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Search returned 475 items for : S

KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
Salaries2006 View Market Power of ERP Education - An Investigative Analysis Sager, Mensching, Corbitt, Connolly
Sales training1994 View Close the Deal and Deliver the System: Sales Training for IS Developers Lassila
Salesforce2024 View Teaching Tip: Enhancing Student’s Understanding of Enterprise Systems Using Salesforce Triche, Dong, London, Baied
SAMR framework2018 View Enhancing and Transforming Global Learning Communities with Augmented Reality Frydenberg, Andone
SAP2008 View Proposing a New Framework and an Innovative Approach to Teaching Reengineering and ERP Implementation Concepts Pellerin, Hadaya
SAP2007 View Enterprise Systems (ES) Software in Business School Curriculum - Evaluation of Design and Delivery Seethamraju
SAP2006 View Using a Simulation Game Approach to Teach Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts Leger
SAP2005 View SAP-related Education - Status Quo and Experiences Rosemann, Maurizio
SAP2004 View A Customized ERP/SAP Model for Business Curriculum Integration Johnson, Lorents, Morgan, Ozmun
SAP2004 View Twelve Tips for Successfully Integrating Enterprise Systems Across the Curriculum Fedorowicz, Gelinas, Usoff, Hachey
SAP education2007 View Computers-for-edu: An Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) Teaching Case Boyle
SAP education2006 View Skill Requirements of ERP Graduates Boyle, Strong
SAP R/32006 View Market Power of ERP Education - An Investigative Analysis Sager, Mensching, Corbitt, Connolly
SAP R/32005 View A Twelve-Step, Multiple Course Approach to Teaching Enterprise Resource Planning Peslak
SAP R/32004 View Best Practices of Business Simulation with SAP R/3 Draijer, Schenk
SAP reporting2007 View Computers-for-edu: An Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) Teaching Case Boyle
Satisfaction2007 View IP Teleconferencing in the Wired Classroom: Gratifications for Distance Education Stafford, Lindsey
Satisfaction2004 View The Role of Social Presence and Moderating Role of Computer Self Efficacy in Predicting the Continuance Usage of E-Learning Systems Hayashi, Chen, Ryan, Wu
Scaffolding2023 View Learning by Doing: Educators’ Perspective on an Illustrative Tool for AI-Generated Scaffolding for Students in Conceptualizing Design Science Research Studies Memmert, Tavanapour, Bittner
Scaffolding2009 View An Approach to Reducing Cognitive Load in the Teaching of Introductory Database Concepts Bunch
Scaffolding2009 View CFC (Comment-First-Coding) - A Simple yet Effective Method for Teaching Programming to Information Systems Students Sengupta
Scalability2005 View Teaching with a Scalable, Multidisciplinary Learning Object: A Business School Case Study Klobas
Scalable personal computer cluster2005 View Demonstration of Parallel Processing Computing: A Scalable Linux Personal Computer Cluster Approach Rine, Kleist, McConahey
Scenario-based design2014 View Patient Education as an Information System, Healthcare Tool and Interaction Pirhonen, Silvennoinen, Sillence
Scenario-based design2011 View Teaching IS Ethics: Applying A Research Technique For Classroom Use Niederman, Taylor, Dick, Land, Taylor
Scholarship2000 View The Evolving Role of Faculty: Traditional Scholarship, Instructional Scholarship and Service Scholarship Owen, Daigle, Doran, Feinstein
Script programming2002 View A Theory of the Relationships between Cognitive Requirements of Computer Programming Languages and Programmers’ Cognitive Characteristics White, Sivitanides
Scrum2024 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Scrum Product Owner Competencies Using an Experiential Learning Simulation Thouin, Hefley
Scrum2022 View Teaching Tip: Scrum Boot Camp: Introducing Students to Agile System Development Babik
Scrum2020 View An Agile Framework for Teaching with Scrum in the IT Project Management Classroom Rush, Connolly
Scrum2019 View Implementing Scrum Wholesale in the Classroom Baham
Scrum2018 View Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda Sharp, Lang
Scrum2018 View Coping with Uncertainty in an Agile Systems Development Course Taipalus, Seppänen, Pirhonen
Scrum2018 View Fostering Cooperative Learning with Scrum in a Semi-Capstone Systems Analysis and Design Course Magana, Seah, Thomas
Scrum2018 View Origami: An Active Learning Exercise for Scrum Project Management Sibona, Pourreza, Hill
Scrum2018 View Scrum-Based Learning Environment: Fostering Self-Regulated Learning Linden
Scrum2016 View Play Ball: Bringing Scrum into the Classroom May, York, Lending
SDLC2007 View A Systems Analysis Role Play Case: We Sell Stuff, Inc. Mitri, Cole
SDLC1989 View System Analysis and Design in End User Developed Applications Rothi, Yen
Search advertising2009 View Using Google AdWords in the MBA MIS Course Rosso, McClelland, Jansen, Fleming
Second Life2009 View Action Learning with Second Life - A Pilot Study Wagner, Ip
Second Life2009 View Extending the Classroom through Second Life Wang, Braman
Second Life2009 View Intentions to Use Virtual Worlds for Education Shen, Eder
Second Life2009 View Practicing Learner-Centered Teaching: Pedagogical Design and Assessment of a Second Life Project Schiller
Second Life2009 View Virtual Worlds as a Context Suited for Information Systems Education: Discussion of Pedagogical Experience and Curriculum Design with Reference to Second Life Dreher, Reiners, Dreher, Dreher
Second Life2008 View Learning Experience with Virtual Worlds Wagner
Security2018 View Gaining Real-World Experience in Information Security: A Roadmap for a Service-Learning Course Spears
Security2017 View Is Seeing Believing? Training Users on Information Security: Evidence from Java Applets Ayyagari, Figueroa
Security2017 View Maintaining a Cybersecurity Curriculum: Professional Certifications as Valuable Guidance Knapp, Maurer, Plachkinova
Security2016 View Design and Emergence of a Pedagogical Online InfoSec Laboratory as an Ensemble Artefact Iqbal
Security2014 View Learning Computing Topics in Undergraduate Information Systems Courses: Managing Perceived Difficulty Wall, Knapp
Security2014 View Teaching Information Security with Workflow Technology - A Case Study Approach He, Kshirsagar, Nwala, Li
Security2013 View Do you take credit cards?: Security and compliance for the credit card payment industry Willey, White
Security2013 View Fitness & Wellness Place Appoints a Chief Information Officer Rodon
Security2013 View Incorporating Global Information Security and Assurance in I.S. Education White, Hewitt, Kruck
Security2013 View Supporting Case-based Learning in Information Security with Web-based Technology He, Yuan, Yang
Security2013 View White Hats Chasing Black Hats: Careers in IT and the Skills Required To Get There Fulton, Lawrence, Clouse
Security2012 View Exploring factors that influence students’ behaviors in information security Yoon, Hwang, Hwang, Kim
Security2011 View Bank Solutions Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: A Case Study for Business Students Camara, Crossler, Midha, Wallace
Security2009 View Virtualization Technologies in Information Systems Education Lunsford
Security2006 View Teaching Security Techniques in an E-Commerce Course Liu, Mackie
Security2005 View A Curriculm Design for E-commerce Security Kim, Han, Kim, Choi
Security1999 View The Impact of Perceived Computing Security on Ethical Behavior: A Unit of Study for MIS Students Sexton, Reithel, Canty
Security assessment2020 View The Development of a Red Teaming Service-Learning Course Young
security education2021 View A Process-Based Approach to ABET Accreditation: A Case Study of a Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Program Almuhaideb, Saeed
security education2020 View The Development of a Red Teaming Service-Learning Course Young
security information and event management2023 View Teaching Tip: Hackalytics: Using Computer Hacking to Engage Students in Analytics Luse, Shadbad
security information and event management2022 View SOC It to ‘Em: Bringing a Security Operations Center onto a University Campus Marquardson
Security management2002 View Internet Security Management: A Joint Postgraduate Curriculum Design Armstrong, Jayaratna
security operations center2022 View SOC It to ‘Em: Bringing a Security Operations Center onto a University Campus Marquardson
Security policies2017 View Is Seeing Believing? Training Users on Information Security: Evidence from Java Applets Ayyagari, Figueroa
Security skill sets2002 View Crafting an Undergraduate Information Security Emphasis Within Information Technology Logan
SELECT query2005 View An Active X SQL Resource Bodnar
Self-assessment2015 View Should you Allow your Students to Grade their own Homework? Simkin
Self-checking numbers1992 View Check Digits: Domain Implementation in Microcomputer Databases Hartley, Scott, Hayen
Self-determination2008 View Assessing Individual-level Factors Supporting Student Intrinsic Motivation in Online Discussions: A Qualitative Study Shroff, Vogel, Coombes
Self-determination theory2021 View Motivation in Gamified Social Media Learning: A Psychological Need Perspective Ofosu-Ampong, Boateng, Kolog, Anning-Dorson
Self-determination theory2015 View Assessing the Efficacy of Incorporating Game Dynamics in a Learning Management System Frost, Maclvor, Matta, MacIvor
Self-directed learning2005 View Use of a Technology-Mediated Learning Instructional Approach For Teaching an Introduction to Information Technology Course Hardaway, Scamell
Self-efficacy2023 View Teaching Tip: An Example-Based Instructional Method to Develop Students’ Problem-Solving Efficacy in an Introductory Programming Course Menon
Self-efficacy2021 View Theory of Planned Behavior and the Influence of Communication Self-Efficacy on Intention to Pursue a Software Development Career Hiranrat, Harncharnchai, Duangjan
Self-efficacy2015 View A Complementary Measure of MIS Program Outcomes: Useful Insights from a Student Perspective Karsten, Roth
Self-efficacy2008 View Gender Differences and Intra-Gender Differences amongst Management Information Systems Students Beyer
Self-efficacy1999 View YES: Women Do Have an Aptitude for Programming! Geigner, Schambach
Self-grading2015 View Should you Allow your Students to Grade their own Homework? Simkin
Self-regulated learning2018 View Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda Sharp, Lang
Self-regulated learning2018 View Scrum-Based Learning Environment: Fostering Self-Regulated Learning Linden
Semantic integrity constraints2007 View Specification and Enforcement of Semantic Integrity Constraints in Microsoft Access Dadeshzadeh
Semiotics2009 View Interpreting Beyond Syntactics: A Semiotic Learning Model for Computer Programming Languages May, Dhillon
Senior design project2007 View Using Reengineering as an Integrating Capstone Experience Matos, Grasser
Senior exit exam2008 View On the Design and Development of WEBSEE: A Web-based Senior Exit Exam for Value-added Assessment of a CIS Program Kamoun, Selim
Sentiments2024 View Teaching Tip: Using Text Analytics AI Insights in Microsoft Power BI Desktop to Score Sentiments, Extract Key Phrases, and Discover Unstructured Data Patterns Liu, Downing
Sequence diagram1999 View A Process for Modeling the Analysis of Information Systems with the Unified Modeling Language Daniel
Server configuration2011 View LAN Configuration and Analysis: Projects for the Data Communications and Networking Course Chen, Brabston
Server configuration2003 View Utilizing Simple Hacking Techniques to Teach System Security and Hacker Identification Sanders
Server virtualization2010 View Using Virtual Servers to Teach Implementation of Enterprise-level: DBMSs: A Teaching Note Wagner, Pant
Server-side programming2007 View Selection of Server-Side Technologies for an E-Business Curriculum Sandvig
Server-side web development2006 View E-Commerce and the Undergraduate MIS Curricula: an Exploratory Study Moshkovich, Mechitov, Olson
Service learning2012 View Experience is a Good Teacher: Integrating Service and Learning in Information Systems Education Lee
Service learning2007 View Implementing Service-learning to the Information Systems and Technology Management Program: A study of an Undergraduate Capstone Course Wei, Siow, Burley
Service learning2006 View Exploring the Learning in Service-Learning: A Case of a Community-Based Research Project in Web-Based Systems Development Preiser-Houy, Navarrete
Service learning2003 View Service-Learning in Information Systems Courses: Community Projects that Make a Difference Hoxmeier, Lenk
Service levels2001 View Teaching about the Impact of Transaction Volume on System Performance and Capacity Planning Mitri
Service Operations Management2022 View How to Apply Service Operations Management Principles to Improve Student Engagement and Satisfaction Torabi, Vaziri, Connolly
Service-learning2023 View Teaching Tip: GetVirtual: A Universal Service-Based Learning Framework Toskin, Pisano, Corey
Service-learning2018 View Gaining Real-World Experience in Information Security: A Roadmap for a Service-Learning Course Spears
Service-oriented architecture (SOA)2019 View Strategic Actions in a Platform Context: What Should Facebook Do Next? Larson, Vieregger
Service-oriented architecture (SOA)2010 View Consuming Web Services: A Yahoo! Newsfeed Reader Dadashzadeh
Set comparison2003 View A Simpler Approach to Set Comparison Queries in SQL Dadashzadeh
Sharepoint2010 View An Introduction to Collaboration with SharePoint for First-year Business Students Atkins, Cole
Shell1992 View Expert Systems: A Quick Tutorial Schmuller
Significant learning2005 View Achieving Significant Learning in E-Commerce Education Through Small Business Consulting Projects Tabor
SimAgile2024 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Scrum Product Owner Competencies Using an Experiential Learning Simulation Thouin, Hefley
Simulated environments2011 View Communication Challenges in Requirements Definition: A Classroom Simulation Ramiller, Wagner
Simulated environments2010 View Business Process Elicitation, Modeling, and Reengineering: Teaching and Learning with Simulated Environments Jeyaraj
Simulation2021 View Emerge2Maturity: A Simulation Game for Data Warehouse Maturity Concepts Mannino, Khojah, Gregg
Simulation2020 View A Hands-On Simulation to Teach Cash-to-Cash Manufacturing Operating Cycle Processes in a Purchasing, Operations, and Supply Chain Management Context Whitelock
Simulation2019 View Developing a Framework to Understand Student Engagement, Team Dynamics, and Learning Outcomes Using ERPsim Eder, Antonucci, Monk
Simulation2018 View A Three Cohort Study of Role-Play Instruction for Agile Project Management Schmitz
Simulation2017 View An Integrated Learning Approach to Teaching an Undergraduate Information Systems Course Riordan, Hine, Smith
Simulation2016 View "An Introduction to the Business Game ""Flowers for the World""" Moores
Simulation2014 View Game-Based Experiential Learning in Online Management Information Systems Classes Using Intel’s IT Manager 3 Bliemel, Ali-Hassan
Simulation2014 View Teaching Business Process Management with Simulation in Graduate Business Programs: An Integrative Approach Saraswat, Anderson, Chircu
Simulation2013 View Utilizing Classroom Simulation to Convey Key Concepts in IT Portfolio Management Larson
Simulation2012 View Simulated Audits to Engage Students in IT Governance and Assurance Courses Merhout, Newport, Damo
Simulation2011 View Enhancing Student Learning Of Enterprise Integration Business Process Orientation Through ERP Business Simulation Game Seethamraju
Simulation2011 View Information Ethics Education for a Multicultural World Fleischmann, Robbins, Wallace
Simulation2007 View Using Business Games in Teaching DSS Ben-Zvi
Simulation2005 View A Virtual Market for Teaching Electronic Market Concepts in Information Systems Education Bodoff, Forster
Simulation2004 View Exploring Process, Enterprise Integration and E-business Concepts in the Classroom: The Case of petPRO Hajnal, Riordan
Simulation2003 View Simulation and Role Playing with LEGO Blocks Freeman
Simulation2001 View Increasing Student Interaction in Learning Activities: Using a Simulation to Learn About Project Failure and Escalation Nuldén, Scheepers
Situated learning2003 View Making the Case: The Systems Project Case Study as Storytelling Ramiller
Situated learning2002 View Information Systems Security Education: Redressing the Balance of Theory and Practice Hsu, Backhouse
Situational software applications2010 View Experience on Mashup Development with End User Programming Environment Yue
Skill requirements2022 View Analytics in the Business School: Insights from the Literature Hartzel, Ozturk
Skill set2009 View Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Entry-Level Information Technology Workers: A Comparison of Industry and Academia Aasheim, Li, Williams
Skills2005 View Building Student Skills and Capabilities in Information Technology and eBusiness: A Moving Target Petrova, Claxton
Skills2000 View E-Commerce Technologies and Information Systems Curricula Chaudhury, Rao
Skills acquisition2005 View Practice-Based Learning in Information Systems: The Advantages for Students Rawlings, White, Stephens
Skills assessment2001 View Lessons Learned from Piloting a Computer Literacy Test for Placement and Remedial Decisions Pierce, Lloyd, Solak
Skills gap2006 View An Update on the IS/IT Skills Gap Kim, Hsu, Stern
Small and medium-sized enterprises2010 View Teaching ERP systems: A multi-perspective view on the ERP system market Winkelmann, Leyh
Small teaching2022 View Apply Small Teaching Tactics in an Introductory Programming Course: Impact on Learning Performance Jiang
Social behavior2022 View Teaching Tip: Socio-Cultural Learning to Increase Student Engagement in Introduction to MIS Connolly, Mutchler, Rush
Social behavior2015 View Teaching Social Media Analytics: An Assessment Based on Natural Disaster Postings Goh, Sun
Social capital2016 View Antecedents to Team Performance on Student IT Projects Havelka
Social cognitive theory2016 View Antecedents to Team Performance on Student IT Projects Havelka
Social engineering2023 View Teaching Tip: Hook, Line, and Sinker – The Development of a Phishing Exercise to Enhance Cybersecurity Awareness Young, Farshadkhah
Social engineering2020 View The Development of a Red Teaming Service-Learning Course Young
Social impact theory2013 View IT Entrepreneurial Intention Among College Students: An Empirical Study Chen
Social impact theory2010 View Team Learning in Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams Andres, Shipps
Social inclusion2022 View Integration Through Education: Using ICT in Education to Promote the Social Inclusion of Refugees in Germany AbuJarour
Social interaction2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
Social loafing2006 View Mitigating Negative Behaviors in Student Project Teams: An Information Technology Solution Brandyberry, Bakke
Social media2023 View Teaching Tip: A Social Media Analytics Capstone Research Project with Community Engagement Ye, Zhao
Social media2021 View Incorporating Big Data Tools for Social Media Analytics in a Business Analytics Course Zadeh, Zolbanin, Sharda
Social media2021 View Investigating Students’ Perception towards the Use of Social Media for Computing Education in Nigeria Agbo, Olawumi, Balogun, Sanusi, Olaleye, Sunday, Kolog, Atsa'am, Adusei-Mensah, Adegbite, Ipeayeda
Social media2021 View Social Media: Computing Education Perspectives in Diverse Educational Contexts Paliktzoglou, Oyelere, Suhonen, Mramba
Social media2021 View Using a Modified Understanding by Design® Framework to Incorporate Social Media Tools in the Management Information Systems Curriculum for Generation Y and Z Students Schwieger, Ladwig
Social media2019 View Strategic Actions in a Platform Context: What Should Facebook Do Next? Larson, Vieregger
Social media2018 View Congratulations! …to the World? One Person’s Experience with Social Media Larson
Social media2015 View Teaching Social Media Analytics: An Assessment Based on Natural Disaster Postings Goh, Sun
Social Network2021 View Investigating Students’ Perception towards the Use of Social Media for Computing Education in Nigeria Agbo, Olawumi, Balogun, Sanusi, Olaleye, Sunday, Kolog, Atsa'am, Adusei-Mensah, Adegbite, Ipeayeda
Social networking2014 View Behind the Screen Where Today’s Bully Plays: Perceptions of College Students on Cyberbullying Paullet, Pinchot
Social networking2014 View Cyberbullying Victimization among College Students: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis Rivituso
Social networking2014 View Review of the Status of Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Chisholm
Social networking2013 View Fitness & Wellness Place Appoints a Chief Information Officer Rodon
Social networking2013 View Promoting the Use of Online Social Technology as a Case-based Learning Tool Ractham, Chen
Social networking2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
Social networking sites2009 View Building Real World Domain-Specific Social Network Websites as a Capstone Project Yue, De Silva, Kim, Aktepe, Nagle, Boerger, Jain, Verma
Social networks2009 View Using Web 2.0 to Support the Active Learning Experience Williams, Chinn
Social networks2009 View Web 2.0 and Virtual World Technologies: A Growing Impact on IS Education Harris, Rea
Social presence2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
Social presence theory2002 View Feedback Channels: Using Social Presence Theory to Compare Voice Mail to E-mail Keil, Johnson
Social relevance2023 View MOOC Relevance: A Key Determinant of the Success for Massive Open Online Courses Wang, Wang, Albert
Social representation2015 View Social Representations of Cybersecurity by University Students and Implications for Instructional Design Pawlowski, Jung
Social shaping of technology2016 View Supporting Academic Integrity in a Fully-Online Degree Completion Program Through the Use of Synchronous Video Conferences Wagner, Enders, Pirie, Thomas
Social software2009 View Action Learning with Second Life - A Pilot Study Wagner, Ip
Social-technical system2008 View Opening the Classroom Watson, Boudreau, York, Greiner, Wynn
Socio-cultural2022 View Can e-Learning Enable the Transition to University for Computing and Electronic Engineering Students from Low Socio-Economic Status? A Socio-Cultural Approach Kaniadakis, Padumadasa
Soft skills2022 View Change in Students’ Peer Evaluations of Requirements Elicitation Interviews Across the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic-Affected Semesters Babik, Babik
Soft skills2021 View Theory of Planned Behavior and the Influence of Communication Self-Efficacy on Intention to Pursue a Software Development Career Hiranrat, Harncharnchai, Duangjan
Soft skills2021 View Using a Modified Understanding by Design® Framework to Incorporate Social Media Tools in the Management Information Systems Curriculum for Generation Y and Z Students Schwieger, Ladwig
Soft skills2018 View Gaining Real-World Experience in Information Security: A Roadmap for a Service-Learning Course Spears
Soft skills2018 View Relationship between Teamwork and Team Performance: Experiences from an ERPsim Competition Hwang
Soft skills2015 View From Tech Skills to Life Skills: Google Online Marketing Challenge and Experiential Learning Croes, Visser
Soft skills2014 View Health Informatics in the Classroom: An Empirical Study to Investigate Higher Education’s Response to Healthcare Transformation Ashrafi, Kuilboer, Joshi, Ran, Pande
Soft skills2013 View IS Learning: The Impact of Gender and Team Emotional Intelligence Dunaway
Soft skills2012 View Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Entry-Level IT Workers: A Longitudinal Study Aasheim, Shropshire, Li, Kadlec
Soft skills2008 View Integrating Soft Skills Assessment through University, College, and Programmatic Efforts at an AACSB Accredited Institution Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
Soft skills assessment2008 View Integrating Soft Skills Assessment through University, College, and Programmatic Efforts at an AACSB Accredited Institution Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
Software1990 View A Comparison of the Fortune 500 and AACSB-Accredited Universities' Software Copying Policies Athey
Software as a service2008 View Teradata University Network: A No Cost Web-Portal for Teaching Database, Data Warehousing, and Data-Related Subjects Jukić, Gray
Software as a Service (SaaS)2013 View Fitness & Wellness Place Appoints a Chief Information Officer Rodon
Software components2010 View Teaching Software Componentization: A Bar Chart Java Bean Mitri
Software design2005 View An Exploratory Assessment of the Pedagogical Effectiveness of a Systems Development Environment Meso, Liegle
Software development2008 View Learning Human Aspects of Collaborative Software Development Hadar, Sherman, Hazzan
Software development2007 View The Development of a Teaching Strategy for Implementing a Real-World Business Project into Database Courses Seyed-Abbassi, King, Wiseman
Software development2003 View An IS Capstone Project: The Mywick Property Management System Myers
Software development2003 View The Dag-Brücken ASRS Case Study Jewels
Software development1996 View Educating Software Development Professionals: Does Instruction Affect Creativity? Wynekoop, Walz
Software development methodology1994 View Applying a Framework for Software Development Methods in an Information Systems Curriculum Granger, Malaga
Software engineering2021 View Theory of Planned Behavior and the Influence of Communication Self-Efficacy on Intention to Pursue a Software Development Career Hiranrat, Harncharnchai, Duangjan
Software engineering2018 View Coping with Uncertainty in an Agile Systems Development Course Taipalus, Seppänen, Pirhonen
Software engineering2008 View Learning Human Aspects of Collaborative Software Development Hadar, Sherman, Hazzan
Software engineering1999 View Changing the CIS Academic Culture: Using Senior Design Projects to Unify the Curriculum Daigle, Doran, Ryder
Software engineering1991 View Object-Oriented Programming and the CIS Curriculum Cain
Software engineering1990 View Software Engineering Education in the Associate-Degree-Level Vocational/Technical Computer Science Program Richmond
Software engineering education2008 View Learning Human Aspects of Collaborative Software Development Hadar, Sherman, Hazzan
Software engineering education2007 View Involving Software Engineering Students in Open Source Software Projects: Experiences from a Pilot Study Sowe, Stamelos
Software inspection2006 View A Software Inspection Exercise for the Systems Analysis and Design Course Tyran
Software license2002 View Software Piracy: A Study of the Extent of Coverage in Introductory MIS Textbooks MacDonald, Fougere
Software management1994 View The Case for the Study of Software Management Shoemaker, Jovanovic
Software piracy2002 View Software Piracy: A Study of the Extent of Coverage in Introductory MIS Textbooks MacDonald, Fougere
Software piracy1989 View College Students Believe Piracy is Acceptable Cohen, Cornwell
Software process optimization1994 View The Case for the Study of Software Management Shoemaker, Jovanovic
Software quality2006 View A Software Inspection Exercise for the Systems Analysis and Design Course Tyran
Software self-efficacy2003 View Predicting Software Self Efficacy among Business Students: A Preliminary Assessmen Havelka
Software testing2007 View Involving Software Engineering Students in Open Source Software Projects: Experiences from a Pilot Study Sowe, Stamelos
Software training2007 View The Effectiveness of Using Computers for Software Training: An Exploratory Study Palvia, Palvia
Software used in business2003 View Job Titles, Tasks, and Experiences of Information Systems and Technologies Graduates from a Midwestern University Davis
SOLO taxonomy2010 View Team-Based Peer Review as a Form of Formative Assessment - The Case of a Systems Analysis and Design Workshop Lavy, Yadin
Special topics courses2015 View Design and Delivery of a New Course of Information Technology for Small Business Wang, Wang
Sponsored search2009 View Using Google AdWords in the MBA MIS Course Rosso, McClelland, Jansen, Fleming
Sport management2009 View Using Web 2.0 to Support the Active Learning Experience Williams, Chinn
Spreadsheet accuracy2001 View Spreadsheet Accuracy Theory Kruck, Sheetz
Spreadsheet development2001 View Spreadsheet Accuracy Theory Kruck, Sheetz
Spreadsheet instructions2000 View Achievement Predictors for a Computer-Applications Module Delivered Online Wallace, Clariana
Spreadsheet knowledge2004 View Spreadsheet Knowledge: Measuring What User Developers Know Klobas, McGill
Spreadsheet quality2004 View Spreadsheet Knowledge: Measuring What User Developers Know Klobas, McGill
Spreadsheets2016 View Using Excel to Make Strategic Managerial Decisions Jacobs, Robinson, DePaolo
Spreadsheets2004 View Spreadsheet Knowledge: Measuring What User Developers Know Klobas, McGill
Spreadsheets2001 View Teaching about the Impact of Transaction Volume on System Performance and Capacity Planning Mitri
Spreadsheets (SS)2004 View Introducing Information Systems Approach for Acquiring IT Competence Needed For Business Applications Naqvi
SQL2008 View Remote Services, Inc. Morris
SQL2007 View Recursive Joins to Query Data Hierarchies in Microsoft Access Dadeshzadeh
SQL2007 View Specification and Enforcement of Semantic Integrity Constraints in Microsoft Access Dadeshzadeh
SQL2007 View Teaching Advanced SQL Skills: Text Bulk Loading Olsen, Hauser
SQL2005 View An Active X SQL Resource Bodnar
SQL2005 View Greta's Gym: A Teaching Case for Term-Long Database Projects Green
SQL2003 View A Simpler Approach to Set Comparison Queries in SQL Dadashzadeh
SQL2002 View A Simpler (and Better) SQL Approach to Relational Division Matos, Grasser
SQL1990 View Changing Requirements for the Database Course Curriculum Cain
Stages of concern (SoC)1988 View Concerns of College Faculty about the Data Processing Management Association’s Model Curriculum Fougere
Stakeholder analysis2018 View Congratulations! …to the World? One Person’s Experience with Social Media Larson
State transition diagram1999 View A Process for Modeling the Analysis of Information Systems with the Unified Modeling Language Daniel
Statistics1996 View Information/Systems and Quantitative Core Courses in AACSB Accredited Business Schools Lawrence, Relsman
Statistics1990 View Combining Statistics and Information Systems: The La Salle Experience Troxell
Status model of information systems1988 View Using an Information System Status Model for Systems Analysis and Design: A Missing Dimension O’Brien, VanLengen
STEM2022 View Engaging Government-Industry-University Partnerships to Further Gender Equity in STEM Workforce Education Through Technology and Information System Learning Tools Knestis, Cheng, Fontaine, Feng
STEM2019 View Four Strategies for Driving a University Pre-College Computing Outreach Program Landry, Barnett, Chapman, McCullough
STEM2018 View IT Career Counseling: Are Occupational Congruence and the Job Characteristics Model Effective at Predicting IT Job Satisfaction? Carpenter, Young, McLeod, Maasberg
STEM2016 View An ROI Comparison of Initiatives Designed to Attract Diverse Students to Technology Careers Dillon, Reif, Thomas
Stereotypes2008 View Gender Differences and Intra-Gender Differences amongst Management Information Systems Students Beyer
Strategic alignment & deployment2021 View GlobePort Faces Challenges in its Technology Transformation Ghosh
Strategic alignment & deployment2011 View Procyon LLC: From Music Recommendations to Preference Mapping Chinn
Strategic planning2019 View Four Important Strategic Issues for Computer Information Systems Education Saulnier, Ceccucci, Sendall, Peslak
Strategic planning2013 View Utilizing Classroom Simulation to Convey Key Concepts in IT Portfolio Management Larson
Strategic planning2010 View Outsourcing a High Speed Internet Access Project: An Information Technology Class Case Study in Three Parts Platt, Carper, McCool
Strategic planning1991 View Face-to-Face Group Decision Support Systems: A Partnership between Traditional Group Process Methodologies and Computer Technology Druckenmiller
Structure redundancy2008 View Clarifying Normalization Carpenter
Structured analysis & design2012 View Directors Guild of America Health Plan Eligibility: A Data Flow Analysis and Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Structured analysis & design2011 View The Systems Analysis and Design Course: An Educators’ Assessment of the Importance and Coverage of Topics Hollier, Stevens, Totaro
Structured COBOL programming1994 View Textbook Treatment of Structured Programming Standards and Guidelines Lief
Structured English2020 View Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan: A Database Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Structured Query Language (SQL)2022 View Teaching Tip: Using SQL to Create and Mine Large, Customizable Datasets Siggard, Dupin-Bryant, Mills, Olsen
Structured Query Language (SQL)2019 View A Notation for Planning SQL Queries Taipalus
Structured Query Language (SQL)2019 View Query Structure and Data Model Mapping Errors in Information Retrieval Tasks Casterella, Vijayasarathy
Structured Query Language (SQL)2015 View Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition Mills, Dupin-Bryant, Beaulieu, Johnson, Beaulieu
Structured Query Language (SQL)2012 View The Animal Genetic Resource Information Network (AnimalGRIN) Database: A Database Design & Implementation Case Casterella, Wessel, Blackburn
Student assessment2001 View Using Concept Maps to Assess Students' Understanding of Information Systems Freeman, Urbaczewski
Student attitudes2018 View Do Pair Programming Approaches Transcend Coding? Measuring Agile Attitudes in Diverse Information Systems Courses Chen, Rea
Student attitudes2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
Student attitudes2016 View Examining Student Satisfaction and Gender Differences in Technology-Supported, Blended Learning Dang, Zhang, Ravindran, Osmonbekov
Student attitudes2012 View Plagiarism and Programming: A Survey of Student Attitudes Aasheim, Rutner, Li, Williams
Student attitudes2011 View Students' Ethical Decision-Making in an Information Technology Context: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach Riemenschneider, Leonard, Manly
Student attitudes2011 View Teaching IS Ethics: Applying A Research Technique For Classroom Use Niederman, Taylor, Dick, Land, Taylor
Student attitudes2007 View Technical Projects: Understanding Teamwork Satisfaction In an Introductory IS Course Napier, Johnson
Student behavior2008 View The Impact of Students' Perceived Computer Experience on Behavior and Performance in an Introductory Information Systems Course Ballou, Huguenard
Student centered learning2007 View Evolving a Facilitation Process towards Student Centred Learning: A Case Study in Computing Griffiths, Oates, Lockyer
Student competitions2015 View From Tech Skills to Life Skills: Google Online Marketing Challenge and Experiential Learning Croes, Visser
Student completion2019 View Four Important Strategic Issues for Computer Information Systems Education Saulnier, Ceccucci, Sendall, Peslak
Student engagement2024 View Teaching Tip: Threaded Case-Studies to Deepen Engagement in Foundation Business Analytics Courses Kachouie, Williams, Suri
Student engagement2023 View Question Driven Introductory Programming Instruction: A Pilot Study Dawar
Student engagement2023 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Expert Systems in a Postgraduate Accounting Degree Program Poon
Student engagement2022 View How to Apply Service Operations Management Principles to Improve Student Engagement and Satisfaction Torabi, Vaziri, Connolly
Student engagement2022 View Teaching Tip: Socio-Cultural Learning to Increase Student Engagement in Introduction to MIS Connolly, Mutchler, Rush
Student engagement2021 View Motivation in Gamified Social Media Learning: A Psychological Need Perspective Ofosu-Ampong, Boateng, Kolog, Anning-Dorson
Student engagement2019 View Developing a Framework to Understand Student Engagement, Team Dynamics, and Learning Outcomes Using ERPsim Eder, Antonucci, Monk
Student engagement2015 View The Impact of Student Expectations in Using Instructional Tools on Student Engagement: A Look through the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory Lens Schwarz, Zhu
Student engagement2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
Student evaluation1992 View A Course Planning Method to Incorporate Collaborative Learning in Information Systems Courses Spruell, Le Blanc
Student expectations2021 View Effectiveness of Educational Delivery Modes: A Study in Computer Information Systems Peslak, Kovalchick, Wang, Kovacs
Student expectations2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
Student expectations2014 View Behind the Screen Where Today’s Bully Plays: Perceptions of College Students on Cyberbullying Paullet, Pinchot
Student expectations2014 View Review of the Status of Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Chisholm
Student expectations2014 View Towards The Gamification of Learning: Investigating Student Perceptions of Game Elements Cheong, Filippou, Cheong
Student expectations2011 View An Empirical Examination of the Composition of Vocational Interest in Business Colleges: MIS vs. Other Majors Downey
Student internships1993 View Consortium Training: Improving the Distribution Channel Wood
Student internships1993 View Student Internship in Information Systems: Creating Opportunities and Solutions van Over, Dangerfield
Student journals2004 View Examining Personal and Cultural Assumptions about Information Technology Using a Technology Abstinence Exercise Stam, Stanton
Student learning2021 View Social Media: Computing Education Perspectives in Diverse Educational Contexts Paliktzoglou, Oyelere, Suhonen, Mramba
Student learning2021 View When Students are Players: Toward a Theory of Student-Centric Edu-Gamification Systems Barber
Student learning2020 View Teaching Introductory Programming from A to Z: Twenty-Six Tips from the Trenches Zhang, Crabtree, Terwilliger, Jenkins
Student learning2010 View Using the Same Problem with Different Techniques in Programming Assignments: An Empirical Study of its Effectiveness Newby, Nguyen
Student learning2003 View Faculty and Industry Conceptions of Successful Computer Programmers Sterling, Brinthaupt
Student learning1989 View Student Learning Problems in a Course on Expert System Shells Grupe
Student learning preferences2010 View Evaluation of a Teaching Tool - Wiki - in Online Graduate Education Park, Crocker, Nussey, Springate, Hutchings
Student perceptions2022 View When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions Licorish, Lötter
Student perceptions2019 View Scaffolding Case Analysis Writing: A Collaboration between Information Systems and Writing Faculty Pessoa, Gomez-Laich, Liginlal, Mitchell
Student perceptions2019 View Why do Students not Major in MIS? An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior Chipidza, Green, Riemenschneider
Student perceptions2018 View Coping with Uncertainty in an Agile Systems Development Course Taipalus, Seppänen, Pirhonen
Student perceptions2018 View Student Attitudes toward Information Systems Graduate Program Design and Delivery Thouin, Hefley, Raghunathan
Student perceptions2015 View From Tech Skills to Life Skills: Google Online Marketing Challenge and Experiential Learning Croes, Visser
Student perceptions2015 View Social Representations of Cybersecurity by University Students and Implications for Instructional Design Pawlowski, Jung
Student perceptions2015 View The Impact of the Introductory IS Course on Students' Perceptions of IS Professionals Akbulut
Student perceptions2014 View Behind the Screen Where Today’s Bully Plays: Perceptions of College Students on Cyberbullying Paullet, Pinchot
Student perceptions2014 View Learning Computing Topics in Undergraduate Information Systems Courses: Managing Perceived Difficulty Wall, Knapp
Student perceptions2014 View Lessons Learned From Migrating To An Online Electronic Business Management Course Walstrom
Student perceptions2014 View Review of the Status of Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Chisholm
Student perceptions2014 View The role of delivery methods on the perceived learning performance and satisfaction of IT students in software programming courses He, Yen
Student perceptions2014 View Towards The Gamification of Learning: Investigating Student Perceptions of Game Elements Cheong, Filippou, Cheong
Student perceptions2013 View Information Security Assessment as Coursework – Learning Information Security Management by Doing Ilvonen
Student perceptions2012 View Improving IS Enrollment Choices: The Role of Social Support Akbulut
Student perceptions2012 View Increasing Student Performance Through the Use of Web Services in Introductory Programming Classrooms: Results from a Series of Quasi-Experiments Hosack, Lim, Vogt
Student perceptions2012 View Planning and Sprinting: Use of a Hybrid Project Management Methodology within a CIS Capstone Course Baird, Riggins
Student perceptions2011 View An Empirical Examination of the Composition of Vocational Interest in Business Colleges: MIS vs. Other Majors Downey
Student perceptions2009 View Business Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A Comparative Study Tanner, Noser, Totaro
Student perceptions2006 View A Comparison of Faculty and Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Online Courses and Degree Programs Wilkes, Simon, Brooks
Student performance2022 View Apply Small Teaching Tactics in an Introductory Programming Course: Impact on Learning Performance Jiang
Student performance2018 View Fostering Cooperative Learning with Scrum in a Semi-Capstone Systems Analysis and Design Course Magana, Seah, Thomas
Student performance2014 View The role of delivery methods on the perceived learning performance and satisfaction of IT students in software programming courses He, Yen
Student performance2013 View Playing Jeopardy in the Classroom: An Empirical Study Simkin
Student performance2008 View The Impact of Students' Perceived Computer Experience on Behavior and Performance in an Introductory Information Systems Course Ballou, Huguenard
Student placement2005 View Practice-Based Learning in Information Systems: The Advantages for Students Rawlings, White, Stephens
Student preparedness2022 View Management Information Systems Education: A Systematic Review Elrod, Stanley, Cudney, Hilgers, Graham
Student projects2004 View Adding Realism to the Formation, Management and Evaluation of Project Teams McCloskey
Student projects1995 View Using CSCW Technology to Connect Classrooms Goyal, Harriger
Student projects1993 View Consortium Training: Improving the Distribution Channel Wood
Student projects1993 View Student Internship in Information Systems: Creating Opportunities and Solutions van Over, Dangerfield
Student research2023 View Teaching Tip: A Social Media Analytics Capstone Research Project with Community Engagement Ye, Zhao
Student research2016 View Integrating Research and Teaching in the IS Classroom: Benefits for Teachers and Students Obwegeser, Papadopoulos
Student research2014 View Cultivating and Nurturing Undergraduate IS Research Tams
Student research2011 View Teaching IS Ethics: Applying A Research Technique For Classroom Use Niederman, Taylor, Dick, Land, Taylor
Student research2011 View The Effects of Teaching the Universality Thesis on Students’ Integrative Complexity of Thought Vartiainen, Myyry, Siponen, Siponen, Myyry
Student Response Systems2022 View When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions Licorish, Lötter
Student responsibility2014 View Review of the Status of Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Chisholm
Student responsibility2013 View Aiding Participation and Engagement in a Blended Learning Environment Alrushiedat, Olfman
Student role2006 View How the Teacher's Role Changes in On-line Case Study Discussions Heckman, Annabi
Student satisfaction2022 View How to Apply Service Operations Management Principles to Improve Student Engagement and Satisfaction Torabi, Vaziri, Connolly
Student satisfaction2009 View The Importance of Synchronous Interaction for Student Satisfaction with Course Web Sites Cao, Griffin, Bai
Student satisfaction1999 View Improving Student Satisfaction in Large-sized Classes through a Computer Mediated Communications System Janicki, Steinberg
Student skill sets2002 View Critical Success Factors in Developing, Implementing, and Teaching a Web Development Course Greer
Student skill sets2001 View Critical Success Factors in Developing, Implementing, and Teaching a Web Development Course Greer
student success2019 View Four Important Strategic Issues for Computer Information Systems Education Saulnier, Ceccucci, Sendall, Peslak
Student survey2006 View Information Systems Development Education in the Real World-A Project Methodology and Assessment van Vliet, Pietron
Student teams2006 View Mitigating Negative Behaviors in Student Project Teams: An Information Technology Solution Brandyberry, Bakke
Student teams2004 View The Effects of Trustworthiness Perceptions on the Formation of Initial Trust: Implications for MIS Student Teams Serva, Fuller
Student test performance2003 View How Well Do Multiple Choice Tests Evaluate Student Understanding in Computer Programming Classes? Kuechler, Simkin
Student-faculty interaction2009 View Does It Really Matter? Using Virtual Office Hours to Enhance Student-Faculty Interaction Li, Pitts
Students2004 View A Study of Student Performance In Combined Courses Etzkorn, Weisskop, Gholston
Students evaluation of teaching2010 View Harnessing Information Technology to Improve the Process of Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: An Exploration of Students’ Critical Success Factors of Online Evaluations Nevo, McClean, Nevo
Students with disabilities2022 View Teaching Tip: Promoting Inclusive Online Learning for Students with Disabilities in Information Systems Courses He, Zha, Watson, He
Subject benchmark statement in computing2010 View Mapping the Information Systems Curricula in UK Universities Fitzgerald, Stefanidis
Supervisor2023 View Reflections on Supervising the Postgraduate Students’ Design Science Research Thesis Pekkola
Supply chain management2009 View Enabling Business Processes through Information Management and IT Systems: The FastFit and Winter Gear Distributors Case Studies Kesner, Russell
Survey2007 View Web Survey Design in ASP.Net 2.0: A Simple Task with One Line of Code Liu
Survey1991 View A Comprehensive Survey of USA and Canadian Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems Longenecker, Jr., Feinstein
Survey course2001 View The Effectiveness of Computer-Based "Game Show" Formats in Survey Courses: A Quasi-Experiment Brandyberry, Pardue
Survey instrument2001 View "So, Where are You from Originally?" Using Ineffective and Inappropriate Questions in MIS Tenure-Track Job Interviews Serva, Serva
Sustainable Development Goals2024 View Teaching Tip: Embedding Sustainability in Information Systems Design Education Rowan, McCarthy, Mebrahtu, Gauche, O’Reilly, Odili
Swimlane diagram2022 View Teaching Case: Design and Development of a Special Population Resource Connection Database Schwieger
Syllabus2002 View A Popular Postgraduate Information Systems Security Course Stevens, Jamieson
Synchronous distance education2007 View IP Teleconferencing in the Wired Classroom: Gratifications for Distance Education Stafford, Lindsey
Synchronous interaction2009 View The Importance of Synchronous Interaction for Student Satisfaction with Course Web Sites Cao, Griffin, Bai
Synchronous method2000 View Learning Spreadsheet Software in the Traditional and Synchronous Modes: A Model and a Pilot Study to Investigate End User's Performance and Satisfaction Palvia
System administration2003 View Utilizing Simple Hacking Techniques to Teach System Security and Hacker Identification Sanders
System Analysis and Design1992 View Incorporating CASE in the Systems Analysis and Design Course Rajkumar
System component matrix1988 View Using an Information System Status Model for Systems Analysis and Design: A Missing Dimension O’Brien, VanLengen
System design2007 View Designing ePortfolio 2.0: Integrating and Coordinating Web 2.0 Services with ePortfolio Systems for Enhancing Users' Learning Zhang, Olfman, Ractham
System developers2002 View End Users and Developers in Systems Analysis and Design Hasan
System development life cycle (SDLC)2023 View Teaching How to Select an Optimal Agile, Plan-Driven, or Hybrid Software Development Approach: Lessons from Enterprise Software Development Leaders Spurrier, Topi
System development life cycle (SDLC)2021 View Teaching Case: Integrating Systems at We Build Stuff: Analysis and Design Case Powell, Barber
System development life cycle (SDLC)2019 View A Generalized, Enterprise-Level Systems Development Process Framework for Systems Analysis and Design Education Topi, Spurrier
System development life cycle (SDLC)2017 View A Systems Analysis Role-Play Exercise and Assignment Mitri, Cole, Atkins
System development life cycle (SDLC)2011 View Communication Challenges in Requirements Definition: A Classroom Simulation Ramiller, Wagner
System development life cycle (SDLC)1988 View Incorporating Structured Flowcharting into the Information Systems Development Process Wallace
System development lifecycle2007 View Meeting the Challenge of IS Curriculum Modernization: A Guide to Overhaul, Integration, and Continuous Improvement McGann, Frost, Matta, Huang
System development methodologies2000 View Using Polya to Teach System Development Methodologies: Fostering a Role Perspective in IS Students Pardue, Doran, Longenecker
System development tools & methods2021 View A Teaching Module of No-Code Business App Development Wang, Wang
System development tools & methods2021 View Teaching Case: Integrating Systems at We Build Stuff: Analysis and Design Case Powell, Barber
System development tools & methods2011 View The Systems Analysis and Design Course: An Educators’ Assessment of the Importance and Coverage of Topics Hollier, Stevens, Totaro
System hardening2003 View The Jing An Telescope Factory (JATF): A Network Security Case Study White, Rea
System integration2012 View Implementation of an Interorganizational System: The Case of Medical Insurance E-clearance Bose, Liu, Ye
System integration2012 View Teaching ERP systems: Results of a survey at research-oriented universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany Leyh
System MANPRINT management plan (SMMP)1988 View MANPRINT – An Emerging Systems Planning Methodology Cardinali
System process models2010 View Teaching Information Systems Development via Process Variants Tan, Tan
System quality2010 View IS Success Model in E-Learning Context Based on Students' Perceptions Freeze, Alshare, Lane, Wen
System specification2006 View A Software Inspection Exercise for the Systems Analysis and Design Course Tyran
System use2012 View Teaching ERP systems: Results of a survey at research-oriented universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany Leyh
System use2011 View Determinants of educators’ post-adoption satisfaction toward an e-learning system Islam
System use2011 View The Effect of Distributing Electronic Notes to Students: Ethical Considerations Raised By Computer Science Faculty at The University Of Namibia Mbale, Kaunapawa , Suresh
System use2010 View IS Success Model in E-Learning Context Based on Students' Perceptions Freeze, Alshare, Lane, Wen
Systems analysis2007 View A Systems Analysis Role Play Case: We Sell Stuff, Inc. Mitri, Cole
Systems analysis2006 View A Software Inspection Exercise for the Systems Analysis and Design Course Tyran
Systems analysis2006 View Introducing the Unified Modeling Language into the Information Systems Curriculum Golden, Matos
Systems analysis2006 View Large Scale Requirements Modeling: An Industry Analysis, a Model and a Teaching Bajaj
Systems analysis2000 View Problem-Based Learning in a Systems Analysis Course Luce
Systems analysis1989 View Using Facilitated Team Techniques to Define Information System Requirements Lockwood
Systems analysis & design2022 View Change in Students’ Peer Evaluations of Requirements Elicitation Interviews Across the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic-Affected Semesters Babik, Babik
Systems analysis & design2022 View Teaching Case: Widgets-R-Us: Using IoT to Monitor Part Levels Dunn, Miller
Systems analysis & design2022 View Teaching Tip: Scrum Boot Camp: Introducing Students to Agile System Development Babik
Systems analysis & design2021 View Teaching Case: Integrating Systems at We Build Stuff: Analysis and Design Case Powell, Barber
Systems analysis & design2020 View Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan: A Database Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Systems analysis & design2019 View A Generalized, Enterprise-Level Systems Development Process Framework for Systems Analysis and Design Education Topi, Spurrier
Systems analysis & design2019 View Developing Measurable Cross-Departmental Learning Objectives for Requirements Elicitation in an Information Systems Curriculum Ezell, Lending, Dillon, May, Hurney, Fulcher
Systems analysis & design2018 View Fostering Cooperative Learning with Scrum in a Semi-Capstone Systems Analysis and Design Course Magana, Seah, Thomas
Systems analysis & design2018 View MiHotel: Applicant Processing System Design Case Miller, Dunn
Systems analysis & design2017 View A Systems Analysis Role-Play Exercise and Assignment Mitri, Cole, Atkins
Systems analysis & design2016 View Play Ball: Bringing Scrum into the Classroom May, York, Lending
Systems analysis & design2015 View American Association of University Women: Branch Operations Data Modeling Case Harris, Wedel
Systems analysis & design2015 View Making Data Flow Diagrams Accessible for Visually Impaired Students Using Excel Tables Sauter
Systems analysis & design2014 View Teaching Case: Analysis of an Electronic Voting System Thompson, Toohey
Systems analysis & design2013 View Using Activity Diagrams to Model Systems Analysis Processes: Teaching what we Preach Lending, May
Systems analysis & design2012 View Directors Guild of America Health Plan Eligibility: A Data Flow Analysis and Design Case Sankaran, Wedel
Systems analysis & design2012 View Using Rapid Game Prototyping for Exploring Requirements Discovery and Modeling Dalaa
Systems analysis & design2011 View Communication Challenges in Requirements Definition: A Classroom Simulation Ramiller, Wagner
Systems analysis & design2011 View Convention Center Management: A Systems Analysis & Design Course Project Hollier, Totaro
Systems analysis & design2011 View GlobePort Faces Global Business Challenges – Assessing the Organizational Side of Information Systems Projects Ghosh
Systems analysis & design2011 View Teaching Case: Jay’s Collectibles Cappel, Gillman, Jr.
Systems analysis & design2011 View The Systems Analysis and Design Course: An Educators’ Assessment of the Importance and Coverage of Topics Hollier, Stevens, Totaro
Systems analysis & design2010 View Team-Based Peer Review as a Form of Formative Assessment - The Case of a Systems Analysis and Design Workshop Lavy, Yadin
Systems analysis & design2007 View Data Flow Diagramming Skills Acquisition: Impact of Cooperative versus Individual Learning Powell, Bordoloi, Ryan
Systems analysis & design2006 View An Approach to Teaching Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Bataveljic, Eastwood, Seefried
Systems analysis & design2006 View Challenging Students: Reflections on the Development and Delivery of an Undergraduate Module That Introduces the Full Systems Development Life Cycle McRobb
Systems analysis & design2006 View Interleaving Modeling and Writing Activities in Systems Analysis and Design Pomykalski
Systems analysis & design2006 View Systems Analysis & Design: An Essential Part of IS Education Harris, Lang, Oates, Siau
Systems analysis & design2005 View Contemporary Usage of CASE Tools in U. S. Colleges and Universities Chinn, Lloyd, Kyper
Systems analysis & design2004 View A Data Modeling Case: Writers Guild of America, East Wedel, Behnezhad, Gray
Systems analysis & design2003 View A Database Design and Development Case: Elk County Pediatric Medical Center Ballenger
Systems analysis & design2003 View Analysis and Design: Assessing Actual and Desired Course Content Tastle, Russell
Systems analysis & design2002 View A Case Analysis of Real-World Systems Development Experiences of CIS Students Fox
Systems analysis & design2002 View End Users and Developers in Systems Analysis and Design Hasan
Systems analysis & design2001 View A Systems Analysis and Design Case: ABC Church Cappel
Systems analysis & design project2004 View Adding Realism to the Formation, Management and Evaluation of Project Teams McCloskey
Systems Analysis and Design1993 View Interdisciplinary Coursework - A Systems View Vargo
Systems Analysis and Design1992 View Should Data Structures Be Taught in (IS) Programs? Muthuswamy
Systems Analysis and Design1988 View Using an Information System Status Model for Systems Analysis and Design: A Missing Dimension O’Brien, VanLengen
Systems analysis by business professionals2006 View Pitfalls in Analyzing Systems in Organizations Alter
Systems archetypes2005 View Analyses of Information Systems Students' Applications of Two Holistic Problem Solving Methodologies Musa, Edmondson, Munchus
Systems content2003 View Analysis and Design: Assessing Actual and Desired Course Content Tastle, Russell
Systems design2006 View Large Scale Requirements Modeling: An Industry Analysis, a Model and a Teaching Bajaj
Systems design2005 View Designing Knowledge Management Systems for Teaching and Learning with Wiki Technology Raman, Ryan, Olfman
Systems design2003 View The U.S. Treasury Tests a New Payment Mechanism Gelinas, Gogan, Wade
Systems development2022 View A Rubric to Evaluate and Enhance Requirements Elicitation Interviewing Skills Lending, Ezell, Dillon, May
Systems development2010 View InterCon Travel Health: Case B Trumann, Pachamanova, Goldstein
Systems development2010 View The Rescue911 Emergency Response Information System (ERIS): A Systems Development Project Case Cohen, Thiel
Systems development2008 View First Impressions: An Alternative Way to Start a Systems Development Course Fellers
Systems development2006 View Challenging Students: Reflections on the Development and Delivery of an Undergraduate Module That Introduces the Full Systems Development Life Cycle McRobb
Systems development2006 View Information Systems Development Education in the Real World-A Project Methodology and Assessment van Vliet, Pietron
Systems development2003 View A Database Design and Development Case: Elk County Pediatric Medical Center Ballenger
Systems development2003 View Making the Case: The Systems Project Case Study as Storytelling Ramiller
Systems development2001 View A Systems Analysis and Design Case: ABC Church Cappel
Systems development2000 View Using the Internet to Build Realism in Teaching Requirements Analysis Parsons, Foster
Systems development life cycle2005 View Framing Electronic Commerce within an Introductory Information Systems Course Grenci
Systems development life cycle2004 View New Dog, Old Tricks: ERP and the Systems Development Life Cycle Grenci, Hull
Systems development life cycles1991 View Volume 3 Number 2, Pages 16-20 Summer 1991 Using 4GL Tools in Project-Oriented Courses Salchenberger
Systems development methodologies1995 View Case Feedback in Support of Learning a Systems Development Methodology Jankowski
Systems performance metrics2001 View Teaching about the Impact of Transaction Volume on System Performance and Capacity Planning Mitri
Systems project course1994 View Developing the Systems Project Course Harris
Systems project development2007 View A Term Project in Visual Basic: The Downhill Snowboard Shop Simkin
Systems theory2010 View Harnessing Information Technology to Improve the Process of Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: An Exploration of Students’ Critical Success Factors of Online Evaluations Nevo, McClean, Nevo
Systems thinking2012 View Using Rapid Game Prototyping for Exploring Requirements Discovery and Modeling Dalaa
Systems thinking2005 View Analyses of Information Systems Students' Applications of Two Holistic Problem Solving Methodologies Musa, Edmondson, Munchus