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Year PubArticleTitleAuthors
2023ViewRobotic Process Automation Overdue Collections Case Richards, Mentzer, Calnan, Kolodziejczak
2010ViewEnterprise Integration: An Experiential Learning Model Cameron, Purao
2021ViewRe-Engineering General Education and the Impact on Undergraduate Technology Students Wolthuis, Campbell
2012ViewA Health Informatics Curriculum Longenecker, Campbell, Landry, Pardue, Daigle
2012ViewHealth Informatics as an ABET-CAC Accreditable IS Program Landry, Daigle, Pardue, Longenecker, Campbell
2012ViewTreating the Healthcare Workforce Crisis: Campbell, Pardue, Longenecker, Barnett, Landry
2004ViewInformation Certification under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Implications for Computing Educators Cantu, Gonzalez, Leal , Koong, Liu
2014ViewGender Rationales and Success Factors in Assessing and Selecting a Major in Information Technology at the Undergraduate Level of a University Program: A Focus Group Approach Mishra, Draus, Caputo, Leone, Kohun, Repack
2009ViewAnalyzing the Progression of IS/IT Keywords as Assessed by a Regional Trade Association Kovacs, Davis, Caputo
2006ViewDefining the Essential Skill and Functional Areas of Study in Information Technology as Measured by a Survey of Field Professionals Caputo, Kovacs, Turchek
2015ViewA Match in the Making: How Emergent Changes in the Marketing Discipline Present Opportunities for Information Systems Programs Carley, Babb
2010ViewDeveloping the Cyber Defenders of Tomorrow with Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competitions (CCDC) Carlin, Manson, Zhu
2017ViewCoin Counter: Gamification for Classroom Management Carlson, Harris, Harris
2013ViewA Longitudinal Study Assessing Carpenter, McGinnis, Slauson, Snyder
2012ViewBeyond the Bake Sale: Snyder, Carpenter, Slauson, Skinner, Nash
2011ViewAdditional Support for the Information Systems Analyst Exam as a Valid Program Assessment Tool Carpenter, Snyder, Slauson, Bridge
2011ViewSystems in the Foundations of Information Sys-tems Course to Retain Students and to Support the IS 2010 Model Curricula Slauson, Carpenter, Snyder
2009ViewAn Action Plan to Increase IS Enrollment Based on Recent Survey Evidence Snyder, Slauson, Carpenter
2009ViewEncouraging Students to Learn on the Fly in CIS Courses Slauson, Snyder, Carpenter
2008ViewCopyright Ethics: Relating to Students at Different Levels of Moral Development Slauson, Snyder, Carpenter – A Social Networking Site and Social Contract Theory Snyder, Slauson, Carpenter
2003ViewContinued Relevance of COBOL in Business and Academia: Current Situation and Comparison to the Year 2000 Study Carr, Kizior
2024ViewDeveloping a Data Analytics Practicum Course Bhatnagar, Pry, Causer, Lucci, Zilic
2023ViewHealth Care Management: Preventing Post-Surgical Falls after Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery through Predictive Analytics McCarthy, Ceccucci
2021ViewCan you Predict the Money Laundering Cases? McCarthy, Ceccucci, McCarthy, Sugumar
2020ViewUndergraduate Business Analytics and the overlap with Information Systems Programs Ceccucci, Jones, Toskin, Leonard
2019ViewAlpha Insurance: A Predictive Analytics Case to Analyze Automobile Insurance Fraud using SAS Enterprise Miner McCarthy, Ceccucci, McCarthy, Halawi
2018ViewHarnessing Business Analytics: Analyzing Data Analytics Programs in U.S. Business Schools Parks, Ceccucci, McCarthy
2018ViewInternational Service Learning in IS Programs: The Next Phase – An Implementation Experience Jones, Ceccucci
2015ViewThe Effectiveness of Data Science as a means to achieve Proficiency in Scientific Literacy Ceccucci, Tamarkin, Jones
2014ViewA Preliminary Comparison of Student and Professional Motivations for Choosing Information Systems Brooks, Korzaan, Ceccucci
2014ViewClone Yourself: Using Screencasts in the Classroom to Work with Students One-on-One Lang, Ceccucci
2014ViewWorking with Real Companies, Making a Real Impact: Student Perspectives on the Google Online Marketing Challenge Lang, Ceccucci
2010ViewGot Web 2.0? Sendall, Ceccucci, Peslak
2010ViewIntegrating Soft Skill Competencies Through Project-based Learning Across the Information Systems Curriculum Woodward, Sendall, Ceccucci
2009ViewIT Students and Computer Ethics: Making the Case for Further Training and Ethical Development Woodward, Ceccucci, Whitney
2008ViewIS Faculty Perceptions of ABET Accreditation Ceccucci, White
2008ViewWeb 2.0 Matters: An Analysis of Implementing Web 2.0 in the Classroom Sendall, Peslak, Ceccucci
2007ViewLearning Communities in Information Systems Education: Saulnier, White, Ceccucci, Brooks
2006ViewAn Alternative Testing Strategy for Advanced Programming Courses Ceccucci
2006ViewWhat do Students Know When They Enter College? Ceccucci
2020ViewStudent Perceptions of Challenges and Role of Mentorship in Cybersecurity Careers: Addressing the Gender Gap Pinchot, Cellante, Mishra, Paullet
2006ViewA Comparative Analysis of Program Curriculum in Selected Distance Education Information Systems Programs Cervone
2006ViewSecurity-Related Research and Projects in Computing Promote Student Awareness of Security Issues Tappert, Cha
2011ViewExploring the Connection between Age and Strategies for Learning new Technology Related Tasks Meiselwitz, Chakraborty
2006ViewThe Role of Assessment in Accreditation: A Case Study for a MIS Department Stemler, Chamblin
2005ViewCrafting an Architect-focused MS Program in Information Technology Chand
2019ViewStoring and Querying Blockchain using SQL Databases Yue, Chandrasekar, Gullapalli
2006ViewDesigning an Electronic Commerce Course: An Effort to Balance between Theory and Practice Changchit, Cutshall, Gonsalves
2018ViewThe Enhanced Virtual Laboratory: Extending Cyber Security Awareness through a Web-based Laboratory Black, Chapman, Clark
2014ViewSwipe In, Tap Out: Charlebois, Hentschel, Frydenberg
2004ViewAn Investigation of the Methodologies of Business Process Reengineering Stoica, Chawat, Shin
2022ViewHow the COVID-19 Shutdown Impacted Student Grades at the Collegiate Level Chawdhry, Paullet, Baugh, Nakama
2016ViewAssessing Faculty Perceptions and Techniques to Combat Academic Dishonesty in Online Courses Paullet, Chawdhry, Douglas, Pinchot
2012ViewComparatively Assessing The Use Of Blackboard Versus Desire2learn: Faculty Perceptions Of The Online Tools Chawdhry, Paullet, Benjamin
2011ViewAssessing Blackboard: Improving Online Instructional Delivery Chawdhry, Paullet, Benjamin
2010ViewChallenges in Delivering Distance Education Chawdhry
2019ViewDotting i’s and Crossing T’s: Integrating Breadth and Depth in an Undergraduate Cybersecurity Course Yates, Frydenberg, Waguespack, McDermott, OConnell, Chen, Babb
2011ViewCulturally Sensitive IS Teaching: Lessons Learned to Manage Motivation Issues Chen
2006ViewTeaching Systems Analysis and Design: Bringing the Real World into Classroom Chen
2005ViewAligning IT Skills Training With Online Asynchronous Learning Multimedia Technologies Hayashi, Chen, Terase
2004ViewDumpster Diving and Information Responsibility: Research Projects as Change Agents Chepaitis
2016ViewSalient Beliefs in Majoring in Management Information Systems: An Elicitation Study Chipidza, Green, Riemenschneider
2008ViewAnalyses of Compliance with IS 2002 Curriculum Choi, Ulema, Waldman
2018ViewACS: Bringing Business Intelligence and Analytics to a Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming Company Christian, Akujobi, Saha, Korzaan
2006ViewIntegrating Ethics into the Curriculum: A Case Study on Developing an Ethics Colloquium Jensen, Christianson, Larson, Shilts
2003ViewCultivating an MIS Faculty for a Tenure-Eligible Position at a Small Private College Wee, Jensen, Christianson
2006ViewWebsite Usability in Higher Education Christoun, Aubin, Hannon, Wolk
2006ViewDesign and Implementation of an Information Security Model for E-Business Alijani, Christy, Craft, Welsh
2006ViewUsing Decision Tree Analysis to Develop an Expert System Chrysler
2009ViewAnswering the Need for Information Assurance Graduates: A Case Study of Pennsylvania State University’s Security and Risk Analysis Major Marchant, Cole, Chu
2011ViewDetermining the most suitable E-Learning delivering mode for TUT students Odunaike, Chuene
2006ViewDevelopment of a User-Friendly Mobile Commerce Framework for Air Travel Agencies Chun, Wei
2018ViewData Analytics Workshop Series for Non-Computing Major First-Generation-College-Bound Students Chung
2011ViewAre Password Management Applications Viable? An Analysis of User Training and Reactions Ciampa
2011ViewExploring Impact of Self-selected Student Teams and Academic Potential on Student Satisfaction Matta, Luce, Ciavarro
2004ViewThe Balance between Teaching and Research: The Development of a Survey Instrument to Assess Factors that Affect MIS Research McCarthy, Claffey, White
2021ViewBuilding a Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program: Early-Stage Success and Some Lessons Learned Stoker, Clark, Vanajakumari, Wetherill
2020ViewLooking Ahead to CAE-CD Program Changes Clark, Stoker, Vetter
2018ViewThe Enhanced Virtual Laboratory: Extending Cyber Security Awareness through a Web-based Laboratory Black, Chapman, Clark
2017ViewClosing The Gender Gap in the Technology Major Jung, Clark, Patterson, Pence
2016ViewA Topic Analysis of ISECON Conference Proceedings from 1982 through 2014 Clark, Athey, Plotnicki, Barnes
2013ViewInformation Systems Curricula: Longenecker, Feinstein, Clark
2012ViewImplementation of a Distance MS-CIS Program: Clark
2012ViewMultiple Submissions and their Impact on the ‘Path of Learning’ Gebauer, Janicki, Clark
2011ViewImpact of pre-grading / resubmission Janicki, Gebauer, Clark
2010ViewMoving Data, Moving students: Involving students in learning about Internet data traffic Reinicke, Clark
2009ViewLess is more when developing PowerPoint Animations Mahar, Clark, Janicki
2003ViewA Preliminary Investigation of Student Perceptions of Online Education Clark
2017ViewThe Piranha Solution: Monitoring and Protection of Proprietary System Intangible Assets Ladwig, Schwieger, Clayton
2008ViewA Database Design and Development Case: Harris, Cline, Cooley
2017ViewTeaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Disaster Recovery in a Small Business Context Rossmiller, Lawrence, Clouse, Looney
2014ViewThe Power of an MIS Degree: Inspiring students by connecting innovators Lawrence, Clouse, Firth, Evans, Stephens
2015ViewUSMCo Payroll System Cohill, Dudley, Gregg, Millette, Zinnecker, Havelka
2009ViewAnswering the Need for Information Assurance Graduates: A Case Study of Pennsylvania State University’s Security and Risk Analysis Major Marchant, Cole, Chu
2010ViewProgramming Proficiency in One Semester: Lessons Learned Colton, Curtis
2006ViewA Web-based Automatic Program Grader Colton, Fife, Thompson
2005ViewBuilding a Computer Program Grader Colton, Fife, Winters
2008ViewWomen Students’ Confidence in Information Technology Content Areas Colyar, Woodward
2009ViewProblems with Assessing On-line and Non-Traditional Programs for Accreditation Roggio, Comer
2003ViewIS Programs become Accredited: COBOL in Crisis Roggio, Comer, Brauda
2003ViewThe Implications of Information Assurance and Security Crisis on Computing Model Curricula McGinnis, Comstock
2011ViewCreating and Using a Computer Networking and Systems Administration Laboratory Built Under Relaxed Financial Constraints Conlon, Mullins
2007ViewAn Examination of Initiation, Organization, Participation, Leadership, and Control of Successful Open Source Software Development Projects Conlon
2006ViewIs There a Role for Open Source Software in Systems Analysis? Conlon, Hulick
2013ViewCloud Computing in Support of Applied Learning: Conn, Reichgelt
2011ViewTag Clouds as a Pathway to Improved Pedagogical Efficacy in Information Systems Courses: A Baseline Study Involving Web 2.0 Technologies Conn, Hall, English, Scheffler
2011ViewUsing Undergraduate Information Systems Student Epistemic Belief Data in Course Design: A Research-based Approach to Improve Student Academic Success Conn, English, Scheffler, Hall
2010ViewScaling large-size undergraduate classes at a top research university via eLearning strate-gies: A facilitated model of instruction using a Web 2.0 paradigm Conn, Hu, Boyer, Wilkinson
2008ViewImplementation and Management of an Information Systems Practicum in a Graduate Computer Information Technology Curriculum Conn
2006ViewModel Driven Architecture: A Research Review for Information Systems Educators Teaching Software Development Conn, Forrester
2004ViewA New Teaching Paradigm in Information Systems Education: An Investigation and Report on the Origins, Significance, and Efficacy of the Agile Development Movement Conn
2016ViewToo Much of a Good Thing: User Leadership at TPAC Connelly, Dalton, Murphy, Rosales, Sudlow, Havelka
2017ViewHow to Teach Emotional Intelligence Skills Connolly, Reinicke
2016ViewHow an Active Learning Classroom Transformed IT Executive Management Connolly, Lampe
2009ViewComplecto Mutatio: Teaching Software Design Best Practices Using Multi-Platform Development Connolly
2005ViewA Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Form: Using Game Development and Web Services in an Emerging Technology Course Connolly
2006ViewBusiness School Information Systems Development Process Review Cooke, Brown
2008ViewA Database Design and Development Case: Harris, Cline, Cooley
2008ViewEdPod: Adding Classroom Richness to the On-Line Experience Bennett, Cooper
2004ViewThe Computer Literacy Course: Putting It All Together Bennett, Cooper
2005ViewComparison of Teaching Java in a Computer Classroom / Traditional Classroom vs. Smart E-Classroom and its Effect on Critical Thinking: A Case Study Thomas, Thomas, Coppola, Braudy
2017ViewReboot: Revisiting Factors Influencing Female Selection of the CIS Major Hodges, Corley
2006ViewAre High School Students Shunning the Information Technology Profession Because of the Masculine Stereotype? Cory, Parzinger, Reeves
2024ViewEmpathy-Driven Student Transformations: Bridging the Gap in Software Development for Inclusive User Experiences Cotler, Burshteyn, Kiss, Hale, Walker, Slyer
2021ViewEffects of emergency online learning during COVID-19 pandemic on student performance and connectedness Boardman, Vargas, Burshteyn, Cotler
2017ViewA Mindful Approach to Teaching Emotional Intelligence to Undergraduate Students Online and in Person Cotler, DiTursi, Goldstein, Yates, Del Belso
2011ViewTowards an Innovative Web-based Lab Delivery System for a Management Information Systems Course Breimer, Cotler, Yoder
2010ViewCo-"Lab"oration: A New Paradigm for Building a Management Information Systems Course Cotler, Breimer, Yoder
2010ViewAnalysis of an Anti-Phishing Lab Activity Werner, Courte
2009ViewA Qualitative Look at Alice and Pair-Programming Howard, Evans, Courte, Bishop-Clark
2006ViewUsing Alice in a Computer Science Survey Course Courte, Howard, Bishop-Clark
2009ViewA FPGA Paint Brush Application Edwards, Courtney, YANG
2022ViewAn Experiential Learning Project using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts Asay, Crable, Sena
2017ViewRateMyInformationSystemsProfessor: Exploring the factors that influence student ratings Sena, Crable
2016ViewE-Learning and Medical Residents, a Qualitative Perspective Segerman, Crable, Brodzinski
2010ViewA Modular Approach to Delivering Braun, Crable, Sena
2010ViewFaculty Perceptions on the Goals and Achievements of Information Systems Executive Advisory Boards Sena, Crable, Sena
2008ViewAn Examination of Employers' Perceptions and Expectations of IS Entry-Level Personal and Interpersonal Skills Tesch, Braun, Crable
2006ViewImplementation of a Basic Computer Skills Assessment Mechanism for Incoming Freshmen Tesch, Murphy, Crable
2011ViewIs there a Student ‘Disconnect?’ First-year Hybrid Class Teachers’ Observations and Recommendations for Improving Student Engagement in Information Systems Classes Parris, Beaver, Nickels, Crabtree
2008View“WAC”ked: A Case Study Incorporating a Writing Process Into an IS Class Takeda, Crabtree, Johnson
2006ViewDesign and Implementation of an Information Security Model for E-Business Alijani, Christy, Craft, Welsh
2005ViewTools for Hybrid Instruction - Classroom and Distance Instruction in Synchronous and Asynchronous Modes Sigle, Prince, Key, Critcher
2009ViewEffectiveness of Teaching Ethics: Kreie, Alt, Cronan, Leonard
2007ViewIssue-Continguent Ethical Views - A Comparison Using Pathfinder Associative Networks Kreie, Alt, Cronan, Leonard
2010ViewCourse Evaluation in Sweden Cronholm
2006ViewNine Principles for Designing a Study Program Cronholm
2022ViewIS Model Curriculum: Adoption Rate of IS 2010 Model Curriculum in AACSB Schools and Impacts of the Proposed 2020 Model Curriculum Janicki, Cummings
2020ViewAre Professional Science Master’s (PSM) Programs Beneficial for Graduates? An Evaluation of PSM Programs Rivenbark, Cummings, Kline, Patterson
2017ViewIncreasing Student / Corporate Engagement Janicki, Cummings
2016ViewHow secure is education in Information Technology? A method for evaluating security education in IT Grover, Reinicke, Cummings
2016ViewStreamlining the Capstone Process: A Time-Saving Approval System For Graduate Theses/Projects Grooms, Kline, Cummings
2015ViewEnhancing the Classroom Experience: Instructor Use of Tablets Cummings, Hill
2015ViewIncorporating a Human-Computer Interaction Course into Software Development Curriculums Janicki, Cummings, Healy
2014ViewInformation Technology Job Skill Needs and Janicki, Cummings, Kline
2006ViewDAMA Foundation Model Curriculum Framework for Post Secondary Programs in Data Resource Management Henderson, Cupoli, Hoffer, Smith
2014ViewThe Market for Career Tracks in Undergraduate IS Curricula in the U.S. Hwang, Curl
2003ViewA Comparison of Academic and Government Information Security Curriculum Standards Manson, Curl
2010ViewProgramming Proficiency in One Semester: Lessons Learned Colton, Curtis
2006ViewDesigning an Electronic Commerce Course: An Effort to Balance between Theory and Practice Changchit, Cutshall, Gonsalves