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KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
Packaged software implementation2003 View Configuring an ERP System: Introducing Best Practices or Hampering Flexibility? Volkoff
Packet analysis2008 View Tools and Techniques for Simplifying the Analysis of Captured Packet Data Cavaiani
Paid search2009 View Using Google AdWords in the MBA MIS Course Rosso, McClelland, Jansen, Fleming
Pair programming2018 View Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda Sharp, Lang
Pair programming2018 View Do Pair Programming Approaches Transcend Coding? Measuring Agile Attitudes in Diverse Information Systems Courses Chen, Rea
Pair-programming2006 View Implementing Virtual Pair Programming in E-Learning Environment Zin, Idris, Subramaniam
pandemic2022 View Change in Students’ Peer Evaluations of Requirements Elicitation Interviews Across the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic-Affected Semesters Babik, Babik
paper prototyping2020 View How to Teach Information Systems Students to Design Better User Interfaces through Paper Prototyping Scialdone, Connolly
Paperless migration2023 View Teaching Case: Central University Medical Center: A Proposed Paperless Patient Registration System Lou, Chang, Chen
Parallel processing computing2005 View Demonstration of Parallel Processing Computing: A Scalable Linux Personal Computer Cluster Approach Rine, Kleist, McConahey
Parallels2009 View Virtualization Technologies in Information Systems Education Lunsford
Partial least squares model2009 View Synthesizing Huber's Problem Solving and Kolb's Learning Cycle: A Balanced Approach to Technical Problem Solving Kamis, Kahn
Participative learning2005 View An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Collaborative Testing in an Entry-Level Computer Programming Class Simkin
Participative systems1989 View Using Facilitated Team Techniques to Define Information System Requirements Lockwood
Partnerships2019 View Building a K-16-Industry Partnership to Train IT Professionals Hoanca, Craig
Partnerships2003 View Meaningful Information Systems Internships Carpenter
Payment mechanisms2003 View The U.S. Treasury Tests a New Payment Mechanism Gelinas, Gogan, Wade
PDA-enhanced courses2004 View Role Preference: Are Handheld Computers an Educational or Personal Technology? Jones, Johnson, Bentley
Pedagogical experience2009 View Virtual Worlds as a Context Suited for Information Systems Education: Discussion of Pedagogical Experience and Curriculum Design with Reference to Second Life Dreher, Reiners, Dreher, Dreher
Pedagogical issues2007 View A Student-Centric Approach to Large Introductory IS Survey Courses Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
Pedagogical pattern2002 View Teaching Web Development Technologies: Past, Present, and (Near) Future Lim
Pedagogy2023 View AIS Teaching Curation Project: The Introductory Course in Information Systems Burleson, Nabity-Grover, Jetha
Pedagogy2023 View Question Driven Introductory Programming Instruction: A Pilot Study Dawar
Pedagogy2023 View Teaching Tip: A Teaching Module Illustrating ERP Item Value Automation Singh, Bhadauria, Mangalaraj
Pedagogy2023 View Teaching Tip: Hook, Line, and Sinker – The Development of a Phishing Exercise to Enhance Cybersecurity Awareness Young, Farshadkhah
Pedagogy2022 View Invited Paper: Getting Published in JISE: A Practical Guide from the Editors Freeman, Zhang
Pedagogy2022 View Management Information Systems Education: A Systematic Review Elrod, Stanley, Cudney, Hilgers, Graham
Pedagogy2022 View Teaching Tip: Socio-Cultural Learning to Increase Student Engagement in Introduction to MIS Connolly, Mutchler, Rush
Pedagogy2021 View Social Media: Computing Education Perspectives in Diverse Educational Contexts Paliktzoglou, Oyelere, Suhonen, Mramba
Pedagogy2021 View Teaching Tip: A System to Automate Scaffolding and Formative Assessment While Preventing Plagiarism: Enhancing Learning in IS and Analytics Courses That Use Excel Frost, Matta, Kenyo
Pedagogy2020 View A Hands-On Simulation to Teach Cash-to-Cash Manufacturing Operating Cycle Processes in a Purchasing, Operations, and Supply Chain Management Context Whitelock
Pedagogy2020 View Active Learning Using Debates in an IT Strategy Course Woods
Pedagogy2020 View Agile Teaching and Learning in Information Systems Education: An Analysis and Categorization of Literature Sharp, Mitchell, Lang
Pedagogy2020 View An Agile Framework for Teaching with Scrum in the IT Project Management Classroom Rush, Connolly
Pedagogy2020 View Enhancing ERP Learning Outcomes through Microsoft Dynamics Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sengupta, Schultz
Pedagogy2020 View Improved Teaching of Database Schema Modeling by Visualizing Changes in Levels of Abstraction Katz
Pedagogy2019 View A Generalized, Enterprise-Level Systems Development Process Framework for Systems Analysis and Design Education Topi, Spurrier
Pedagogy2019 View Four Important Strategic Issues for Computer Information Systems Education Saulnier, Ceccucci, Sendall, Peslak
Pedagogy2019 View Pedagogy for Business Analytics Courses Jeyaraj
Pedagogy2019 View The Changing Landscape of IS Education: An Introduction to the Special Issue Freeman, Taylor
Pedagogy2018 View Adding Intercultural Communication to an IS Curriculum Mitchell, Benyon
Pedagogy2018 View Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda Sharp, Lang
Pedagogy2017 View Approaches to Incorporating IT Entrepreneurship into the Information Systems Curriculum Jones, Liu
Pedagogy2016 View Exploring Reflective Means to Handle Plagiarism Dalaa
Pedagogy2015 View Design and Delivery of a New Course of Information Technology for Small Business Wang, Wang
Pedagogy2014 View Health Informatics in the Classroom: An Empirical Study to Investigate Higher Education’s Response to Healthcare Transformation Ashrafi, Kuilboer, Joshi, Ran, Pande
Pedagogy2014 View IS Course Success in Liberal Arts Institutions – What’s the Formula? Ghosh, Naik, Li
Pedagogy2014 View Teaching Business Process Management with Simulation in Graduate Business Programs: An Integrative Approach Saraswat, Anderson, Chircu
Pedagogy2014 View Towards The Gamification of Learning: Investigating Student Perceptions of Game Elements Cheong, Filippou, Cheong
Pedagogy2013 View Detecting Plagiarism in MS Access Assignments Singh
Pedagogy2013 View Playing Jeopardy in the Classroom: An Empirical Study Simkin
Pedagogy2012 View Applying Analogical Reasoning Techniques for Teaching XML Document Querying Skills in Database Classes Mitri
Pedagogy2012 View Experience is a Good Teacher: Integrating Service and Learning in Information Systems Education Lee
Pedagogy2012 View Implementation of an Automated Grading System with an Adaptive Learning Component to Affect Student Feedback and Response Time Matthews, Janicki, He, Patterson
Pedagogy2012 View Improving IS Enrollment Choices: The Role of Social Support Akbulut
Pedagogy2012 View Writing IS Teaching Tips: Guidelines for JISE Submission Lending, Vician
Pedagogy2011 View Enhancing Student Learning Of Enterprise Integration Business Process Orientation Through ERP Business Simulation Game Seethamraju
Pedagogy2011 View Teaching IS Ethics: Applying A Research Technique For Classroom Use Niederman, Taylor, Dick, Land, Taylor
Pedagogy2011 View Using Debates to Teach Information Ethics Peace
Pedagogy2010 View Bolstering Teaching through Online Tools Singh, Mangalaraj, Taneja
Pedagogy2009 View The IS Core: An Integration of the Core IS Courses Albrecht, Romney, Lowry, Moody
Pedagogy2008 View The Recovery Care and Treatment Center: A Database Design and Development Case Harris, Vaught
Pedagogy2003 View The Integration of Technology Theory and Business Analysis: A Pedagogical Framework for the Undergraduate MIS Course in Data Communications and Networking Gendron, Jarmoszko
Pedagogy2003 View The Introductory MIS Course: Using TQM to Tame the Widow-Maker Holmes
Pedagogy2001 View An Approach to Teaching Multiple Computer Languages Wang
Pedagogy1994 View Integrating Ethics into Information Systems Courses: A Multi-Method Approach Based on Role Playing Glass
Pedagogy1992 View Professional Ethics in the Information Systems Classroom: Getting Started! Smith
Pedagogy1990 View Information System Ethics: Refining the Pedagogy Cohen, Cornwell
Peer assessment2008 View Engaging Students with Constructivist Participatory Examinations in Asynchronous Learning Networks Wu, Bieber, Hiltz
Peer evaluation2022 View Change in Students’ Peer Evaluations of Requirements Elicitation Interviews Across the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic-Affected Semesters Babik, Babik
Peer evaluation2020 View Constructive Use of Errors in Teaching the UML Class Diagram in an IS Engineering Course Shmallo, Shrot
Peer evaluation2018 View Relationship between Teamwork and Team Performance: Experiences from an ERPsim Competition Hwang
Peer evaluation2013 View Evaluating the Impact and Determinants of Student Team Performance: Using LMS and CATME Data Braender, Naples
Peer evaluation2010 View Experience on Mashup Development with End User Programming Environment Yue
Peer evaluation2000 View Problem-Based Learning in a Systems Analysis Course Luce
Peer learning2024 View A Process-Focused Experiential Approach to IT Education Using Peer Learning St. John, St. John
Peer learning2004 View Addressing Commercial Realism and Academic Issues in Group-Based IS Undergraduate Project Work Jones, McMaster
Peer learning2004 View Encouraging Online Participation Lam
Peer review2022 View Invited Paper: Editing Special Issues of JISE: Practical Guidance and Recommendations Lang, Zhang, Connolly
Peer review2010 View Team-Based Peer Review as a Form of Formative Assessment - The Case of a Systems Analysis and Design Workshop Lavy, Yadin
Peer review2006 View Mitigating Negative Behaviors in Student Project Teams: An Information Technology Solution Brandyberry, Bakke
Peer review2005 View Peer Review to Support Student Assessment in Teams Goode, Teh
Peer review2003 View Introducing Peer Review in an IS Analysis Course Sindre, Moody, Brasethvik, Sølvberg
Peer review2001 View Integrating Student Groupwork Ratings into Student Course Grades Reif, Kruck
Peer reviews1991 View The Effectiveness of Peer Reviews and Project Logs in Team Projects McDonald, McDonald
Peer teaching2003 View Systematic Personal Training by Letting Students Teach each Other Kjellin, Stenfors
Peer-and-self assessment2005 View Peer-and-Self Assessment to Reveal the Ranking of Each Individual's Contribution to a Group Project Tu, Lu
Pellerin's 4-D system2015 View Managing Software Engineering Student Teams Using Pellerin's 4-D System Doman, Besmer, Olsen
Penetration testing2020 View The Development of a Red Teaming Service-Learning Course Young
Perceived challenge2019 View How Does Competition Help Future Learning in Serious Games? An Exploratory Study in Learning Search Engine Optimization Lee, Lui, Chau
Perceived computer experience2008 View The Impact of Students' Perceived Computer Experience on Behavior and Performance in an Introductory Information Systems Course Ballou, Huguenard
Perceived control2019 View How Does Competition Help Future Learning in Serious Games? An Exploratory Study in Learning Search Engine Optimization Lee, Lui, Chau
Perceived enjoyment2008 View A Preliminary Examination of the Factors for Knowledge Sharing in Technology Mediated Learning Hwang
Perceived performance impacts2018 View Applying an Extended Task-Technology Fit for Establishing Determinants of Mobile Learning: An Instant Messaging Initiative Bere
Perceived usefulness2004 View The Role of Social Presence and Moderating Role of Computer Self Efficacy in Predicting the Continuance Usage of E-Learning Systems Hayashi, Chen, Ryan, Wu
Performance2004 View A Study of Student Performance In Combined Courses Etzkorn, Weisskop, Gholston
Performance predictors2000 View Achievement Predictors for a Computer-Applications Module Delivered Online Wallace, Clariana
Personal relevance2023 View MOOC Relevance: A Key Determinant of the Success for Massive Open Online Courses Wang, Wang, Albert
Personality2005 View Personality and Programming Woszczynsk, Guthrie, Shade
Personality2003 View Faculty and Industry Conceptions of Successful Computer Programmers Sterling, Brinthaupt
Personality1999 View Correlated Factors of Success: Personality, Creativity and Academic Achievement Among IS Students Hignite, Satzinger, Margavio
Personalized system of instruction (PSI)2016 View Design and Emergence of a Pedagogical Online InfoSec Laboratory as an Ensemble Artefact Iqbal
Personnel integration1988 View MANPRINT – An Emerging Systems Planning Methodology Cardinali
Phenomenographic research1996 View The Role Played Case: An Experiential Approach to Teaching Introductory Information Systems Development Cope, Horan
Phenomenography2005 View Student Understandings of Information Systems Design, Learning and Teaching: A Phenomenography Approach Rose, Le Heron, Sofat
Phishing2023 View Teaching Tip: Hook, Line, and Sinker – The Development of a Phishing Exercise to Enhance Cybersecurity Awareness Young, Farshadkhah
Piracy1990 View Information System Ethics: Refining the Pedagogy Cohen, Cornwell
Pirating1990 View A Comparison of the Fortune 500 and AACSB-Accredited Universities' Software Copying Policies Athey
Pitfalls in analyzing systems2006 View Pitfalls in Analyzing Systems in Organizations Alter
Plagiarism2021 View Teaching Tip: A System to Automate Scaffolding and Formative Assessment While Preventing Plagiarism: Enhancing Learning in IS and Analytics Courses That Use Excel Frost, Matta, Kenyo
Plagiarism2016 View Academic Integrity: Information Systems Education Perspective McHaney, Cronan, Douglas
Plagiarism2016 View Exploring Reflective Means to Handle Plagiarism Dalaa
Plagiarism2016 View Ten Years in the Academic Integrity Trenches: Experiences and Issues Atkinson, Nau, Symons
Plagiarism2013 View Detecting Plagiarism in MS Access Assignments Singh
Plagiarism2012 View Plagiarism and Programming: A Survey of Student Attitudes Aasheim, Rutner, Li, Williams
Plagiarism2003 View How to Reduce Plagiarism Born
Plagiarism2001 View Reducing Effects of Plagiarism in Programming Classes Bowyer, Hall
Play2001 View The Effectiveness of Computer-Based "Game Show" Formats in Survey Courses: A Quasi-Experiment Brandyberry, Pardue
Playing cards2019 View “The Data Shuffle”: Using Playing Cards to Illustrate Data Management Concepts to a Broad Audience Agogo, Anderson
PMBOK2004 View Project Management Courses in IS Graduate Programs: What is Being Taught? Du, Johnson, Keil
Podcast2009 View Web 2.0 and Virtual World Technologies: A Growing Impact on IS Education Harris, Rea
Policies1993 View A Study of Microcomputer Resource Policies at Two- and Four-Year Colleges and Universities Parker
Polya2000 View Using Polya to Teach System Development Methodologies: Fostering a Role Perspective in IS Students Pardue, Doran, Longenecker
Portfolio assessment2013 View Utilizing Classroom Simulation to Convey Key Concepts in IT Portfolio Management Larson
Postgraduate course2002 View A Popular Postgraduate Information Systems Security Course Stevens, Jamieson
Postgraduate education2023 View Reflections on Supervising the Postgraduate Students’ Design Science Research Thesis Pekkola
Postgraduate education2002 View Securing the Commercial Internet: Lessons Learned in Developing a Postgraduate Course in Information Security Management Cockcroft
Power BI desktop2024 View Teaching Tip: Using Text Analytics AI Insights in Microsoft Power BI Desktop to Score Sentiments, Extract Key Phrases, and Discover Unstructured Data Patterns Liu, Downing
Practical experience2001 View Integrating Real Practical Experience in ICT Education de Brock
Practical relevance2009 View Designing IS Curricula for Practical Relevance: Applying Baseball's "Moneyball" Theory Surendra, Denton
Prerequisite course requirements2009 View The Impact of a Computer Proficiency Exam on Business Students’ Admission to and Performance in a Higher-Level IT Course Rondeau, Li
Prerequisites2003 View An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Success in Mathematics and Visual Programming Courses White, Sivitanides
Presence2000 View An Active Learning Environment for Teaching Object-Oriented Concepts in Business Information Systems Curricula Towell
Presentation graphics1992 View Integrating Multimedia Topics in Graphics Courses Rajkumar
Principal component analysis2009 View The Importance of Synchronous Interaction for Student Satisfaction with Course Web Sites Cao, Griffin, Bai
Privacy2023 View Privacy Education Effectiveness: Does It Matter? Heinrich, Gerhart
Privacy2019 View Strategic Actions in a Platform Context: What Should Facebook Do Next? Larson, Vieregger
Privacy2018 View Congratulations! …to the World? One Person’s Experience with Social Media Larson
Privacy2012 View Exploring factors that influence students’ behaviors in information security Yoon, Hwang, Hwang, Kim
Privacy2011 View Integrating Healthcare Ethical Issues Into IS Education Cellucci, Campbell, Zeng, Layman
Privacy2011 View Teaching Ethical Reflexivity in Information Systems: How to Equip Students to Deal With Moral and Ethical Issues of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies Stahl
Privacy2000 View Pornography on the Dean's PC: An Ethics and Computing Case Study Bowyer
Proactive approach2003 View How to Reduce Plagiarism Born
Problem solving2023 View Learning by Doing: Educators’ Perspective on an Illustrative Tool for AI-Generated Scaffolding for Students in Conceptualizing Design Science Research Studies Memmert, Tavanapour, Bittner
Problem solving2019 View Teaching Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Design Thinking: Preparing IS Students for the Future Matthee, Turpin
Problem solving2018 View Do Pair Programming Approaches Transcend Coding? Measuring Agile Attitudes in Diverse Information Systems Courses Chen, Rea
Problem solving2007 View Frontiers for Learner-Centered IS Education Law
Problem solving2001 View Using the OSI Model to Teach Problem Solving Cavaiani
Problem solving2000 View Using Polya to Teach System Development Methodologies: Fostering a Role Perspective in IS Students Pardue, Doran, Longenecker
Problem solving1993 View Essential Element for Viability of IS Education: Improving our Creativity Couger
Problem solving1990 View Does Instruction in Computer Programming Improve Problem Solving Ability? VanLengen, Maddux
Problem-based learning2008 View Defining Projects to Integrate Evolving Team Fundamentals and Project Management Skills Smith, Smarkusky, Corrigall
Problem-based learning2004 View Addressing Commercial Realism and Academic Issues in Group-Based IS Undergraduate Project Work Jones, McMaster
Problem-based learning2000 View Problem-Based Learning in a Systems Analysis Course Luce
Problem-based learning (PBL)2022 View Digital Strategy in Information Systems: A Literature Review and an Educational Solution Based on Problem-Based Learning Dang, Vartiainen
Problem-based learning (PBL)2018 View Coping with Uncertainty in an Agile Systems Development Course Taipalus, Seppänen, Pirhonen
Problem-based learning (PBL)2015 View Active Learning via a Sample Database: The Case of Microsoft's Adventure Works Mitri
Problem-based learning (PBL)2013 View IS Learning: The Impact of Gender and Team Emotional Intelligence Dunaway
Problem-based learning (PBL)2010 View Teaching ERP systems: A multi-perspective view on the ERP system market Winkelmann, Leyh
Problem-based learning (PBL)2009 View An Approach to Reducing Cognitive Load in the Teaching of Introductory Database Concepts Bunch
Problem-solving process2024 View Cognitive Aspects in Problem Solving: The Case of a Data Structures Course for IS Students Barzilai, Sherman, Leiba, Spiegel
Procedural programming2003 View An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Success in Mathematics and Visual Programming Courses White, Sivitanides
Procedural programming2002 View A Theory of the Relationships between Cognitive Requirements of Computer Programming Languages and Programmers’ Cognitive Characteristics White, Sivitanides
Process2004 View A Systematic Framework for Conducting Research Projects in Undergraduate Courses Mustafa
Process2004 View Exploring Process, Enterprise Integration and E-business Concepts in the Classroom: The Case of petPRO Hajnal, Riordan
Process improvement2014 View Hippi Care Hospital: Towards Proactive Business Processes in Emergency Room Services Tan, Shankararaman
Process improvement2014 View Teaching Business Process Management with Simulation in Graduate Business Programs: An Integrative Approach Saraswat, Anderson, Chircu
Process improvement2013 View Enterprise Architecture Specification Case Study Steenkamp, Daigle, Gai, Swaby, Almasri, Khattab, Swaby, Abaas, Khattab, Gai, Almasri, Alawdah
Process improvement2011 View GlobePort Faces Global Business Challenges – Assessing the Organizational Side of Information Systems Projects Ghosh
Process losses1995 View Group Collaboration in Information Systems Class Projects: Survey and Critical Success Factors Phan
Process Modeling2022 View Teaching Case: Design and Development of a Special Population Resource Connection Database Schwieger
Process tracing2009 View Synthesizing Huber's Problem Solving and Kolb's Learning Cycle: A Balanced Approach to Technical Problem Solving Kamis, Kahn
Procurement2010 View Mobile Phone Service Process Hiccups At Cellular, Inc. Edgington
Product owner2024 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Scrum Product Owner Competencies Using an Experiential Learning Simulation Thouin, Hefley
Production operations management1996 View Information/Systems and Quantitative Core Courses in AACSB Accredited Business Schools Lawrence, Relsman
Productivity2018 View Do Pair Programming Approaches Transcend Coding? Measuring Agile Attitudes in Diverse Information Systems Courses Chen, Rea
Productivity2010 View The Impact of IQ+EQ+CQ Integration on Student Productivity in Web Design and Development Zhao, Zhao
Professional identity2022 View Can e-Learning Enable the Transition to University for Computing and Electronic Engineering Students from Low Socio-Economic Status? A Socio-Cultural Approach Kaniadakis, Padumadasa
Professional knowledge and competence2005 View Developing Expertise in E-Commerce: A Content Analysis of Students' Knowledge of Online Auctions Foster, Lin
Professional skills2003 View Service-Learning in Information Systems Courses: Community Projects that Make a Difference Hoxmeier, Lenk
Proficiency model2023 View A Proficiency Model for Design Science Research Education Hevner, vom Brocke
Proficiency testing2013 View Play for Performance: Using Computer Games to Improve Motivation and Test-Taking Performance Dennis, Bhagwatwar, Minas
Profit improvement2009 View Enhancing Knowledge Integration: An Information System Capstone Project Steiger
Profit improvement2008 View Knowledge Creation through User-Guided Data Mining: A Database Case Steiger
Program assessment2008 View Using Projects Scoring Rubrics to Assess Student Learning in an Information Systems Program Petkov, Petkova, D'Onofrio, Jarmoszko
Program assessment2000 View Competency-Based Educational Program Effectiveness Assessment Johnson
Program assessment & design2023 View A Data-Driven Approach to Compare the Syntactic Difficulty of Programming Languages Lokkila, Christopoulos, Laakso
Program assessment & design2018 View Moving Forward by Looking Backward: Embracing Pedagogical Principles to Develop an Innovative MSIS Program Shah, Kumar, Smart
Program assessment & design2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
Program assessment & design2015 View A Complementary Measure of MIS Program Outcomes: Useful Insights from a Student Perspective Karsten, Roth
Program assessment & design2014 View Developing Health Information Technology (HIT) Programs and HIT Curriculum: The Southern Polytechnic State University Experience Zhang, Reichgelt, Rutherfoord, Wang
Program assessment & design2014 View Preparing Information Systems Graduates for a Complex Society: Aligning IS Curriculum with Liberal Education Learning Outcomes Pratt, Keys, Wirkus
Program assessment & design2013 View An Undergraduate Information Security Program: More than a Curriculum Woodward, Imboden, Martin
Program assessment & design2012 View Assessing Information Systems and Computer Information Systems Programs from a Balanced Scorecard Perspective Kim, Yue, Al-Mubaid, Perkins-Hall, Abeysekera
Program assessment & design2012 View Directors Guild of America Health Plan Eligibility: A Data Flow Analysis and Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Program assessment & design2011 View Curriculum mapping as a tool for continuous improvement of IS curriculum Veltri, Webb, Matveev, Zapatero
Program funding2010 View Student Projects as a Funding Source Henson
Program improvement2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
Program improvement2015 View Data Analytics vs. Data Science: A Study of Similarities and Differences in Undergraduate Programs Based on Course Descriptions Aasheim, Williams, Rutner, Gardiner
Program improvement2013 View An Undergraduate Information Security Program: More than a Curriculum Woodward, Imboden, Martin
Program outcomes2014 View Preparing Information Systems Graduates for a Complex Society: Aligning IS Curriculum with Liberal Education Learning Outcomes Pratt, Keys, Wirkus
Program promotion2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
Program promotion2014 View Promoting Information Systems Major to Undergraduate Students - A Comprehensive Investigation Li, Zhang, Zheng
Programmer success criteria2003 View Faculty and Industry Conceptions of Successful Computer Programmers Sterling, Brinthaupt
Programmer/analyst2008 View Analysis of Skills Requirement for Entry-Level Programmer/Analysts in Fortune 500 Corporations Lee, Han
Programming2023 View Teaching Case: Using Python and AWS for NoSQL in a BI Course Mitri
Programming2021 View A Teaching Module of No-Code Business App Development Wang, Wang
Programming2018 View Scrum-Based Learning Environment: Fostering Self-Regulated Learning Linden
Programming2016 View Automated Feedback as a Convergence Tool Chenoweth, Corral, Scott
Programming2014 View The Flipped Classroom Mok
Programming2012 View Increasing Student Performance Through the Use of Web Services in Introductory Programming Classrooms: Results from a Series of Quasi-Experiments Hosack, Lim, Vogt
Programming2012 View Plagiarism and Programming: A Survey of Student Attitudes Aasheim, Rutner, Li, Williams
Programming2011 View IS 2010 and ABET Accreditation: An Analysis of ABET-Accredited Information Systems Programs Saulnier, White
Programming2009 View CFC (Comment-First-Coding) - A Simple yet Effective Method for Teaching Programming to Information Systems Students Sengupta
Programming2007 View Computers-for-edu: An Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) Teaching Case Boyle
Programming2006 View Implementing Virtual Pair Programming in E-Learning Environment Zin, Idris, Subramaniam
Programming2005 View Faculty Attitudes toward COBOL and its Place among other Programming Languages in the AACSB Business College Curriculum within the United States Ruby
Programming2004 View Teaching Flowcharting with FlowC Gill
Programming2003 View An IS Capstone Project: The Mywick Property Management System Myers
Programming1995 View Restructuring Programming Instruction in the Computer Information Systems Curriculum: One Department's Approach Gotwals, Smith
Programming1992 View Check Digits: Domain Implementation in Microcomputer Databases Hartley, Scott, Hayen
Programming aptitude1999 View YES: Women Do Have an Aptitude for Programming! Geigner, Schambach
Programming assignments2010 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments: An Empirical Study of its Effectiveness Newby, Nguyen
Programming assignments2007 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments Newby, Nguyen
Programming environments2007 View A Learning Research Informed Design and Evaluation of a Web-enhanced Object Oriented Programming Seminar Georgantaki, Retalis
Programming instruction2009 View Interpreting Beyond Syntactics: A Semiotic Learning Model for Computer Programming Languages May, Dhillon
Programming languages2021 View First Course Programming Languages within US Business College MIS Curricula Smith, Jones
Programming languages2011 View Design and Delivery of Multiple Server-Side Computer Languages Course Wang, Wang
Programming languages2005 View Faculty Attitudes toward COBOL and its Place among other Programming Languages in the AACSB Business College Curriculum within the United States Ruby
Programming languages2004 View A Technical Module for the E-Commerce Course Chopoorian, Wang
Programming languages2003 View An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Success in Mathematics and Visual Programming Courses White, Sivitanides
Programming languages2002 View A Theory of the Relationships between Cognitive Requirements of Computer Programming Languages and Programmers’ Cognitive Characteristics White, Sivitanides
Programming languages1990 View A Fourth Generation Approach to the Introductory Programming Course Augustine, Surynt
Programming principles2005 View Personality and Programming Woszczynsk, Guthrie, Shade
Programming skills2000 View Critical Skills of IS Professionals: Developing a Curriculum for the Future Wilkins, Noll
Programming style2007 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments Newby, Nguyen
Programming techniques1991 View Introduction to Programming Using dBASE Dekleva
Programs2005 View The Accreditation Process for IS Programs in Business Schools Challa, Kasper, Redmond
Project2008 View Enabling Customization through Web Development: An Iterative Study of the Dell Computer Corporation Website Liu, Mackie
Project2006 View Challenging Students: Reflections on the Development and Delivery of an Undergraduate Module That Introduces the Full Systems Development Life Cycle McRobb
Project1995 View A Decision Support System for Student Transfer Advising Mathieson, Lederer
Project1993 View The Database Project: Maximizing its Value Rollier
Project assessment2008 View Using Projects Scoring Rubrics to Assess Student Learning in an Information Systems Program Petkov, Petkova, D'Onofrio, Jarmoszko
Project development2004 View A First Case Project in Visual Basic.Net: Preparing an Income Tax Return Simkin
Project documentation2000 View Launching the Project: An Exercise for Demonstrating the Impact of Team Communications on Project Success Duclos, Cyphert
Project logs1991 View The Effectiveness of Peer Reviews and Project Logs in Team Projects McDonald, McDonald
Project management2024 View A Process-Focused Experiential Approach to IT Education Using Peer Learning St. John, St. John
Project management2020 View An Agile Framework for Teaching with Scrum in the IT Project Management Classroom Rush, Connolly
Project management2020 View Evaluating Learner-Centeredness Course Pedagogy in Project Management Syllabi Using a Content Analysis Approach Karanja, Grant
Project management2020 View Exploring Which Agile Principles Students Internalize When Using a Kanban Process Methodology Saltz, Heckman
Project management2019 View Four Strategies for Driving a University Pre-College Computing Outreach Program Landry, Barnett, Chapman, McCullough
Project management2018 View A Three Cohort Study of Role-Play Instruction for Agile Project Management Schmitz
Project management2018 View Origami: An Active Learning Exercise for Scrum Project Management Sibona, Pourreza, Hill
Project management2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Failed Implementation of an Electronic Health Records System Gomillion
Project management2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Re-Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: Preparing for a Successful Adoption after a Failed Attempt Gomillion
Project management2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Stalled Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: IT Governance and Employee Succession Gomillion
Project management2016 View Play Ball: Bringing Scrum into the Classroom May, York, Lending
Project management2014 View Opportunity out of Disaster Cundiff, Cundiff, Ward, McCallum, Rich, Truax, Ward, Havelka, Traux, Rich, McCallum
Project management2013 View Utilizing Classroom Simulation to Convey Key Concepts in IT Portfolio Management Larson
Project management2012 View Implementation of an Interorganizational System: The Case of Medical Insurance E-clearance Bose, Liu, Ye
Project management2012 View Lessons Learned from Client Projects in an Undergraduate Project Management Course Pollard
Project management2012 View Planning and Sprinting: Use of a Hybrid Project Management Methodology within a CIS Capstone Course Baird, Riggins
Project management2011 View Designing an Academic Project Management Program: A Collaboration between a University and a PMI Chapter Poston, Richardson
Project management2011 View The Challenge of Implementing an ERP System in a Small and Medium Enterprise- A Teaching Case of ERP Project Management Xu, Rondeau, Mahenthiran
Project management2010 View Outsourcing a High Speed Internet Access Project: An Information Technology Class Case Study in Three Parts Platt, Carper, McCool
Project management2009 View Improving the Communication Skills of IS Developers during Requirements Elicitation using Experiential Learning Qurban, Austria
Project management2008 View Defining Projects to Integrate Evolving Team Fundamentals and Project Management Skills Smith, Smarkusky, Corrigall
Project management2007 View Technical Staffing Crises and Managing Systems Projects Davis
Project management2007 View Two Information Technology Classroom Minicases: Benefits Assessments and Implementation Issues Davis
Project management2006 View An Update on the IS/IT Skills Gap Kim, Hsu, Stern
Project management2001 View Integrating Real Practical Experience in ICT Education de Brock
Project management skills2003 View Service-Learning in Information Systems Courses: Community Projects that Make a Difference Hoxmeier, Lenk
Project scaffolding2008 View Defining Projects to Integrate Evolving Team Fundamentals and Project Management Skills Smith, Smarkusky, Corrigall
Project teams2000 View Launching the Project: An Exercise for Demonstrating the Impact of Team Communications on Project Success Duclos, Cyphert
Project teams1999 View Teaching Teamwork in Information Systems Courses Van Slyke, Trimmer, Kittner
Project-based learning2021 View Design Thinking and Mobile App Development: A Teaching Protocol Shahrasbi, Jin, Zheng
Project-based learning2015 View Design and Delivery of a New Course of Information Technology for Small Business Wang, Wang
Project-based learning2013 View The GET Immersion Experience: A New Model for Leveraging the Synergies between Industry and Academia Saltz, Serva, Heckman
Project-based learning2012 View Lessons Learned from Client Projects in an Undergraduate Project Management Course Pollard
Project-based learning2011 View Designing an Academic Project Management Program: A Collaboration between a University and a PMI Chapter Poston, Richardson
Project-based learning2011 View LAN Configuration and Analysis: Projects for the Data Communications and Networking Course Chen, Brabston
Project-based learning2010 View Towards Greater Learner Control: Web Supported Project-Based Learning Guthrie
Project-based learning2009 View Moral Problems Perceived by Industry in Collaboration with a Student Group: Balancing between Beneficial Objectives and Upholding Relations Vartiainen
Project-based learning2006 View A Constructivist-Based Approach to Teaching Database Analysis and Design Connolly, Begg
Project-based teamwork approach2005 View Collaborative Project Across Three Hong Kong Universities: A Case Study in E-Commerce Education Ngai, Lok, Ng, Lo, Wong
Project-centric curriculum2008 View Controlling Curriculum Redesign with a Process Improvement Model Drinka, Yen
Project-intensive1992 View Guidelines for a Practical Approach to the Database Management Systems Course Couger
Promotion2000 View The Evolving Role of Faculty: Traditional Scholarship, Instructional Scholarship and Service Scholarship Owen, Daigle, Doran, Feinstein
Protocol1993 View The Business Protocol Expert System: An International Business Manners Advisor Liebowitz
Prototype2005 View Active Learning Model for Teaching B2B e-Marketplaces Gricar, Pucihar, Lenart
Psychology1990 View Information System Ethics: Refining the Pedagogy Cohen, Cornwell
Public key encryption2009 View An Inexpensive Device for Teaching Public Key Encryption Pendegraft