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Search returned 90 items for : A

Year PubArticleTitleAuthors
2007ViewEstablishing an Assessment Process for a Aasheim, Gowan, Reichgelt
2024ViewWWC: Leveraging Extreme Events in Teaching George, Aasi
2019ViewWhen Technology Meets Tax Lautt, Asumadu, Abdul, Korzaan
2019ViewCertifying Business Students in Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Excel Core Exam: Lessons Learned Bakir, Dana, Abdullat
2017ViewEmergence of Data Analytics in the Information Systems Curriculum Jafar, Babb, Abdullat
2015ViewWhere do Student Outcomes Begin? Developing Personal and Life Skills as a Strategy for Student Success in the First Computing Course and Beyond Humpherys, Babb, Abdullat
2014ViewCommunicating the Value of Program-Level Accreditation for Information Systems in the College of Business Babb, Abdullat
2012ViewThe Need for Mobile Application Development in IS Curricula: An Innovation and Disruptive Technologies Perspective Babb, Abdullat
2008ViewData Mining Methods Course Jafar, Anderson, Abdullat
2008ViewSoftware Academic Initiatives: Jafar, Anderson, Abdullat
2007ViewTeaching Scalability Issues in Large Scale Database Application Development Anderson, Jafar, Abdullat
2005ViewAssessing the Effectiveness of Virtual Learning in a Graduate Course in Computer Information Systems Abdullat, Terry
2004ViewInternet and Web-Based Database Technology Abdullat
2024ViewExamining Factors Predicting Programming Self-Efficacy for Computer Information Systems Students Abdunabi, Nyambe, Hbaci
2011ViewA Model for Long Term Assessment of Computing and Information Systems Programs Al-Mubaid, Abeysekera, Kim, Perkins-Hall, Yue
2013ViewTen Year Assessment of Learning Outcomes of a Computer Information Systems (CIS) Program Abraham
2006ViewAssessing the Learning Outcomes of a Computer Information Systems Program Abraham
2004ViewDeveloping a Collaborative Learning Facility to Support Advanced Information Systems Courses: The LMU Experience Ewusi-Mensah, Seal, Abraham
2011ViewA ‘Rainmaker’ Process for Developing Internet-based Retail Businesses Abrahams, Singh
2010ViewCreating E-commerce Start-ups with Information Systems Students: Lessons Learned from New Venture Successes and Failures Abrahams
2004ViewXML Technologies and/or Relational Databases: A Classroom Experience Abuhejleh
2019ViewIntellectual Merit and Broader Impact: Collaborative Education toward Building a Skilled Software Verification and Validation Community Acharya, Manohar, Wu
2016ViewThe Design and Evaluation of Class Exercises as Active Learning Tools in Software Verification and Validation Wu, Manohar, Acharya
2022ViewComparison of Information Technology Professionals’ Perception of Job Satisfaction and Inclusion by Gender: Insights for Recruitment and Retention of Female Students Schultz, Adams
2017ViewProgramming in the IS Curriculum: Are Requirements Changing for the Right Reason? Reynolds, Adams, Ferguson, Leidig
2017ViewThe Personality of a Computing Major: It Makes a Difference Reynolds, Adams, Ferguson, Leidig
2016ViewAnalyzing Security Breaches in the U.S.: Parks, Adams
2009ViewEstablishing a Model to Identify Information Systems in Nontraditional Organizations Adams
2024ViewEthics-Driven Education: Integrating AI Responsibly for Academic Excellence Ihekweazu, Zhou, Adelowo
2024ViewChallenges and Practices of Knowledge Sharing in E-learning: A Systematic Literature Review Zhao, Tu, Adkins
2021ViewOnline teaching effectiveness: A case study of online 4-week classes in a graduate information systems program Adkins, Tu
2019ViewApplying an Agile Approach in an Information Systems Capstone Course Adkins, Tu
2018ViewActive Learning and Formative Assessment in a User-Centered Design Course Adkins
2017ViewTesting Frequency in an Introductory Computer Programming Course Adkins, Linville
2016ViewProgression of a Data Visualization Assignment Adkins
2014ViewRelevance of Student Resources Adkins
2013ViewVirtual Teams and Synchronous Presentations: Adkins
2014ViewDistance Synchronous Information Systems Course Delivery Peslak, Lewis, Aebli
2021ViewPlugin-based Tool for Secure Mobile Application Development Shahriar, Zhang, Valero, Sneha, Riad, Islam, Ahamed
2013ViewA Case for Calculating Innovation Score: Comparison between Apple, Inc. and Microsoft, Corp. Aimiuwu
2006ViewThe Business of Information Technology: An Integrated, Multi-disciplinary Approach to a Capstone Experience for Management Information Sciences Students Morgan, Aitken
2018ViewACS: Bringing Business Intelligence and Analytics to a Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming Company Christian, Akujobi, Saha, Korzaan
2006ViewProfitability of Outsourcing Information Technology Kocakülâh, Holzmeyer, Albin
2016ViewA Longitudinal Analysis of the Reid List of First Programming Languages Siegfried, Siegfried, Alexandro
2024ViewHow Popular is Your Name? Finding the Popularity of US Names Using Big Data Visualization Lee, Algarra
2010ViewCyber Forensics and Security as an Wood, Kohun, Ali, Paullet, Davis
2009ViewCultural Influence on Social Isolation in Doctoral Programs and Doctoral Attrition – A Case Study Ali, Kohun
2009ViewIssues and Challenges for Selecting a Programming Language in a Technology Update Course Ali, Mensch
2013ViewStrategic Plan for Enhancing Online Learning Samman, Omar, Belmasrour, Alijani
2007ViewForecasting Computer Crime Complaints Omar, Kwanbunbumpen, Alijani
2006ViewDesign and Implementation of an Information Security Model for E-Business Alijani, Christy, Craft, Welsh
2004ViewDecision Support System: A Study of Telework Initiatives Gilyot, Zhang, Alijani, Thangada
2004ViewElectronic Commerce: An Alternative for Small Businesses Alijani, Amugo, Eweni, Welsh, Belkhouche
2013ViewEffects of Social Networking on Adolescent Education Miah, Omar, Allison
2007ViewModeling Information and Business Systems Architectures – a Team Project Steenkamp, Schiller, Allour, Lyons, Nnolim
2011ViewA Model for Long Term Assessment of Computing and Information Systems Programs Al-Mubaid, Abeysekera, Kim, Perkins-Hall, Yue
2017ViewSAPCO: From Good to Great Alsaif, Edinger, Kodathala, Korzaan
2009ViewEffectiveness of Teaching Ethics: Kreie, Alt, Cronan, Leonard
2007ViewIssue-Continguent Ethical Views - A Comparison Using Pathfinder Associative Networks Kreie, Alt, Cronan, Leonard
2013ViewA Systematic Approach to Faculty Development Towards Improved Capability in Tertiary Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment Badawood, Steenkamp, Al-Werfalli
2012ViewCIS Program Redesign Driven By IS2010 Model: Surendran, Amer, Schwieger
2005ViewUse of Online Assessment Tools to Enhance Student Performance in Large Classes Amoroso
2004ViewElectronic Commerce: An Alternative for Small Businesses Alijani, Amugo, Eweni, Welsh, Belkhouche
2024ViewExamining Essential Factors on Student Performance and Satisfaction in Learning Business Analytics Dang, Williams, Anderson, Zhang
2011ViewA Relational Algebra Query Language McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
2011ViewIntegrating Health Information Systems Into a Database Course: A Case Study Anderson, Zhang, McMaster
2010ViewA Probability Model for Belady's Anomaly McMaster, Sambasivam, Anderson
2008ViewData Mining Methods Course Jafar, Anderson, Abdullat
2008ViewSoftware Academic Initiatives: Jafar, Anderson, Abdullat
2008ViewTeaching Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus: McMaster, Anderson, Blake
2007ViewTeaching Scalability Issues in Large Scale Database Application Development Anderson, Jafar, Abdullat
2005ViewTeaching Undergraduates IT Research in a NSF/DOE Sponsored Program Winkler, Anderson
2010ViewTwo Screens and an Ocean: Collaborating Across Continents and Cultures with Web-Based Tools Frydenberg, Andone
2018ViewGroup Assignments as a Measure to Promote Performance in Virtual Teams Angelo, McCarthy
2003ViewCreating a Collaborative B2B Environment in the Classroom: Evaluation of Methods Utilized in an International Simulation over a 4-Year Period Antonucci, zur Muehlen
2004ViewInformation Systems National Assessment Update: The Results of a Beta Test of a New Information Systems Exit Exam Based on the IS 2002 Model Curriculum Reynolds, Longenecker, Landry, Pardue, Applegate
2024ViewA Data Analytics Module Introducing Principles of Social Enterprise and Humanistic Management Ariyachandra
2024ViewTeaching Data Literacy Using Titanic Survival Factors Sena, Ariyachandra
2023ViewAn Examination of Tableau as a Supplement to Excel to Enhance Data Literacy Skills Sena, Ariyachandra
2020ViewA Taste of Microsoft Data Analytics in Introductory MIS Curriculum to Encourage Analytics Skills and Knowledge Ariyachandra
2009ViewA Pedagogical Expert System for Adapted and Therapeutic Exercise: An Interdisciplinary Approach Valentine, Arnhold
2023ViewCybersecurity Assessment for a Manufacturing Company Using Risk Registers: A Teaching Case Marquardson, Asadi
2022ViewAn Experiential Learning Project using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts Asay, Crable, Sena
2008ViewStudent Perceptions of Information Technology Preparedness and Important Job Skills Woodward, Ashby, Litteken, Zamora
2019ViewWhen Technology Meets Tax Lautt, Asumadu, Abdul, Korzaan
2016ViewA Topic Analysis of ISECON Conference Proceedings from 1982 through 2014 Clark, Athey, Plotnicki, Barnes
2006ViewWebsite Usability in Higher Education Christoun, Aubin, Hannon, Wolk
2023ViewEnhancing Learning in Business Education Utilizing Project Management Practice and Skills Fullick-Jagiela, Kelly, Paros, Awudu, Riello
2011ViewDeveloping Information Systems Higher Education – Lessons Learned from an Inter-organizational R&D Project Melin, Axelsson
2009ViewProject Based Learning – An Emergent Framework for Designing Courses Melin, Axelsson, Wedlund