Search by Authors - EDSIGCon Proceedings

Please note the manuscripts 2015 and afer reflect EDSIGcon Proceedings which were published by ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals)

Search returned 179 items for : B

Conf YearArticleTitleAuthors
2024ViewIS2020 Curricular Competency Tools Community Workshop Babb, Dana, Jagdale, DeFore
2023ViewOn becoming: why disposition distinguishes education from training Babb, Yates, Waguespack
2023ViewUsing Competencies to Specify Computing Curricula Babb, Yates, Waguespack
2023ViewWhat can Information Systems Education Learn about Professionalization from Law Education? Babb, Kimbell
2022ViewStrategies for the Effective Use of the CC2020/IS2020 Competency Model Babb, Waguespack, Leidig, Anderson, Yates
2021ViewBeyond Competency: The Imperative to Foster Professionalism in Computing Graduates Waguespack, Babb, Yates
2021ViewCurriculum Update - Jeff Babb Babb, Leidig, Anderson, Sooriamurthi
2020ViewEDSIG / ISCAP Town Hall Babb, Pomykalski, Breimer, Lester, Serapiglia
2020ViewIS2020: Progress on Updating the Information Systems Model Curriculum Babb, Leidig, Thouin, Sooriamurthi, Anderson
2020ViewReflections from Recent Graduates on a Computer Information Systems Culminating Experience Yates, Waguespack, Babb
2019ViewAdopting Competency Mindful of Professionalism in Baccalaureate Computing Curricula Waguespack, Topi, Frezza, Babb, Marshall, Takada, van der Veer, Pears
2019ViewEDSIG Town Hall Babb, Breimer, Waguespack
2019VieweXtensible Computing Curriculum Reporting Language (XCCRL) Babb, Sharp, Waguespack, Abdullat, Dana
2019ViewIS2020: Updating the IS Model Curriculum Leidig, Anderson, Babb, Sooriamurthi
2019ViewUsing Fable-Based Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool in Assessment Exams Humpherys, Babb
2018ViewDotting i’s and Crossing T’s: Integrating Breadth and Depth in an Undergraduate Cybersecurity Course Yates, Frydenberg, Waguespack, McDermott, OConnell, Chen, Babb
2018ViewReflections on Applying the Growth Mindset Approach to Computer Programming Courses Carl, Babb, Abdullat
2018ViewToward Visualizing Computing Curricula: The Challenge of Competency Waguespack, Babb
2017ViewA Visual Analytics Approach to Gain insights into the Structure of Computing Curricula Jafar, Waguespack, Babb
2017ViewOne CISter at a Time: Building Strong Relationships through a Female Mentoring Program in Computer Information Systems Bakir, Babb, Abdullat
2017ViewTriangulating Coding Bootcamps in IS Education: Bootleg Education or Disruptive Innovation? Waguespack, Babb, Yates
2016ViewAn Update on the CIS Curriculum Project Longenecker, Babb, Waguespack, Feinstein, Tastle
2016ViewEmergence of Data Analytics in the Information Systems Curriculum Jafar, Babb, Abdullat
2016ViewGrounding IS Design Education in the First Principles of a Designerly Way of Knowing Waguespack, Babb
2016ViewUsing IONIC for Mobile Application Development Babb, Dana, Jafar
2015ViewComputing’s History of Boom and Bust: Lessons for IS Curriculum Design Longenecker, Babb, Waguespack
2015ViewGetting MEAN: A Hands-On Workshop for Full-stack JavaScript Web Application Development Babb, Dana, Jafar
2015ViewReport of the EDSIG CIS Curriculum Task Group: Status; Immediate Issues - Mapping Body of Knowledge to Exit Objectives; Call for Participation Longenecker, Babb, Waguespack, Tastle, Landry
2021ViewDo Leaders Articulate Differently? Identifying and Validating Project Team Leaders Through Text Analysis of Peer Evaluations of Team-Member Contributions Babik, Babik
2021ViewDo Leaders Articulate Differently? Identifying and Validating Project Team Leaders Through Text Analysis of Peer Evaluations of Team-Member Contributions Babik, Babik
2016ViewCloud Computing Services in the University Environment Babin, Halilovic
2019ViewThe impact of an interactive textbook in a beginning programming course Adkins, Linville, Badami
2016ViewThe Language of Text: How Typeface and Emojis Affect Student Perception of Online Instructors Louch, Bajko, Stork
2015ViewGuilds, Die Rolls, and Leaderboards: Gamification of Two Undergraduate Multimedia and Social Media Courses Bajko, Hodson, Seaborn, Livingstone, Fels
2023ViewAI-based Hybrid Clustering Method in Improving VANET Communication Bajracharya, Scott, Khan
2023ViewVehicular Network Integrity Against Jamming Attacks Bajracharya, Justice, Khan
2022ViewAutonomous Vehicle Education using Learning Kits Bajracharya, Khan
2022ViewUse, Misuse, and Abuse of Deepfakes Bajracharya, Khan
2021ViewCyber Threats on IoT and AI assisted Digital Learning Environments Bajracharya, Gondi
2020ViewAssessing AWS and Traditional Cluster-Based Learning Outcomes in an Information Technology Classroom Gondi, Hua, Bajracharya
2020ViewIoT Education using Learning Kits of IoT Devices Bajracharya, Gondi, Hua
2019ViewEngaging students in cybersecurity through co-curricular student organization participation Gondi, Hua, Bajracharya
2017ViewExpanding Access and Engagement in Your Courses with Open Educational Resources (OER) Baker
2017ViewViNEL: A Virtual Networking Lab for Cyber Defense Education Reinicke, Baker, Toothman
2016ViewInvestigating Student Resistance and Student Perceptions of Course Quality and Instructor Performance in a Flipped Information Systems Classroom Baker, Hill
2015ViewHow Do We Fit It All In?: Efficacy of Flipped Course Design in Lab-based, Introductory Information Systems Classes Baker
2019ViewStudents’ Perceptions of Challenges and Solutions to Face-to-Face and Online Group Work Bakir, Humpherys, Dana
2018ViewCertifying Business Students in Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Excel Core Exam: Lessons Learned Bakir, Dana, Abdullat
2017ViewOne CISter at a Time: Building Strong Relationships through a Female Mentoring Program in Computer Information Systems Bakir, Babb, Abdullat
2016ViewAutomatic scoring of student work in Microsoft Excel and Access: Allen, Ball
2016ViewTeaching Database Management with Automated Grading Technology Allen, Ball, Cox, Weber
2015ViewPreparing Students for a Capstone Design Course Ball, Sanchez, Payne
2015ViewA REA Business Relational Database Development Project: Rockbridge Outfitters Ballenger
2020ViewInvestigating Student Behavior in an Interdisciplinary Computing Capstone Course Watson, Besmer, Banks, Ray, Derksen
2016ViewFacebook Enhanced College Courses and the Impact of Personality on Sense of Classroom Community Barczyk, Duncan
2015ViewFacebook's Impact on Higher Education Classes: An Empirical Study Duncan , Barczyk
2015ViewA Topic Analysis of ISECON Conference Proceedings from 1982 through 2014 Clark, Athey, Plotnicki, Barnes
2019ViewImplementation of Cloud Based Evidence Acquisitions in Digital Forensic Education Barrett
2021ViewThe COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Course Grades: A Remote Learning Analysis Chawdhry, Paullet, Baugh, Nakama
2019ViewA First Database Course Incorporating Multiple Database Platforms Baugh
2017ViewAssessment of Group Projects Baugh
2020ViewWhat is a Gamer: An exploration of culture, identity, and belonging? Breese, Chiampi , Bayer, Giles
2020ViewLike Playing Whack-a-Mole in the Dark: Teaching Online during a Pandemic West, Beam, Sosnkowski, Ciampa
2024ViewCybersecurity Program Curriculum Improvement: Integrating Cyber Physical Systems Beauchamp, Nyandoro, Henry, Dunlap
2023ViewA Mixed-Method Study Exploring Student Motivation Participating in Cybersecurity CTF Competitions Beauchamp, Matusovich
2022ViewA Mixed-Method Study of Significant Learning Experiences with Cyber Ranges in Cybersecurity Education Beauchamp, Matusovich
2019ViewCognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching Students How to Think Like an Expert Gomillion, George, Scialdone, Becker
2019ViewLearning How to Teach: The Case for Faculty Learning Communities Gomillion, Becker, George, Scialdone
2018ViewAn Examination of Project Context in Improving Computer Programming Pedagogy Iyer, Hassler, Dissanayake, Bedeley
2024ViewCourse-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) for Computer Science? Bekkering
2024ViewFramework for Proper Use of Generative AI in Computer Science Classes Bekkering
2023ViewIf You Want Something Specific, Ask for it Specifically: A Comparison of Generative AI Solutions and Textbook Solutions in an Introductory Programming Course Bekkering, Harrington
2022ViewEnforcement of Prerequisites in Computer Science Bekkering, Harrington
2021ViewEvolution of Assessment in the Computer Science Program at a Regional University Bekkering, Harrington
2020ViewClass Participation and Student Performance: A Follow-up Study Bekkering, Ward
2019ViewClass Participation and Student Performance: A Tale of Two Courses Bekkering, Ward
2015ViewThe Project Tracking Project Bentley, Fremder, Hoff, Sprague, Havelka
2023ViewAI-Builder Model LCNC Activities in Power Automate Berardi
2023ViewBirds of a Feather: Finding Research Partners Connolly, Berardi
2022ViewConstructing a resolute citizen development research paradigm: A metatheoretical perspective Berardi, Kaur
2022ViewIntegrating Citizen Development into Individual Courses and Across Programs of Study Berardi, Kaur, Thacker, Blundell
2021ViewAn initial evaluation of the impact of a workflow automation activities intervention on student self-perception Berardi, Kaur, Thacker, Blundell
2021ViewSolutions by design: Building a portfolio of workflow automation activities Berardi, Kaur, Thacker
2020ViewAssessing Technological Self-Conception: Are Business Students Ready to be Citizen Developers? Thacker, Berardi, Kaur, Blundell
2019ViewExploring the Emporium Delivery Model for an Introductory Computer Applications Course Berardi, Blundell
2018ViewImplementing Trigger Automation Activities in Business Marketing Courses Berardi, Thacker
2018ViewUnderstanding the Contemporary and Forward-Looking Technology Needs of Employers for Integration in a Business Curriculum Blundell, Berardi
2017ViewA Narrative Approach for Teaching Computer Skills and Decision-Making Practices Berardi, Blundell, Thacker
2017ViewIntegrating Data Visualization and Process Automation Tools into Business Courses Berardi, Blundell
2016ViewTowards evidence-based teaching, problem-based learning and metacognitive assessment cycles Blundell, Berardi
2015ViewDeveloping Capable Undergraduate Students: A focus on Problem Based Learning and Assessment Blundell, Berardi
2020ViewInvestigating Student Behavior in an Interdisciplinary Computing Capstone Course Watson, Besmer, Banks, Ray, Derksen
2024ViewAssessing the Impact of Prerequisite Courses on Student Performance in Relational Design Slonka, North, Bhatnagar, Serapiglia
2024ViewUnderstanding the Influence of Typeface Design on Student Engagement in the Online Classroom Louch, Ferguson, Bhatnagar
2023ViewDeveloping a Data Analytics Practicum Course Bhatnagar, Pry, Causer, Lucci, Zilic
2023ViewTeaching Database Normalization: Do Prerequisites Matter? Slonka, Bhatnagar
2022ViewCaptive Audience: Mobile Learning Motivation Factors Mid-Pandemic Bhatnagar, Horcher
2021ViewThe Introduction to Information Systems Course: A Topical Examination Slonka, Bhatnagar
2019ViewStudent attitudes, awareness, and perceptions of personal privacy and cybersecurity in the use of social media: An initial study Bhatnagar, Pry
2018ViewLinking Programmer Analyst Skills to Industry Needs: A Current Review Peslak, Kovalchick, Kovacs, Conforti, Wang, Bhatnagar
2017ViewShifting Perspectives: Stimulating Critical Thinking Through the Use of Virtual Reality in an IS Curriculum Chapman, Bhatnagar
2020ViewTeaching the First Course in Information Systems: Integrating Theory and Practice Bidgoli, Klahr
2023ViewData-Driven Curriculum Design: Aligning Job Market Needs and Educational Content through Job Ad Analytics Müller, Felby, Bille, Mathiasen, Roesen, Nielsen
2017ViewServer on a USB Port: A custom environment for teaching systems administration using the Raspberry Pi Zero Black, Green
2017ViewThe Enhanced Virtual Laboratory: Extending Cyber Security Awareness through a Web-based Laboratory Black, Chapman, Clark
2016ViewApplied Learning through On-campus Interdisciplinary Internships Klammer Kruse, Azarbod, Salivia, Krumwiede, Kuechle, Blashack
2018ViewProcess-Focused Approach to a Systems Analysis & Design Group Project Mukherjee, Bleakney
2022ViewIntegrating Citizen Development into Individual Courses and Across Programs of Study Berardi, Kaur, Thacker, Blundell
2021ViewAn initial evaluation of the impact of a workflow automation activities intervention on student self-perception Berardi, Kaur, Thacker, Blundell
2020ViewAssessing Technological Self-Conception: Are Business Students Ready to be Citizen Developers? Thacker, Berardi, Kaur, Blundell
2019ViewExploring the Emporium Delivery Model for an Introductory Computer Applications Course Berardi, Blundell
2018ViewUnderstanding the Contemporary and Forward-Looking Technology Needs of Employers for Integration in a Business Curriculum Blundell, Berardi
2017ViewA Narrative Approach for Teaching Computer Skills and Decision-Making Practices Berardi, Blundell, Thacker
2017ViewIntegrating Data Visualization and Process Automation Tools into Business Courses Berardi, Blundell
2016ViewTowards evidence-based teaching, problem-based learning and metacognitive assessment cycles Blundell, Berardi
2015ViewDeveloping Capable Undergraduate Students: A focus on Problem Based Learning and Assessment Blundell, Berardi
2017ViewIndustry Engagement in Education for the Adaptive Curriculum Decker, Kennedy, Foley, Bly
2020ViewEffects of emergency online learning during COVID-19 pandemic on student performance and connectedness Boardman, Vargas, Burshteyn, Cotler
2024ViewUsing Agile Methods for Course and Curriculum Development in Higher Education Bohler, Larson, Davis, Krishnamoorthy, Locke
2020ViewAligning the Technical and Soft Skills of Management Information Systems and Business Analytics Curricula to Supplement Accounting Education Larson, Sanders, Bohler
2019ViewData Welding: Assimilating Publicly Available Datasets for Competitive Advantage Tastle, Bondra
2024ViewA Comparative Analysis of Oversampling Methods for Predicting Credit Card Default with Logistic Regression Tourt, Booker, Rebman Jr., Jin
2023ViewData Analytics Position Description Analysis: Skills Review and Implications for Data Analytics Curricula Booker, Rebman Jr., Wimmer, Levkoff, Powell, Breese
2022ViewAn Industry Survey of Analytics Spreadsheet Tools Adoption: Microsoft Excel vs Google Sheets Rebman Jr., Wimmer, Booker, Levkoff, McMurtrey, Powell
2020ViewPandemic Shift: Impact of COVID-19 on IS/Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Certification Exam Classes: Remote Testing and Lessons Learned Rebman Jr., White, Booker, Wimmer, Powell
2018ViewA Nationwide Exploratory Study on Faculty Opinions on Student Preparation, Performance, and Evaluations Rebman Jr., Wimmer, Booker
2015ViewVanilla with a Swirl: ERP Implementation at BCC Boone, Hurst, Lewis, Scott, Tesak, Havelka
2023ViewDecision Management: A Missing Competency Area in Information Systems Curriculums WANG, Bostrom
2023ViewUsing Constructive Alignment, EduScrum and Tableau to Teach Managerial Analytics Boyne
2022ViewFramework for Incorporating User Experience Design in the IS Curriculum through Community-Engaged Projects Bozan, Stoner, Maden
2016ViewAccentra: Thrashing through ERP Bradds, Hills, Masters, Weiss, Havelka
2018ViewInterim Awardee Outcomes after Four Years of a STEM Scholarship Program Sorkin, Braman, Yancy
2015ViewAn Innovative Approach to Teaching Information Systems Gessell, Brandenburg
2024ViewUsing Python to Inspire Novice Cybersecurity Learners (K-12 and University Level) Breese, Gardner
2023ViewCybersecurity the Future of Non-Profit Rural Organizations: A Pilot Study Sharma , Breese, Ramljak
2023ViewData Analytics Position Description Analysis: Skills Review and Implications for Data Analytics Curricula Booker, Rebman Jr., Wimmer, Levkoff, Powell, Breese
2022ViewNon-Fungible Token Ethics: A Research Framework Hozella, Breese
2022ViewUsing GitLab for Education program for a collaborative Cyber Infrastructure among Cybersecurity educators, learners, and researchers across the Pennsylvania State University Commonwealth Campuses Landmesser, Breese, Roshanaei, Gardner
2021ViewA journey through shared cyber program development to student-centered education and opportunities Breese, Landmesser, Gardner
2020ViewWhat is a Gamer: An exploration of culture, identity, and belonging? Breese, Chiampi , Bayer, Giles
2020ViewWhat is a Gamer? An exploration of culture, identity and belonging Breese, Zwerling, Chiampi
2018ViewBeyond #MeToo: Uprooting unconscious bias in STEM fields Breese, Scott, Kim, Stork, Breimer
2020ViewEDSIG / ISCAP Town Hall Babb, Pomykalski, Breimer, Lester, Serapiglia
2019ViewEDSIG Town Hall Babb, Breimer, Waguespack
2018ViewBeyond #MeToo: Uprooting unconscious bias in STEM fields Breese, Scott, Kim, Stork, Breimer
2016ViewUsing the Master the Mainframe (MTM) Contest to Provide Hands-on Experiences for any level of CS/IS or IT Core Operating System Course Breimer, Decker, Laverty
2015ViewFull Flip, Half Flip and No Flip: Breimer, Fryling, Yoder
2015ViewUsing a Flipped Course for 2-year College Outreach Breimer, Conway
2015ViewKeep I.T. SIMple! How to Make Teaching Easy and Student Learning Limitless (yes, it’s possible!) Broadway, Russell
2015ViewMedical Residents’ Perceptions of an E-Learning Experience Segerman, Crable, Brodzinski
2023ViewWhat’s in a name? Student preferences for cybersecurity-related major titles Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
2021ViewIT Skills Gap: A Survey Of Employers’ Requirements In 4 Key Domains Draus, Mishra, Slonka, Bromall
2019ViewCIS Cyber Scholars: An NSF Funded Initiative to Broaden Participation of Community College Transfer Students in Computer and IT Careers. Igoche, Paullet, Bromall
2018ViewKnowledge and Skill Gaps in Programming Wang, Bromall
2022ViewBringing Low Code/No Code into the Classroom A Guide to Choosing the Right Tools Brooks, Korzaan
2021ViewInformation Systems Education: Taking Advantage of Resilience to Create Opportunities Brooks, Korzaan, Louch
2020ViewPromoting Positive Student Outcomes: The Use of Reflection and Planning Activities with a Growth-Mindset Focus and SMART Goals Poe, Brooks, Korzaan, Hulshult, Woods
2019ViewAcademic Entitlement Beliefs of Information Systems Students: A Comparison with Other Business Majors and An Exploration of Key Demographic Variables and Outcomes Seipel, Brooks
2017ViewGrit and the Information Systems Student: A Discipline-Specific Examination of Perseverance and Passion for Long Term Goals Brooks, Seipel
2023ViewInvestigating How Technical Acumen and Student Grit Affect the Performance of Students in Online Learning Environments Johnson, Brown, Kelly, Romero
2022ViewA Case Study in Identifying and Measuring Skills Honed from a Cybersecurity Competition Pike, Duong, Weddle, Brown
2021ViewLeveraging Capture the Flag (CTF) Software in the Classroom Brown
2019ViewA Survey on CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) Contributions to Higher Education Research Brown
2019ViewDigital Badges and E-Portfolios in Cybersecurity Education Pike, West, Zentner, Brown, Stubblefield
2019ViewThe Evolving Cybersecurity Curriculum Serapiglia, Clark, Yates, Brown
2018ViewFrom the Campus to the Conference "A Case Study in the Design and Development of Cyber Contests for Professional Conferences" Brown, Pike
2018ViewIT Infrastructure Strategy in an Undergraduate Course Pike, Brown
2018ViewThe Contribution of the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) to Higher Education Research Brown
2015ViewTeaching Systems Thinking for Effective Problem Solving Bunting, Jain, Elias
2016ViewAnalysis of Student Web Queries Jadav, Burke, Dhiman, Kollmer, Tappert
2024ViewTraining Data-Savvy Managers: An Analysis of Graduate Business Analytics Programs Nosrati, Burns, Gao, Sherman
2021ViewReflections on the Creation of a Business Analytics Minor Burns, Sherman
2018ViewA Cross Collegiate Analysis of the Curricula of Business Analytics Minor Programs Burns, Sherman
2017ViewDo the Knowledge and Skills Required By Employers of Recent Graduates of Undergraduate Information Systems Programs Match the Current ACM/AIS Information Systems Curriculum Guidelines? Burns, Gao, Sherman, Klein
2016ViewAn Empirical Investigation into the Advantages and Disadvantages of Combining Information Systems and Operations Management into One Department Burns, Gao, Sherman, Klein
2023ViewEmpathy-Driven Student Transformations: Bridging the Gap in Software Development for Inclusive User Experiences Cotler, Burshteyn, Kiss, Hale, Walker, Slyer
2020ViewEffects of emergency online learning during COVID-19 pandemic on student performance and connectedness Boardman, Vargas, Burshteyn, Cotler
2024ViewTruth From the Trenches: Cybersecurity Programs from three perspectives Serapiglia, Butler, Mierzwa
2024ViewThe Role of Trust in AI Integration in Education: Factors, Issues, and Strategic Approaches Buyck, Shi, Gebauer

Search by Authors - Joint ISECON Proceedings

Please note the manuscripts below reflect the 1999 to 2014 ISECON Proceedings which were published by EDSIG, the Education Special Interest Group of AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals, Chicago, Illinois) and the Foundation for Information Technology Education (FITE).

Search returned 152 items for : B

Conf YearArticleTitleAuthors
2014ViewA Match in the Making: How Emergent Changes in the Marketing Discipline Present Opportunities for Information Systems Programs Carley, Babb
2014ViewAddressing the 21st Century Paradox: Integrating Entrepreneurship in the Computer Information Systems Curriculum Lang, Babb
2014ViewEDSIG Special Committee on Curricular Matters: Establishing the Basis for a CIS Undergraduate Program: On Seeking the Body of Knowledge Waguespack, Babb, Feinstein, Longenecker, Janicki
2014ViewEstablishing the Basis for a CIS (Computer Information Systems) Undergraduate Degree Program: On Seeking the Body of Knowledge Longenecker, Babb, Waguespack, Janicki, Feinstein
2014ViewInteractive Information Visualization with HTML5 and Web-GL Jafar, Dana, Babb
2014ViewTeaching Systems Thinking in Information Systems Programs Petkov, Waguespack, Schell, Petkova, Babb
2014ViewWhere do Student Outcomes Begin? Developing Personal and Life Skills as a Strategy for Student Success in the First Computing Course and Beyond Humpherys, Babb, Abdullat
2013ViewCommunicating the Value of Program-Level Accreditation for Information Systems in the College of Business Babb, Abdullat
2013ViewConfronting the Issues of Programming Babb, Longenecker, Baugh, Feinstein
2013ViewData Analytics with R (workshop will go to 10:45) Jafar, Babb, Dana
2013ViewHTML 5: A Hands-On Workshop for Leveraging the Latest in Web Technology Dana, Babb, Jafar
2013ViewIn Search of Design-Focus in IS Curricula Babb, Waguespack
2013ViewIs There a Need Longenecker, Feinstein, Babb
2012ViewData Mining Methods Workshop Using R Jafar, Babb, Dana
2012ViewISECON 2012 Fake Paper 3 Woratschek, Babb, Sendall, Landry, Battig, Waguespack, Ryker
2011ViewData Mining Methods Workshop Using SQL Server Analysis Services (ends 3:45) Jafar, Babb
2011ViewModel Curriculum "Wiki" Birds of a Feather Panel Session Lind, Hall, Chen, Leal , Babb, Pauli, Reynolds, Schwieger, Surendran, Subramanian
2011ViewReasserting the Fundamentals of Jafar, Babb
2011ViewThe Need for Mobile Application Development in IS Curricula: An Innovation and Disruptive Technologies Perspective Babb, Abdullat
2010ViewArtifacts as Interface: Jafar, Babb
2010ViewIncorporation of Skills and Graduate Characteristics into a Framework for Program Assessment and Accreditation Longenecker, Babb, Landry, Pardue, Leidig, White
2010ViewThe Role of Skills in the Development of the Un-dergraduate Curriculum: The Case for Double-Loop Learning in Decision-Making Babb, Longenecker, Woratschek, Abdullat
2008ViewIdentifying Influencers in High School Student ICT Career Choice Babin, Grant, Sawal
2006ViewFactors Impacting the Supply and Demand of IT Workers in Canada and the US Grant, Babin
2006ViewOffshoring & Immigration -- The Impacts on IT Workers in Canada and the United States Grant, Babin
2010ViewStudents Computer Proficiency, Perceptions And Experiences: An Exploratory Study Badamas
2012ViewA Systematic Approach to Faculty Development - Capability Improvement for Blended Learning Badawood, Steenkamp, Al-Werfalli
2014ViewHow Students Use Technology to Cheat and What Faculty Can Do About It Bain
2011ViewBehind the Final Grade in Hybrid v. Traditional Courses: Comparing Student Performance by Assessment Type, Core Competency, and Course Objective Bain
2008ViewFlat Classroom Discussions? Bakke
2007ViewHow Effective is Student-Centric Edutainment in Large Introductory IS Survey Courses? Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
2006ViewRepackaging the Introductory IS Survey Course: Bakke, Faley, Steinberg
2013ViewSentiment Analysis of Academic Plagiarism Detection Tools Balan
2014ViewExamining student learning in spreadsheet assignments: Allen, Ball, Chapman, Davies
2014ViewmyEducator: Automatic Grading of Excel and Access assignments with Cheater Detection Allen, Ball
2014Viewmyeducator: Demonstration of Automatic Grading of Excel and Access assignments with Cheater Detection Allen, Ball
2014ViewWeaving Computer Science into a Non-Majors Science Course Ball
2011ViewA Database Design and Development Case: Home Theater Video Ballenger, Pratt
2011ViewDeveloping and Publishing IS Teaching Cases Smith, Ballenger
2009ViewStudent Usage of Instructional Technologies: Ballenger, Garvis
2011ViewTreating the Healthcare Workforce Crisis: Campbell, Pardue, Longenecker, Barnett, Landry
2012ViewBuilding an Effective Kline, Vetter, Barnhill
2013ViewDigital Learning Platforms and Opportunities Golub, Barrett
2009ViewBuilding an INtegrated Student information System in a K-12 School System Basal, Steenkamp
2012ViewISECON 2012 Fake Paper 3 Woratschek, Babb, Sendall, Landry, Battig, Waguespack, Ryker
2010ViewA Validation Study of Student Differentiation Between Computing Disciplines Battig, Shariq
2009ViewBuilding Undergraduate IT Programs in Developing Countries Battig
2008ViewPiltdown Man or Inconvenient Truth? A Two-year Study of Student Perceptions about Computing Battig
2007ViewExamining the impact of a new Information Systems Program and NSF STEM funding on computing enrollments Battig
2014ViewFirst Database Course – Keeping it all Organized Baugh
2013ViewConfronting the Issues of Programming Babb, Longenecker, Baugh, Feinstein
2010ViewMake it Relevant and They Just May Learn it Baugh
2008ViewEmphasizing Communication Skills in the Curriculum for the Computer Information Systems Grad Baugh, Turchek, Davis
2008ViewLet’s Have Fun with That Required Computer Information Systems Introduction Course Baugh
2007ViewStudent Success with Java Online vs Java On-Ground Baugh
2006ViewSelf-paced Learning and On-line Teaching of Entity-Relationship Modeling Wu, Baugh, Harvey
2006ViewThe Disconnect of the Non-Computer Information Systems Major to the Information Systems Literacy Course Baugh
2011ViewStrategies for Ensuring Computer Literacy Among Undergraduate Business Students: Hungerford, Baxter, LeMay, Helms
2011ViewStrategies for Ensuring Computer Literacy Among Undergraduate Business Students: A Marketing Survey of AACSB-Accredited Schools Hungerford, Baxter, LeMay, Helms
2010ViewPredicting Success in the Introduction to Computers Course: GPA vs. Student’s Self-Efficacy Scores Baxter, Hungerford, Helms
2009ViewA Value Chain Approach for Attracting, Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2008ViewDeveloping the Information Literacy of University Students: Integrating Research into Curricula Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2007ViewBridging the Academic / Industrial Chasm for the Millennial Generation Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2006ViewExtending the Value of MIS Programs Beard, Schwieger, Surendran
2010ViewIs there a Student ‘Disconnect?’ First-year Hybrid Class Teachers’ Observations and Recommendations for Improving Student Engagement in Information Systems Classes Parris, Beaver, Nickels, Crabtree
2008ViewIntegrating Enterprise Systems Concepts in the B-School--A Regional University Perspective Hunt, Regan, Becka, Everett, Green, Hunt
2014ViewA Security Focused Undergraduate Program Becker, Kianmehr, Almaghrabi
2012ViewDeception, Ethics, and Information Technology: Policy Implications Kamali , Becker, Kianmehr
2011ViewThe Importance of Written Security Policy for any Network Connection Kianmehr, Becker, Kamali
2010ViewGroup Assessment of Learning: Test the Class, Not the Students Bekkering, Kwok, Kern
2008ViewA Follow-up Study of Using Remote Desktop Applications in Education Bekkering, Hutchison
2007ViewUsing Remote Desktop Applications in Education Hutchison, Bekkering
2010ViewA Learner-Centered Approach to Teaching Information Systems Belanger, Van Slyke
2012ViewStrategic Plan for Enhancing Online Learning Samman, Omar, Belmasrour, Alijani
2007ViewA RAD Framework for Cross-platform GUI Development of MVDBMS Client-server Applications Sambasivam, Bend
2011ViewComparatively Assessing The Use Of Blackboard Versus Desire2learn: Faculty Perceptions Of The Online Tools Chawdhry, Paullet, Benjamin
2010ViewAssessing Blackboard: Improving Online Instructional Delivery Chawdhry, Paullet, Benjamin
2011ViewA Case Study: Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Computer Science and Technology Lester, Bennett
2009ViewCritical Thinking Measurement in ICT Lester, Schneider, Bennett
2008View"Cycle of Poverty" in Educational Technology Lester, Bennett, Schneider
2007ViewBrains Brawn and Bratwurst Bennett, Cooper
2006ViewEdPod: Adding Classroom Richness to the On-Line Experience Bennett, Cooper
2006ViewA Case Study of the Network Installation Process Benson, Clark, Kirk
2008ViewOn the Road to ITIL: Certification in an Australian undergraduate degree Shackleton, Bentley
2013ViewA Learning Theory Approach to Using Capture Technology in Teaching: Ideas from Basic Lecture Capture to Student-Created Content Berardi, Blundell
2011ViewConsiderations for Integrating and Sustaining Experiential Learning and a Capstone Experience Berardi, Blundell
2011ViewIdeas Tried, Lessons Learned and Improvements to Make: A Journey in Moving a Spreadsheet-Intensive Course Online Berardi
2008ViewAsk the Audience…Using Clickers to Enhance Introductory Business Statistics Courses Koppel, Berenson
2012ViewBecoming "AGILE" with teaching Systems Analysis and Design Pauli, Wessel, Bergman, Anderson
2007ViewFive Years of Success: Some Outcomes of the Carnegie Mellon Information Assurance Capacity Building Program Sledge, Manson, Berta, Tsamitis
2011ViewWill Computer Engineer Barbie® impact young women’s career choices? Martincic, Bhatnagar
2007ViewA Study of the Inclusion of Programming Languages in an Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum Bhatnagar
2008ViewAssessment of Student Outcomes in Management Information Systems Online Course Participation Omar, Kalulu, Bhutta
2014ViewCybersecurity Curriculum Development: Introducing Specialties in a Graduate Program Bicak, Liu, Murphy
2007ViewImplications of Role Play and Team Teaching as Lombard, Biglan
2007ViewEffectiveness of Online Discussion Groups Filipski, Bigrigg
2012ViewDeveloping a Bachelor’s Program in Health Information Technology Howard, Bishop-Clark, Evans, Rose
2006ViewA Qualitative Look at Alice and Pair-Programming Howard, Evans, Courte, Bishop-Clark
2009ViewComputer Literacy and Non-IS majors Thomas, Blackwood
2011ViewProblem Solving Frameworks for Mathematics and Software Development McMaster, Sambasivam, Blake
2007ViewTwo Gestalts for Mathematics: Logical vs. Computational McMaster, Rague, McMaster, Blake
2006ViewTeaching Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus: McMaster, Anderson, Blake
2013ViewA Learning Theory Approach to Using Capture Technology in Teaching: Ideas from Basic Lecture Capture to Student-Created Content Berardi, Blundell
2011ViewConsiderations for Integrating and Sustaining Experiential Learning and a Capstone Experience Berardi, Blundell
2007ViewAssessing Team Performance in Information Systems Projects Tastle, Boasson, Wierman
2006ViewStudy of Risk and Returns on Investments in Information Technology Boasson, Boasson
2006ViewStudy of Risk and Returns on Investments in Information Technology Boasson, Boasson
2006ViewTeaching Object Oriented Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using Visual Basic: A Spreadsheet Approach Boasson
2012ViewEthics Among Scholars in Academic Publishing Boff
2009ViewRecruiting Students to Major in CIS and Other Computing Related Disciplines: One School’s Approach Kovalchick, Boff
2007ViewLeveraging Academic Resources in the ABET Accreditation Process: A Case from California University of Pennsylvania Kovalchick, Boff, DeLorenzo, Sible
2007ViewHuman factors in GIS use: A review and suggestions for research Bone, Johnson
2012ViewSecurity Engineering Lessons Learned for Migrating Independent LANs to an Enterprise Environment Marchant, Bonneau
2014ViewEmbracing New Technology Adoption Borkovich, Breese-Vitelli, Skovira
2013ViewBig Data in the Information Age: Exploring the Intellectual Foundation of Communication Theory Borkovich, Noah
2006ViewInformation Quality in Customer Relationship Management Systems Bose, Hashemi, Rebhun
2009ViewScaling large-size undergraduate classes at a top research university via eLearning strate-gies: A facilitated model of instruction using a Web 2.0 paradigm Conn, Hu, Boyer, Wilkinson
2006ViewXML: What,What, Who and Where Boyno
2008ViewA Modular Approach to Delivering Braun, Crable, Sena
2006ViewAn Examination of Employers' Perceptions and Expections of IS Entry Level Personal and Interpersonal Skills Tesch, Braun, Crable
2014ViewWhat's the Price of Privacy? A Study of the Perceptions of College Students and Industry Professionals on the Costs of Information Privacy Kim, Metzer, Agnor, Homan, Breese
2014ViewEmbracing New Technology Adoption Borkovich, Breese-Vitelli, Skovira
2013ViewCan Web 2.0 Tools Still Provide a Means for Effective Communication and Collaboration? Kim, Breese-Vitelli, Homan, Maloney
2012ViewAn Analysis of the Holistic Model for Blended Learning versus Face-to-Face Breese-Vitelli, Thomas , Vitelli
2012ViewMobile technologies, social media, and crowdsourcing: how students get their local news Breese-Vitelli, McMillion, Vitelli
2013ViewOn the Shoulders of Giants: Mobile Websites with Twitter Bootstrap Breimer
2012ViewDeveloping 21st Century Communicators Cotler, Yoder, Breimer, Del Belso
2012ViewExposing Students to Big Data: Hands-on Market Basket Analysis with Access Breimer, Vandenberg, Yoder
2011ViewMarket Basket Analysis for Non-Programmers Yoder, Vandenberg, Breimer
2010ViewTowards an Innovative Web-based Lab Delivery System for a Management Information Systems Course Breimer, Cotler, Yoder
2009ViewCo-"Lab"oration: A New Paradigm for Building a Management Information Systems Course Cotler, Breimer, Yoder
2010ViewAdditional Support for the Information Systems Analyst Exam as a Valid Program Assessment Tool Carpenter, Snyder, Slauson, Bridge
2013ViewA Preliminary Comparison of Student and Professional Motivations for Choosing Information Systems Brooks, Korzaan, Ceccucci
2012ViewHands-on Experience: What Are We Doing to Improve Student Learning in Computer Networking and Data Communications Courses Brooks
2011ViewEmerging Trends and Opportunities for Hybrid Learning in Higher Education Brooks, Korzaan
2011ViewUsing Google Docs and Shared Media Prims to facilitate interaction and collaboration in Second Life Korzaan, Brooks
2010ViewClass Service Quality: Moving Beyond SERVQUAL Miller, Brooks
2007ViewStudent Identification with IT-Related Professions Brooks, Ceccucci
2006ViewLearning Communities in Information Systems Education: Saulnier, White, Ceccucci, Brooks
2010ViewIntegrating Cloud Computing, Green Computing, and Ethics into the MIS Model Curriculum Lind, Brown, Humphrey, White, Little
2013ViewAssessing Face to Face and Online Course Delivery using Student Learning Outcomes Sharma, Bryant, Murphy
2013ViewAssessment a crucial aspect to improving your curriculum Bryon, Dhariwal
2009ViewPerceptions of Using Creativity Howard, Bulach, Carver, Creekbaum, Parker, Shockley
2014ViewDistance Education Challenges: Teacher- and Student-Related Issues Bulajic, Sambasivam
2014ViewThe Rise of Business Transactions from Paper to ERP Burke, Anderson
2007ViewExperiential Learning in Systems Analysis and Design Burke
2013ViewInvestigating a 21st Century Paradox: As the Demand for Technology Jobs Increases Why Are Fewer Students Majoring in Information Systems? Burns, Gao, Sherman, Vengerov, Klein
2011ViewDoes the Instructor’s Experience as a Practitioner Affect the Purpose and Content of the Undergraduate Systems Analysis and Design Course? Burns
2010ViewDefining the Content of the Undergraduate Burns
2007ViewBest Practices: A Cure for the New Prep Headache? Burns, Steinbach
2006ViewIncorporating Real World Projects and Emerging Technologies Janicki, Fischetti, Burns
2014ViewCourse Redesign Based Kreie, Bussmann