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KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
Data acquisition2019 View Pedagogy for Business Analytics Courses Jeyaraj
Data aggregation2010 View Teaching Software Componentization: A Bar Chart Java Bean Mitri
Data analytics2024 View Teaching Case: California Dreamin’ Housing Market Visualizations in Tableau Jacobs, Curry, DePaolo, Parra
Data analytics2024 View Teaching Case: Teaching Business Students Logistic Regression in R With the Aid of ChatGPT Zhong, Kim
Data analytics2023 View A Data-Driven Approach to Compare the Syntactic Difficulty of Programming Languages Lokkila, Christopoulos, Laakso
Data analytics2023 View Building a Business Data Analytics Graduate Certificate Bačić, Jukić, Malliaris, Nestorov, Varma
Data analytics2023 View Teaching Tip: Active Learning in the IS Classroom: A Student Crowdpolling Exercise for IS Courses McKinney, Jr., Niese, Bhatia
Data analytics2022 View Analytics in the Business School: Insights from the Literature Hartzel, Ozturk
Data analytics2022 View Contents and Skills of Data Mining Courses in Analytics Programs Radovilsky, Hegde
Data analytics2022 View Current and Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) Curriculum in Business School: A Text Mining Analysis Chen
Data analytics2022 View Examining Trends in Business Analytics Education From 2011 to 2020 in AACSB-Accredited Information Systems Programs Mills, Fadel, Olsen, Chudoba, Dupin-Bryant
Data analytics2022 View Teaching Case: The Initial Coin Offering Marketplace: A Data Analytic Case Han, Larson
Data analytics2022 View Teaching Case: Widgets-R-Us: Using IoT to Monitor Part Levels Dunn, Miller
Data analytics2021 View Teaching Case: Analyzing Disney World Wait Time Data: A Lesson in Visualization Using Tableau DePaolo, Jacobs
Data analytics2020 View Data Analytics in Higher Education: An Integrated View Nguyen, Gardner, Sheridan
Data analytics2019 View Design and Implementation of a Data Visualization Course with a Real-World Project Component in an Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum Nestorov, Jukić, Rossi
Data analytics2016 View IS Programs Responding to Industry Demands for Data Scientists: A Comparison between 2011-2016 Mills, Chudoba, Olsen
Data analytics2016 View Managing the Innovation Process: Infusing Data Analytics into the Undergraduate Business Curriculum (Lessons Learned and Next Steps) Wymbs
Data analytics2016 View Who Renews? Who Leaves? Identifying Customer Churn in a Telecom Company Using Big Data Techniques Asamoah, Sharda, Kalgotra, Ott
Data analytics2015 View Data Analytics vs. Data Science: A Study of Similarities and Differences in Undergraduate Programs Based on Course Descriptions Aasheim, Williams, Rutner, Gardiner
Data analytics2015 View Teaching Social Media Analytics: An Assessment Based on Natural Disaster Postings Goh, Sun
Data anomalies2022 View Teaching Tip: Using SQL to Create and Mine Large, Customizable Datasets Siggard, Dupin-Bryant, Mills, Olsen
Data cleansing2016 View Using Excel to Make Strategic Managerial Decisions Jacobs, Robinson, DePaolo
Data cleansing2012 View A Realistic Data Cleansing and Preparation Project Yue
Data communcations1994 View Design and Implementation of a Practical Business Oriented Undergraduate Data Communications Curriculum Goldman
Data communications2003 View Reinforcing Learning in the Data Communications Course Using a Teleprocessing Line Speed Decision Support System Carpenter
Data communications2003 View The Integration of Technology Theory and Business Analysis: A Pedagogical Framework for the Undergraduate MIS Course in Data Communications and Networking Gendron, Jarmoszko
Data dictionary2020 View Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan: A Database Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Data exploration2024 View Teaching Case: California Dreamin’ Housing Market Visualizations in Tableau Jacobs, Curry, DePaolo, Parra
Data exploration2022 View Teaching Tip: Using SQL to Create and Mine Large, Customizable Datasets Siggard, Dupin-Bryant, Mills, Olsen
Data filtering techniques2008 View Tools and Techniques for Simplifying the Analysis of Captured Packet Data Cavaiani
Data flow diagram2022 View Teaching Case: Widgets-R-Us: Using IoT to Monitor Part Levels Dunn, Miller
Data flow diagram2020 View Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan: A Database Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Data flow diagram2018 View MiHotel: Applicant Processing System Design Case Miller, Dunn
Data flow diagram2015 View American Association of University Women: Branch Operations Data Modeling Case Harris, Wedel
Data flow diagram2015 View Making Data Flow Diagrams Accessible for Visually Impaired Students Using Excel Tables Sauter
Data flow diagram2006 View A Software Inspection Exercise for the Systems Analysis and Design Course Tyran
Data flow diagrams2007 View Data Flow Diagramming Skills Acquisition: Impact of Cooperative versus Individual Learning Powell, Bordoloi, Ryan
Data integrity2007 View A Curriculum for a Master of Science in Information Quality Lee, Pierce, Talburt, Wang, Zhu
data literacy2022 View Teaching Tip: Evaluating Visualizations with a Compact Rubric McHenry
Data management2023 View Data Quality Procedures in Survey Research: An Analysis and Framework for Doctoral Program Curricula Burleson, Bott, Carter, Sarabadani
Data management2019 View “The Data Shuffle”: Using Playing Cards to Illustrate Data Management Concepts to a Broad Audience Agogo, Anderson
Data management2019 View A Notation for Planning SQL Queries Taipalus
Data management2019 View A Teaching Module of Database-Centric Online Analytical Process for MBA Business Analytics Programs Wang, Wang
Data management2013 View Fitness & Wellness Place Appoints a Chief Information Officer Rodon
Data management2012 View A Realistic Data Cleansing and Preparation Project Yue
Data management2011 View Integrating Healthcare Ethical Issues Into IS Education Cellucci, Campbell, Zeng, Layman
Data mining2024 View Delivering a Business Analytics Course Focused on Data Mining for Both Technical and Non-Technical Students Zhang, Dang, Albritton
Data mining2024 View Teaching Case: California Dreamin’ Housing Market Visualizations in Tableau Jacobs, Curry, DePaolo, Parra
Data mining2023 View Bibliographic and Text Analysis of Research on Implementation of the Internet of Things to Support Education Desai, Kim
Data mining2022 View Contents and Skills of Data Mining Courses in Analytics Programs Radovilsky, Hegde
Data mining2021 View Teaching Case: Analyzing Disney World Wait Time Data: A Lesson in Visualization Using Tableau DePaolo, Jacobs
Data mining2020 View Data Analytics in Higher Education: An Integrated View Nguyen, Gardner, Sheridan
Data mining2015 View Active Learning via a Sample Database: The Case of Microsoft's Adventure Works Mitri
Data mining2009 View Desirable ICT Graduate Attributes: Theory vs. Practice Debuse, Lawley
Data model2006 View The Essential Skills of Data Modeling Watson
Data model2005 View Using the Data Modeling Worksheet to Improve Novice Data Modeler Performance Bock, Yager
Data modeling2020 View Improved Teaching of Database Schema Modeling by Visualizing Changes in Levels of Abstraction Katz
Data modeling2015 View Adapting the Access Northwind Database to Support a Database Course Dyer, Rogers
Data modeling2013 View An Experimental Investigation of Complexity in Database Query Formulation Tasks Casterella, Vijayasarathy
Data modeling2013 View Using a Semi-Realistic Database to Support a Database Course Yue
Data modeling2012 View A Realistic Data Cleansing and Preparation Project Yue
Data modeling2011 View Teaching Case: Jay’s Collectibles Cappel, Gillman, Jr.
Data modeling2006 View Data Modeling Education: The Changing Technology Chilton, McHaney, Chae
Data modeling2006 View Data Modeling Using Entity Relationship Diagrams: A Step-Wise Method Chilton
Data modeling2006 View Employment Analysis of ERD vs. UML for Data Modeling Winkler, Seip
Data modeling2006 View ER is UML Rumbaugh
Data modeling2006 View Integrating ERD and UML Concepts When Teaching Data Modeling Carte, Jasperson, Cornelius
Data modeling2006 View Toward a Next Generation Data Modeling Facility: Neither the Entity-Relationship Model nor UML Meet the Need Kroenke, Gray
Data modeling2005 View Greta's Gym: A Teaching Case for Term-Long Database Projects Green
Data modeling and SQL2006 View The Essential Skills of Data Modeling Watson
Data modeling worksheet2005 View Using the Data Modeling Worksheet to Improve Novice Data Modeler Performance Bock, Yager
Data networking2004 View Telecommunications and Data Networking Course: Balancing Theory and Practice Pandya
Data networks2009 View A Network Implementation Class Exercise: BusinessQuest Business Incubator, LLC Arling
Data processing management association (DPMA)1989 View A Profile of Colleges and Universities That Have Adopted the Data Processing Management Association’s Model Curriculum Fougere
Data processing management association (DPMA)1988 View Concerns of College Faculty about the Data Processing Management Association’s Model Curriculum Fougere
Data quality2007 View A Curriculum for a Master of Science in Information Quality Lee, Pierce, Talburt, Wang, Zhu
Data redundancy2008 View Clarifying Normalization Carpenter
Data representation2006 View The Memory Grid: A Glass Box View of Data Representation Gill
Data structures2012 View Applying Analogical Reasoning Techniques for Teaching XML Document Querying Skills in Database Classes Mitri
Data structures1992 View Should Data Structures Be Taught in (IS) Programs? Muthuswamy
Data structures course2024 View Cognitive Aspects in Problem Solving: The Case of a Data Structures Course for IS Students Barzilai, Sherman, Leiba, Spiegel
Data validation2008 View Five Data Validation Cases Simkin
Data validation2007 View A Term Project in Visual Basic: The Downhill Snowboard Shop Simkin
Data validation2005 View Data Validation Matrix for Programming Courses Schrage
Data validation2004 View A First Case Project in Visual Basic.Net: Preparing an Income Tax Return Simkin
Data validation1992 View Check Digits: Domain Implementation in Microcomputer Databases Hartley, Scott, Hayen
Data visualization2024 View Teaching Case: California Dreamin’ Housing Market Visualizations in Tableau Jacobs, Curry, DePaolo, Parra
Data visualization2021 View Incorporating Big Data Tools for Social Media Analytics in a Business Analytics Course Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sharda
Data visualization2021 View Teaching Case: Analyzing Disney World Wait Time Data: A Lesson in Visualization Using Tableau DePaolo, Jacobs
Data visualization2020 View A Foundation Course in Business Analytics: Design and Implementation at Two Universities Zhang, Chen, Wei
Data visualization2019 View A Notation for Planning SQL Queries Taipalus
Data visualization2019 View Design and Implementation of a Data Visualization Course with a Real-World Project Component in an Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum Nestorov, Jukić, Rossi
Data visualization2019 View Pedagogy for Business Analytics Courses Jeyaraj
Data warehouse2021 View Emerge2Maturity: A Simulation Game for Data Warehouse Maturity Concepts Mannino, Khojah, Gregg
Data warehouse2015 View Active Learning via a Sample Database: The Case of Microsoft's Adventure Works Mitri
Data warehousing2008 View Teradata University Network: A No Cost Web-Portal for Teaching Database, Data Warehousing, and Data-Related Subjects Jukić, Gray
Data-intensive2012 View Introducing Cloud Computing Topics in Curricula Chen, Liu, Gallagher, Pailthorpe, Sadiq, Shen, Li
Database2009 View Enhancing Knowledge Integration: An Information System Capstone Project Steiger
Database2008 View Clarifying Normalization Carpenter
Database2007 View Selection of Server-Side Technologies for an E-Business Curriculum Sandvig
Database2005 View An Emerging On-Line "Third Place" For Information Systems (IS) Students: Some Preliminary Observations Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, Sarker
Database2004 View Introducing Information Systems Approach for Acquiring IT Competence Needed For Business Applications Naqvi
Database1999 View Changing the CIS Academic Culture: Using Senior Design Projects to Unify the Curriculum Daigle, Doran, Ryder
Database1993 View The Database Project: Maximizing its Value Rollier
Database1991 View What Should Universities be Teaching Future End User Liaisons about Database? Beccue, Chrisman
Database1988 View A Pedagogical Comparison of Two Database Management Systems Wright, Simmons
Database analysis & design2006 View A Constructivist-Based Approach to Teaching Database Analysis and Design Connolly, Begg
Database application2003 View An IS Capstone Project: The Mywick Property Management System Myers
Database applications2003 View E-Business Application Development with Java Technology and Oracle: The Fortune Invest Inc. Case Wang
Database concepts2009 View An Approach to Reducing Cognitive Load in the Teaching of Introductory Database Concepts Bunch
Database course2006 View Integrating ERD and UML Concepts When Teaching Data Modeling Carte, Jasperson, Cornelius
Database course2006 View Teaching ORDB with UML Class Diagram in an Advanced Database Course Wang
Database courseware design1994 View Teaching Database Development with Hypertext Sedbrook
Database curriculum1991 View What Should Universities be Teaching Future End User Liaisons about Database? Beccue, Chrisman
Database curriculum1990 View Changing Requirements for the Database Course Curriculum Cain
Database design2008 View Remote Services, Inc. Morris
Database design2008 View The Recovery Care and Treatment Center: A Database Design and Development Case Harris, Vaught
Database design2005 View Greta's Gym: A Teaching Case for Term-Long Database Projects Green
Database design2004 View A Data Modeling Case: Writers Guild of America, East Wedel, Behnezhad, Gray
Database design2003 View A Database Design and Development Case: Elk County Pediatric Medical Center Ballenger
Database design2003 View A Database Design Case: Teton Whitewater Kayak Parker
Database design1992 View Guidelines for a Practical Approach to the Database Management Systems Course Couger
Database design & development2023 View Teaching Tip: Teaching NoSQL Databases in a Database Course for Business Students Wang, Wang
Database design & development2022 View Teaching Case: Design and Development of a Special Population Resource Connection Database Schwieger
Database design & development2022 View Teaching Case: Widgets-R-Us: Using IoT to Monitor Part Levels Dunn, Miller
Database design & development2020 View Improved Teaching of Database Schema Modeling by Visualizing Changes in Levels of Abstraction Katz
Database design & development2018 View MiHotel: Applicant Processing System Design Case Miller, Dunn
Database design & development2016 View Introduction to NoSQL in a Traditional Database Course Fowler, Godin, Geddy
Database design & development2015 View Adapting the Access Northwind Database to Support a Database Course Dyer, Rogers
Database design & development2015 View American Association of University Women: Branch Operations Data Modeling Case Harris, Wedel
Database design & development2013 View Using a Semi-Realistic Database to Support a Database Course Yue
Database design & development2012 View A Realistic Data Cleansing and Preparation Project Yue
Database design & development2012 View Enhancing Knowledge Integration with REA Modeling in an AIS Project Ahlawat, Vincelette
Database design & development2012 View The Animal Genetic Resource Information Network (AnimalGRIN) Database: A Database Design & Implementation Case Casterella, Wessel, Blackburn
Database development2003 View A Database Design and Development Case: Elk County Pediatric Medical Center Ballenger
Database education2010 View Using Virtual Servers to Teach Implementation of Enterprise-level: DBMSs: A Teaching Note Wagner, Pant
Database education2006 View Conceptual Data Modeling in the Introductory Database Course: Is it Time for UML? Suleiman, Garfield
Database education2006 View Teaching ORDB with UML Class Diagram in an Advanced Database Course Wang
Database education2003 View Database Tuning and its Role in Information Technology Education Pons
Database implementation2008 View Remote Services, Inc. Morris
Database implementation2006 View Introducing the Unified Modeling Language into the Information Systems Curriculum Golden, Matos
Database management2008 View Teradata University Network: A No Cost Web-Portal for Teaching Database, Data Warehousing, and Data-Related Subjects Jukić, Gray
Database management2003 View A Database Design Case: Teton Whitewater Kayak Parker
Database management system1988 View A Pedagogical Comparison of Two Database Management Systems Wright, Simmons
Database management systems2007 View Recursive Joins to Query Data Hierarchies in Microsoft Access Dadeshzadeh
Database management systems2007 View Specification and Enforcement of Semantic Integrity Constraints in Microsoft Access Dadeshzadeh
Database management systems2003 View A Simpler Approach to Set Comparison Queries in SQL Dadashzadeh
Database management systems1995 View On Teaching an Object-Oriented Database Module in Undergraduate CS/IS Curricula Lim
Database management systems1993 View Client-Server Computing: Getting your Feet Wet Heinrichs
Database management systems (DBMS)2016 View Introduction to NoSQL in a Traditional Database Course Fowler, Godin, Geddy
Database management systems (DBMS)2015 View Active Learning via a Sample Database: The Case of Microsoft's Adventure Works Mitri
Database management systems (DBMS)2015 View Adapting the Access Northwind Database to Support a Database Course Dyer, Rogers
Database management systems (DBMS)2013 View An Experimental Investigation of Complexity in Database Query Formulation Tasks Casterella, Vijayasarathy
Database management systems (DBMS)2013 View Detecting Plagiarism in MS Access Assignments Singh
Database management systems (DBMS)2013 View Using a Semi-Realistic Database to Support a Database Course Yue
Database modeling2003 View A Database Design and Development Case: Elk County Pediatric Medical Center Ballenger
Database normalization2006 View An Alternative Approach to Teaching Database Normalization: A Simple Algorithm and an Interactive eLearning Tool Kung, Tung
Database pedagogy1988 View A Pedagogical Comparison of Two Database Management Systems Wright, Simmons
Database project2008 View Knowledge Creation through User-Guided Data Mining: A Database Case Steiger
Database project2007 View The Development of a Teaching Strategy for Implementing a Real-World Business Project into Database Courses Seyed-Abbassi, King, Wiseman
Database servers2003 View Selection and Use of MySQL in a Database Management Course Denton, Peace
Database systems2007 View Teaching Advanced SQL Skills: Text Bulk Loading Olsen, Hauser
Database systems2007 View Using Reengineering as an Integrating Capstone Experience Matos, Grasser
Database systems2002 View A Simpler (and Better) SQL Approach to Relational Division Matos, Grasser
Database systems1991 View The Effectiveness of Peer Reviews and Project Logs in Team Projects McDonald, McDonald
Database tuning2003 View Database Tuning and its Role in Information Technology Education Pons
dBASE1991 View Introduction to Programming Using dBASE Dekleva
dBASE III Plus1990 View Changing Requirements for the Database Course Curriculum Cain
dBase III+1988 View A Pedagogical Comparison of Two Database Management Systems Wright, Simmons
dBASE IV1990 View Changing Requirements for the Database Course Curriculum Cain
DBMS2010 View Using Virtual Servers to Teach Implementation of Enterprise-level: DBMSs: A Teaching Note Wagner, Pant
DBMS1993 View The Database Project: Maximizing its Value Rollier
DBMS1988 View A Pedagogical Comparison of Two Database Management Systems Wright, Simmons
DBMS course software2003 View Selection and Use of MySQL in a Database Management Course Denton, Peace
Decision making2009 View Using Word Scrambles as an Information Systems Creativity Warm-Up Exercise Dunphy, Milbourne
Decision making2005 View Teaching with a Scalable, Multidisciplinary Learning Object: A Business School Case Study Klobas
Decision making2004 View Teaching Information Systems Management via Action Memos Wagner
Decision support1999 View Changing the CIS Academic Culture: Using Senior Design Projects to Unify the Curriculum Daigle, Doran, Ryder
Decision support system2022 View Teaching Tip: Improving Student Performance by Introducing a No-Code Approach: A Course Unit of Decision Support Systems Wang, Wang
Decision support system2019 View Design and Implementation of a Data Visualization Course with a Real-World Project Component in an Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum Nestorov, Jukić, Rossi
Decision support system2014 View Health Informatics in the Classroom: An Empirical Study to Investigate Higher Education’s Response to Healthcare Transformation Ashrafi, Kuilboer, Joshi, Ran, Pande
Decision support system2014 View Hippi Care Hospital: Towards Proactive Business Processes in Emergency Room Services Tan, Shankararaman
Decision support system2009 View Enabling Business Processes through Information Management and IT Systems: The FastFit and Winter Gear Distributors Case Studies Kesner, Russell
Decision support system2003 View Reinforcing Learning in the Data Communications Course Using a Teleprocessing Line Speed Decision Support System Carpenter
Decision support systems2007 View Using Business Games in Teaching DSS Ben-Zvi
Decision support systems2004 View Promoting Higher Order Thinking In MIS/ CIS Students Using Class Exercises Mukherjee
Decision-making2006 View Building Camaraderie Through Information Processing: The Wuzzle Picture-Puzzle Exercise Dunphy, Whisenand
Decision-making2004 View Integrating Enterprise Decision-Making Modules into Undergraduate Management and Industrial Engineering Curricula Strong, Johnson, Mistry
Decision-tree analysis2022 View Teaching Case: The Initial Coin Offering Marketplace: A Data Analytic Case Han, Larson
Declining enrollments2009 View Filling the Pipeline for IS Professionals: What Can IS Faculty Do? Kuechler, McLeod, Simkin
deep learning2022 View Current and Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) Curriculum in Business School: A Text Mining Analysis Chen
Defamation2020 View Encounters with Bigfoot on the Strip: The Risks and Liabilities of Online Reviews Ladwig, Schwieger
Delphi approach2002 View Educational Requirement Analysis for Information Security Professionals in Korea Kim, Choi
Delphi technique2010 View Harnessing Information Technology to Improve the Process of Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: An Exploration of Students’ Critical Success Factors of Online Evaluations Nevo, McClean, Nevo
Demonstrate2007 View Frontiers for Learner-Centered IS Education Law
Descriptive statistics2021 View Teaching Case: Analyzing Disney World Wait Time Data: A Lesson in Visualization Using Tableau DePaolo, Jacobs
Descriptive statistics2016 View Using Excel to Make Strategic Managerial Decisions Jacobs, Robinson, DePaolo
Design2010 View Using Cascading Style Sheets to Design a Fly-Out Menu with Microsoft Visual Studio Liu, Downing
Design2008 View Enabling Customization through Web Development: An Iterative Study of the Dell Computer Corporation Website Liu, Mackie
Design2007 View Enterprise Systems (ES) Software in Business School Curriculum - Evaluation of Design and Delivery Seethamraju
Design2007 View Web Survey Design in ASP.Net 2.0: A Simple Task with One Line of Code Liu
Design competition2009 View Usability - A Teaching and School Service Project Snyder
Design errors2006 View Notation Usage in Data Modeling Education Mannino
Design patterns2007 View A Learning Research Informed Design and Evaluation of a Web-enhanced Object Oriented Programming Seminar Georgantaki, Retalis
Design principals2009 View An Exploratory Review of Design Principles in Constructivist Gaming Learning Environments Munoz Rosario, Widmeyer
Design Science2023 View Guiding Design Principle Projects: A Canvas for Young Design Science Researchers Schoormann, Möller, Di Maria, Große
Design Science2023 View Special Issue Editorial: Introduction to Design Science Education Thuan, Tate, Drechsler, Antunes
Design science education2023 View A Proficiency Model for Design Science Research Education Hevner, vom Brocke
Design science education2023 View Special Issue Editorial: Introduction to Design Science Education Thuan, Tate, Drechsler, Antunes
Design science research (DSR)2023 View A Proficiency Model for Design Science Research Education Hevner, vom Brocke
Design science research (DSR)2023 View Learning by Doing: Educators’ Perspective on an Illustrative Tool for AI-Generated Scaffolding for Students in Conceptualizing Design Science Research Studies Memmert, Tavanapour, Bittner
Design science research (DSR)2023 View Reflections on Supervising the Postgraduate Students’ Design Science Research Thesis Pekkola
Design specification2023 View A Teaching Framework for the Methodically Versatile DSR Education of Master’s Students Schlimbach, Khosrawi-Rad, Grogorick, Becker, Strohmann, Siemon, Robra-Bissantz
Design specification2013 View Enterprise Architecture Specification Case Study Steenkamp, Daigle, Gai, Swaby, Almasri, Khattab, Swaby, Abaas, Khattab, Gai, Almasri, Alawdah
Design thinking2024 View Teaching Tip: Embedding Sustainability in Information Systems Design Education Rowan, McCarthy, Mebrahtu, Gauche, O’Reilly, Odili
Design thinking2021 View Design Thinking and Mobile App Development: A Teaching Protocol Shahrasbi, Jin, Zheng
Design thinking2019 View Teaching Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Design Thinking: Preparing IS Students for the Future Matthee, Turpin
Design thinking2008 View A Design Thinking Approach to Teaching Knowledge Management Wang, Wang
Design transformations2006 View Notation Usage in Data Modeling Education Mannino
Design-focus2019 View Subsumption of Information Systems Education towards a Discipline of Design Babb, Waguespack, Abdullat
Developmental psychology2022 View Understanding Interest in Studying IT – “Desire for Change” Among Adult Women Vainionpää, Molin-Juustila, Arhippainen
Didactical guidelines2007 View A Learning Research Informed Design and Evaluation of a Web-enhanced Object Oriented Programming Seminar Georgantaki, Retalis
Didactical problems2007 View A Learning Research Informed Design and Evaluation of a Web-enhanced Object Oriented Programming Seminar Georgantaki, Retalis
Diffusion of innovations2010 View Harnessing Information Technology to Improve the Process of Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: An Exploration of Students’ Critical Success Factors of Online Evaluations Nevo, McClean, Nevo
Digital citizenship2021 View The Effect of Digital Citizenship on Negative Online Behaviors and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education Dunaway, Macharia
Digital content2003 View Teaching Digital Multimedia as a Component of Business Education Records, Pitt
Digital creativity2003 View Teaching Digital Multimedia as a Component of Business Education Records, Pitt
Digital marketplace2003 View MetalSpectrum: A Virtual Marketplace For Brick-and-Mortar Products Elam
Digital multimedia2003 View Teaching Digital Multimedia as a Component of Business Education Records, Pitt
Digital payments2024 View Fintech and Digital Payments: Developing a Domain Knowledge Framework Gupta, Xie, Zafar
Digital social innovation2024 View Teaching Tip: Embedding Sustainability in Information Systems Design Education Rowan, McCarthy, Mebrahtu, Gauche, O’Reilly, Odili
digital strategy2022 View Digital Strategy in Information Systems: A Literature Review and an Educational Solution Based on Problem-Based Learning Dang, Vartiainen
Digital transformation2022 View Digital Strategy in Information Systems: A Literature Review and an Educational Solution Based on Problem-Based Learning Dang, Vartiainen
Direct assessment2015 View A Complementary Measure of MIS Program Outcomes: Useful Insights from a Student Perspective Karsten, Roth
Direct assessment of learning objectives2008 View Direct Assessment of IS Student Learning Using an Integrative Exercise McKell, Hansen, Albrecht
Disability status2006 View Student Perceptions of Diversity Issues in IT Woszczynski, Myers, Moody
Disaster planning2003 View Bitten by a Bug: A Case Study in Malware Infection Logan, Logan
Disclaimers2020 View Encounters with Bigfoot on the Strip: The Risks and Liabilities of Online Reviews Ladwig, Schwieger
Discourse analysis2007 View Improving the Performance of Online Learning Teams - A Discourse Analysis Liu, Burn
discussion2024 View A Response to COVID: From Traditional to Remote Learning Using a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy and Its Impact on BI Skills Attainment Romanow, Cline, Napier
discussion2020 View Using Active Learning, Group Formation, and Discussion to Increase Student Learning: A Business Intelligence Skills Analysis Romanow, Napier, Cline
Discussion forums2004 View Encouraging Online Participation Lam
Discussion group2015 View The Impact of Student Expectations in Using Instructional Tools on Student Engagement: A Look through the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory Lens Schwarz, Zhu
Discussion groups2006 View Asynchronous Discussion Groups: A Use-based Taxonomy with Examples Gill
disruptive technology2024 View Employment and Career Prospects of Technical-Oriented Jobs in the FinTech Market Poon, Pond, Tang
Dissertation research2007 View The Emerging Academic Discipline of Knowledge Management Grossman
Distance education2009 View Business Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A Comparative Study Tanner, Noser, Totaro
Distance education2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Two - Teaching Online Versus Teaching Conventionally Dykman, Davis
Distance education2007 View Effects of a Case-Based Reasoning System on Student Performance in a Java Programming Course Schmidt
Distance education2006 View Implementing Virtual Pair Programming in E-Learning Environment Zin, Idris, Subramaniam
Distance education2001 View IT Instruction Methodology and Minimum Competency for Accounting Students Jackson, Cherrington
Distance education2001 View Recommendations for Developing an Online Course Pollacia
Distance learning2014 View Online IS Education for the 21st Century He, Xu, Kruck
Distance learning2014 View The role of delivery methods on the perceived learning performance and satisfaction of IT students in software programming courses He, Yen
Distance learning2012 View Does Technology Acceptance Affect E-learning in a Non-Technology-Intensive Course? Buche, Davis, Vician
Distance learning2009 View Investigating Pedagogical Value of Wiki Technology Hazari, North, Moreland
Distance learning2008 View Online Education Forum: Part One - The Shift Toward Online Education Dykman, Davis
Distance learning2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Three - A Quality Online Educational Experience Dykman, Davis
Distance learning2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Two - Teaching Online Versus Teaching Conventionally Dykman, Davis
Distance learning2006 View Asynchronous Discussion Groups: A Use-based Taxonomy with Examples Gill
Distance learning2005 View Comparing Web-Based Content Delivery and Instructor-Led Learning in a Telecommunications Course Jones, Moeeni, Ruby
Distance learning2002 View Evaluating the Virtual Management Information Systems (MIS) Classroom Abraham
Distance learning2001 View Accommodating Cultural Diversity through Educational Software Design Cox
Distance learning2000 View Achievement Predictors for a Computer-Applications Module Delivered Online Wallace, Clariana
Distraction2010 View Examining the Affects of Student Multitasking with Laptops During the Lecture Kraushaar, Novak
Distributed database systems2002 View Transaction Management in Distributed Database Systems: The Case of Oracle’s Two-Phase Commit Alkhatib, Labban
Distributed team2008 View Incorporating Virtual Teamwork Training into MIS Curricula Chen, Sager, Corbitt, Gardiner
Diversity2022 View A Shifting Research Agenda: Historically Black Colleges and Universities Must Prepare Students for Careers in Computing, Informatics, and Engineering Cain
Diversity2022 View Invited Paper: Editing Special Issues of JISE: Practical Guidance and Recommendations Lang, Zhang, Connolly
Diversity2022 View Learning Without Limits: Identifying the Barriers and Enablers to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Wijeratne, Dennehy, Quinlivan, Buckley, Keighron, Flynn
Diversity2022 View Special Issue Editorial: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Lang, Freeman, Kiely, Woszczynsk
Diversity2022 View Teaching Tip: Promoting Inclusive Online Learning for Students with Disabilities in Information Systems Courses He, Zha, Watson, He
Diversity2022 View Teaching Tip: Vignettes to Support Diversity Training in Information Systems Carole Shook
Diversity2022 View Understanding Interest in Studying IT – “Desire for Change” Among Adult Women Vainionpää, Molin-Juustila, Arhippainen
Diversity2016 View An ROI Comparison of Initiatives Designed to Attract Diverse Students to Technology Careers Dillon, Reif, Thomas
Diversity2013 View A Memory Game to Demonstrate the Power of Collaborative Efforts to Improve Team Performance Buche
Diversity2012 View Teaching ERP systems: Results of a survey at research-oriented universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany Leyh
Diversity2010 View A Call to IS Educators to Respond to the Voices of Women in Information Security Woszczynsk, Shade
Diversity2006 View Student Perceptions of Diversity Issues in IT Woszczynski, Myers, Moody
Diversity & Inclusion2019 View Four Important Strategic Issues for Computer Information Systems Education Saulnier, Ceccucci, Sendall, Peslak
Division operator2003 View A Simpler Approach to Set Comparison Queries in SQL Dadashzadeh
Division operator2002 View A Simpler (and Better) SQL Approach to Relational Division Matos, Grasser
Doctoral education2008 View Exploring the Importance of Mentoring for New Scholars: A Social Exchange Perspective Ugrin, Odom, Pearson
Doctoral program2023 View Data Quality Procedures in Survey Research: An Analysis and Framework for Doctoral Program Curricula Burleson, Bott, Carter, Sarabadani
Domain expert1992 View Expert Systems: A Quick Tutorial Schmuller
Domain knowledge2020 View Data Analytics in Higher Education: An Integrated View Nguyen, Gardner, Sheridan
Dot com2003 View MetalSpectrum: A Virtual Marketplace For Brick-and-Mortar Products Elam
Double majors2004 View Critical Factors Affecting Job Offers for New MIS Graduates Fang, Lee, Lee, Huang
DPMA 1990 guidelines1994 View Developing the Systems Project Course Harris
DPMA chapter1993 View Bridging the Gap Between the University and the Local DPMA Chapter: The Case for Cooperative University/Industry Student Projects Mathieu
DPMA IS’90 model1996 View The Relationship Between Computer Literacy and Education: An Empirical Assessment Jones, Pearson
DPMA model curriculum1991 View A Comprehensive Survey of USA and Canadian Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems Longenecker, Jr., Feinstein
Drill down2010 View Teaching Software Componentization: A Bar Chart Java Bean Mitri
DSR curricula2023 View A Proficiency Model for Design Science Research Education Hevner, vom Brocke
Dynamic capabilities2020 View Applied Learning of Emerging Technology: Using Business-Relevant Examples of Blockchain Milovich, Nicholson, Nicholson