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Search returned 69 items for : F

KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
Face-to-face teaching2021 View Effectiveness of Educational Delivery Modes: A Study in Computer Information Systems Peslak, Kovalchick, Wang, Kovacs
Face-to-face teaching2014 View Teaching Case: Analysis of an Electronic Voting System Thompson, Toohey
Face-to-face teaching2011 View The Effect of Distributing Electronic Notes to Students: Ethical Considerations Raised By Computer Science Faculty at The University Of Namibia Mbale, Kaunapawa , Suresh
Face-to-face teaching2011 View Using Debates to Teach Information Ethics Peace
Face-to-face teams2007 View Improving the Performance of Online Learning Teams - A Discourse Analysis Liu, Burn
Facebook instant messaging client2009 View Does It Really Matter? Using Virtual Office Hours to Enhance Student-Faculty Interaction Li, Pitts
Factors of major selection2018 View IT Career Counseling: Are Occupational Congruence and the Job Characteristics Model Effective at Predicting IT Job Satisfaction? Carpenter, Young, McLeod, Maasberg
Factors of major selection2014 View Promoting Information Systems Major to Undergraduate Students - A Comprehensive Investigation Li, Zhang, Zheng
Faculty2006 View The Drivers for Acceptance of Tablet PCs by Faculty in a College of Business Anderson, Schwager, Kerns
Faculty attitudes2019 View Scaffolding Case Analysis Writing: A Collaboration between Information Systems and Writing Faculty Pessoa, Gomez-Laich, Liginlal, Mitchell
Faculty attitudes2011 View Determinants of educators’ post-adoption satisfaction toward an e-learning system Islam
Faculty attitudes2011 View The Effect of Distributing Electronic Notes to Students: Ethical Considerations Raised By Computer Science Faculty at The University Of Namibia Mbale, Kaunapawa , Suresh
Faculty development2019 View Scaffolding Case Analysis Writing: A Collaboration between Information Systems and Writing Faculty Pessoa, Gomez-Laich, Liginlal, Mitchell
Faculty development2017 View Faculty Workshops for Teaching Information Assurance through Hands-on Exercises and Case Studies Yuan, Williams, Yu, Rorrer, Chu, Yang, Winters, Kizza
Faculty development2002 View Delivering a Graduate Information Systems Course in France: Observations, Experiences, and Professional Development Opportunities Festervand
Faculty development1994 View Summer Faculty Internships: An Attractive Faculty Development Alternative Richmond, Crow, Lampe
Faculty effectiveness2016 View Integrating Research and Teaching in the IS Classroom: Benefits for Teachers and Students Obwegeser, Papadopoulos
Faculty effectiveness2014 View A case study of instructor scaffolding using Web 2.0 tools to teach social informatics McLoughlin, Alam
Faculty evaluation2000 View The Evolving Role of Faculty: Traditional Scholarship, Instructional Scholarship and Service Scholarship Owen, Daigle, Doran, Feinstein
Faculty perceptions2009 View Business Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A Comparative Study Tanner, Noser, Totaro
Faculty perceptions2006 View A Comparison of Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Courses and Degree Programs Wilkes, Simon, Brooks
Faculty recruiting2001 View "So, Where are You from Originally?" Using Ineffective and Inappropriate Questions in MIS Tenure-Track Job Interviews Serva, Serva
Faculty-student relationships2022 View Teaching Tip: Vignettes to Support Diversity Training in Information Systems Carole Shook
Failure2001 View Increasing Student Interaction in Learning Activities: Using a Simulation to Learn About Project Failure and Escalation Nuldén, Scheepers
Family income2003 View Predicting Software Self Efficacy among Business Students: A Preliminary Assessmen Havelka
Family support2024 View Awareness of Digital Transformation, Satisfaction, and Intention to Learn Online Through the E-Learning System Among Vietnamese Students: A Case Study at Tra Vinh University Ho
FAQ2003 View The Learning Log Baker
Feasibility2007 View A Systems Analysis Role Play Case: We Sell Stuff, Inc. Mitri, Cole
Feasibility-study2005 View Network Analysis and Design for Tickets Sales, Inc. Gendron, Jarmoszko
Feedback2023 View Teaching Tip: An Example-Based Instructional Method to Develop Students’ Problem-Solving Efficacy in an Introductory Programming Course Menon
Feedback2010 View An Introduction to Collaboration with SharePoint for First-year Business Students Atkins, Cole
Feedback2010 View Harnessing Information Technology to Improve the Process of Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: An Exploration of Students’ Critical Success Factors of Online Evaluations Nevo, McClean, Nevo
Feedback2002 View Feedback Channels: Using Social Presence Theory to Compare Voice Mail to E-mail Keil, Johnson
Feedback1995 View Case Feedback in Support of Learning a Systems Development Methodology Jankowski
Felder-Silverman Index2010 View Evaluation of a Teaching Tool - Wiki - in Online Graduate Education Park, Crocker, Nussey, Springate, Hutchings
Female retention2003 View Improving the Learning Environment in Beginning Programming Classes: An Experiment in Gender Equity Crews, Butterfield
Field-dependent learners2005 View Student Understandings of Information Systems Design, Learning and Teaching: A Phenomenography Approach Rose, Le Heron, Sofat
Field-independent learners2005 View Student Understandings of Information Systems Design, Learning and Teaching: A Phenomenography Approach Rose, Le Heron, Sofat
File transfer2008 View Tools and Techniques for Simplifying the Analysis of Captured Packet Data Cavaiani
financial technology2024 View Employment and Career Prospects of Technical-Oriented Jobs in the FinTech Market Poon, Pond, Tang
fintech2024 View Employment and Career Prospects of Technical-Oriented Jobs in the FinTech Market Poon, Pond, Tang
fintech2024 View Fintech and Digital Payments: Developing a Domain Knowledge Framework Gupta, Xie, Zafar
Fintech talent2024 View Fintech and Digital Payments: Developing a Domain Knowledge Framework Gupta, Xie, Zafar
First-year business information systems students2003 View The Use of Role-Playing To Help Students Understand Information Systems Case Studies Kerr, Troth, Pickering
Flexible learning2003 View Impact of Web Based Flexible Learning on Academic Performance in Information Systems Bryant, Campbell, Kerr
Flipped classroom2024 View A Response to COVID: From Traditional to Remote Learning Using a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy and Its Impact on BI Skills Attainment Romanow, Cline, Napier
Flipped classroom2023 View Teaching Case: Using Python and AWS for NoSQL in a BI Course Mitri
Flipped classroom2014 View The Flipped Classroom Mok
Flow2009 View The Effects of Flow on Learning Outcomes in an Online Information Management Course Rossin, Ro, Klein, Guo
Flowchart2004 View Teaching Flowcharting with FlowC Gill
Fly-Out2010 View Using Cascading Style Sheets to Design a Fly-Out Menu with Microsoft Visual Studio Liu, Downing
Focus groups2004 View How Useful is IS 2002? A Case Study Applying the Model Curriculum Dwyer, Knapp
Formative assessment2010 View Team-Based Peer Review as a Form of Formative Assessment - The Case of a Systems Analysis and Design Workshop Lavy, Yadin
Fortune 5002008 View Analysis of Skills Requirement for Entry-Level Programmer/Analysts in Fortune 500 Corporations Lee, Han
Foundation course2019 View Teaching Information Systems in the Age of Digital Disruption Case, Dick, Granger, Akbulut
Foundation course2011 View An Approach to Meeting AACSB Assurance of Learning Standards in an IS Core Class Attaway, Chandra, Dos Santos, Thatcher, Wright
Fourth generation languages1990 View A Fourth Generation Approach to the Introductory Programming Course Augustine, Surynt
Framework2023 View Teaching Tip: GetVirtual: A Universal Service-Based Learning Framework Toskin, Pisano, Corey
Framework2021 View Making the Grade: Using COBIT to Study Computer Crime at Bucks County Community College (Pennsylvania) Haywood
Framework2018 View Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda Sharp, Lang
Framework2004 View A Systematic Framework for Conducting Research Projects in Undergraduate Courses Mustafa
Framework1994 View Applying a Framework for Software Development Methods in an Information Systems Curriculum Granger, Malaga
Free riding2006 View Mitigating Negative Behaviors in Student Project Teams: An Information Technology Solution Brandyberry, Bakke
Freedom of speech2000 View Pornography on the Dean's PC: An Ethics and Computing Case Study Bowyer
Full-time job offers2004 View Critical Factors Affecting Job Offers for New MIS Graduates Fang, Lee, Lee, Huang
Functional dependencies1996 View Teaching Students How to Find the Candidate Keys of a Relational Database Schema Saiedian
Functional dependency2006 View An Alternative Approach to Teaching Database Normalization: A Simple Algorithm and an Interactive eLearning Tool Kung, Tung
Fundamental & powerful concept2019 View Teaching Information Systems in the Age of Digital Disruption Case, Dick, Granger, Akbulut
Future IS trends1995 View Future Software Training Needs: Contrast in Needs as Perceived by Business and Academia Heiat, Heiat, Spicer