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Search returned 368 items for : E

KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
E-business2008 View Learning Experience with Virtual Worlds Wagner
E-business2006 View E-Commerce and the Undergraduate MIS Curricula: an Exploratory Study Moshkovich, Mechitov, Olson
E-business2005 View Building Student Skills and Capabilities in Information Technology and eBusiness: A Moving Target Petrova, Claxton
E-business2004 View Enterprise Integration in Business Education: Design and Outcomes of a Capstone ERP-based Undergraduate e-Business Management Course Davis, Comeau
E-business2004 View Exploring Process, Enterprise Integration and E-business Concepts in the Classroom: The Case of petPRO Hajnal, Riordan
E-business2003 View E-Business Application Development with Java Technology and Oracle: The Fortune Invest Inc. Case Wang
E-business2002 View Debating E-commerce: Engaging Students in Current Events Settle, Berthiaume
E-business solution framework2005 View Merging an e-Business Solution Framework with CIS Curriculum Mehta, Shah, Morgan
E-commerce 2021 View GlobePort Faces Challenges in its Technology Transformation Ghosh
E-commerce 2010 View An Active, Reflective Learning Cycle for E-Commerce Classes: Learning about E-commerce by Doing and Teaching Abrahams, Singh
E-commerce 2007 View Selection of Server-Side Technologies for an E-Business Curriculum Sandvig
E-commerce 2006 View E-Commerce and the Undergraduate MIS Curricula: an Exploratory Study Moshkovich, Mechitov, Olson
E-commerce 2006 View Incorporating ASP.Net in an Information Systems Curriculum Wallace, Wolf
E-commerce 2005 View Active Learning Model for Teaching B2B e-Marketplaces Gricar, Pucihar, Lenart
E-commerce 2005 View The Maturing of E-Commerce Education in Our Curricula Ngai, Gunasekaran, Harris
E-commerce 2003 View Simulating Real World Experience Using Accumulative System Development Projects Jih
E-commerce 2002 View Debating E-commerce: Engaging Students in Current Events Settle, Berthiaume
E-commerce education2005 View Achieving Significant Learning in E-Commerce Education Through Small Business Consulting Projects Tabor
E-commerce education2005 View Collaborative Project Across Three Hong Kong Universities: A Case Study in E-Commerce Education Ngai, Lok, Ng, Lo, Wong
E-commerce education2005 View Developing Expertise in E-Commerce: A Content Analysis of Students' Knowledge of Online Auctions Foster, Lin
E-commerce education2004 View Bringing E-Government into the Classroom: A Case of E-Commerce Education Song, Rao, Braynov
E-commerce or e-business2015 View Introducing an M-Commerce Course into the Business Management Curriculum: Experiences and Recommendations Nandi, Nandi
E-commerce or e-business2012 View Implementation of an Interorganizational System: The Case of Medical Insurance E-clearance Bose, Liu, Ye
E-commerce or e-business2011 View Procyon LLC: From Music Recommendations to Preference Mapping Chinn
E-commerce security expert2005 View A Curriculm Design for E-commerce Security Kim, Han, Kim, Choi
E-commerce teaching2005 View A Student-Driven Approach to Teaching E-commerce McBride
E-commerce teaching2002 View Form Responders: Enhancing Student Learning in Beginning and Advanced Web Development Classes Lomerson
E-commerce technology2002 View Debating E-commerce: Engaging Students in Current Events Settle, Berthiaume
E-government2004 View Bringing E-Government into the Classroom: A Case of E-Commerce Education Song, Rao, Braynov
E-government portals2004 View Bringing E-Government into the Classroom: A Case of E-Commerce Education Song, Rao, Braynov
E-learning2023 View Bibliographic and Text Analysis of Research on Implementation of the Internet of Things to Support Education Desai, Kim
E-learning2022 View Barriers to e-Learning During Crisis: A Capital Theory Perspective on Academic Adversity Deng, Sun
E-learning2022 View Can e-Learning Enable the Transition to University for Computing and Electronic Engineering Students from Low Socio-Economic Status? A Socio-Cultural Approach Kaniadakis, Padumadasa
E-learning2022 View Integration Through Education: Using ICT in Education to Promote the Social Inclusion of Refugees in Germany AbuJarour
E-learning2010 View IS Success Model in E-Learning Context Based on Students' Perceptions Freeze, Alshare, Lane, Wen
E-learning2008 View Assessing Individual-level Factors Supporting Student Intrinsic Motivation in Online Discussions: A Qualitative Study Shroff, Vogel, Coombes
E-learning2008 View Engaging Students with Constructivist Participatory Examinations in Asynchronous Learning Networks Wu, Bieber, Hiltz
E-learning2006 View Implementing Virtual Pair Programming in E-Learning Environment Zin, Idris, Subramaniam
E-learning pedagogy2009 View Investigating Pedagogical Value of Wiki Technology Hazari, North, Moreland
E-mail1993 View Interdisciplinary Coursework - A Systems View Vargo
E-marketplace2005 View Active Learning Model for Teaching B2B e-Marketplaces Gricar, Pucihar, Lenart
E-markets2005 View A Virtual Market for Teaching Electronic Market Concepts in Information Systems Education Bodoff, Forster
E-R diagram2006 View The Essential Skills of Data Modeling Watson
E-recruiting2002 View A Study of the Demand for Information Technology Professionals in Selected Internet Job Portals Koong, Liu, Liu
E-teaching2004 View E-teaching - the Economic Threat to the Ethical Legitimacy of Education? Stahl
Eastern Europe2004 View Choosing an ERP-type System for a Belarus Enterprise Jarmoszko, Gendron
eCheck2003 View The U.S. Treasury Tests a New Payment Mechanism Gelinas, Gogan, Wade
eCommerce2003 View MetalSpectrum: A Virtual Marketplace For Brick-and-Mortar Products Elam
Economics of information2005 View A Virtual Market for Teaching Electronic Market Concepts in Information Systems Education Bodoff, Forster
Editing1996 View Communicating with Multimedia: A Capstone Experience Zahn, Rajkumar, Rajkumar, Zahn, Rajkumar, Zahn
Education2023 View Bibliographic and Text Analysis of Research on Implementation of the Internet of Things to Support Education Desai, Kim
Education2023 View Guiding Design Principle Projects: A Canvas for Young Design Science Researchers Schoormann, Möller, Di Maria, Große
Education2022 View Integration Through Education: Using ICT in Education to Promote the Social Inclusion of Refugees in Germany AbuJarour
Education2009 View Intentions to Use Virtual Worlds for Education Shen, Eder
Education2009 View Partnering with the Majors: A Process Approach to Increasing IS Enrollment Koch, Kayworth
Education2009 View Virtualization Technologies in Information Systems Education Lunsford
Education2008 View Proposing a New Framework and an Innovative Approach to Teaching Reengineering and ERP Implementation Concepts Pellerin, Hadaya
Education2007 View The Role of Information Technology in Technology-Mediated Learning: A Review of the Past for the Future Wan, Fang, Neufeld
Education2007 View Using Business Games in Teaching DSS Ben-Zvi
Education2006 View A Software Inspection Exercise for the Systems Analysis and Design Course Tyran
Education2006 View Information Systems Development Education in the Real World-A Project Methodology and Assessment van Vliet, Pietron
Education2006 View Using a Simulation Game Approach to Teach Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts Leger
Education2005 View Building Student Skills and Capabilities in Information Technology and eBusiness: A Moving Target Petrova, Claxton
Education2004 View Effectiveness of an Interactive Application to Assist Learning: A Test Case Saade, Kira
Education2002 View A Popular Postgraduate Information Systems Security Course Stevens, Jamieson
Education2002 View Computer Learning Behavior: Strategies for Learning and Behavior Improvement Vincent, Meche, Ross
Education2001 View The Effectiveness of Computer-Based "Game Show" Formats in Survey Courses: A Quasi-Experiment Brandyberry, Pardue
Education1996 View Computing and Society: An Innovative Teaching Approach Bishop-Clark
Education1996 View Educating Software Development Professionals: Does Instruction Affect Creativity? Wynekoop, Walz
Education1994 View Corporate Multimedia and MIS Course Watts, Smith
Education1994 View Object-Oriented Design: A New Approach to Curriculum Development van Over, Stover
Education1993 View Guest Editorial: The Future of Information Systems: Leadership Through Enterprise Integration Kalakota, Whinston
Education1990 View Software Engineering Education in the Associate-Degree-Level Vocational/Technical Computer Science Program Richmond
Educational assessment2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Two - Teaching Online Versus Teaching Conventionally Dykman, Davis
Educational design2001 View Integrating Real Practical Experience in ICT Education de Brock
Educational innovation2003 View Simulating Real World Experience Using Accumulative System Development Projects Jih
educational institution2024 View Awareness of Digital Transformation, Satisfaction, and Intention to Learn Online Through the E-Learning System Among Vietnamese Students: A Case Study at Tra Vinh University Ho
Educational paradigm2008 View From Teaching to Learning: Learner-Centered Teaching and Assessment in Information Systems Education Saulnier, Landry, Longenecker, Wagner
Educational pedagogy2023 View A Proficiency Model for Design Science Research Education Hevner, vom Brocke
Educational requirement2002 View Educational Requirement Analysis for Information Security Professionals in Korea Kim, Choi
Educational software2013 View An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Weblog Success in Higher Education Zhang
Educational software2013 View Promoting the Use of Online Social Technology as a Case-based Learning Tool Ractham, Chen
Educational software2011 View Information Ethics Education for a Multicultural World Fleischmann, Robbins, Wallace
Educational software2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Three - A Quality Online Educational Experience Dykman, Davis
Educational strategies2002 View A Comparison of Adaption-Innovation Styles Between Information Systems Majors and Computer Science Majors Sim, Wright
Educational technology acceptance2008 View Emerging Educational Technology: Assessing the Factors that Influence Instructors’ Acceptance in Information Systems and Other Classrooms Ball, Levy
Educational web-portal2008 View Teradata University Network: A No Cost Web-Portal for Teaching Database, Data Warehousing, and Data-Related Subjects Jukić, Gray
EER model2005 View Using the Data Modeling Worksheet to Improve Novice Data Modeler Performance Bock, Yager
Effective communication1996 View A Classroom Exercise for Testing the Information Systems Manger as Leader: Mentor, Counselor, Coach Smith, Burch, Miller
Effective instruction2010 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments: An Empirical Study of its Effectiveness Newby, Nguyen
Effective instruction2008 View Tools and Techniques for Simplifying the Analysis of Captured Packet Data Cavaiani
Effective instruction2007 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments Newby, Nguyen
Effective instruction2005 View It's All Fun and Games... Until Students Learn Massey, Brown, Johnston
Effective instruction2005 View Using Selected Options of the Ipconfig Command to Teach Network Troubleshooting Techniques Cavaiani
Effective instruction2002 View A Simple and Effective Model for Teaching Information Systems Vocabulary and Concepts in a Large Lecture Setting Downing
Effective learning2010 View The Importance of Emphasizing Individual Learning in the “Collaborative Learning Era” Yadin, Or-Bach
Electronic classrooms1993 View Establishing an Ergonomic Multimedia Environment to Support Information Systems Instruction: A Case Study Hwang
Electronic commerce2007 View Web Survey Design in ASP.Net 2.0: A Simple Task with One Line of Code Liu
Electronic commerce2006 View Teaching Security Techniques in an E-Commerce Course Liu, Mackie
Electronic commerce2005 View A Curriculm Design for E-commerce Security Kim, Han, Kim, Choi
Electronic commerce2005 View A Project Module of E-Commerce Planning Wang, Wang
Electronic commerce2005 View Framing Electronic Commerce within an Introductory Information Systems Course Grenci
Electronic commerce2004 View A Technical Module for the E-Commerce Course Chopoorian, Wang
Electronic commerce2001 View Effectiveness of an Integrated Pre-capstone Project in Learning Information Systems Concepts Denton, Spangler
Electronic commerce development2007 View An eCommerce Development Case: Your Company's eCommerce Web Site Ballenger
Electronic commerce simulation2005 View E-Hermes: An Xml Tool for the Classroom Nicolaou, Essex, Raghunathan, Liu
Electronic commerce transaction processing2007 View An eCommerce Development Case: Your Company's eCommerce Web Site Ballenger
Electronic communication1995 View Connecting Geographically Dispersed Classrooms for Computer Supported Collaborative Work Harriger, Goyal
Electronic health records2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Failed Implementation of an Electronic Health Records System Gomillion
Electronic health records2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Re-Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: Preparing for a Successful Adoption after a Failed Attempt Gomillion
Electronic health records2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Stalled Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: IT Governance and Employee Succession Gomillion
Electronic learning2001 View Recommendations for Developing an Online Course Pollacia
Electronic mail2002 View Feedback Channels: Using Social Presence Theory to Compare Voice Mail to E-mail Keil, Johnson
Electronic mail1995 View Assessing the Impact of Course-Related Electronic Communications on Student Performance in an Introductory Programming Course Clark, Scott, Scott
Electronic markets2005 View A Virtual Market for Teaching Electronic Market Concepts in Information Systems Education Bodoff, Forster
Electronic meeting1995 View Group Collaboration in Information Systems Class Projects: Survey and Critical Success Factors Phan
Elicitation2010 View Business Process Elicitation, Modeling, and Reengineering: Teaching and Learning with Simulated Environments Jeyaraj
Email1995 View Using CSCW Technology to Connect Classrooms Goyal, Harriger
Emerging educational technology2008 View Emerging Educational Technology: Assessing the Factors that Influence Instructors’ Acceptance in Information Systems and Other Classrooms Ball, Levy
Emerging technologies2021 View GlobePort Faces Challenges in its Technology Transformation Ghosh
Emerging technologies2020 View Applied Learning of Emerging Technology: Using Business-Relevant Examples of Blockchain Milovich, Nicholson, Nicholson
Emerging technologies2015 View Data Analytics vs. Data Science: A Study of Similarities and Differences in Undergraduate Programs Based on Course Descriptions Aasheim, Williams, Rutner, Gardiner
Emerging technologies2014 View The Doctor is in, but is Academia? Re-Tooling IT Education for a New Era in Healthcare Lee, Moy, Kruck, Rabang
Emerging technologies2005 View Balancing Objectivist and Constructivist Pedagogies for Teaching Emerging Technologies: Evidence from a Scandinavian Case Study Nilsen, Purao
Emerging technologies2003 View The U.S. Treasury Tests a New Payment Mechanism Gelinas, Gogan, Wade
Employee/employer rights2000 View Pornography on the Dean's PC: An Ethics and Computing Case Study Bowyer
Employer needs2008 View Identifying Employer Needs from Accounting Information Systems Programs Dillon, Kruck
Employer satisfaction2012 View Recruiters’ Perceptions of Information Systems Graduates with Traditional and Online Education Tabatabaei, Gardiner
Employment2024 View Employment and Career Prospects of Technical-Oriented Jobs in the FinTech Market Poon, Pond, Tang
Employment2023 View Invited Paper: Survey of Technology and Skills in Demand: The 2022 Update Cummings, Janicki, Matthews
Employment2021 View Survey of Technology and Skills in Demand: 2020 Update Cummings, Janicki
Employment2020 View What Skills Do Students Need? A Multi-Year Study of IT/IS Knowledge and Skills in Demand by Employers Cummings, Janicki
Employment2012 View An Employment-Oriented Definition of the Information Systems Field Westfall
Employment2012 View IT Leaders: Who Are They and Where Do They Come From? Karanja, Zaveri
Employment2012 View Recruiters’ Perceptions of Information Systems Graduates with Traditional and Online Education Tabatabaei, Gardiner
Employment needs2000 View Comparison of Communication Skills Needed by Information Systems Undergraduates and Graduates as Perceived by Information Systems Professionals Crews, McCannon
Employment skills2023 View Examining the Cyber Skills Gap: An Analysis of Cybersecurity Positions by Sub-Field Ramezan
Employment skills2020 View A Longitudinal Analysis of Job Skills for Entry-Level Data Analysts Dong, Triche
Employment skills2018 View Entry Level Technology Positions: No Degree Required Wierschem, Mediavilla
Encapsulation1995 View Introducing Object-Based Concepts in a COBOL Course Marquis
Encryption2002 View Using ASP-Based Message Encryption Project to Teach Information Security Concepts Cao, Davis, Bai, Katter
End user computing2004 View Spreadsheet Knowledge: Measuring What User Developers Know Klobas, McGill
End user development2004 View Spreadsheet Knowledge: Measuring What User Developers Know Klobas, McGill
End user programming2010 View Experience on Mashup Development with End User Programming Environment Yue
End user programming environment2010 View Experience on Mashup Development with End User Programming Environment Yue
End user support1991 View What Should Universities be Teaching Future End User Liaisons about Database? Beccue, Chrisman
End users2002 View End Users and Developers in Systems Analysis and Design Hasan
End-user2015 View Design and Delivery of a New Course of Information Technology for Small Business Wang, Wang
End-user1995 View A Managerial Perspective on the Information Technology Needs of End-Users Kim, Keith, Swanson
End-user application development2003 View Customer Service at SWU’s Occupational Health Clinic Cuyler, Schatzberg
End-user communication1992 View Evaluating Information Systems Documentation Techniques O'Brien, VanLengen
End-user computing1990 View A Fourth Generation Approach to the Introductory Programming Course Augustine, Surynt
End-user computing1989 View System Analysis and Design in End User Developed Applications Rothi, Yen
End-user support skills2000 View Critical Skills of IS Professionals: Developing a Curriculum for the Future Wilkins, Noll
English as a second language1999 View Effectiveness of Web-Based Instruction for ESL Students: An Empirical Study with Focus on Gender, Ethnicity, and Instructional Media Sankaran, Bui
Enjoyment2016 View Examining Student Satisfaction and Gender Differences in Technology-Supported, Blended Learning Dang, Zhang, Ravindran, Osmonbekov
Enjoyment2015 View How Does ERPsim Influence Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes in an Information Systems Course? An Empirical Study Chen, Keys, Gaber
Enrollment2023 View AIS Teaching Curation Project: The Introductory Course in Information Systems Burleson, Nabity-Grover, Jetha
Enrollment2019 View Why do Students not Major in MIS? An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior Chipidza, Green, Riemenschneider
Enrollment2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
Enrollment2014 View Cultivating and Nurturing Undergraduate IS Research Tams
Enrollment2014 View Promoting Information Systems Major to Undergraduate Students - A Comprehensive Investigation Li, Zhang, Zheng
Enrollment2012 View Changing the Introductory IS Course to Improve Future Enrollments: An Irish Perspective Whelan, Firth
Enrollment2012 View Improving IS Enrollment Choices: The Role of Social Support Akbulut
Enrollment2009 View Partnering with the Majors: A Process Approach to Increasing IS Enrollment Koch, Kayworth
Enrollment2008 View Why Are Students Not Majoring in Information Systems? Walstrom, Schambach, Jones, Crampton
Enrollment2007 View Information Systems Enrollments: Challenges and Strategies Granger, Dick, Jacobson, Van Slyke
Enterprise application integration2007 View Information Systems Integration and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Adoption: A Case from Financial Services Lam
Enterprise integration2007 View Information Systems Integration and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Adoption: A Case from Financial Services Lam
Enterprise integration2004 View Enterprise Integration in Business Education: Design and Outcomes of a Capstone ERP-based Undergraduate e-Business Management Course Davis, Comeau
Enterprise integration1993 View Guest Editorial: The Future of Information Systems: Leadership Through Enterprise Integration Kalakota, Whinston
Enterprise resource planning2008 View Proposing a New Framework and an Innovative Approach to Teaching Reengineering and ERP Implementation Concepts Pellerin, Hadaya
Enterprise resource planning2006 View Using a Simulation Game Approach to Teach Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts Leger
Enterprise resource planning2005 View A Twelve-Step, Multiple Course Approach to Teaching Enterprise Resource Planning Peslak
Enterprise resource planning2004 View Best Practices of Business Simulation with SAP R/3 Draijer, Schenk
Enterprise resource planning2004 View New Dog, Old Tricks: ERP and the Systems Development Life Cycle Grenci, Hull
Enterprise resource planning2003 View The Transformation of AT&T’s Enterprise Network Systems Group to Avaya: Enabling the Virtual Corporation through Reengineering and Enterprise Resource Planning Cowan, Eder
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2023 View Teaching Tip: A Teaching Module Illustrating ERP Item Value Automation Singh, Bhadauria, Mangalaraj
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2020 View A Hands-On Simulation to Teach Cash-to-Cash Manufacturing Operating Cycle Processes in a Purchasing, Operations, and Supply Chain Management Context Whitelock
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2020 View Enhancing ERP Learning Outcomes through Microsoft Dynamics Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sengupta, Schultz
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2019 View Developing a Framework to Understand Student Engagement, Team Dynamics, and Learning Outcomes Using ERPsim Eder, Antonucci, Monk
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2015 View Enhancing Learning Outcomes through Experiential Learning: Using Open-Source Systems to Teach Enterprise Systems and Business Process Management Jewer, Evermann
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2015 View The Determinants of Student Effort at Learning ERP: A Cultural Perspective Alshare, El-Masri, Lane, Lane
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2015 View Using a Group Role-Play Exercise to Engage Students in Learning Business Processes and ERP Shen, Nicholson, Nicholson
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2014 View Teaching Business Process Management with Simulation in Graduate Business Programs: An Integrative Approach Saraswat, Anderson, Chircu
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2013 View The Value of ERP Curriculum Integration: Perspectives from the Research Hepner, Dickson
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2012 View A Comprehensive, Competency-Based Education Framework Using Medium-Sized ERP Systems Scholtz, Cilliers, Calitz
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2012 View A Cross-Functional Systems Project in an IS Capstone Course Maloni, Dembla, Swaim
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2012 View Teaching ERP systems: Results of a survey at research-oriented universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany Leyh
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2011 View Enhancing Student Learning Of Enterprise Integration Business Process Orientation Through ERP Business Simulation Game Seethamraju
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2011 View Hands-on ERP Learning: Using OpenERP®, an alternative to SAP® Ayyagari
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2011 View The Challenge of Implementing an ERP System in a Small and Medium Enterprise- A Teaching Case of ERP Project Management Xu, Rondeau, Mahenthiran
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2010 View Teaching ERP systems: A multi-perspective view on the ERP system market Winkelmann, Leyh
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)2008 View “One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All”: Teaching MBA Students Different ERP Implementation Strategies Venkatesh
Enterprise resource planning system2004 View Appropriating Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Colleges of Business: Extending Adaptive Stucturation Theory for Testability LeRouge, Webb
Enterprise resource planning system2004 View Second Wave ERP Education Hawking, McCarthy, Stein
Enterprise security architecture2002 View Reengineering an Information Security Course for Business Management Focus Hazari
Enterprise systems2020 View Enhancing ERP Learning Outcomes through Microsoft Dynamics Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sengupta, Schultz
Enterprise systems2010 View Business Process Elicitation, Modeling, and Reengineering: Teaching and Learning with Simulated Environments Jeyaraj
Enterprise systems2007 View Enterprise Systems (ES) Software in Business School Curriculum - Evaluation of Design and Delivery Seethamraju
Enterprise systems2005 View SAP-related Education - Status Quo and Experiences Rosemann, Maurizio
Enterprise systems2004 View Choosing an ERP-type System for a Belarus Enterprise Jarmoszko, Gendron
Enterprise systems2004 View Enterprise Systems Education: Where are We? Where are We Going? Antonucci, Corbitt, Stewart, Harris
Enterprise systems2004 View Exploring Process, Enterprise Integration and E-business Concepts in the Classroom: The Case of petPRO Hajnal, Riordan
Enterprise systems2004 View Integrating Enterprise Decision-Making Modules into Undergraduate Management and Industrial Engineering Curricula Strong, Johnson, Mistry
Enterprise systems2004 View Twelve Tips for Successfully Integrating Enterprise Systems Across the Curriculum Fedorowicz, Gelinas, Usoff, Hachey
Enterprise systems development2023 View Teaching How to Select an Optimal Agile, Plan-Driven, or Hybrid Software Development Approach: Lessons from Enterprise Software Development Leaders Spurrier, Topi
Enterprise systems development2019 View A Generalized, Enterprise-Level Systems Development Process Framework for Systems Analysis and Design Education Topi, Spurrier
Enterprise systems education2023 View Teaching Tip: A Teaching Module Illustrating ERP Item Value Automation Singh, Bhadauria, Mangalaraj
Enterprise systems education2020 View Enhancing ERP Learning Outcomes through Microsoft Dynamics Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sengupta, Schultz
Enterprise systems education2015 View Enhancing Learning Outcomes through Experiential Learning: Using Open-Source Systems to Teach Enterprise Systems and Business Process Management Jewer, Evermann
Entity relationship diagram2008 View Remote Services, Inc. Morris
Entity relationship diagram2004 View A Data Modeling Case: Writers Guild of America, East Wedel, Behnezhad, Gray
Entity relationship diagram (ERD)2006 View Data Modeling Using Entity Relationship Diagrams: A Step-Wise Method Chilton
Entity relationship diagram (ERD)2006 View Notation Usage in Data Modeling Education Mannino
Entity-relationship2006 View Conceptual Data Modeling in the Introductory Database Course: Is it Time for UML? Suleiman, Garfield
Entity-relationship2006 View Toward a Next Generation Data Modeling Facility: Neither the Entity-Relationship Model nor UML Meet the Need Kroenke, Gray
Entity-relationship diagrams2003 View A Database Design Case: Teton Whitewater Kayak Parker
Entity-relationship modeling/diagram2022 View Teaching Case: Widgets-R-Us: Using IoT to Monitor Part Levels Dunn, Miller
Entity-relationship modeling/diagram2020 View Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan: A Database Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Entity-relationship modeling/diagram2018 View MiHotel: Applicant Processing System Design Case Miller, Dunn
Entity-relationship modeling/diagram2015 View American Association of University Women: Branch Operations Data Modeling Case Harris, Wedel
Entity-relationship modeling/diagram2012 View Directors Guild of America Health Plan Eligibility: A Data Flow Analysis and Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Entity-relationship modeling/diagram2012 View Enhancing Knowledge Integration with REA Modeling in an AIS Project Ahlawat, Vincelette
Entity-relationship modeling/diagram2012 View The Animal Genetic Resource Information Network (AnimalGRIN) Database: A Database Design & Implementation Case Casterella, Wessel, Blackburn
Entrepreneurship2017 View Approaches to Incorporating IT Entrepreneurship into the Information Systems Curriculum Jones, Liu
Entrepreneurship2013 View IT Entrepreneurial Intention Among College Students: An Empirical Study Chen
Entrepreneurship2010 View An Active, Reflective Learning Cycle for E-Commerce Classes: Learning about E-commerce by Doing and Teaching Abrahams, Singh
ePortfolio2007 View Designing ePortfolio 2.0: Integrating and Coordinating Web 2.0 Services with ePortfolio Systems for Enhancing Users' Learning Zhang, Olfman, Ractham
Equality2022 View Learning Without Limits: Identifying the Barriers and Enablers to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Wijeratne, Dennehy, Quinlivan, Buckley, Keighron, Flynn
Equality2022 View Special Issue Editorial: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Lang, Freeman, Kiely, Woszczynsk
ER diagram2006 View ER is UML Rumbaugh
ER model2005 View Using the Data Modeling Worksheet to Improve Novice Data Modeler Performance Bock, Yager
ER models2006 View Data Modeling Education: The Changing Technology Chilton, McHaney, Chae
ERD2006 View Employment Analysis of ERD vs. UML for Data Modeling Winkler, Seip
ERD2006 View Introducing the Unified Modeling Language into the Information Systems Curriculum Golden, Matos
ERP2006 View Skill Requirements of ERP Graduates Boyle, Strong
ERP2005 View SAP-related Education - Status Quo and Experiences Rosemann, Maurizio
ERP2004 View A Customized ERP/SAP Model for Business Curriculum Integration Johnson, Lorents, Morgan, Ozmun
ERP2004 View Choosing an ERP-type System for a Belarus Enterprise Jarmoszko, Gendron
ERP2004 View Enterprise Integration in Business Education: Design and Outcomes of a Capstone ERP-based Undergraduate e-Business Management Course Davis, Comeau
ERP2004 View Enterprise Systems Education: Where are We? Where are We Going? Antonucci, Corbitt, Stewart, Harris
ERP2004 View Twelve Tips for Successfully Integrating Enterprise Systems Across the Curriculum Fedorowicz, Gelinas, Usoff, Hachey
ERP2002 View ERP, Learning Communities, and Curriculum Integration Joseph, George
ERP education2006 View Market Power of ERP Education - An Investigative Analysis Sager, Mensching, Corbitt, Connolly
ERP education2005 View A Twelve-Step, Multiple Course Approach to Teaching Enterprise Resource Planning Peslak
ERP education2004 View Second Wave ERP Education Hawking, McCarthy, Stein
ERP systems2006 View Market Power of ERP Education - An Investigative Analysis Sager, Mensching, Corbitt, Connolly
ERP systems2003 View Configuring an ERP System: Introducing Best Practices or Hampering Flexibility? Volkoff
ERPsim2018 View Relationship between Teamwork and Team Performance: Experiences from an ERPsim Competition Hwang
ERPsim2015 View How Does ERPsim Influence Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes in an Information Systems Course? An Empirical Study Chen, Keys, Gaber
Error occurence2010 View The Impact of IQ+EQ+CQ Integration on Student Productivity in Web Design and Development Zhao, Zhao
Escalation2001 View Increasing Student Interaction in Learning Activities: Using a Simulation to Learn About Project Failure and Escalation Nuldén, Scheepers
Escalation of commitment2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Failed Implementation of an Electronic Health Records System Gomillion
Ethical behavior2000 View Academic Dishonesty: A Study of CIS Student Cheating Behavior Hogan, Jaska
Ethical decision making2007 View The Relationship Between Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Reasoning in Information Technology Students Woodward, Davis, Hodis
ethical hacking2023 View Teaching Tip: Hackalytics: Using Computer Hacking to Engage Students in Analytics Luse, Shadbad
ethical hacking2020 View The Development of a Red Teaming Service-Learning Course Young
Ethical issues2000 View Pornography on the Dean's PC: An Ethics and Computing Case Study Bowyer
Ethical reasoning2007 View The Relationship Between Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Reasoning in Information Technology Students Woodward, Davis, Hodis
Ethics2018 View “What Gets Measured, Gets Managed” The Wells Fargo Account Opening Scandal Witman
Ethics2016 View Academic Integrity: Information Systems Education Perspective McHaney, Cronan, Douglas
Ethics2014 View Cyberbullying Victimization among College Students: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis Rivituso
Ethics2014 View Patient Education as an Information System, Healthcare Tool and Interaction Pirhonen, Silvennoinen, Sillence
Ethics2014 View Review of the Status of Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Chisholm
Ethics2013 View White Hats Chasing Black Hats: Careers in IT and the Skills Required To Get There Fulton, Lawrence, Clouse
Ethics2011 View Incorporating Ethics and Social Responsibility in IS Education Harris, Lang, Yates, Kruck
Ethics2011 View Information Ethics Education for a Multicultural World Fleischmann, Robbins, Wallace
Ethics2011 View Integrating Healthcare Ethical Issues Into IS Education Cellucci, Campbell, Zeng, Layman
Ethics2011 View Students' Ethical Decision-Making in an Information Technology Context: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach Riemenschneider, Leonard, Manly
Ethics2011 View Teaching Ethical Reflexivity in Information Systems: How to Equip Students to Deal With Moral and Ethical Issues of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies Stahl
Ethics2011 View Teaching IS Ethics: Applying A Research Technique For Classroom Use Niederman, Taylor, Dick, Land, Taylor
Ethics2011 View The Effect of Distributing Electronic Notes to Students: Ethical Considerations Raised By Computer Science Faculty at The University Of Namibia Mbale, Kaunapawa , Suresh
Ethics2011 View The Effects of Teaching the Universality Thesis on Students’ Integrative Complexity of Thought Vartiainen, Myyry, Siponen, Siponen, Myyry
Ethics2011 View Using Debates to Teach Information Ethics Peace
Ethics2007 View On the Horns of a Dilemma and Executive Hubris Davis
Ethics2004 View E-teaching - the Economic Threat to the Ethical Legitimacy of Education? Stahl
Ethics2003 View Service-Learning in Information Systems Courses: Community Projects that Make a Difference Hoxmeier, Lenk
Ethics2002 View Debating E-commerce: Engaging Students in Current Events Settle, Berthiaume
Ethics1999 View The Impact of Perceived Computing Security on Ethical Behavior: A Unit of Study for MIS Students Sexton, Reithel, Canty
Ethics1996 View Creating an Ethical Awareness Using the Internet Granger, Schroeder
Ethics1995 View Agenda for the Study and Teaching of Information Technology Ethics Oz
Ethics1995 View Ethics in Information Systems: A Framework for Evaluation Phukan
Ethics1994 View Integrating Ethics into Information Systems Courses: A Multi-Method Approach Based on Role Playing Glass
Ethics1992 View Computer Literacy for the 1990’s Wolfe
Ethics1992 View Professional Ethics in the Information Systems Classroom: Getting Started! Smith
Ethics and computing2000 View Resources for Teaching Ethics and Computing Bowyer
ethics education1995 View Agenda for the Study and Teaching of Information Technology Ethics Oz
Ethics in information technology2007 View The Relationship Between Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Reasoning in Information Technology Students Woodward, Davis, Hodis
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Ethnicity2006 View Student Perceptions of Diversity Issues in IT Woszczynski, Myers, Moody
Ethnicity1999 View Effectiveness of Web-Based Instruction for ESL Students: An Empirical Study with Focus on Gender, Ethnicity, and Instructional Media Sankaran, Bui
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Evaluation2007 View Enterprise Systems (ES) Software in Business School Curriculum - Evaluation of Design and Delivery Seethamraju
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Evaluation2001 View Integrating Student Groupwork Ratings into Student Course Grades Reif, Kruck
Evaluation assessment2020 View Evaluating Learner-Centeredness Course Pedagogy in Project Management Syllabi Using a Content Analysis Approach Karanja, Grant
Evaluation assessment2011 View An Approach to Meeting AACSB Assurance of Learning Standards in an IS Core Class Attaway, Chandra, Dos Santos, Thatcher, Wright
Event-handling2010 View Teaching Software Componentization: A Bar Chart Java Bean Mitri
Evolutionary stance2005 View Balancing Objectivist and Constructivist Pedagogies for Teaching Emerging Technologies: Evidence from a Scandinavian Case Study Nilsen, Purao
Examination security software2006 View Enabling Laptop Exams Using Secure Software: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, O'Neill, Stone
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Excel2016 View Using Excel to Make Strategic Managerial Decisions Jacobs, Robinson, DePaolo
Excel2015 View Making Data Flow Diagrams Accessible for Visually Impaired Students Using Excel Tables Sauter
Excel2003 View Consulting at the Laser ISP (LISP) Company: Using Excel Metrics Capabilities to Solve Semi-Structured Management Problems Dean, Lowry
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Expectation disconfirmation theory2015 View The Impact of Student Expectations in Using Instructional Tools on Student Engagement: A Look through the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory Lens Schwarz, Zhu
Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM)2004 View The Role of Social Presence and Moderating Role of Computer Self Efficacy in Predicting the Continuance Usage of E-Learning Systems Hayashi, Chen, Ryan, Wu
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Experiential learning2009 View Improving the Communication Skills of IS Developers during Requirements Elicitation using Experiential Learning Qurban, Austria
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Experiential learning2007 View Outcome-Driven Experiential Learning with Web 2.0 Huang, Behara
Experiential learning2003 View Service-Learning in Information Systems Courses: Community Projects that Make a Difference Hoxmeier, Lenk
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Experiments2004 View The Effects of Trustworthiness Perceptions on the Formation of Initial Trust: Implications for MIS Student Teams Serva, Fuller
Expert systems2023 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Expert Systems in a Postgraduate Accounting Degree Program Poon
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Expert systems course1996 View The Expert Systems Course in AACSB Accredited Business Schools Teer
Expert systems education1992 View Teaching an Applied Expert Systems Course: A Content Outline Liebowitz
Expression Web2010 View Using Cascading Style Sheets to Design a Fly-Out Menu with Microsoft Visual Studio Liu, Downing
Expressive writing1991 View The Effectiveness of Peer Reviews and Project Logs in Team Projects McDonald, McDonald
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Extensible markup language (XML)2012 View Applying Analogical Reasoning Techniques for Teaching XML Document Querying Skills in Database Classes Mitri
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Extreme programming2018 View Do Pair Programming Approaches Transcend Coding? Measuring Agile Attitudes in Diverse Information Systems Courses Chen, Rea
Extreme programming2005 View A Student-Driven Approach to Teaching E-commerce McBride