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KeywordYear Pub TitleAuthors
Tableau2024 View Teaching Case: California Dreamin’ Housing Market Visualizations in Tableau Jacobs, Curry, DePaolo, Parra
Tableau2022 View Teaching Tip: Evaluating Visualizations with a Compact Rubric McHenry
Tableau2021 View Teaching Case: Analyzing Disney World Wait Time Data: A Lesson in Visualization Using Tableau DePaolo, Jacobs
Tablet2006 View The Drivers for Acceptance of Tablet PCs by Faculty in a College of Business Anderson, Schwager, Kerns
Tacit knowledge2008 View Learning Experience with Virtual Worlds Wagner
TAM2005 View An Exploratory Assessment of the Pedagogical Effectiveness of a Systems Development Environment Meso, Liegle
Task-technology fit (TTF)2021 View Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Fit of an Interactive Digital Textbook Ye
Task-Technology Fit Theory2018 View Applying an Extended Task-Technology Fit for Establishing Determinants of Mobile Learning: An Instant Messaging Initiative Bere
Task-Technology Fit Theory2011 View Wiki or Word? Evaluating Tools for Collaborative Writing and Editing Dishaw, Eierman, Iversen, Philip
Taxonomy2009 View Selecting a Virtual World Platform for Learning Robbins, Butler
Teacher2024 View Awareness of Digital Transformation, Satisfaction, and Intention to Learn Online Through the E-Learning System Among Vietnamese Students: A Case Study at Tra Vinh University Ho
Teacher certification1992 View Qualifications of Information Technology Teachers: The Role of Education and Certification Duncan
Teacher role2006 View How the Teacher's Role Changes in On-line Case Study Discussions Heckman, Annabi
Teaching2010 View Are We Teaching the IS 2009 Model Curriculum? Apigian, Gambill
Teaching2010 View Examining the Affects of Student Multitasking with Laptops During the Lecture Kraushaar, Novak
Teaching2009 View The IS Core: An Integration of the Core IS Courses Albrecht, Romney, Lowry, Moody
Teaching2007 View Using Business Games in Teaching DSS Ben-Zvi
Teaching2004 View Integrating Enterprise Decision-Making Modules into Undergraduate Management and Industrial Engineering Curricula Strong, Johnson, Mistry
Teaching2000 View An Active Learning Environment for Teaching Object-Oriented Concepts in Business Information Systems Curricula Towell
Teaching1993 View Evolving Trends in Information Systems Education Cohen
Teaching analysis and design2006 View Contemporary Approaches and Techniques for the Systems Analyst Batra, Satzinger
Teaching and learning2007 View Involving Software Engineering Students in Open Source Software Projects: Experiences from a Pilot Study Sowe, Stamelos
Teaching and learning2005 View Designing Knowledge Management Systems for Teaching and Learning with Wiki Technology Raman, Ryan, Olfman
Teaching approach2013 View Teaching Introductory Programming to IS Students: The Impact of Teaching Approaches on Learning Performance Zhang, Zhang, Stafford, Zhang
Teaching approaches2006 View An Approach to Teaching Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Bataveljic, Eastwood, Seefried
Teaching approaches2006 View Systems Analysis & Design: An Essential Part of IS Education Harris, Lang, Oates, Siau
Teaching case2023 View Teaching Case: Central University Medical Center: A Proposed Paperless Patient Registration System Lou, Chang, Chen
Teaching case2022 View Teaching Case: Design and Development of a Special Population Resource Connection Database Schwieger
Teaching case2022 View Teaching Case: Information Security Management in Distress at SkillPlat Bongiovanni
Teaching case2022 View Teaching Case: Widgets-R-Us: Using IoT to Monitor Part Levels Dunn, Miller
Teaching case2021 View Teaching Case: Integrating Systems at We Build Stuff: Analysis and Design Case Powell, Barber
Teaching case2020 View Encounters with Bigfoot on the Strip: The Risks and Liabilities of Online Reviews Ladwig, Schwieger
Teaching case2019 View Strategic Actions in a Platform Context: What Should Facebook Do Next? Larson, Vieregger
Teaching case2018 View Congratulations! …to the World? One Person’s Experience with Social Media Larson
Teaching case2018 View MiHotel: Applicant Processing System Design Case Miller, Dunn
Teaching case2018 View Security Breach at Target Plachkinova, Maurer
Teaching case2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Failed Implementation of an Electronic Health Records System Gomillion
Teaching case2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Re-Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: Preparing for a Successful Adoption after a Failed Attempt Gomillion
Teaching case2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Stalled Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: IT Governance and Employee Succession Gomillion
Teaching case2016 View Introduction to NoSQL in a Traditional Database Course Fowler, Godin, Geddy
Teaching case2015 View American Association of University Women: Branch Operations Data Modeling Case Harris, Wedel
Teaching case2014 View Opportunity out of Disaster Cundiff, Cundiff, Ward, McCallum, Rich, Truax, Ward, Havelka, Traux, Rich, McCallum
Teaching case2014 View Hippi Care Hospital: Towards Proactive Business Processes in Emergency Room Services Tan, Shankararaman
Teaching case2014 View Teaching Case: Analysis of an Electronic Voting System Thompson, Toohey
Teaching case2013 View Do you take credit cards?: Security and compliance for the credit card payment industry Willey, White
Teaching case2013 View Fitness & Wellness Place Appoints a Chief Information Officer Rodon
Teaching case2012 View Implementation of an Interorganizational System: The Case of Medical Insurance E-clearance Bose, Liu, Ye
Teaching case2010 View Teaching ERP systems: A multi-perspective view on the ERP system market Winkelmann, Leyh
Teaching case2010 View The Rescue911 Emergency Response Information System (ERIS): A Systems Development Project Case Cohen, Thiel
Teaching case2009 View Migrating Legacy Systems in the Global Merger & Acquisition Environment Katerattanakul, Kam, Lee, Hong
Teaching case2008 View Remote Services, Inc. Morris
Teaching case2008 View The Recovery Care and Treatment Center: A Database Design and Development Case Harris, Vaught
Teaching case2004 View Choosing an ERP-type System for a Belarus Enterprise Jarmoszko, Gendron
Teaching case2002 View Writing IS Teaching Cases: Guidelines for JISE Submission Cappel, Schwager
Teaching case study2005 View Framing Electronic Commerce within an Introductory Information Systems Course Grenci
Teaching case study2004 View New Dog, Old Tricks: ERP and the Systems Development Life Cycle Grenci, Hull
Teaching data modeling2006 View The Essential Skills of Data Modeling Watson
Teaching effectiveness2022 View Apply Small Teaching Tactics in an Introductory Programming Course: Impact on Learning Performance Jiang
Teaching effectiveness2020 View Teaching Introductory Programming from A to Z: Twenty-Six Tips from the Trenches Zhang, Crabtree, Terwilliger, Jenkins
Teaching evaluations2010 View Harnessing Information Technology to Improve the Process of Students’ Evaluations of Teaching: An Exploration of Students’ Critical Success Factors of Online Evaluations Nevo, McClean, Nevo
Teaching framework2023 View A Teaching Framework for the Methodically Versatile DSR Education of Master’s Students Schlimbach, Khosrawi-Rad, Grogorick, Becker, Strohmann, Siemon, Robra-Bissantz
Teaching framework2023 View Question Driven Introductory Programming Instruction: A Pilot Study Dawar
Teaching framework2023 View Working Toward Wisdom in IS Education: Developing an Integral Knowledge-to-Wisdom Teaching Framework Pauleen, Intezari
Teaching framework2021 View Social Media: Computing Education Perspectives in Diverse Educational Contexts Paliktzoglou, Oyelere, Suhonen, Mramba
Teaching framework2020 View An Agile Framework for Teaching with Scrum in the IT Project Management Classroom Rush, Connolly
Teaching method2005 View It's All Fun and Games... Until Students Learn Massey, Brown, Johnston
Teaching method2002 View A Simple and Effective Model for Teaching Information Systems Vocabulary and Concepts in a Large Lecture Setting Downing
Teaching methodology2005 View Contemporary Usage of CASE Tools in U. S. Colleges and Universities Chinn, Lloyd, Kyper
Teaching methodology1989 View Using LOTUS to Build an Accounting Information System Gingrich
Teaching methods1993 View Bridging the Gap Between the University and the Local DPMA Chapter: The Case for Cooperative University/Industry Student Projects Mathieu
Teaching methods1993 View The Database Project: Maximizing its Value Rollier
Teaching methods1992 View Incorporating Communication Skills into a Management Information Systems Course Laribee
Teaching methods1992 View Information Resources Management: Topics, Concepts, and Resources for Teaching IRM to Business Students Laribee, Nantz
Teaching methods1990 View Does Instruction in Computer Programming Improve Problem Solving Ability? VanLengen, Maddux
Teaching presence2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
Teaching recursion2008 View Student Monks – Teaching Recursion in an IS or CS Programming Course Using the Towers of Hanoi Benander, Benander
Teaching resources2000 View Resources for Teaching Ethics and Computing Bowyer
Teaching social issues2009 View Using Web Technology to Teach Students about Their Digital World Braender, Kapp, Yeras
Teaching strategy2007 View The Development of a Teaching Strategy for Implementing a Real-World Business Project into Database Courses Seyed-Abbassi, King, Wiseman
Teaching structured query language2003 View Selection and Use of MySQL in a Database Management Course Denton, Peace
Teaching substance2008 View Effective Use of Case Studies in the MIS Capstone Course through Semi-Formal Collaborative Teaching Harper, Lamb, Buffington
Teaching technique2008 View Effective Use of Case Studies in the MIS Capstone Course through Semi-Formal Collaborative Teaching Harper, Lamb, Buffington
Teaching techniques2005 View Improving Students' Interest in Learning: Some Positive Techniques Leong
Teaching techniques1996 View Computing and Society: An Innovative Teaching Approach Bishop-Clark
Teaching technology2001 View IT Instruction Methodology and Minimum Competency for Accounting Students Jackson, Cherrington
Teaching tip2024 View Teaching a Report-Oriented Business Intelligence Course: A Pedagogical Experience Shi, Gebauer, Kline, Gillenson
Teaching tip2023 View Reflections on Supervising the Postgraduate Students’ Design Science Research Thesis Pekkola
Teaching tip2023 View Teaching Tip: A Teaching Module Illustrating ERP Item Value Automation Singh, Bhadauria, Mangalaraj
Teaching tip2023 View Teaching Tip: GetVirtual: A Universal Service-Based Learning Framework Toskin, Pisano, Corey
Teaching tip2023 View Teaching Tip: What You Need to Know about Gamification Process of Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises: Lessons and Challenges Kim, Zhong, Liu
Teaching tip2022 View Teaching Tip: Teaching Business Process Concepts in an Introductory Information Systems Class: A Multi-Level Game-Based Learning Approach Farkas, Shang, Alhourani
Teaching tip2021 View Design Thinking and Mobile App Development: A Teaching Protocol Shahrasbi, Jin, Zheng
Teaching tip2020 View How to Teach Information Systems Students to Design Better User Interfaces through Paper Prototyping Scialdone, Connolly
Teaching tip2020 View Teaching Introductory Programming from A to Z: Twenty-Six Tips from the Trenches Zhang, Crabtree, Terwilliger, Jenkins
Teaching tip2020 View Teaching Programming to the Post-Millennial Generation: Pedagogic Considerations for an IS Course Sharma, Biros, Ayyalasomayajula, Dalaa
Teaching tip2020 View Visualizing IS Course Objectives and Marketable Skills Babik, Lending
Teaching tip2019 View A Notation for Planning SQL Queries Taipalus
Teaching tip2019 View Learning by Teaching through Collaborative Tutorial Creation: Experience using GitHub and AsciiDoc Marquardson, Schuetzler
Teaching tip2018 View Gaining Real-World Experience in Information Security: A Roadmap for a Service-Learning Course Spears
Teaching tip2014 View The Flipped Classroom Mok
Teaching tip2013 View Using Activity Diagrams to Model Systems Analysis Processes: Teaching what we Preach Lending, May
Teaching tip2013 View Utilizing Classroom Simulation to Convey Key Concepts in IT Portfolio Management Larson
Teaching tip2012 View Planning and Sprinting: Use of a Hybrid Project Management Methodology within a CIS Capstone Course Baird, Riggins
Teaching tip2012 View Using Rapid Game Prototyping for Exploring Requirements Discovery and Modeling Dalaa
Teaching tip2012 View Writing IS Teaching Tips: Guidelines for JISE Submission Lending, Vician
Teaching tips2001 View Using Groupware in a Classroom Environment Martz, Shepherd, Hickey
Teaching web-development2002 View Critical Success Factors in Developing, Implementing, and Teaching a Web Development Course Greer
Teaching web-development2001 View Critical Success Factors in Developing, Implementing, and Teaching a Web Development Course Greer
Teaching with cases2005 View Agile Methodology Adoption Decisions: An Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning McAvoy, Sammon
Team2009 View A Network Implementation Class Exercise: BusinessQuest Business Incubator, LLC Arling
Team based outcomes2008 View A Methodology to Assist Faculty in Developing Successful Approaches for Achieving Learner Centered Information Systems Curriculum Outcomes: Team Based Methods Wagner, Longenecker, Landry, Lusk, Saulnier
Team building2006 View Building Camaraderie Through Information Processing: The Wuzzle Picture-Puzzle Exercise Dunphy, Whisenand
Team competencies2010 View A Systematic Review of Developing Team Competencies in Information Systems Education Figl
Team dynamics2019 View Developing a Framework to Understand Student Engagement, Team Dynamics, and Learning Outcomes Using ERPsim Eder, Antonucci, Monk
Team formation2004 View Adding Realism to the Formation, Management and Evaluation of Project Teams McCloskey
Team fundamentals2008 View Defining Projects to Integrate Evolving Team Fundamentals and Project Management Skills Smith, Smarkusky, Corrigall
Team learning2010 View Team Learning in Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams Andres, Shipps
Team learning2002 View An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Introductory Information Systems Wehrs
Team management2015 View Managing Software Engineering Student Teams Using Pellerin's 4-D System Doman, Besmer, Olsen
Team performance2018 View Relationship between Teamwork and Team Performance: Experiences from an ERPsim Competition Hwang
Team performance2016 View Antecedents to Team Performance on Student IT Projects Havelka
Team performance2007 View Improving the Performance of Online Learning Teams - A Discourse Analysis Liu, Burn
Team process2003 View An IS Capstone Project: The Mywick Property Management System Myers
Team project2008 View The Recovery Care and Treatment Center: A Database Design and Development Case Harris, Vaught
Team project2005 View Achieving Significant Learning in E-Commerce Education Through Small Business Consulting Projects Tabor
Team project2005 View Greta's Gym: A Teaching Case for Term-Long Database Projects Green
Team project assessment2007 View Centralisation of Assessment: Meeting the Challenges of Multi-year Team Projects in Information Systems Education Cooper, Heinze
Team projects2022 View Teaching Tip: Scrum Boot Camp: Introducing Students to Agile System Development Babik
Team projects2016 View Antecedents to Team Performance on Student IT Projects Havelka
Team projects2013 View Evaluating the Impact and Determinants of Student Team Performance: Using LMS and CATME Data Braender, Naples
Team projects2013 View IS Learning: The Impact of Gender and Team Emotional Intelligence Dunaway
Team projects2013 View The GET Immersion Experience: A New Model for Leveraging the Synergies between Industry and Academia Saltz, Serva, Heckman
Team projects2012 View A Cross-Functional Systems Project in an IS Capstone Course Maloni, Dembla, Swaim
Team projects2012 View Lessons Learned from Client Projects in an Undergraduate Project Management Course Pollard
Team projects2012 View Simulated Audits to Engage Students in IT Governance and Assurance Courses Merhout, Newport, Damo
Team projects2011 View Bank Solutions Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: A Case Study for Business Students Camara, Crossler, Midha, Wallace
Team projects2011 View Hands-on ERP Learning: Using OpenERP®, an alternative to SAP® Ayyagari
Team projects2011 View LAN Configuration and Analysis: Projects for the Data Communications and Networking Course Chen, Brabston
Team projects2011 View Teaching Case: Jay’s Collectibles Cappel, Gillman, Jr.
Team projects2011 View Trade Secret Law and Information Systems: Can Your Students Keep a Secret? Willey, Ford, White, Clapper
Team projects2011 View Wiki or Word? Evaluating Tools for Collaborative Writing and Editing Dishaw, Eierman, Iversen, Philip
Team projects2010 View A Systematic Review of Developing Team Competencies in Information Systems Education Figl
Team projects1993 View Bridging the Gap Between the University and the Local DPMA Chapter: The Case for Cooperative University/Industry Student Projects Mathieu
Team projects1991 View The Effectiveness of Peer Reviews and Project Logs in Team Projects McDonald, McDonald
Team teaching2012 View Technology in the Classroom: Using Video Links to Enhance Experiential Learning Chilton
team-based learning2021 View Collective Learning for Developing Cyber Defense Consciousness: An Activity System Analysis Gross, Ho
team-based learning2021 View Designing Group Assignments to Develop Groupwork Skills Hogan, Young
team-based learning2020 View Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses Goh, Di Gangi, Gunnells
Team-based peer review2010 View Team-Based Peer Review as a Form of Formative Assessment - The Case of a Systems Analysis and Design Workshop Lavy, Yadin
Team-building skills2021 View Designing Group Assignments to Develop Groupwork Skills Hogan, Young
Team-building skills2013 View A Memory Game to Demonstrate the Power of Collaborative Efforts to Improve Team Performance Buche
Team-oriented1992 View Guidelines for a Practical Approach to the Database Management Systems Course Couger
Team-oriented problem solving2018 View Gaining Real-World Experience in Information Security: A Roadmap for a Service-Learning Course Spears
Team-oriented problem solving2018 View Relationship between Teamwork and Team Performance: Experiences from an ERPsim Competition Hwang
Team-oriented problem solving2014 View Enhancing Student Engagement: A Group Case Study Approach Taneja
Teamwork2005 View Peer-and-Self Assessment to Reveal the Ranking of Each Individual's Contribution to a Group Project Tu, Lu
Teamwork2004 View Addressing Commercial Realism and Academic Issues in Group-Based IS Undergraduate Project Work Jones, McMaster
Teamwork2002 View An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Introductory Information Systems Wehrs
Teamwork1999 View Teaching Teamwork in Information Systems Courses Van Slyke, Trimmer, Kittner
Teamwork1995 View Active Learning in Business Education with, through, and about Technology Jessup, Elbert
Teamwork1995 View Connecting Geographically Dispersed Classrooms for Computer Supported Collaborative Work Harriger, Goyal
Teamwork1995 View Using CSCW Technology to Connect Classrooms Goyal, Harriger
Teamwork satisfaction2007 View Technical Projects: Understanding Teamwork Satisfaction In an Introductory IS Course Napier, Johnson
Tech startup2017 View Approaches to Incorporating IT Entrepreneurship into the Information Systems Curriculum Jones, Liu
Technical and management competency1993 View A Market Research Study for Graduate Education in Management Information Systems Sumner
Technical communication2021 View Theory of Planned Behavior and the Influence of Communication Self-Efficacy on Intention to Pursue a Software Development Career Hiranrat, Harncharnchai, Duangjan
Technical problem solving2009 View Synthesizing Huber's Problem Solving and Kolb's Learning Cycle: A Balanced Approach to Technical Problem Solving Kamis, Kahn
Technical projects2009 View Interdisciplinary Student Teams Projects: A Case Study Kruck, Teer
Technical Skills2022 View Change in Students’ Peer Evaluations of Requirements Elicitation Interviews Across the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic-Affected Semesters Babik, Babik
Technologies2023 View Invited Paper: Survey of Technology and Skills in Demand: The 2022 Update Cummings, Janicki, Matthews
Technologies2022 View Integration Through Education: Using ICT in Education to Promote the Social Inclusion of Refugees in Germany AbuJarour
Technologies2021 View Survey of Technology and Skills in Demand: 2020 Update Cummings, Janicki
Technology2005 View Network Analysis and Design for Tickets Sales, Inc. Gendron, Jarmoszko
Technology acceptance2006 View The Drivers for Acceptance of Tablet PCs by Faculty in a College of Business Anderson, Schwager, Kerns
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2021 View When Students are Players: Toward a Theory of Student-Centric Edu-Gamification Systems Barber
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2015 View The Determinants of Student Effort at Learning ERP: A Cultural Perspective Alshare, El-Masri, Lane, Lane
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2012 View Does Technology Acceptance Affect E-learning in a Non-Technology-Intensive Course? Buche, Davis, Vician
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2011 View Wiki or Word? Evaluating Tools for Collaborative Writing and Editing Dishaw, Eierman, Iversen, Philip
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2009 View Intentions to Use Virtual Worlds for Education Shen, Eder
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2006 View Enabling Laptop Exams Using Secure Software: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model Baker-Eveleth, Eveleth, O'Neill, Stone
Technology acceptance model (TAM)2005 View An Exploratory Assessment of the Pedagogical Effectiveness of a Systems Development Environment Meso, Liegle
Technology adoption2004 View Appropriating Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Colleges of Business: Extending Adaptive Stucturation Theory for Testability LeRouge, Webb
Technology education2008 View Mapping the MIS Curriculum Based on Critical Skills of New Graduates: An Empirical Examination of IT Professionals Downey, McMurtrey, Zeltmann
Technology education2005 View A Constructivist Approach to Information Systems Teaching: A Case Study on a Design Course for Advanced-Level University Students Tetard, Patokorpi
Technology in education2008 View Emerging Educational Technology: Assessing the Factors that Influence Instructors’ Acceptance in Information Systems and Other Classrooms Ball, Levy
Technology management2007 View Implementing Service-learning to the Information Systems and Technology Management Program: A study of an Undergraduate Capstone Course Wei, Siow, Burley
Technology mediated learning2008 View A Preliminary Examination of the Factors for Knowledge Sharing in Technology Mediated Learning Hwang
Technology mediated learning2007 View IP Teleconferencing in the Wired Classroom: Gratifications for Distance Education Stafford, Lindsey
Technology mediated learning2007 View The Role of Information Technology in Technology-Mediated Learning: A Review of the Past for the Future Wan, Fang, Neufeld
Technology mediated learning2005 View Use of a Technology-Mediated Learning Instructional Approach For Teaching an Introduction to Information Technology Course Hardaway, Scamell
Technology skills2003 View Computer Availability and Applications in Selected European Business Schools Markham, Kordsmeier, Gatlin-Watts
Technology support1993 View Consortium Training: Improving the Distribution Channel Wood
Technology support1993 View Student Internship in Information Systems: Creating Opportunities and Solutions van Over, Dangerfield
Technology terms2010 View Accelerating Student Learning of Technology Terms: The Crossword Puzzle Exercise Whisenand, Dunphy
Technology use in the classroom2008 View Emerging Educational Technology: Assessing the Factors that Influence Instructors’ Acceptance in Information Systems and Other Classrooms Ball, Levy
Technology-based courses2003 View Computer Availability and Applications in Selected European Business Schools Markham, Kordsmeier, Gatlin-Watts
Technology-mediated collaboration2018 View Adding Intercultural Communication to an IS Curriculum Mitchell, Benyon
Technology-mediated collaboration2011 View Wiki or Word? Evaluating Tools for Collaborative Writing and Editing Dishaw, Eierman, Iversen, Philip
Technology-mediated collaboration2010 View Team Learning in Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams Andres, Shipps
Telecommunication2016 View Who Renews? Who Leaves? Identifying Customer Churn in a Telecom Company Using Big Data Techniques Asamoah, Sharda, Kalgotra, Ott
Telecommunications2005 View Comparing Web-Based Content Delivery and Instructor-Led Learning in a Telecommunications Course Jones, Moeeni, Ruby
Telecommunications2004 View Telecommunications and Data Networking Course: Balancing Theory and Practice Pandya
Telecommunications2004 View Telecommunications Course Content: Input from Information Technology Professionals Crews
Telecommunications2003 View The Transformation of AT&T’s Enterprise Network Systems Group to Avaya: Enabling the Virtual Corporation through Reengineering and Enterprise Resource Planning Cowan, Eder
Teleprocessing2003 View Reinforcing Learning in the Data Communications Course Using a Teleprocessing Line Speed Decision Support System Carpenter
Template2004 View A Systematic Framework for Conducting Research Projects in Undergraduate Courses Mustafa
TEMPO2007 View Improving the Performance of Online Learning Teams - A Discourse Analysis Liu, Burn
Tenure2000 View The Evolving Role of Faculty: Traditional Scholarship, Instructional Scholarship and Service Scholarship Owen, Daigle, Doran, Feinstein
Teradata University Network (TUN)2008 View Teradata University Network: A No Cost Web-Portal for Teaching Database, Data Warehousing, and Data-Related Subjects Jukić, Gray
Test familiarity2005 View Test Mode Familiarity and Performance - Gender and Race Comparisons of Test Scores among Computer-Literate Students in Advanced Information Systems Courses Wallace, Clariana
Test formats2003 View How Well Do Multiple Choice Tests Evaluate Student Understanding in Computer Programming Classes? Kuechler, Simkin
Test mode2005 View Test Mode Familiarity and Performance - Gender and Race Comparisons of Test Scores among Computer-Literate Students in Advanced Information Systems Courses Wallace, Clariana
Text Analytics2024 View Teaching Tip: Using Text Analytics AI Insights in Microsoft Power BI Desktop to Score Sentiments, Extract Key Phrases, and Discover Unstructured Data Patterns Liu, Downing
Text Mining2022 View Current and Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) Curriculum in Business School: A Text Mining Analysis Chen
Text processing2020 View A Longitudinal Analysis of Job Skills for Entry-Level Data Analysts Dong, Triche
Text processing2015 View Teaching Social Media Analytics: An Assessment Based on Natural Disaster Postings Goh, Sun
Text-to-speech output2008 View An On-Demand Text-to-Speech Agent Bodnar
Textbook analysis2002 View Software Piracy: A Study of the Extent of Coverage in Introductory MIS Textbooks MacDonald, Fougere
Textbooks2021 View Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Fit of an Interactive Digital Textbook Ye
Textbooks1994 View Textbook Treatment of Structured Programming Standards and Guidelines Lief
Textbooks1990 View Coverage of Key Issues in the MIS Course MacDonald, Swearingen
Theory building2001 View Spreadsheet Accuracy Theory Kruck, Sheetz
Theory of affordances2010 View Team Learning in Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams Andres, Shipps
Theory of constraints2005 View Analyses of Information Systems Students' Applications of Two Holistic Problem Solving Methodologies Musa, Edmondson, Munchus
Theory of constraints2002 View Writing MIS Mini-Cases to Enhance Cooperative Learning: A Theory of Constraints Approach Sirias
Theory of planned behavior2019 View Why do Students not Major in MIS? An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior Chipidza, Green, Riemenschneider
Theory of reasoned action2007 View Why IS: Understanding Undergraduate Students' Intentions to Choose an Information Systems Major Zhang
Theory of reasoned action1994 View An Evaluation of Factors Influencing Intentions to Major in Information Systems Trower, Willis, Dorsett
Third normal form2006 View An Alternative Approach to Teaching Database Normalization: A Simple Algorithm and an Interactive eLearning Tool Kung, Tung
Threaded case studies2024 View Teaching Tip: Threaded Case-Studies to Deepen Engagement in Foundation Business Analytics Courses Kachouie, Williams, Suri
Three universities in Hong Kong2005 View Collaborative Project Across Three Hong Kong Universities: A Case Study in E-Commerce Education Ngai, Lok, Ng, Lo, Wong
Three-tier architecture2007 View Web Survey Design in ASP.Net 2.0: A Simple Task with One Line of Code Liu
Time efficiency2010 View The Impact of IQ+EQ+CQ Integration on Student Productivity in Web Design and Development Zhao, Zhao
Timeliness2003 View Coming to Grips with the Management of Information: A Classroom Exercise Beard, Peterson
ToolBook1995 View A Decision Support System for Student Transfer Advising Mathieson, Lederer
Top quality management1994 View Using TQM Principles to Teach Current Topics in Information Systems Thomson
Topic expert2003 View The Learning Log Baker
Topic expert2001 View The Individual Topic Expert McGinnis
Topic experts2003 View Systematic Personal Training by Letting Students Teach each Other Kjellin, Stenfors
Total Cost of Ownership2023 View Teaching Case: Central University Medical Center: A Proposed Paperless Patient Registration System Lou, Chang, Chen
Total quality management (TQM)2003 View The Introductory MIS Course: Using TQM to Tame the Widow-Maker Holmes
Towers of Hanoi2008 View Student Monks – Teaching Recursion in an IS or CS Programming Course Using the Towers of Hanoi Benander, Benander
TQM2007 View A Curriculum for a Master of Science in Information Quality Lee, Pierce, Talburt, Wang, Zhu
Traditional method2000 View Learning Spreadsheet Software in the Traditional and Synchronous Modes: A Model and a Pilot Study to Investigate End User's Performance and Satisfaction Palvia
Traditional tests2005 View Hands-On Testing in Visual Basic Courses Yang, Clifton
Training2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Re-Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: Preparing for a Successful Adoption after a Failed Attempt Gomillion
Training2017 View ComprehensiveCare and the Stalled Adoption of an Electronic Health Records System: IT Governance and Employee Succession Gomillion
Training2017 View Is Seeing Believing? Training Users on Information Security: Evidence from Java Applets Ayyagari, Figueroa
Training2004 View Spreadsheet Knowledge: Measuring What User Developers Know Klobas, McGill
Training2002 View Crafting an Undergraduate Information Security Emphasis Within Information Technology Logan
Training1994 View Corporate Multimedia and MIS Course Watts, Smith
Training1992 View Instructional Design for Multimedia Moss
Transaction management2002 View Transaction Management in Distributed Database Systems: The Case of Oracle’s Two-Phase Commit Alkhatib, Labban
Transfer1995 View A Decision Support System for Student Transfer Advising Mathieson, Lederer
Transferable skills2007 View Centralisation of Assessment: Meeting the Challenges of Multi-year Team Projects in Information Systems Education Cooper, Heinze
transformation2022 View Examining Trends in Business Analytics Education From 2011 to 2020 in AACSB-Accredited Information Systems Programs Mills, Fadel, Olsen, Chudoba, Dupin-Bryant
Transitive closure2007 View Recursive Joins to Query Data Hierarchies in Microsoft Access Dadeshzadeh
Trend of the times2024 View Awareness of Digital Transformation, Satisfaction, and Intention to Learn Online Through the E-Learning System Among Vietnamese Students: A Case Study at Tra Vinh University Ho
Trends2007 View Competitive Analysis of MIS in the MBA Core: Are Trends Putting Pressure on the MIS Course? Shore, Briggs
Trends in analysis and design2006 View Contemporary Approaches and Techniques for the Systems Analyst Batra, Satzinger
Triage2003 View An IS Capstone Project: The Mywick Property Management System Myers
Troubleshooting2005 View Using Selected Options of the Ipconfig Command to Teach Network Troubleshooting Techniques Cavaiani
Trust2004 View The Effects of Trustworthiness Perceptions on the Formation of Initial Trust: Implications for MIS Student Teams Serva, Fuller
Trustworthiness2004 View The Effects of Trustworthiness Perceptions on the Formation of Initial Trust: Implications for MIS Student Teams Serva, Fuller
Tukey multiple comparisons2005 View Analyses of Information Systems Students' Applications of Two Holistic Problem Solving Methodologies Musa, Edmondson, Munchus
Twitter2009 View Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence Dunlap, Lowenthal
Two-phase commit2002 View Transaction Management in Distributed Database Systems: The Case of Oracle’s Two-Phase Commit Alkhatib, Labban
Two-year college1994 View Summer Faculty Internships: An Attractive Faculty Development Alternative Richmond, Crow, Lampe
Two-year college1990 View Software Engineering Education in the Associate-Degree-Level Vocational/Technical Computer Science Program Richmond