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Search returned 31 items for : K

KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
KAI2002 View A Comparison of Adaption-Innovation Styles Between Information Systems Majors and Computer Science Majors Sim, Wright
Kanban2020 View Exploring Which Agile Principles Students Internalize When Using a Kanban Process Methodology Saltz, Heckman
Key phrases2024 View Teaching Tip: Using Text Analytics AI Insights in Microsoft Power BI Desktop to Score Sentiments, Extract Key Phrases, and Discover Unstructured Data Patterns Liu, Downing
Keyword search2006 View Employment Analysis of ERD vs. UML for Data Modeling Winkler, Seip
KM2007 View The Emerging Academic Discipline of Knowledge Management Grossman
knowledge2023 View Working Toward Wisdom in IS Education: Developing an Integral Knowledge-to-Wisdom Teaching Framework Pauleen, Intezari
Knowledge Areas2020 View Evaluating Learner-Centeredness Course Pedagogy in Project Management Syllabi Using a Content Analysis Approach Karanja, Grant
Knowledge assimilation2006 View A Knowledge Assimilation Schema for Acquiring Technical Knowledge Sheu, Wong
Knowledge base1992 View Expert Systems: A Quick Tutorial Schmuller
Knowledge based systems1995 View Integrating Expert Systems Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum Liebowitz
Knowledge creation2008 View Knowledge Creation through User-Guided Data Mining: A Database Case Steiger
Knowledge creation2008 View Opening the Classroom Watson, Boudreau, York, Greiner, Wynn
Knowledge engineer1992 View Expert Systems: A Quick Tutorial Schmuller
Knowledge engineering1992 View Teaching an Applied Expert Systems Course: A Content Outline Liebowitz
Knowledge framework2024 View Fintech and Digital Payments: Developing a Domain Knowledge Framework Gupta, Xie, Zafar
Knowledge gaps2009 View Assessing Students’ Learning in MIS using Concept Mapping Gregoriades, Pampaka, Michail
Knowledge integration2009 View Enhancing Knowledge Integration: An Information System Capstone Project Steiger
Knowledge Management 2010 View Teaching MBA Students the Use of Web2.0: The Knowledge Management Perspective Levy, Hadar
Knowledge Management 2008 View A Design Thinking Approach to Teaching Knowledge Management Wang, Wang
Knowledge Management 2007 View The Emerging Academic Discipline of Knowledge Management Grossman
Knowledge Management 2005 View Designing Knowledge Management Systems for Teaching and Learning with Wiki Technology Raman, Ryan, Olfman
Knowledge Management 2003 View Simulating Real World Experience Using Accumulative System Development Projects Jih
Knowledge management (KM)2021 View GlobePort Faces Challenges in its Technology Transformation Ghosh
Knowledge representation2006 View A Knowledge Assimilation Schema for Acquiring Technical Knowledge Sheu, Wong
Knowledge requirements2009 View Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Entry-Level Information Technology Workers: A Comparison of Industry and Academia Aasheim, Li, Williams
Knowledge sharing2016 View Antecedents to Team Performance on Student IT Projects Havelka
Knowledge sharing attitude2008 View A Preliminary Examination of the Factors for Knowledge Sharing in Technology Mediated Learning Hwang
Knowledge structure assessment2004 View Assessing the Knowledge Structure of Information Systems Learners in Experience-Based Learning Li, Zhang, Li
Knowledge transfer2015 View Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition Mills, Dupin-Bryant, Beaulieu, Johnson, Beaulieu
Knowledge versus skills2001 View Integrating Real Practical Experience in ICT Education de Brock
Knowledge-based systems1992 View Teaching an Applied Expert Systems Course: A Content Outline Liebowitz