligence2022 View Current and Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) Curriculum in Business School: A Text Mining Analysis Chen
Artificial intelligence2022 View Supporting Inclusive Learning Using Chatbots? A Chatbot-Led Interview Study Gupta, Chen
Artificial intelligence1999 View Changing the CIS Academic Culture: Using Senior Design Projects to Unify the Curriculum Daigle, Doran, Ryder
Artificial intelligence1995 View Integrating Expert Systems Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum Liebowitz
Artificial intelligence1989 View Student Learning Problems in a Course on Expert System Shells Grupe
ASP2010 View Consuming Web Services: A Yahoo! Newsfeed Reader Dadashzadeh
ASP2002 View Using ASP-Based Message Encryption Project to Teach Information Security Concepts Cao, Davis, Bai, Katter
ASP.net2008 View Enabling Customization through Web Development: An Iterative Study of the Dell Computer Corporation Website Liu, Mackie
ASP.net2007 View Web Survey Design in ASP.Net 2.0: A Simple Task with One Line of Code Liu
ASP.net2006 View Incorporating ASP.Net in an Information Systems Curriculum Wallace, Wolf
ASP.net2006 View Teaching Security Techniques in an E-Commerce Course Liu, Mackie
ASRS2003 View The Dag-Brücken ASRS Case Study Jewels
Assessment2021 View Designing Group Assignments to Develop Groupwork Skills Hogan, Young
Assessment2019 View Four Strategies for Driving a University Pre-College Computing Outreach Program Landry, Barnett, Chapman, McCullough
Assessment2019 View Ingredients of a High-Quality Information Systems Program in a Changing IS Landscape Lending, Mitri, Dillon
Assessment2018 View Relationship between Teamwork and Team Performance: Experiences from an ERPsim Competition Hwang
Assessment2015 View Should you Allow your Students to Grade their own Homework? Simkin
Assessment2013 View Detecting Plagiarism in MS Access Assignments Singh
Assessment2013 View Evaluating the Impact and Determinants of Student Team Performance: Using LMS and CATME Data Braender, Naples
Assessment2012 View Assessing Information Systems and Computer Information Systems Programs from a Balanced Scorecard Perspective Kim, Yue, Al-Mubaid, Perkins-Hall, Abeysekera
Assessment2010 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments: An Empirical Study of its Effectiveness Newby, Nguyen
Assessment2008 View A Model for Using a Capstone Experience as One Method of Assessment of an Information Systems Degree Program Murray, Perez, Guimaraes
Assessment2008 View Assessment: Placing the Emphasis on Learning in Information Systems Programs and Classes White, Longenecker, McKell, Harris
Assessment2008 View On the Design and Development of WEBSEE: A Web-based Senior Exit Exam for Value-added Assessment of a CIS Program Kamoun, Selim
Assessment2008 View Why is the Learner-Centered Paradigm So Profoundly Important for Information Systems Education? Landry, Saulnier, Wagner, Longenecker
Assessment2007 View Teaching Practices for Effective Cooperative Learning in an Online Learning Environment (OLE) Hutchinson
Assessment2005 View The Accreditation Process for IS Programs in Business Schools Challa, Kasper, Redmond
Assessment2004 View Addressing Commercial Realism and Academic Issues in Group-Based IS Undergraduate Project Work Jones, McMaster
Assessment2004 View Strategy for Assessment of Online Course Discussions Hazari
Assessment2002 View An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Introductory Information Systems Wehrs
Assessment1995 View Are Programs of Assessment and Continuous Improvement Really Worth the Effort? Richards
Assisted program design2009 View CFC (Comment-First-Coding) - A Simple yet Effective Method for Teaching Programming to Information Systems Students Sengupta
Associate-degree1990 View Software Engineering Education in the Associate-Degree-Level Vocational/Technical Computer Science Program Richmond
Assurance of learning2021 View A Process-Based Approach to ABET Accreditation: A Case Study of a Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Program Almuhaideb, Saeed
Assurance of learning2018 View Moving Forward by Looking Backward: Embracing Pedagogical Principles to Develop an Innovative MSIS Program Shah, Kumar, Smart
Assurance of learning2015 View A Complementary Measure of MIS Program Outcomes: Useful Insights from a Student Perspective Karsten, Roth
Assurance of learning2008 View Integrating Soft Skills Assessment through University, College, and Programmatic Efforts at an AACSB Accredited Institution Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
Asynchronous2006 View Asynchronous Discussion Groups: A Use-based Taxonomy with Examples Gill
Asynchronous learning2023 View Teaching Tip: A Scalable Hybrid Introductory Analytics Course Darcy, Satpathy
Asynchronous learning2016 View Automated Feedback as a Convergence Tool Chenoweth, Corral, Scott
Asynchronous learning2014 View Anchoring for Self-Efficacy and Success: An Anchored Asynchronous Online Discussion Case Alrushiedat, Olfman
Asynchronous learning2013 View Aiding Participation and Engagement in a Blended Learning Environment Alrushiedat, Olfman
Asynchronous learning network2006 View How the Teacher's Role Changes in On-line Case Study Discussions Heckman, Annabi
Asynchronous learning networks2008 View Engaging Students with Constructivist Participatory Examinations in Asynchronous Learning Networks Wu, Bieber, Hiltz
Attitudes towards mathematics inventory (ATMI)2018 View Do Pair Programming Approaches Transcend Coding? Measuring Agile Attitudes in Diverse Information Systems Courses Chen, Rea
Audit2018 View “What Gets Measured, Gets Managed” The Wells Fargo Account Opening Scandal Witman
Augmented reality2018 View Enhancing and Transforming Global Learning Communities with Augmented Reality Frydenberg, Andone
Authoring1996 View Communicating with Multimedia: A Capstone Experience Zahn, Rajkumar, Rajkumar, Zahn, Rajkumar, Zahn
Automated assessment2007 View The Implementation of an Automated Assessment Feedback and Quality Assurance System for ICT Courses Debuse, Lawley, Shibl