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Search returned 104 items for : L

KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
Language construct analysis2009 View Interpreting Beyond Syntactics: A Semiotic Learning Model for Computer Programming Languages May, Dhillon
Laptop2010 View Examining the Affects of Student Multitasking with Laptops During the Lecture Kraushaar, Novak
Laptop examinations2006 View Enabling Laptop Exams Using Secure Software: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, O'Neill, Stone
Large class2002 View A Simple and Effective Model for Teaching Information Systems Vocabulary and Concepts in a Large Lecture Setting Downing
Large classes2024 View Teaching Tip: Leveraging Learning Strategies at Scale – Big and Small Changes in a Big IS Course Sclarow, Raven, Doyle
Large classes2012 View Changing the Introductory IS Course to Improve Future Enrollments: An Irish Perspective Whelan, Firth
Large introductory classes2007 View A Student-Centric Approach to Large Introductory IS Survey Courses Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
Large size classes1999 View Improving Student Satisfaction in Large-sized Classes through a Computer Mediated Communications System Janicki, Steinberg
Leader-member exchange2008 View Exploring the Importance of Mentoring for New Scholars: A Social Exchange Perspective Ugrin, Odom, Pearson
leadership2019 View Subsumption of Information Systems Education towards a Discipline of Design Babb, Waguespack, Abdullat
Learner centered teaching2008 View A Methodology to Assist Faculty in Developing Successful Approaches for Achieving Learner Centered Information Systems Curriculum Outcomes: Team Based Methods Wagner, Longenecker, Landry, Lusk, Saulnier
Learner diversity2007 View Teaching Practices for Effective Cooperative Learning in an Online Learning Environment (OLE) Hutchinson
Learner-center teaching2009 View Practicing Learner-Centered Teaching: Pedagogical Design and Assessment of a Second Life Project Schiller
Learner-centered assessment2008 View From Teaching to Learning: Learner-Centered Teaching and Assessment in Information Systems Education Saulnier, Landry, Longenecker, Wagner
Learner-centered education2021 View When Students are Players: Toward a Theory of Student-Centric Edu-Gamification Systems Barber
Learner-centered education2020 View Data Analytics in Higher Education: An Integrated View Nguyen, Gardner, Sheridan
Learner-centered education2020 View Evaluating Learner-Centeredness Course Pedagogy in Project Management Syllabi Using a Content Analysis Approach Karanja, Grant
Learner-centered education2013 View An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Weblog Success in Higher Education Zhang
Learner-centered education2013 View The GET Immersion Experience: A New Model for Leveraging the Synergies between Industry and Academia Saltz, Serva, Heckman
Learner-centered education2012 View A Comprehensive, Competency-Based Education Framework Using Medium-Sized ERP Systems Scholtz, Cilliers, Calitz
Learner-centered education2012 View Lessons Learned from Client Projects in an Undergraduate Project Management Course Pollard
Learner-centered education2010 View Using a Wiki to Collaborate on a Study Guide Lending
Learner-centered teaching and learning2008 View From Teaching to Learning: Learner-Centered Teaching and Assessment in Information Systems Education Saulnier, Landry, Longenecker, Wagner
Learner-centered teaching and learning2008 View Why is the Learner-Centered Paradigm So Profoundly Important for Information Systems Education? Landry, Saulnier, Wagner, Longenecker
Learning2022 View Supporting Inclusive Learning Using Chatbots? A Chatbot-Led Interview Study Gupta, Chen
Learning2010 View Examining the Affects of Student Multitasking with Laptops During the Lecture Kraushaar, Novak
Learning2009 View The IS Core: An Integration of the Core IS Courses Albrecht, Romney, Lowry, Moody
Learning2009 View Using Word Scrambles as an Information Systems Creativity Warm-Up Exercise Dunphy, Milbourne
Learning2008 View Learning Experience with Virtual Worlds Wagner
Learning2007 View A Curriculum for a Master of Science in Information Quality Lee, Pierce, Talburt, Wang, Zhu
Learning2004 View Effectiveness of an Interactive Application to Assist Learning: A Test Case Saade, Kira
Learning2001 View Increasing Student Interaction in Learning Activities: Using a Simulation to Learn About Project Failure and Escalation Nuldén, Scheepers
Learning approaches2005 View Student Understandings of Information Systems Design, Learning and Teaching: A Phenomenography Approach Rose, Le Heron, Sofat
Learning assessment2009 View Assessing Students’ Learning in MIS using Concept Mapping Gregoriades, Pampaka, Michail
Learning barriers2022 View Barriers to e-Learning During Crisis: A Capital Theory Perspective on Academic Adversity Deng, Sun
Learning communities2002 View ERP, Learning Communities, and Curriculum Integration Joseph, George
Learning cycle2009 View Synthesizing Huber's Problem Solving and Kolb's Learning Cycle: A Balanced Approach to Technical Problem Solving Kamis, Kahn
Learning effectiveness2003 View Introducing Peer Review in an IS Analysis Course Sindre, Moody, Brasethvik, Sølvberg
Learning environment2007 View A Student-Centric Approach to Large Introductory IS Survey Courses Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
Learning environment2004 View Assessing the Knowledge Structure of Information Systems Learners in Experience-Based Learning Li, Zhang, Li
Learning environment2002 View An Empirical Study Comparing the Learning Environments of Open and Closed Computer Laboratories Newby
Learning experience2009 View Extending the Classroom through Second Life Wang, Braman
Learning goals & outcomes2021 View The Effect of Digital Citizenship on Negative Online Behaviors and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education Dunaway, Macharia
Learning goals & outcomes2020 View Evaluation of Information Systems Curricula Bohler, Larson, Peachey, Shehane
Learning goals & outcomes2020 View Visualizing IS Course Objectives and Marketable Skills Babik, Lending
Learning goals & outcomes2019 View Developing a Framework to Understand Student Engagement, Team Dynamics, and Learning Outcomes Using ERPsim Eder, Antonucci, Monk
Learning goals & outcomes2017 View Learning Outcomes for Cyber Defense Competitions Woszczynsk, Green
Learning goals & outcomes2015 View How Does ERPsim Influence Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes in an Information Systems Course? An Empirical Study Chen, Keys, Gaber
Learning goals & outcomes2014 View IS Course Success in Liberal Arts Institutions – What’s the Formula? Ghosh, Naik, Li
Learning goals & outcomes2014 View Preparing Information Systems Graduates for a Complex Society: Aligning IS Curriculum with Liberal Education Learning Outcomes Pratt, Keys, Wirkus
Learning goals & outcomes2014 View The role of delivery methods on the perceived learning performance and satisfaction of IT students in software programming courses He, Yen
Learning goals & outcomes2013 View Playing Jeopardy in the Classroom: An Empirical Study Simkin
Learning goals & outcomes2013 View The Value of ERP Curriculum Integration: Perspectives from the Research Hepner, Dickson
Learning goals & outcomes2012 View Experience is a Good Teacher: Integrating Service and Learning in Information Systems Education Lee
Learning goals & outcomes2011 View An Approach to Meeting AACSB Assurance of Learning Standards in an IS Core Class Attaway, Chandra, Dos Santos, Thatcher, Wright
Learning goals & outcomes2011 View The Effects of Teaching the Universality Thesis on Students’ Integrative Complexity of Thought Vartiainen, Myyry, Siponen, Siponen, Myyry
Learning improvement2022 View A Rubric to Evaluate and Enhance Requirements Elicitation Interviewing Skills Lending, Ezell, Dillon, May
Learning log2003 View Put another (B)Log on the Wire: Publishing Learning Logs as Weblogs Wagner
Learning log2003 View The Learning Log Baker
Learning management system (LMS)2014 View Online IS Education for the 21st Century He, Xu, Kruck
Learning management system (LMS)2013 View Evaluating the Impact and Determinants of Student Team Performance: Using LMS and CATME Data Braender, Naples
Learning management system (LMS)2012 View Information Security Trends and Issues in the Moodle E-Learning Platform: An Ethnographic Content Analysis Schultz
Learning management system (LMS)2011 View Determinants of educators’ post-adoption satisfaction toward an e-learning system Islam
Learning methods2007 View The Effectiveness of Using Computers for Software Training: An Exploratory Study Palvia, Palvia
Learning object2005 View Teaching with a Scalable, Multidisciplinary Learning Object: A Business School Case Study Klobas
Learning objectives2007 View Involving Software Engineering Students in Open Source Software Projects: Experiences from a Pilot Study Sowe, Stamelos
Learning outcomes2009 View The Effects of Flow on Learning Outcomes in an Online Information Management Course Rossin, Ro, Klein, Guo
Learning outcomes2008 View A Model for Using a Capstone Experience as One Method of Assessment of an Information Systems Degree Program Murray, Perez, Guimaraes
Learning outcomes2005 View Improving Students' Interest in Learning: Some Positive Techniques Leong
Learning outcomes2005 View Student Understandings of Information Systems Design, Learning and Teaching: A Phenomenography Approach Rose, Le Heron, Sofat
Learning outcomes2004 View Enterprise Integration in Business Education: Design and Outcomes of a Capstone ERP-based Undergraduate e-Business Management Course Davis, Comeau
Learning performance2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
Learning style2007 View Data Flow Diagramming Skills Acquisition: Impact of Cooperative versus Individual Learning Powell, Bordoloi, Ryan
Learning styles2015 View Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition Mills, Dupin-Bryant, Beaulieu, Johnson, Beaulieu
Learning styles2014 View Promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills via IPTEACES e-Learning Framework in the Learning of Information Systems Units Isaias, Issa, Pena
Learning styles2013 View A Memory Game to Demonstrate the Power of Collaborative Efforts to Improve Team Performance Buche
Learning styles2012 View Applying Analogical Reasoning Techniques for Teaching XML Document Querying Skills in Database Classes Mitri
Learning styles2011 View Teach Them How They Learn: Learning Styles and Information Systems Education Cegielski, Hazen, Rainer
Learning styles2010 View Towards Greater Learner Control: Web Supported Project-Based Learning Guthrie
Learning tools2004 View Effectiveness of an Interactive Application to Assist Learning: A Test Case Saade, Kira
Lecture2010 View Examining the Affects of Student Multitasking with Laptops During the Lecture Kraushaar, Novak
Lecture setting2002 View A Simple and Effective Model for Teaching Information Systems Vocabulary and Concepts in a Large Lecture Setting Downing
Legal issues1990 View A Comparison of the Fortune 500 and AACSB-Accredited Universities' Software Copying Policies Athey
LEGO blocks2003 View Simulation and Role Playing with LEGO Blocks Freeman
Lessons learned2002 View A Case Analysis of Real-World Systems Development Experiences of CIS Students Fox
Libel2020 View Encounters with Bigfoot on the Strip: The Risks and Liabilities of Online Reviews Ladwig, Schwieger
Life-long learning2019 View Learning by Teaching through Collaborative Tutorial Creation: Experience using GitHub and AsciiDoc Marquardson, Schuetzler
Life-long learning2011 View Teaching Ethical Reflexivity in Information Systems: How to Equip Students to Deal With Moral and Ethical Issues of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies Stahl
Life-long learning2005 View Improving Students' Interest in Learning: Some Positive Techniques Leong
Lifelong learners2003 View Computer Availability and Applications in Selected European Business Schools Markham, Kordsmeier, Gatlin-Watts
Line speed2003 View Reinforcing Learning in the Data Communications Course Using a Teleprocessing Line Speed Decision Support System Carpenter
Linux platform2005 View Demonstration of Parallel Processing Computing: A Scalable Linux Personal Computer Cluster Approach Rine, Kleist, McConahey
Literacy topics1994 View Computer Literacy Topics: A Comparison of Views within a Business School Kim, Keith
Literature Review2023 View Bibliographic and Text Analysis of Research on Implementation of the Internet of Things to Support Education Desai, Kim
Literature Review2022 View Digital Strategy in Information Systems: A Literature Review and an Educational Solution Based on Problem-Based Learning Dang, Vartiainen
Literature Review2022 View Management Information Systems Education: A Systematic Review Elrod, Stanley, Cudney, Hilgers, Graham
Literature Review2020 View Agile Teaching and Learning in Information Systems Education: An Analysis and Categorization of Literature Sharp, Mitchell, Lang
Local area networks2009 View A Network Implementation Class Exercise: BusinessQuest Business Incubator, LLC Arling
Logic and design2003 View Improving the Learning Environment in Beginning Programming Classes: An Experiment in Gender Equity Crews, Butterfield
Logistic regression2009 View The Importance of Synchronous Interaction for Student Satisfaction with Course Web Sites Cao, Griffin, Bai
Logistic regression analysis2024 View Teaching Case: Teaching Business Students Logistic Regression in R With the Aid of ChatGPT Zhong, Kim
LOTUS1989 View Using LOTUS to Build an Accounting Information System Gingrich
Lotus Notes1994 View An Approach for Developing Applications in Lotus Notes Chand
Lower and upper division1996 View Entry Level Jobs for MIS Graduates: Implications for Academic Programs Reich