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Search returned 110 items for : O

KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
Object orientation1994 View The Resurgence of COBOL: Considerations for the Future Kizior
Object oriented analysis1992 View Incorporating CASE in the Systems Analysis and Design Course Rajkumar
Object-based model1995 View Introducing Object-Based Concepts in a COBOL Course Marquis
Object-orientation2011 View Teach Them How They Learn: Learning Styles and Information Systems Education Cegielski, Hazen, Rainer
Object-orientation2006 View A Knowledge Assimilation Schema for Acquiring Technical Knowledge Sheu, Wong
Object-orientation1995 View On Teaching an Object-Oriented Database Module in Undergraduate CS/IS Curricula Lim
Object-oriented2000 View An Active Learning Environment for Teaching Object-Oriented Concepts in Business Information Systems Curricula Towell
Object-oriented1993 View Guest Editorial: The Future of Information Systems: Leadership Through Enterprise Integration Kalakota, Whinston
Object-oriented analysis1993 View An Object-Oriented Information Systems Course Rajkumar
Object-oriented analysis & design2003 View An IS Capstone Project: The Mywick Property Management System Myers
Object-oriented databases1995 View On Teaching an Object-Oriented Database Module in Undergraduate CS/IS Curricula Lim
Object-oriented design1994 View Object-Oriented Design: A New Approach to Curriculum Development van Over, Stover
Object-oriented design1993 View An Object-Oriented Information Systems Course Rajkumar
Object-oriented GUI1995 View Restructuring Programming Instruction in the Computer Information Systems Curriculum: One Department's Approach Gotwals, Smith
Object-oriented modeling2020 View Constructive Use of Errors in Teaching the UML Class Diagram in an IS Engineering Course Shmallo, Shrot
Object-oriented programming2007 View A Learning Research Informed Design and Evaluation of a Web-enhanced Object Oriented Programming Seminar Georgantaki, Retalis
Object-oriented programming2006 View Object-Oriented Programming Principles and the Java Class Library Cavaiani
Object-oriented programming2006 View Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Using Visual Basic .NET Ritzhaupt, Zucker
Object-oriented programming2002 View A Theory of the Relationships between Cognitive Requirements of Computer Programming Languages and Programmers’ Cognitive Characteristics White, Sivitanides
Object-oriented programming1993 View An Object-Oriented Information Systems Course Rajkumar
Object-oriented programming1993 View Bringing Object-Oriented Programming into the Undergraduate Computer Information Systems Curriculum Gotwals, Smith
Object-oriented programming1991 View Object-Oriented Programming and the CIS Curriculum Cain
Object-oriented SDLC2011 View The Systems Analysis and Design Course: An Educators’ Assessment of the Importance and Coverage of Topics Hollier, Stevens, Totaro
Object-oriented systems2006 View Introducing the Unified Modeling Language into the Information Systems Curriculum Golden, Matos
Object-relational database2006 View Teaching ORDB with UML Class Diagram in an Advanced Database Course Wang
Objectivist2005 View Balancing Objectivist and Constructivist Pedagogies for Teaching Emerging Technologies: Evidence from a Scandinavian Case Study Nilsen, Purao
Observation research2010 View Team Learning in Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams Andres, Shipps
Off-the-shelf software2005 View SAP-related Education - Status Quo and Experiences Rosemann, Maurizio
Office Live2009 View Microsoft or Google Web 2.0 Tools for Course Management Rienzo, Han
On-campus course characteristics2006 View A Comparison of Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Courses and Degree Programs Wilkes, Simon, Brooks
On-line analytical processing2003 View A Simpler Approach to Set Comparison Queries in SQL Dadashzadeh
One-credit courses1995 View Beyond the Introductory Information Systems Course: A Mini-Course series for Business Students DeMichiell, Lewis
Online auction2005 View Developing Expertise in E-Commerce: A Content Analysis of Students' Knowledge of Online Auctions Foster, Lin
Online case study discussion2006 View How the Teacher's Role Changes in On-line Case Study Discussions Heckman, Annabi
Online communities2013 View Supporting Case-based Learning in Information Security with Web-based Technology He, Yuan, Yang
Online communities2012 View Information Security Trends and Issues in the Moodle E-Learning Platform: An Ethnographic Content Analysis Schultz
Online community2005 View An Emerging On-Line "Third Place" For Information Systems (IS) Students: Some Preliminary Observations Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, Sarker
Online course2006 View A Comparison of Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Courses and Degree Programs Wilkes, Simon, Brooks
Online course characteristics2006 View A Comparison of Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Courses and Degree Programs Wilkes, Simon, Brooks
Online course design2008 View Online Education Forum: Part One - The Shift Toward Online Education Dykman, Davis
Online course design2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Three - A Quality Online Educational Experience Dykman, Davis
Online course design2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Two - Teaching Online Versus Teaching Conventionally Dykman, Davis
Online degree2021 View Agile Course Design: Multi-University Faculty Collaboration to Design the MIS Course for an Online MBA Program Woszczynsk, Pridmore, Bandyopadhyay, Godin, Prince
Online degree program2006 View A Comparison of Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Courses and Degree Programs Wilkes, Simon, Brooks
Online discussion2008 View Assessing Individual-level Factors Supporting Student Intrinsic Motivation in Online Discussions: A Qualitative Study Shroff, Vogel, Coombes
online discussion2004 View Encouraging Online Participation Lam
Online discussions2004 View Strategy for Assessment of Online Course Discussions Hazari
Online education2023 View MOOC Relevance: A Key Determinant of the Success for Massive Open Online Courses Wang, Wang, Albert
Online education2021 View Effectiveness of Educational Delivery Modes: A Study in Computer Information Systems Peslak, Kovalchick, Wang, Kovacs
Online education2020 View Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses Goh, Di Gangi, Gunnells
Online education2016 View Automated Feedback as a Convergence Tool Chenoweth, Corral, Scott
Online education2016 View Design and Emergence of a Pedagogical Online InfoSec Laboratory as an Ensemble Artefact Iqbal
Online education2016 View Supporting Academic Integrity in a Fully-Online Degree Completion Program Through the Use of Synchronous Video Conferences Wagner, Enders, Pirie, Thomas
Online education2014 View Developing and Applying Smartphone Apps in Online Courses Yan, Rawat, Shi, Alnusair
Online education2014 View Game-Based Experiential Learning in Online Management Information Systems Classes Using Intel’s IT Manager 3 Bliemel, Ali-Hassan
Online education2014 View Lessons Learned From Migrating To An Online Electronic Business Management Course Walstrom
Online education2014 View Online IS Education for the 21st Century He, Xu, Kruck
Online education2013 View Supporting Case-based Learning in Information Security with Web-based Technology He, Yuan, Yang
Online education2012 View Does Technology Acceptance Affect E-learning in a Non-Technology-Intensive Course? Buche, Davis, Vician
Online education2012 View Recruiters’ Perceptions of Information Systems Graduates with Traditional and Online Education Tabatabaei, Gardiner
Online education2009 View The Effects of Flow on Learning Outcomes in an Online Information Management Course Rossin, Ro, Klein, Guo
Online education2008 View Online Education Forum: Part One - The Shift Toward Online Education Dykman, Davis
Online education2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Three - A Quality Online Educational Experience Dykman, Davis
Online education2008 View Online Education Forum: Part Two - Teaching Online Versus Teaching Conventionally Dykman, Davis
Online education2004 View Encouraging Online Participation Lam
Online education2002 View Information Systems Security Education: Redressing the Balance of Theory and Practice Hsu, Backhouse
Online education2001 View Recommendations for Developing an Online Course Pollacia
Online employment advertisements2007 View Requisite Skills and Knowledge for Entry-level IT Auditors Merhout, Buchman
Online engagement2023 View Teaching Tip: Active Learning in the IS Classroom: A Student Crowdpolling Exercise for IS Courses McKinney, Jr., Niese, Bhatia
Online engagement2021 View The Effect of Digital Citizenship on Negative Online Behaviors and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education Dunaway, Macharia
Online laboratory2023 View Teaching Tip: Hackalytics: Using Computer Hacking to Engage Students in Analytics Luse, Shadbad
Online laboratory2016 View Design and Emergence of a Pedagogical Online InfoSec Laboratory as an Ensemble Artefact Iqbal
Online learning2024 View Teaching Tip: Threaded Case-Studies to Deepen Engagement in Foundation Business Analytics Courses Kachouie, Williams, Suri
Online learning2022 View Teaching Tip: Promoting Inclusive Online Learning for Students with Disabilities in Information Systems Courses He, Zha, Watson, He
Online learning2009 View Business Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A Comparative Study Tanner, Noser, Totaro
Online learning2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
Online learning2007 View Teaching Practices for Effective Cooperative Learning in an Online Learning Environment (OLE) Hutchinson
Online learning2000 View Achievement Predictors for a Computer-Applications Module Delivered Online Wallace, Clariana
Online learning intention2024 View Awareness of Digital Transformation, Satisfaction, and Intention to Learn Online Through the E-Learning System Among Vietnamese Students: A Case Study at Tra Vinh University Ho
Online learning teams2007 View Improving the Performance of Online Learning Teams - A Discourse Analysis Liu, Burn
Online programming2014 View Review of the Status of Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Chisholm
Online scaffolding2010 View Towards Greater Learner Control: Web Supported Project-Based Learning Guthrie
Online systems1989 View Teaching On-Line Application Programming using CICS Poindexter
Online teaching2010 View Bolstering Teaching through Online Tools Singh, Mangalaraj, Taneja
Online teaching strategies2010 View Evaluation of a Teaching Tool - Wiki - in Online Graduate Education Park, Crocker, Nussey, Springate, Hutchings
Online teaching technologies2010 View Bolstering Teaching through Online Tools Singh, Mangalaraj, Taneja
Online tools2015 View The Impact of Student Expectations in Using Instructional Tools on Student Engagement: A Look through the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory Lens Schwarz, Zhu
Online tools2013 View Supporting Case-based Learning in Information Security with Web-based Technology He, Yuan, Yang
Ontology2006 View A Knowledge Assimilation Schema for Acquiring Technical Knowledge Sheu, Wong
OOP1993 View Bringing Object-Oriented Programming into the Undergraduate Computer Information Systems Curriculum Gotwals, Smith
Open access2019 View Learning by Teaching through Collaborative Tutorial Creation: Experience using GitHub and AsciiDoc Marquardson, Schuetzler
Open access2016 View Perspectives on Open Access Opportunities for IS Research Publication: Potential Benefits for Researchers, Educators, and Students Woszczynsk, Whitman
Open source software2008 View Opening the Classroom Watson, Boudreau, York, Greiner, Wynn
Open source software projects2007 View Involving Software Engineering Students in Open Source Software Projects: Experiences from a Pilot Study Sowe, Stamelos
Operating systems2010 View Demonstrating Operating System Principles via Computer Forensics Exercises Duffy, Davis, Sethi
Oracle1990 View Changing Requirements for the Database Course Curriculum Cain
Oracle1988 View A Pedagogical Comparison of Two Database Management Systems Wright, Simmons
Oracle database2002 View Transaction Management in Distributed Database Systems: The Case of Oracle’s Two-Phase Commit Alkhatib, Labban
Organizational design2003 View The Dag-Brücken ASRS Case Study Jewels
Organizational system2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Failed Implementation of an Electronic Health Records System Gomillion
Organizational system2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Re-Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: Preparing for a Successful Adoption after a Failed Attempt Gomillion
Organizational system2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Stalled Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: IT Governance and Employee Succession Gomillion
OSI model2001 View Using the OSI Model to Teach Problem Solving Cavaiani
Outcome assessment2008 View A Methodology to Assist Faculty in Developing Successful Approaches for Achieving Learner Centered Information Systems Curriculum Outcomes: Team Based Methods Wagner, Longenecker, Landry, Lusk, Saulnier
Outcome-driven learning model2007 View Outcome-Driven Experiential Learning with Web 2.0 Huang, Behara
Outcomes-based education2008 View Why is the Learner-Centered Paradigm So Profoundly Important for Information Systems Education? Landry, Saulnier, Wagner, Longenecker
Outcomes-based learning2013 View Playing Jeopardy in the Classroom: An Empirical Study Simkin
Outsourcing2023 View Teaching Tip: Active Learning in the IS Classroom: A Student Crowdpolling Exercise for IS Courses McKinney, Jr., Niese, Bhatia
Outsourcing2014 View Opportunity out of Disaster Cundiff, Cundiff, Ward, McCallum, Rich, Truax, Ward, Havelka, Traux, Rich, McCallum
Outsourcing2010 View Outsourcing a High Speed Internet Access Project: An Information Technology Class Case Study in Three Parts Platt, Carper, McCool