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Search returned 105 items for : G

KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
Game dynamics2015 View Assessing the Efficacy of Incorporating Game Dynamics in a Learning Management System Frost, Maclvor, Matta, MacIvor
Game show2001 View The Effectiveness of Computer-Based "Game Show" Formats in Survey Courses: A Quasi-Experiment Brandyberry, Pardue
Game theory2012 View Using Rapid Game Prototyping for Exploring Requirements Discovery and Modeling Dalaa
Game theory2005 View Peer-and-Self Assessment to Reveal the Ranking of Each Individual's Contribution to a Group Project Tu, Lu
Game-based learning2024 View A Process-Focused Experiential Approach to IT Education Using Peer Learning St. John, St. John
Game-based learning2023 View Teaching Tip: What You Need to Know about Gamification Process of Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises: Lessons and Challenges Kim, Zhong, Liu
Game-based learning2022 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Business Process Concepts in an Introductory Information Systems Class: A Multi-Level Game-Based Learning Approach Farkas, Shang, Alhourani
Game-based learning2022 View When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions Licorish, Lötter
Game-based learning2021 View Emerge2Maturity: A Simulation Game for Data Warehouse Maturity Concepts Mannino, Khojah, Gregg
Game-based learning2021 View When Students are Players: Toward a Theory of Student-Centric Edu-Gamification Systems Barber
Game-based learning2019 View How Does Competition Help Future Learning in Serious Games? An Exploratory Study in Learning Search Engine Optimization Lee, Lui, Chau
Game-based learning2019 View The Role of Flow in Learning Distributed Computing and MapReduce Concepts using Hands-On Analogy Conrad, Bliemel, Ali-Hassan
Game-based learning2016 View "An Introduction to the Business Game ""Flowers for the World""" Moores
Games2005 View It's All Fun and Games... Until Students Learn Massey, Brown, Johnston
Gamification2023 View Teaching Tip: What You Need to Know about Gamification Process of Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises: Lessons and Challenges Kim, Zhong, Liu
Gamification2021 View Motivation in Gamified Social Media Learning: A Psychological Need Perspective Ofosu-Ampong, Boateng, Kolog, Anning-Dorson
Gamification2021 View When Students are Players: Toward a Theory of Student-Centric Edu-Gamification Systems Barber
Gamification2015 View Assessing the Efficacy of Incorporating Game Dynamics in a Learning Management System Frost, Maclvor, Matta, MacIvor
Gamified social media2021 View Motivation in Gamified Social Media Learning: A Psychological Need Perspective Ofosu-Ampong, Boateng, Kolog, Anning-Dorson
Gap analysis2003 View Configuring an ERP System: Introducing Best Practices or Hampering Flexibility? Volkoff
GDSS2001 View Using Groupware in a Classroom Environment Martz, Shepherd, Hickey
GDSS1993 View Establishing an Ergonomic Multimedia Environment to Support Information Systems Instruction: A Case Study Hwang
GDSS1991 View Face-to-Face Group Decision Support Systems: A Partnership between Traditional Group Process Methodologies and Computer Technology Druckenmiller
Gen Y2021 View Using a Modified Understanding by Design® Framework to Incorporate Social Media Tools in the Management Information Systems Curriculum for Generation Y and Z Students Schwieger, Ladwig
Gen Z2021 View Using a Modified Understanding by Design® Framework to Incorporate Social Media Tools in the Management Information Systems Curriculum for Generation Y and Z Students Schwieger, Ladwig
Gender2010 View Are Men More Technology-Oriented Than Women? The Role of Gender on the Development of General Computer Self-Efficacy of College Students He, Freeman
Gender2008 View Business Student Computer Self-Efficacy: Ten Years Later Karsten, Schmidt
Gender2007 View Why IS: Understanding Undergraduate Students' Intentions to Choose an Information Systems Major Zhang
Gender2006 View Student Perceptions of Diversity Issues in IT Woszczynski, Myers, Moody
Gender2005 View Test Mode Familiarity and Performance - Gender and Race Comparisons of Test Scores among Computer-Literate Students in Advanced Information Systems Courses Wallace, Clariana
Gender2004 View Critical Factors Affecting Job Offers for New MIS Graduates Fang, Lee, Lee, Huang
Gender2003 View Predicting Software Self Efficacy among Business Students: A Preliminary Assessmen Havelka
Gender2002 View Gender and Information Technology: Implications of Definitions Cukier, Shortt, Devine
Gender1999 View Effectiveness of Web-Based Instruction for ESL Students: An Empirical Study with Focus on Gender, Ethnicity, and Instructional Media Sankaran, Bui
Gender differences2008 View Gender Differences and Intra-Gender Differences amongst Management Information Systems Students Beyer
Gender differences1993 View Pretest-Posttest Measure of Introductory Computer Students' Attitudes toward Computers Barrier, Margavio
Gender equity2022 View Engaging Government-Industry-University Partnerships to Further Gender Equity in STEM Workforce Education Through Technology and Information System Learning Tools Knestis, Cheng, Fontaine, Feng
Gender equity2003 View Improving the Learning Environment in Beginning Programming Classes: An Experiment in Gender Equity Crews, Butterfield
gender issues2022 View Special Issue Editorial: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in IS Education Lang, Freeman, Kiely, Woszczynsk
General computer self-efficacy2010 View Are Men More Technology-Oriented Than Women? The Role of Gender on the Development of General Computer Self-Efficacy of College Students He, Freeman
General education2021 View Cybersecurity, Technology, and Society: Developing an Interdisciplinary, Open, General Education Cybersecurity Course Payne, He, Wang, Wittkower, Wu
General education2020 View Data Analytics in Higher Education: An Integrated View Nguyen, Gardner, Sheridan
General education2013 View Mobile App Development To Increase Student Engagement and Problem Solving Skills Dekhane, Xu, Tsoi
General education2013 View White Hats Chasing Black Hats: Careers in IT and the Skills Required To Get There Fulton, Lawrence, Clouse
Generalized division2003 View A Simpler Approach to Set Comparison Queries in SQL Dadashzadeh
Generative AI in teaching2024 View Teaching Case: Teaching Business Students Logistic Regression in R With the Aid of ChatGPT Zhong, Kim
Generative language models2023 View Learning by Doing: Educators’ Perspective on an Illustrative Tool for AI-Generated Scaffolding for Students in Conceptualizing Design Science Research Studies Memmert, Tavanapour, Bittner
GetVirtual2023 View Teaching Tip: GetVirtual: A Universal Service-Based Learning Framework Toskin, Pisano, Corey
Glass box models2006 View The Memory Grid: A Glass Box View of Data Representation Gill
Global1992 View Computer Literacy for the 1990’s Wolfe
Global1991 View Global Information Systems: A Curriculum Challenge Scott, Hayen
Global awareness2001 View Preparing MIS Students for a Global Economy Rollier
Global communities2018 View Enhancing and Transforming Global Learning Communities with Augmented Reality Frydenberg, Andone
Global competence2001 View Preparing MIS Students for a Global Economy Rollier
Global information systems1994 View Global Information Systems: Problems, Solutions, and How to Manage Them Flynn
Global information technology1993 View International Information Systems and Technology: Course Development and Implementation Deans
Globalization2011 View GlobePort Faces Global Business Challenges – Assessing the Organizational Side of Information Systems Projects Ghosh
Globalization2005 View Multicultural Effectiveness Assessment of Students in IS Courses Margavio, Hignite, Moses, Margavio
Globalization1995 View Connecting Geographically Dispersed Classrooms for Computer Supported Collaborative Work Harriger, Goyal
Goldratt's thinking processes2005 View Analyses of Information Systems Students' Applications of Two Holistic Problem Solving Methodologies Musa, Edmondson, Munchus
Google Docs2009 View Microsoft or Google Web 2.0 Tools for Course Management Rienzo, Han
Google Hangouts2016 View Supporting Academic Integrity in a Fully-Online Degree Completion Program Through the Use of Synchronous Video Conferences Wagner, Enders, Pirie, Thomas
GPT-32023 View Learning by Doing: Educators’ Perspective on an Illustrative Tool for AI-Generated Scaffolding for Students in Conceptualizing Design Science Research Studies Memmert, Tavanapour, Bittner
Grade point average2004 View Critical Factors Affecting Job Offers for New MIS Graduates Fang, Lee, Lee, Huang
Grading2001 View Reducing Effects of Plagiarism in Programming Classes Bowyer, Hall
Graduate2004 View A Study of Student Performance In Combined Courses Etzkorn, Weisskop, Gholston
Graduate attributes2009 View Desirable ICT Graduate Attributes: Theory vs. Practice Debuse, Lawley
Graduate certificate2023 View Building a Business Data Analytics Graduate Certificate Bačić, Jukić, Malliaris, Nestorov, Varma
Graduate course2022 View Digital Strategy in Information Systems: A Literature Review and an Educational Solution Based on Problem-Based Learning Dang, Vartiainen
Graduate course2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
Graduate course2004 View Project Management Courses in IS Graduate Programs: What is Being Taught? Du, Johnson, Keil
Graduate education2023 View Building a Business Data Analytics Graduate Certificate Bačić, Jukić, Malliaris, Nestorov, Varma
Graduate education2023 View The Master’s Program in Information Systems: A Survey of Core Curricula in AACSB-Accredited Business Schools in the United States Yang
Graduate education1991 View A Management Information Systems MBA-Major Dawley
Graduate MIS1996 View A Survey of MIS Emphases in MBA Degree Programs Morgan, VanLengen
Graphical user interface1993 View Testing Recognition of Computer-generated Icons Brock, Newman
Graphics programming2010 View Teaching Software Componentization: A Bar Chart Java Bean Mitri
Gratifications2007 View IP Teleconferencing in the Wired Classroom: Gratifications for Distance Education Stafford, Lindsey
Grounded theory2014 View Learning Computing Topics in Undergraduate Information Systems Courses: Managing Perceived Difficulty Wall, Knapp
Group assignments2010 View An Introduction to Collaboration with SharePoint for First-year Business Students Atkins, Cole
Group cohesion2006 View Building Camaraderie Through Information Processing: The Wuzzle Picture-Puzzle Exercise Dunphy, Whisenand
Group Collaboration1995 View Group Collaboration in Information Systems Class Projects: Survey and Critical Success Factors Phan
Group communication2000 View Launching the Project: An Exercise for Demonstrating the Impact of Team Communications on Project Success Duclos, Cyphert
Group decision making1991 View Face-to-Face Group Decision Support Systems: A Partnership between Traditional Group Process Methodologies and Computer Technology Druckenmiller
Group decision support systems1995 View Group Collaboration in Information Systems Class Projects: Survey and Critical Success Factors Phan
Group decision support systems1995 View The Integrated and Interactive MIS Classroom: Using Meeting and Presentation Software to Create an Active Learning Environment Abraham
Group decision support systems1993 View Training Is the Key to Implementing a Group Decision Support System Perreault
Group exercise2015 View Using a Group Role-Play Exercise to Engage Students in Learning Business Processes and ERP Shen, Nicholson, Nicholson
Group process1991 View Face-to-Face Group Decision Support Systems: A Partnership between Traditional Group Process Methodologies and Computer Technology Druckenmiller
Group project2005 View Peer-and-Self Assessment to Reveal the Ranking of Each Individual's Contribution to a Group Project Tu, Lu
Group projects2007 View Technical Projects: Understanding Teamwork Satisfaction In an Introductory IS Course Napier, Johnson
Group projects2001 View Integrating Student Groupwork Ratings into Student Course Grades Reif, Kruck
Group Support Systems1995 View Active Learning in Business Education with, through, and about Technology Jessup, Elbert
Group testing2005 View An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Collaborative Testing in an Entry-Level Computer Programming Class Simkin
Group work2004 View Adding Realism to the Formation, Management and Evaluation of Project Teams McCloskey
Group work2001 View Integrating Student Groupwork Ratings into Student Course Grades Reif, Kruck
Groups2024 View A Response to COVID: From Traditional to Remote Learning Using a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy and Its Impact on BI Skills Attainment Romanow, Cline, Napier
Groups2020 View Using Active Learning, Group Formation, and Discussion to Increase Student Learning: A Business Intelligence Skills Analysis Romanow, Napier, Cline
Groups2015 View Managing Software Engineering Student Teams Using Pellerin's 4-D System Doman, Besmer, Olsen
Groupware2001 View Using Groupware in a Classroom Environment Martz, Shepherd, Hickey
Groupware1995 View Group Collaboration in Information Systems Class Projects: Survey and Critical Success Factors Phan
Groupware1994 View An Approach for Developing Applications in Lotus Notes Chand
Groupware1993 View Training Is the Key to Implementing a Group Decision Support System Perreault
GUI1995 View A Decision Support System for Student Transfer Advising Mathieson, Lederer
Guided instruction2006 View Object-Oriented Programming Principles and the Java Class Library Cavaiani